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Initial GSP 2022 - 5-021.70 BUTTE

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Christina Buck (Butte County Department of Water and Resource Conservation)
308 Nelson Ave
Oroville, CA 95965
Notice Date: 08/09/2021
GSP Notice_Butte Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan Letters.pdf (397.6kB)
Public Hearing Date: 12/21/2021
Biggs-West Gridley Water District GSA - 12/15/21 City of Biggs GSA - 12/14/2021 Colusa Groundwater Authority GSA - 12/13/2021 County of Butte GSA - 12/14/2021 Reclamation District No. 1004 GSA - 12/8/2021 Reclamation District No. 2106 GSA - 12/7/2021 Western Canal Water District GSA - 12/21/2021 Butte Water District GSA - 12/9/2021 City of Gridley GSA - 12/6/2021 County of Glenn GSA - 12/7/2021 Richvale Irrigation District GSA - 12/16/2021
Butte GSP adoption notices and agendas.pdf (829kB)
File Name GSP Regulation Element(s) Uploaded Date & Time
Butte Subbasin GSP_Appendices_Final_20211201.pdf (340.3MB) §354.44(b)(9), §354.44(c), §354.44(d), §354.4(a), §354.4(b), §354.6(a), §354.6(b), §354.6(c), §354.6(d), §354.6(e), §354.8(a)(1), §354.8(a)(2), §354.8(a)(3), §354.8(a)(4), §354.8(a)(5), §354.8(b), §354.8(c), §354.8(d), §354.8(e), §354.8(f)(1), §354.8(f)(2), §354.8(f)(3), §354.8(f)(4), §354.8(f)(5), §354.8(g), §354.10(a), §354.10(b), §354.10(c), §354.10(d)(1), §354.10(d)(2), §354.10(d)(3), §354.10(d)(4), §354.14(a), §354.14(b)(1), §354.14(b)(2), §354.14(b)(3), §354.14(b)(4)(A), §354.14(b)(4)(B), §354.14(b)(4)(C), §354.14(b)(4)(D), §354.14(b)(4)(E), §354.14(b)(5), §354.14(c), §354.14(d)(1), §354.14(d)(2), §354.14(d)(3), §354.14(d)(4), §354.14(d)(5), §354.14(d)(6), §354.16(a)(1), §354.16(a)(2), §354.16(b), §354.16(c), §354.16(d), §354.16(e), §354.16(f), §354.16(g), §354.18(a), §354.18(b)(1), §354.18(b)(2), §354.18(b)(3), §354.18(b)(4), §354.18(b)(5), §354.18(b)(6), §354.18(b)(7), §354.18(c)(1), §354.18(c)(2)(A), §354.18(c)(2)(B), §354.18(c)(2)(C), §354.18(c)(3)(A), §354.18(c)(3)(B), §354.18(c)(3)(C), §354.18(d)(1), §354.18(d)(2), §354.18(d)(3), §354.18(e), §354.18(f), §354.20(a), §354.20(b)(1), §354.20(b)(2), §354.20(b)(3), §354.20(b)(4), §354.20(c), §354.24, §354.26(a), §354.26(b)(1), §354.26(b)(2), §354.26(b)(3), §354.26(c), §354.26(d), §354.28(a), §354.28(b)(1), §354.28(b)(2), §354.28(b)(3), §354.28(b)(4), §354.28(b)(5), §354.28(b)(6), §354.28(c)(1)(A), §354.28(c)(1)(B), §354.28(c)(2), §354.28(c)(3)(A), §354.28(c)(3)(B), §354.28(c)(4), §354.28(c)(5)(A), §354.28(c)(5)(B), §354.28(c)(6)(A), §354.28(c)(6)(B), §354.28(d), §354.28(e), §354.30(a), §354.30(b), §354.30(c), §354.30(d), §354.30(e), §354.30(f), §354.30(g), §354.34(a), §354.34(b)(1), §354.34(b)(2), §354.34(b)(3), §354.34(b)(4), §354.34(c)(1)(A), §354.34(c)(1)(B), §354.34(c)(2), §354.34(c)(3), §354.34(c)(4), §354.34(c)(5), §354.34(c)(6)(A), §354.34(c)(6)(B), §354.34(c)(6)(C), §354.34(c)(6)(D), §354.34(d), §354.34(e), §354.34(f)(1), §354.34(f)(2), §354.34(f)(3), §354.34(f)(4), §354.34(g)(1), §354.34(g)(2), §354.34(g)(3), §354.34(h), §354.34(i), §354.34(j), §354.36(a), §354.36(b)(1), §354.36(b)(2), §354.36(c), §354.38(a), §354.38(b), §354.38(c)(1), §354.38(c)(2), §354.38(d), §354.38(e)(1), §354.38(e)(2), §354.38(e)(3), §354.38(e)(4), §354.44(a), §354.44(b)(1)(A), §354.44(b)(1)(B), §354.44(b)(2), §354.44(b)(3), §354.44(b)(4), §354.44(b)(5), §354.44(b)(6), §354.44(b)(7), §354.44(b)(8) 01/26/2022 1:36 PM
Title Publication Name Publish Date Author(s) File Name or URL
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Draft Sustainable Management Criteria Best Management Practices 2021-05-10 California Department of Water Resources
2017 GPS Survey of the Sacramento Valley Subsidence Network 2021-06-11 California Department of Water Resources
BMP 2 Monitoring Networks and Identification of Data Gaps 2016-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
Northern Sacramento Valley Dedicated Monitoring Well Groundwater Quality Assessment. CNRA Northern Region Office 2020-01-01 California Natural Resources Agency
Groundwater Trend Monitoring Workplan and Data Gap Assessment Plan 2016-01-01 California Rice Commission
Waste Discharge Requirements for Sacramento Valley Rice Growers – 2019 Annual Monitoring Report 2019-01-01 California Rice Commission
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Addressing Regional Surface Water Depletions in California A proposed Approach for Compliane with the Sustainable groundwater Management Act 2018-01-01 Hall et al.
Statewide Crop Mapping 2018 2021-01-01 Land IQ
A scale-based framework to understand the promises, pitfalls and paradoxes of irrigation efficiency to meet major water challenges 2020-01-01 Lankford, B., Closas, A., Dalton, J., Gunn, E.L., Hess, T., Knox, J.W., van der Kooij, S., Lautze, J., Molden, D., Orr, S. and Pittock, J.
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Sutter County Groundwater Management Plan 2012-01-01 Wood Rogers
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