All Submitted State Intervention GSPs
The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) delegates different administrative and regulatory functions to the Department of Water Resources (Department) and the State Water Resources Control Board (Board), respectively. Chapter 10 of SGMA (Water Code §§ 10733-10733.8) addresses state evaluation of groundwater sustainability plans (GSPs) and issuance of assessments determining their technical adequacy, functions administered by the Department. An inadequate determination by the Department triggers Chapter 11 of SGMA (Water Code §§ 10735-10736.6), the state intervention provisions, which are administered by the Board. Those inadequate GSPs and the Department's initial assessments and inadequate determinations can be found here:
The Department will accept and post on the SGMA Portal new, revised, or amended GSPs from basins in state intervention because previous GSPs or their implementation have been determined inadequate. The SGMA Portal is being utilized to accept adopted GSPs from these basins with GSPs determined to be inadequate. Posting these GSPs on the SGMA Portal commences a 75-day public comment period. Posted GSPs and their corresponding public comment periods are viewable in the table below. However, the Department will not commence evaluation of any submitted and posted GSP for these basins under the provisions of Chapter 10 until the Board notifies the Department that state intervention is complete or requests that the Department conduct additional assessments of the Plan pursuant to Water Code § 10735.2(b). The Department will not evaluate or assess any GSPs covering these basins under the provisions of Chapter 10 unless requested to do by the Board under Water Code § 10735.2(b) or until the Board notifies the Department that state intervention is complete and indicates these basins should be returned back. The Department will provide notice if it commences evaluation of any of these GSPs.
For more information regarding the Board's state intervention process, regulatory actions, and efforts in these basins to exit from state intervention, or to provide comments to the Board regarding state intervention issues, refer to the following webpage: Board's SGMA website. Additional information related to SGMA compliance in each groundwater basin may also be available from specific, local GSAs and the points of contact for each basin. Listings of GSAs and points of contact for all groundwater basins subject to SGMA can be found here: A document responding to frequently asked questions regarding the Department's role in state intervention is available on the Department's SGMA GSP webpage.