GSP Status Summary
A summary of the Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs) submitted to the Department is available via the map and table below. Each table row corresponds to a GSP, users may view the GSP by selecting the link in the "GSP Local ID" column, and if applicable, users may view a basin's Coordination Agreement by selecting the link in the "Basin" column. The GSP's evaluation status is provided in the table's "Current Status" column, if available, users may view evaluation document(s) by selecting the link in this column.
To utilize this page users may select a row in the table to zoom the map to the corresponding GSP area. Additionally, by selecting a GSP area on the map, the corresponding GSP will highlight in the table. Users may enter a location into the map's search bar, if the location is covered by a GSP, the corresponding GSP will also highlight in the table. If you have SGMA Portal questions, please email DWR at