Biggs-West Gridley Water District GSA
Point of Contact Information
AGSA Eligibility Determination
Biggs-West Gridley Water District (BWGWD) was formed on September 24, 1942 by a vote of landowners within the proposed district. It is a California Water District formed and operated under the provisions of the California Water District Law and is responsible for providing irrigation water to agricultural and environmental water users within its service area boundary. BWGWD is committed to an open and inclusive process of implementing SGMA in the Butte Subbasin in coordination with other GSAs.
BDecision to Become a GSA
Government Code 6066 - BWGWD.pdf (64.9kB) Uploaded on 08/08/2019 at 03:56PM
GSA Resolution - BWGWD.pdf (837.6kB) Uploaded on 08/08/2019 at 03:34PM
Prior to the formation of the Butte subbasin in 2019, the BWGWD service area and GSA boundaries were within the East Butte subbasin. As a result, the original decision to become a GSA and other supporting documentation describe the East Butte subbasin. Since the formation of the Butte subbasin, the BWGWD service area and GSA boundaries are now wholly contained within the Butte subbasin. This also applies to the Required Documentation in step E.1. Notice of Election - BWGWD.pdf (1.1MB) Uploaded on 08/08/2019 at 03:35PM
CType of GSA Formation and Contact Information
Eugene Massa
Biggs-West Gridley Water District GSA
DMap & Service Area Boundaries
Butte_Subbasin - BWGWD.pdf (2.7MB) Uploaded on 08/08/2019 at 03:35PM
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In addition to the BWGWD Service Area, the GSA Boundary includes the Thermalito Afterbay and canals used to convey water from the Thermalito Afterbay.
ERequired Documents
A list of interested parties and explanation of how their interests will be considered are included in the Notice of Election to Serve as a GSA (Section B.4).
Other agencies within the Butte Subbasin are pictured in the GSA Map (Section D.2).