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Initial GSP 2020 - 6-054 INDIAN WELLS VALLEY

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Carol Thomas-Keefer (Colusa Groundwater Authority GSA - Colusa)
100 W California Ave.
Ridgecrest, CA 93555
650-587-7300 ext. 17
Notice Date: 07/01/2016
1848_001.pdf (75.6kB)
Public Hearing Date: 01/16/2020
Public Hearing (010320 DI).pdf (97.8kB)
File Name GSP Regulation Element(s) Uploaded Date & Time
Title Publication Name Publish Date Author(s) File Name or URL
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. California Water Code; SB1168, AB1739, and SB1319 2015-01-01 N/A
Inyo-Mono Integrated Regional Water Management Plan 2014-10-01 Alpert, Holly, Ph. D, et al., 2014.
Title 23. Waters; Division 2. Department of Water Resources; Chapter 1.5. Groundwater Management; Subchapter 2. Groundwater Sustainability Plans. GSP Emergency Regulations. 2015-01-01 N/A
Elements of a Habitat Management Plan for the Mohave Tui Chub at the China Lake Naval Weapons Center Relative to the City of Ridgecrest’s Wastewater Reclamation Project. 1991-10-01 Ecological Research Services (ERS)
City of Ridgecrest General Plan Update, Draft Environmental Impact Report. 2009-05-01 Environmental Science Associates (ESA)
Inyo County General Plan - Introduction. 2013-05-01 Inyo County Planning Department
Kern County General Plan 2009-09-22 Kern County Planning Department
Groundwater Resource Sustainability: Modeling Evaluation for the Naval Air Weapons Station, China Lake. California. 2016-09-01 McGraw, D., Carroll, R., Pohll, G., Chapman, J., Bacon, S., and Jasoni, R., 2016
Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility Plan 2015-10-01 Provost & Pritchard
Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Basin Salt and Nutrient Management Plan. 2018-03-01 RMC, Woodard & Curan, and Parker Groundwater
Basewide Hydrogeologic Characterization Summary Report: Naval Air Weapons Station, China Lake, California 2003-07-31 Tetra Tech EM Inc. (Tetra Tech)
Indian Wells Valley Resource Opportunity Plan, Water Availability and Conservation Report 2014-01-22 Todd Engineers
County of San Bernardino 2007 General Plan. 2007-03-13 URS Corporation
Hydrology of Indian Wells Valley. NAWS Geothermal Division. 1988-06-10 Austin, C.F.
GSA Annual meeting, paper no. 310-7 2014-10-19 Bacon, Steve, et al
Last Glacial Maximum and Holocene Lake Levels of Owens Lake, Eastern California, USA Quaternary Science Reviews 25 2006-10-06 Bacon, Steve, et al
Geomorphic Map of the China Lake Basin Below 700 m in Support of Cultural Resource Management at Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake. 2019-05-01 Bullard, Thomas, Steven Bacon, Kenneth Adams, and David Decker
Ground-water data for Indian Wells Valley, Kern, Inyo, and San Bernardino Counties, California, 197-84. 1987-01-01 Berenbrock, C.
The Ground-Water Flow System in Indian Wells Valley, Kern, Inyo, and San Bernardino Counties, California 1991-01-01 Berenbrock, Charles and Peter Martin
Ground-water flow and quality, and geochemical processes, in Indian Wells Valley, Kern, Inyo, and San Bernardino Counties, California, 1987-88 1994-01-01 Berenbrock, C., and Schroeder, R.A., 1994
Mathematical Ground-Water Model of Indian Wells Valley, California 1971-11-12 Bloyd, R.M. and S.G. Robson, 1971
Indian Wells Valley Basin Groundwater Flow Model and Hydrogeologic Study. 2009-03-27 Brown and Caldwell, 2009. Prepared for IWVWD. March 2009.
Groundwater Basins in California. Bulletin 118‐80 1980-01-01 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) Emergency Regulations Guide 2016-07-01 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model Best Management Practice 2016-12-01 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Modeling Best Management Practice. 2016-12-01 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Water Budget Best Management Practice. 2016-12-01 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Water quality control plan for the Lahontan Region 2016-01-14 California Regional Water Quality Control Board Lahontan Region
Secondary drinking water standards 2018-10-01 N/A
Contaminants in drinking water 2019-03-20 N/A
Complete Report on the Consturction of the Los Angeles Aqueduct 1916-10-01 Los Angeles Department of Public Service
Evaluation of the hydrologic system and selected water management alternatives in the Owens Valley, California.  1998-01-01 Danskin, W.R.
The role of the Eastern California shear zone in accommodating Pacific–North American plate motion.  Geophysical Research Letters Vol. 17 1990-08-01 Dokka, R.K., and Travis, C.J.
Geologic and Hydrologic Features of Indian Wells Valley, California. 1973-01-01 Dutcher L.C. and W.R. Moyle
Development and uncertainty analysis of an empirical recharge prediction model for Nevada’s desert basins. Journal of the Nevada Resources Assocation Volume 5 2010-01-01 Epstein, B., G.M. Pohll, J. Huntington, and R.W.H. Carroll
Evaporation Atlas for the Contiguous 48 United States. 1982-06-01 Farnsworth, R.K., Thompson, E.S., and Peck, E.L.
History of the Sierra Nevada 1946-01-01 Farquhar, Francis P.
Technical memorandum: Indian Wells Valley groundwater model update 2017-11-17 Garner, C., Bacon, S., Pohll, G., and Chapman, J.
Terminal Pleistocene - Early Holocene Occupations on the Eastern Shoreline of China Lake, California Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly Volume 43 2010-01-01 Giambastiani, Mark A., and Thomas F. Bullard
History of Water Use in the Indian Wells Valley, Part I. 2013-03-23 Harris, Glenn
Indian Wells Valley Stream Monitoring Report 2018-04-03 Haslebacher, T. C.
Preliminary report on the 1995 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence in eastern California Seimological Research Letters 1995-11-01 Hauksson, E., Hutton, K., Kanamori, H., Jones, L., Mori, J., Hough, S., and Roquemore, G.
Precipitation history of the Mojave Desert region, 1893-2001 2004-01-01 Hereford, R., Webb, R.H. and Longpre, C.I.
Geohydrologic investigation report Naval Air Weapons Station, Indian Wells Valley, China Lake, California. 1996-11-30 Houghton, HydroGeo-Logic
Installation and Implementation of a Comprehensive Groundwater Monitoring Program for the Indian Wells Valley, California 2008-03-03 IWVCWMG and GTC
Evaluating Potential Land Subsidence Induced by Groundwater Withdrawal from the Indian Wells Valley, CA 2013-10-30 Katzenstein, K.W.
Geology and Ground Water in Indian Wells Valley, California. USGS Open-File Report 69-329. 1969-04-09 Kunkel, Fred and G.H. Chase, 1969
Field Geology 1961-01-01 Lahee, F.H.
Eolian Hazard Assessment for the SNORT Facility 2019-01-01 Lancaster, Nicholas, et al, 2019
Simulated impacts of changes to IWVWD wells. 2011-01-01 Layne-Western Hydrologic,
Groundwater Resources of Indian Wells Valley 1912-01-01 Lee, Charles H.
Data on Water Wells in Indian Wells Valley Area 1963-05-01 Moyle, W.R.
Neogene evolution of the Indian Wells Valley, east-central California. 2002-01-01 Monastero, F.C., Walker, J.D., Katzenstein, A.M., and Sabin, A.F.
The Hydrogeology of Southwestern Indian Wells Valley, Kern County, California: Evidence for Extrabasinal, Fracture‐Directed Groundwater Recharge From the Adjacent Sierra Nevada Mountains 1997-01-01 Ostdick, James.
1981-2010 Annual Precipitation Climate Normals 2012-01-01 PRISM Climate Group, Oregon State University. 2012
Guidelines for Evaluating Ground-Water Flow Models 2004-01-01 Reilly, T.E. and A.W. Harbaugh,
A Methodology for Estimating Water Yield of Sierra Watersheds Tributary to Indian Wells Valley 2000-02-01 Ribble, G.E. and Haslebacher, T.
Native Spring Investigation Data Report 1995-03-01 Stoner, M., Bilhorn, T., Maas, J., and Dickey, S.
AB 303 Grant; Groundwater Management in the Indian Wells Valley Basin, Ridgecrest, California 2003-06-01 Tetra Tech EM, Inc. (TtEMI)
Draft: Indian Wells Valley hydrogeologic conceptual model traditional HCM 2019-03-01 Thorn, P., Parker, T., and Halkjaer, M.
Evidence for interbasin flow through bedrock in the southeastern Sierra Nevada Geologic Society of America Bulletin Vol 111 1999-01-01 Thyne, G. D., Gillespe, J. M., and Ostdick, J. R. November,
Technical justification of beneficial used changes for groundwater in Salt Wells Valley and shallow groundwater in Eastern Indian Wells Valley 2013-02-12 TriEcoTt
Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Project: USBR Technical Report Volume II. 1993-12-01 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR)
Soil Survey of Northeastern Kern Area, California. Ridgecrest Part. Interim Report. 1995-01-01 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
Dominant soil orders. 2019-04-04 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
The twelve orders of soil taxonomy. 2019-04-04 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
Soil Survey of Portions of the China Lake Weapons Center, California, including Parts of Inyo, Kern and San Bernardino Counties. 1991-01-01 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS)
USGS National Hydrography Dataset Best Resolution (NHD) for Hydrologic Unit (HU) 4 - 1809 2018-06-21 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Geospatial Program
Structural geology and gravimetry of Indian Wells Valley, southeastern California: 1960-01-01 Von Huene, R.E.
Ground-water quality in Indian Wells Valley, California 1975-06-01 Warner, J.W.
Active faulting in the Walker Lane.  Tectonics Vol 24 2005-06-16 Wesnousky, S.G.
1971 – 2000 Climate Normals for Stations 041733 (China Lake NAF), 044278 (Inyokern), 049035 (Trona), 043710 (Haiwee), 047253 (Randsburg), and 044232 (Independence) 2018-12-05 Western Regional Climate Center (WRCC).
Period of Record Monthly Climate Summary for Cooperative Stations 041733 (China Lake NAF), 044278 (Inyokern), 049035 (Trona), 043710 (Haiwee), 047253 (Randsburg), and 044232 (Independence) 2018-12-05 Western Regional Climate Center (WRCC).
Remote Automated Weather Station (RAWS) Data for Five Mile, Blue Max, Indian Wells Canyon, Walker Pass, Bird Springs, and Laural Mountain Stations 2018-12-05 Western Regional Climate Center (WRCC).
A geophysical investigation of Indian Wells Valley, California 1963-01-01 Zbur, R.T.
Proposed Basin Plan Amendment to Remove the Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN) Beneficial Use Designation from Certain Ground Water Beneath Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, Kern, Inyo, and San Bernardino Counties 2015-02-01 California Regional Water Quality Control Board Lahontan Region
Agricultural Guide to Controlling Windblown Sand and Dust. 2010-10-25 Antelope Valley Dustbusters
City of Ridgecrest Wastewater Treatment Plant Final Project Report. 2008-09-01 Carollo Engineers
Management of the California State Water Project: Bulletin 132-16. 2017-06-01 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Final State Water Project Delivery Capability Report 2017 2018-03-01 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Costs of Advanced Treatment in Water Reclamation Ozone Science and Engineering 36 2014-09-01 Plumlee, Megan H. et al
Investigation on the Feasibility of Developing Uniform Water Recycling Criteria for Direct Potable Use 2016-12-01 State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)
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