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Initial GSP 2022 - 1-005 SCOTT RIVER VALLEY

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Matt Parker (Siskiyou County Flood Control and Water Conservation District GSA )
1312 Fairlane
Yreka, CA 96097
File Name GSP Regulation Element(s) Uploaded Date & Time
Title Publication Name Publish Date Author(s) File Name or URL
Temporary Permit for diversion and Use of Water 2016-01-01 California Environmental Protection Agency and State Water Resources Control Board
Modeling Seasonal Effects of River Flow on Water Temperatures in an Agriculturally Dominated California River 2021-12-30 Eli J. Asarian and Crystal Robinson
Assessment of Fall Agriculture Irrigation Water Conservation Potential in the Scott Valley 1998-01-01 Steve Orloff
Scott River Beaver Dam Analogue Coho Salmon Habitat Restoration Program 2017 Monitoring Report 2018-01-01 Yokel, E and Witmore, Shari K and Stapleton, B and Gilmore, C and Pollock, M M
Yellow-Breasted Chat (Icteria virens) 2011-01-01 M. Green
Drought Irrigation Strategies for Alfalfa University of California, Agricultural and Natural Resources 2011-06-01 Blaine Hanson, Steve Orloff, Dan Putnam
Hydrologic Data: 1966 1968-01-03 California Department of Water Resources
Adjudicated Basins Annual Reporting System 2018-01-01 Department of Water Resources
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) Water Year Type Dataset 2021-01-01 California Natural Resources Agency
Annual Water Use Reporting Requirements for Water Rights Holders 2018-01-01 California State Water Quality Control Board
Water Wells - Environmental Health 2022-01-04 County of Siskiyou
Coupling a spatiotemporally distributed soil water budget with stream depletion functions to inform stakeholder driven management of groundwater dependent ecosystems 2013-10-06 Laura Foglia, Alison McNally, Thomas Harter
Rates of Evapotranspiration, Recharge from Precipitation beneath selected areas of native vegetation, and streamflow gain and loss in Carlson Valley, Douglas County, Nevada, and Alpine County, California U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5288 2006-01-01 Douglas K. Maurer, David L Berger, Mary L Tumbusche, Michael J Johnson
Conditional Waiver for Discharges Related to Specific Land Management Activities in the Scott River Watershed North Coast Region (ORDER NO. R1-2006-0081) 2006-01-01 California Regional Water Quality Control Board
Scott River TMDL Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements (Order No. R1-2012-0084) 2012-01-01 North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board
Water Quality Objectives 2018-01-01 Maurice Frankel
Staff report for North Coast hydrologic Region Salt and Nutrient Management Planning Groundwater Basin Evaluation and Prioritization 2020-01-01 North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board
Geologic map of the Weed quadrangle, California, 1:250, 000 1987-01-01 D. L. Wagner, G. J. Saucedo
Shackleford Creek Judgement, Decree No. 13775: In the matter of the determination of the rights of the various claimants to the waters of Shackleford Creek and its tributaries in Siskiyou County, California 1950-01-01 Superior Court of Siskiyou County
French Creek Judgement, Decree No. 14478: John H. Mason, et al., v. Harry M. Bemrod, et al 1958-01-01 Superior Court of Siskiyou County
Scott River Adjudication, Decree No. 30662. Scott River stream system, Siskiyou County. California State Water Resources Control Board. 2022-01-05 Superior Court of Siskiyou County
Notice of Reduction of Scott River Watermaster Service Area 2018-12-20 Superior Court of Siskiyou County
Scott Valley Pumping Test Report 2014-01-01 Douglas Tolley
Sensitivity Analysis and Calibration of an Integrated Hydrologic Model in an Irrigated Agricultural Basin with a Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystem Water Resources Research 55 2019-06-27 Douglas G. Tolley, Laura Foglia, Thomas Harter
Minimum Flow Recommendations for the Shasta and Scott Rivers to Inform the 2021 Drought Emergency Regulations 2021-06-15 Department of Fish and Wildlife
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) Water Year Type Dataset 2021-01-01 California Natural Resources Agency
Mapping Indicators of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems in California: Methods Report 2018-01-01 Kirk Klausmeyer, Jeanette Howard, Todd Keeler-Wolf, Kristal Davis-Fadtke, Roy Hull
Final SONCC Coho Recovery Plan - Scott River Population 2014-01-01 National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
UC Cooperative Extension Siskiyou County Cooperative Extension Office 2020-01-01 Regents of the University of California
Scott River Watershed Restoration Strategy & Schedule 2014-01-01 SRWC and RCD
Scott Valley and Shasta Valley Watermaster District 2020-01-01 Scott Valley and Shasta Valley Watermaster District
Siskiyou County Code, Title 10: Planning and Zoning 2019-01-01 Siskiyou County
Siskiyou Resource Conservation District Official Website 2019-01-01 Siskiyou Resource Conservation District
Scott River Water Trust Official Website 2019-01-01 Scott River Water Trust Official Website
Fish Species of Special Concern in California. Third Edition. 2015-07-01 Moyle, P. B. and Quinones, R. M. and Katz, J. V.
Managed Winter Flooding of Alfalfa Recharges Groundwater with Minimal Crop Damage California Agriculture 2018-01-01 Helen E. Dahlke, Andrew G. Brown, Steve Orloff, Daniel Putnam, Toby O'Green
Geology and Ground-Water Features of Scott Valley Siskiyou County, California 1958-01-01 Seymour Mack
Scott River Watershed Water Quality Compliance and Trend Monitoring Plan 2011-07-12 North Coast Regional Water Board
Q&A for the Voluntary Monitoring Program 2018-01-01 Scott and Shasta Valley Watermaster District
Report on hydrologic conditions of Scott Valley Siskiyou County, California 1975-01-01 Alvin L Franks, Gilbert Torres Jr., Adan Garcia
Soil-Moisture Monitoring: A simple Method to Improve Alfalfa and Pasture Irrigation Management UCCE 2003-01-01 Steve Orloff, Blaine Hanson, Dan Putnam
Crop Mapping 2016 2004-01-01 California Natural Resources Agency
Permitting Agencies 2020-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
The California Environmental Flows Framework website 2020-01-01 University of California, Davis
DWR Periodic Groundwater Level Measurements Dataset 2019-01-01 California Natural Resources Agency
General Plan, Open Space Element 1972-01-01 County of Siskiyou
Standards for Wells 2020-01-01 Siskiyou County
Groundwater Monitoring (CASGEM) Website 2019-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
2010 Geologic Map of California 2010-01-01 California Department of Conservation
TRE Altamira InSAR Dataset 2018-01-01 European Space Agency (ESA) and TRE ALTAMIRA Inc.
Staff Report for the Action Plan for the Scott River Watershed Sediment and Temperature Total Maximum Daily Loads 2005-12-07 North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (NCRWQCB)
Final Staff Report for the Klamath River Total Maximum Total Loads (TMDL) addressing temperature, dissolved oxygen, nutrient, and mycrocystin impairments in California; the proposed specific dissolved oxygen objectives for the Klamath River in California 2010-03-01 NCRWQCB
Basin Plan, Chapter 4 Implementation, Section 4.2.9 2018-01-01 California Water Boards
Scott Valley Siskiyou County, California: Voluntary Private Well Water Level Monitoring Program Winter 2006-Winter 2018 2019-01-01 Thomas Harter
Resource Guide: DWR-Provided Climate Change Data and Guidance for Use During Groundwater Sustainability Plan Development 2018-06-01 California Department of Water Resources
Disadvantaged Communities Mapping Tool 2019-01-01 Disadvantaged Communities Mapping Tool
Scott River Watershed-wide Permitting Program. Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) Volume 1: Revisions to the Draft EIR Text 2009-01-01 ESA Associates
Scott Valley Integrated Hydrologic Model: Data Collection, Analysis, and Water Budget 2013-01-01 Laura Foglia, Alison McNally, Courtney Hall, Lauren Ledesma, Ryan Hines, Thomas Harter
Identifying Areas of Degrading and Improving Groundwater Quality Conditions in the State of California USA 2020-03-25 Bryant C. Jurgens, Miranda S. Fram, Jeffrey Rutledge, George L. Bennett
SC View by Name 2019-01-01 United States Department of Agriculture
Navigating groundwater-surface water interactions under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act 2018-01-01 Alida Cantor and Dave Owen and Thomas Harter and Nell {Green Nylen} and Michael Kiparsky
Nitrogen fertilizer loading to groundwater in the Central Valley 2017-08-01 T Harter and K Dzurella and G Kourakos and A Hollander
Monitoring Networks and Identification of Data Gaps 2016-12-01 California Department of Water Resources
Fall Irrigation of Forages? Generally, It's Not Needed 2009-10-01 Steve Orloff
Evapotranspiration of Fully-Irrigated Alfalfa in Commercial Fields Agricultural Certification Programs-Opportunities and Challenges 2011-01-01 Blaine Hanson,, Steve Orloff, Khaled Bali, Blake Sanden, Dan Putnam
Scott Valley Irrigation District: Inventory and Evaluation Natural Resource Conservation Service 2009-01-01 Ashley Parry, Ayn Perry, Lorrie Bundy
Controlled Deficit Irrigation of Alfalfa: Opportunities and Pitfalls 2003-01-01 Harry Carlson, Dan Putnam, Steve Orloff, Blaine Hanson
City of Etna General Plan 2005-01-01 Pacific Municipal Consultants
The Beaver Restoration Guidebook: Working with Beaver to Restore Streams, Wetlands, and Floodplains, version 2 US Fish and Wildlife Services 2017-06-30 Michael M. Pollock
Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration of Riverscapes: Design Manual. Version 1.0 2019-03-01 J.M. Wheaton et al
Technical note: Precipitation-phase partitioning at landscape scales to regional scales Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24 2020-11-14 E Lynn, A Cuthbertson, M He, J P vasquez, M L Anderson, P Coombe, J T Abatzoglou, and B J Hatchett
Hjertager Mill 2020-01-01 Hjertager Mill
Handbook for Water Budget Development 2020-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
SAGBI Soil Agricultural Groundwater Banking Index 2019-01-01 UC Davis Soil Resource Lab, and University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources
Bill Text - Senate Bill No. 88 2015-01-01 California State Senate
California: 2010 Population and Housing Unit Counts 2012-08-01 U.S. Census Bureau
2013-2017 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates 2018-01-01 American Community Survey
Sustainable Groundwater: Groundwater-Storage Reductions 2020-01-01 United States Geologic Survey
Monitoring Soil Moisture Helps Refine Irrigation Management California Agriculture 2000-01-01 Blaine R Hanson, Steve Orloff, Douglas Peters
Irrigation Water Management: Training Manual No. 4. Annex I: Irrigation Efficiencies 1989-01-01 C. Brouwer, K. Prins, M. Heibloem
Long-Term Streamflow Trends on California's North Coast Proceedings of the Coast Redwood Science Symposium - 2016 2016-01-01 Eli J. Asarian and Jeffrey D. Walker.
Quartz Valley Stamp Mill 2020-01-01 Quartz Valley Stamp Mill
Shackleford Creek Judgement, Decree No. 13775: In the matter of the determination of the rights of the various claimants to the waters of Shackleford Creek and its tributaries in Siskiyou County, California. 1950-04-03 Superior Court of the State of California
Scott River Flow Augmentation Study 1991-10-15 California Department of Water Resources
2020 Scott River Juvenile Salmonid Outmigrant Study 2020-10-01 Margaret Massie and Harrison Morrow
Klamath River Basin Investigation 1960-05-02 California Department of Water Resources
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act 2018 Prioritization 2019-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
Scott Valley Irrigation District Inventory and Evaluation Phase I 2010-01-01 Natural Resources Conservation Service, Ashley Parry, Ayn Parry, Lorrie Bundy
Chapter 6 - Priority Environmental Contaminants: Understanding Their Sources of Exposure, Biological Mechanisms, and Impacts on Health 2015-06-11 Tilley, Sloane K Fry, Rebecca C
Hydrologic Data:1966, Volume I: North Coastal Area 1968-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
State and Federally Listed Endangered, Threatened, and Rare Plants of California 2022-01-01 California Natural Diversity Database
Final Report Scott River Adult Coho Spawning Ground Surveys November 2005 – January 2006 2006-01-31 Danielle Quigley
Scott River Adult Coho Spawning Ground Surveys 2010-2011 Season 2011-04-01 Danielle Yokel
Scott River Riparian Restoration Analysis 2009-09-01 Siskiyou RCD
Beavers, landowners, and watershed restoration: experimenting with beaver dam analogues in the Scott River basin, California 2018-12-15 Susan Charnley
Consumptive Use of Irrigated Crops in Utah 1994-10-01 Robert HIll
An Evaluation of California’s Adjudicated Groundwater Basins 2016-10-01 Langridge, Ruth;Brown, Abigail;Rudestam, Kirsten;Conrad, Esther
Precision overhead irrigation is suitable for several Central Valley crops 2016-04-01 Mitchell J, Shrestha A, Hollingsworth J, Munk D, Hembree K, Turini T.
Modeling guides groundwater management in a basin with river–aquifer interactions 2018-03-13 Foglia, Laura;Neumann, Jakob;Tolley, Douglas G;Orloff, Steve;Snyder, Richard L;Harter, Thomas
Statement of Water Diversion and Use 1980-12-10 A.P. Cummings
Standards for Wells County Code Title 5, Chapter 8 1990-01-23 County of Siskiyou
Restoring Priority Coho Habitat in the Scott River Watershed Modeling and Planning Report Phase 1 – October 1, 2018 2018-10-01 Scott River Watershed Council
North Coast Basin Plan Chapter 1 Introduction 2018-06-01 North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board
North Coast Basin Plan Chapter 2 Beneficial uses 2018-06-01 North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board
Addressing Regional Surface Water Depletions in California: A Proposed Approach for Compliance with The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act 2018-08-15 Anthony Saracino, Stanley A. Leake, Maurice Hall, Christina Babbitt
Report for the Action Plan for the Shasta River Watershed Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Total Maximum Daily Loads 2006-06-28 North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board
Current and Potential Riparian Forest Condition along Scott River Watershed Tributaries 2005-06-13 J. A. Kennedy, F. M. Shilling, and J. H. Viers
Recovery Strategy for California Coho Salmon 2004-02-01 California Fish and Game Commission
Socioeconomic Monitoring results Volume I: Key Findings 2006-04-01 Susan Charnley, Ellen M. Donoghue, Claudia Stuart, Candace Dillingham, Lita P. Buttolph, William Kay, Rebecca J. McLain, Cassandra Moseley, Richard H. Phillips, and Lisa Tobe
Steve's Mobil 2019-11-01 California State Water Resources Control Board
Town of Fort Jones General Plan 2006-01-20 Pacific Municipal Consultants
Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater 2012-01-01 E.W. Rice and L. Bridgewater
Final Report 2000-06-28 Scott River Watershed Council
Voluntary Groundwater Management & Enhancement Plan for Scott Valley 2012-10-22 Scott Valley Groundwater Advisory Committee
USGS National Field Manual for the Collection of Water-Quality Data 2015-01-01 United States Geological Survey
Soil suitability index identifies potential areas for groundwater banking on agricultural lands California Agriculture 2015-04-01 A.T. O’Geen, Matthew B.B. Saal, Helen Dahlke, David Doll, Rachel Elkins, Allan Fulton, Graham Fogg, Thomas Harter, Jan W. Hopmans, Chuck Ingels, Franz Niederholzer, Samuel Sandoval Solis, Paul Verdegaal and Mike Walkinshaw
Interim Instream Flow Criteria for the Protection of Fishery Resources in the Scott River Watershed, Siskiyou County 2017-02-06 California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Evaluation and Modernization of the Scott Valley Irrigation District Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) 2013-02-21 Ashley Parry
Work Plan for additional monitoring wells 2019-08-19 California State Water Resources Control Board; Lawrence and Associates
A New Streamflow-Routing (SFR1) Package to Simulate Stream-Aquifer Interaction with MODFLOW-2000 2004-06-01 David E. Prudic, Leonard F. Konikow, and Edward R. Banta
Quartz Valley Indian Reservation Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report 2017 2017-12-01 Crystal Robinson
Perspectives and Guidance for Climate Change Analysis 2015-08-01 California Department of Water Resources Climate Change Technical Advisory Group
Bulletin 118 Scott River Valley Groundwater Basin 2004-02-27 California Department of Water Resources
Initial Phase of the Scott River Watershed Council Strategic Action Plan 2005-10-03 Scott River Watershed Council
Scott River Basin Granitic Sediment Study 1990-11-01 Sari Sommarstrom, Elizabeth Kellog, and Jim Kellogg
Soil Survey of Siskiyou County California Central Part 1983-08-01 United States Department of Agriculture
Scott River Watershed-wide Permitting Program. Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) Volume 1: Revisions to the Draft EIR Text 2009-08-01 ESA
Analysis shows climate-caused decreases in Scott River fall flows 2000-11-01 Daniel J. Drake, Kenneth W. Tate, Harry Carlson
Scott River Runoff Forecast Model: Investigation of Potential Formulation 2000-11-01 Michael L.Deas and Stacy K. Tanaka
Juvenile Steelhead Population Monitoring in the French Creek Watershed, 1992-2005 2006-05-01 California Department of Fish and Game
Relative Effects of Climate and Water Use on Baseflow Trends in the Lower Klamath Basin 2009-08-01 Robert W. Van Kirk and Seth W. Naman
Water Supply Indices: Year Types for the Scott River Basin 2006-03-01 Michael L. Deas and Stacy K. Tanaka
Toxicological Profile for Benzene 2007-08-01 Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease REgistry
Scott Valley Area Plan 2022-01-16 Scott Valley Area Plan Committee
2020 Scott River Salmon Studies Final Report 2021-05-19 Morgan Knechtle and Domenic Giudice
Preliminary Economic Assessment of Dam Removal: The Klamath River 2006-01-31 Sarah A. Kruse and Astrid J. Scholz
The California Land Conservation Act of 1965: 2016 Status Report 2018-12-01 Department of Conservation
Report on Water Supply and Use Scott River Stream System 1974-12-01 State Water Resources Control Board
Land and Water Use in Shasta-Scott Valleys Hydrographic Unit 1963-06-01 California Department of Water Resources
Distribution of Greater Sandhill Crane Pairs in California 2001-02-01 Gary L. Ivey and Caroline P. Herziger
Elevation Readings Export (CSV)

SGMA Wells

Existing Sites

General Sites