Scott River Stream System Annual Report  10/01/2017 - 09/30/2018

Watermaster Information

Scott River Stream System 1-05 SCOTT RIVER VALLEY
Scott River Adjudication 30662 01/30/1980
Not Applicable, No Water Master, This information is being submitted by the County. 806 S Main St Yreka 96097 (530) 841-2100
Dan Wessell 806 S Main St Yreka 96097 (530) 841-2100
ScottRiverDecree_30662_1980.pdf (4.4MB)

Groundwater Level

Is water level data submitted to the CASGEM Program?
Does this watermaster collect or receive additional groundwater levels?
Does this watermaster measure groundwater levels?
A statistical summary of water level data from an extensive private monitoring program is available at 

Groundwater Use

Reporting Period
From 10/01/2017 To 09/30/2018 
Total Annual Groundwater Extraction (AF)
Method used to determine extraction (if available):
  Volume (AF) Explanation Uncertainty
Groundwater Extraction by water use sector (if available):
Sector Volume (AF) Explanation Uncertainty

Surface Water Use

Reporting Period
From 10/01/2017 To 09/30/2018 
Surface Water Supply (AF)
Method used to determine
Surface water use of 24,000 - 28,000 af represent the entire Scott Valley groundwater basin (DWR Basin 1-5). These values are based on the estimated average annual surface water irrigation amount in 1991-2011. The range is based on the current calibration of the soil water budget model used by the UC Davis Scott Valley Intergrated Hydrologic Model, and includes the estimtate from the soil water budget model published by Foglia et al., 2013a,b, available at 
Water available for recharge or in-lieu use by source type (if available):
  Volume (AF) Explanation Uncertainty

Total Water Use

Reporting Period
From 10/01/2017 To 09/30/2018 
Total Water Use (AF)
Method used to determine
sum of groundwater use and surface water use described in B and C (above) 
Total water Use by water use sector (if available)
  Volume (AF)
Water use met by source type
Type Volume (AF)

Change in GW Storage

Reporting Period
From 10/01/2017 To 09/30/2018 
Change in storage (AF)
Method used to determine
In the private monitoring well network (34 wells), water levels measured in January, February, and March of 2018 were, on average, 5.7 feet lower than during the same period in 2017 indicating an overall deccrease in groundwater storage (see water level report at In DWR's Water Data Library, nine wells have water levels documented. Between spring 2017 and spring 2018, water levels in these nine wells decreased by 5.2 feet, on average, with 8 wells having lower water levels in 2018 and 1 well having higher water level in 2018, when compared to 2017 ( The current UC Davis Scott Valley Integrated Hydrologic Model was used to determine the relationship between water levels at the 34 locations of the private monitoring well network and total groundwater storage in the Scott Valley aquifer, which extends over approximately 50,000 acres of alluvium, for the period from 10/1/1990 to 9/30/2011. Based on simulated annual change in storage and simulated water levels at the location of the 32 private monitoring wells, it was estimated that the average total annual groundwater storage change is between 3 thousand and 5 thousand acre-feet for each one foot change in average water levels in the monitoring well network during January through March. The statistical uncertainty of the estimated storage change is +/- 6 thousand acre-feet. 

Required Documents

Reporting Period
From 10/01/2017 To 09/30/2018 
Please submit an electronic (PDF preferred) copy of your annual report.
Please submit additional reports or documents.