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Initial GSP 2022 - 4-011.01 SANTA MONICA

Base Information

Lisette Gold (City of Santa Monica, Public Works Department – Water Resources)
2500 Michigan Ave.
Building 1
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Notice Date: 10/15/2021
Notices were posted in the Los Angeles Times October 2, 9, and 15; the Beverly Hills Weekly, Santa Monica Daily Press, and the Culver City News on October 7 and 13, the Beverly Press on October 14, the Beverly Hills Courier on October 8 and October 15, and the Los Angeles Daily News on October 15. Notice was also provided via email to the stakeholder list on October 13.
PublicNoticeGSPAdoptionHearingSMBGSAOctober2021.pdf (582kB)
Public Hearing Date: 01/13/2022
Notices were posted in the Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Daily News, Beverly Hills Weekly, Beverly Hills Courier, Beverly Press, Culver City News, and the Santa Monica Daily Press. The meeting agenda was posted to the SMBGSA website.
Agenda_Jan 13 2022_revised.pdf (208.6kB)
Public Notice_GSP Adoption Hearing_SMSBGSA.pdf (64.2kB)
File Name GSP Regulation Element(s) Uploaded Date & Time
Title Publication Name Publish Date Author(s) File Name or URL
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act 2019 Basin Prioritization, Process and Results 2019-04-01 DWR (Department of Water Resources)
Urban Water Management Plan Guidebook 2020, Draft 2020-08-01 DWR (Department of Water Resources)
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act Water Year Type Dataset Development Report, Draft 2021-01-01 DWR (Department of Water Resources)
Charnock Groundwater Modeling Technical Memorandum to the Charnock Engineering Committee (CEC). Information Review (Groundwater Modeling Subtask 21.2) 2005-11-07 GeoTrans
Three-Stage Evolution of the Los Angeles Basin, Southern California 1999-07-01 Ingersoll, R.V. and Rumelhart, P.E
Seawater Intrusion in Aquifers Underlying the Oxnard Plain, Ventura County, California. Proceedings of the 21st Biennial Ground Water Conference. J.J. DeVries, J. Woled editors. Water Resources Center Report No. 95. University of California Davis 1998-01-01 Izbicki, J.A., Reichard, E.G., Nishikawa, T., and Martin, P.
Joint Report on the Water Supply in Charnock Groundwater Basin to City Council, City of Santa Monica and Board of Directors, Southern California Water Company 1965-08-01 Kennedy, B.L., Patten, J.R., Alexander, L.J., and Keller, S.H.
2015 Urban Water Management Plan for the Los Angeles County Waterworks District 29, Malibu, and the Marina del Rey Water System 2017-02-01 LACDPW (County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works, Waterworks Division)
Los Angeles County General Plan. October 6, 2015 2015-10-06 LACDRP (County of Los Angeles Department of Regional Planning)
Feasibility Report for the Development of Groundwater Resources in the Santa Monica and Hollywood Basins 2011-12-01 LADWP (Los Angeles Department of Water and Power)
Urban Water Management Plan 2015 2016-06-01 LADWP (Los Angeles Department of Water and Power)
Operation NEXT 2021-01-29 LADWP (Los Angeles Department of Water and Power)
Urban Water Management Plan 2020 - Draft 2020-01-01 LADWP (Los Angeles Department of Water and Power)
Revised Aerially Deposited Lead Survey and Limited Site Investigation Report, Potrero Canyon Park 2019-08-02 MARRS Services, Inc.
Groundwater Assessment Study: A Status Report on the Use of Groundwater in the Service Area of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. Report Number 1308 2007-09-01 MWD (Metropolitan Water District of Southern California)
2015 MWD Urban Water Management Plan 2016-06-01 MWD (Metropolitan Water District of Southern California)
2020 Urban Water Management Plan 2021-06-01 MWD (Metropolitan Water District of Southern California)
Stratigraphic Controls on Seawater Intrusion and Implications for Groundwater Management, Dominguez Gap area of Los Angeles, California Hydrogeology Journal 2009-05-30 Nishikawa, T., Siade, A.J., Reichard, E.G., Ponti, D.J., Canales, A.G., and Johnson, T.A.
Third Quarter 2020 Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation System Progress Report 2020-11-01 Playa Capital Company, LLC.
Phreatophytes United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1958-01-01 Robinson, T.W
California Regional Water Quality Control Board Los Angeles Region Executive Officer’s Report. Dennis A. Dickerson, Executive Officer 2002-08-01 RWQCB (Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board)
Order No. R4-2018-0087. NPDES No. CAG914001, CI-6839, Series No. 049. Fact Sheet Waste Discharge Requirements for Playa Capital Company LLC (Playa Vista Site) 2018-06-14 RWQCB (Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board)
Basin Plan for the Coastal Watersheds of Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, Chapter 3: Water Quality Objectives 2019-05-06 RWQCB (Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board)
General Plan Land Use - Los Angeles 2020-11-03 SCAG (Southern California Association of Governments)
U.S. Census Blocks in SCAG 2018-01-01 SCAG (Southern California Association of Governments)
Demographics and Growth Forecast Technical Report 2020-09-03 SCAG (Southern California Association of Governments)
The Impacts of Urbanization on Groundwater Systems and Recharge 2010-06-30 Sharp, John M.
2002 Long Range Development Plan 2003-02-01 UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles)
Geffen Academy at UCLA, Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report. SCH. No. 2016021050. 2016-07-01 UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles)
Ballona Wetlands Restoration Project: Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report 2017-09-01 USACE (United States Army Corps of Engineers / California Department of Fish and Wildlife)
Ballona Creek Wetlands Total Maximum Daily Loads for Sediment and Invasive Exotic Vegetation 2012-03-01 USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency)
Geology, Hydrology, and Chemical Character of Ground Water in the Torrance-Santa Monica Area, California USGS Water Supply Paper 1959-01-01 USGS (United States Geological Survey)
Geology of Los Angeles Basin – an Introduction USGS Professional Paper 1965-01-01 USGS (United States Geological Survey)
Geohydrology, Geochemistry, and Ground-Water Simulation-Optimization of the Central and West Coast Basins, Los Angeles County, California USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 2003-01-01 USGS (United States Geological Survey)
Streamflow Depletion by Wells - Understanding and Managing the Effects of Groundwater Pumping on Streamflow USGS Circular 2012-01-01 USGS (United States Geological Survey)
Estimating Spatially and Temporally Varying Recharge and Runoff from Precipitation and Urban Irrigation in the Los Angeles Basin, California USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2016-01-01 USGS (United States Geological Survey)
Development of a Groundwater-Simulation Model in the Los Angeles Coastal Plain, Los Angeles County, California USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2021-01-01 USGS (United States Geological Survey)
Greater Los Angeles Campus Draft Master Plan 2016-01-28 VA (United States Department of Veterans Affairs)
West Basin Municipal Water District 2015 Urban Water Management Plan 2016-06-01 WBMWD (West Basin Municipal Water District
Annual Water Quality Report 2020-06-01 City of Santa Monica
Department of Water Resources Groundwater Elevation Monitoring Guidelines 2010-12-01 DWR (Department of Water Resources)
Best Management Practices for the Sustainable Management of Groundwater: Monitoring Networks and Identification of Data Gaps 2016-12-01 DWR (Department of Water Resources)
Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems Under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. Guidance for Preparing Sustainability Plans 2018-01-01 Rohde, M. M., S. Matsumoto, J. Howard, S. Liu, L. Riege, and E. J. Remson
Annual Reports. In Subchapter 2: Groundwater Sustainability Plans. 2015-01-01 23 CCR (California Code of Regulations) 356.2
Charnock Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report (January 1 to June 30, 2007). Charnock Sub-Basin; Los Angeles, California 2007-07-01 City of Santa Monica
Ballona Creek and Tributaries, Los Angeles County Drainage Area, California 1982-12-01 ACOE (Army Corps of Engineers)
Separating Ground-Water and Hydrocarbon-Induced Surface Deformation from Geodetic Tectonic Contraction Measurements Across Metropolitan Los Angeles, California. In: U.S. Geological Survey Subsidence Interest Group Conference, Proceedings of the Technical Meeting, Galveston, Texas, November 27-29, 2001 2003-01-01 Bawden, Gerald
Summary of Recent, Historical, and Estimated Potential for Future Land Subsidence in California 2014-01-01 DWR (Department of Water Resources)
Guidance Document for the Sustainable Management of Groundwater: Groundwater Sustainability Plan Annotated Outline 2016-12-01 DWR (Department of Water Resources)
Guidance Document for the Sustainable Management of Groundwater: Preparation Checklist for GSP Submittal 2016-12-01 DWR (Department of Water Resources)
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act 2019 Basin Prioritization: Process and Results (excel spreadsheet) 2020-05-01 DWR (Department of Water Resources)
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act: Water Quality Frequently Asked Questions 2019-10-01 SWRCB (State Water Resources Control Board)
21st Century California Drought Risk Linked to Model Fidelity of the El Nino Teleconnection. Climate and Atmospheric Science 2018-09-03 Allen, Robert J and Ray G. Anderson
Revised Groundwater Geology and New Water Well Sites for the City of Santa Monica 1968-09-01 City of Santa Monica
Land subsidence from groundwater use in California. Prepared by Luhdorff and Scalmanini Consulting Engineers with support by California Water Foundation 2014-04-01 Borchers, J.W., Carpenter, M., Grabert, V.K., Dalgish, B. and Cannon, D.
Reference Evapotranspiration Zones Map 2012-01-01 CIMIS (California Irrigation Management Information System)
Well Finder Database 2020-12-09 CalGEM (California Geologic Energy Management Division)
Ballona Wetlands Restoration Project. Environmental Impact Report. State Clearinghouse No. 2012071090 2019-12-01 CDFW (California Department of Fish and Wildlife)
Urban Water Management Plan, California American Water Southern Division – Los Angeles County District 2021-06-01 CAWC (California American Water Company)
Annual Water Quality Report, Baldwin Hills 2019-12-31 CAWC (California American Water Company)
Future Dryness in the Southwest US and the Hydrology of the Early 21st Century Drought Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2010-12-14 Cayan, Daniel R. Tapash Das, David W. Pierce, Tim P. Barnett, Mary Tyree, and Alexander Gershunov
City of Beverly Hills General Plan Land Use Element 2010-01-12 City of Beverly Hills
Water Quality Report 2015-12-31 City of Beverly Hills
2015 City of Beverly Hills Urban Water Management Plan 2016-06-01 City of Beverly Hills
2020 City of Beverly Hills Urban Water Management Plan 2021-06-01 City of Beverly Hills
City of Culver City General Plan Land Use Element. Adopted by City Council July 22, 1996. Amended February 28, 2000 2000-02-28 City of Culver City
2015 Urban Water management Plan-Culver City 2016-05-01 City of Culver City
L.A. CEQA Thresholds Guide: Your Resource for Preparing CEQA Analyses in Los Angeles 2006-01-01 City of Los Angeles
Proposed Water Wells at Marine and 16th Streets (Marine Street Park) Santa Monica. Unpublished City Memorandum 1966-01-18 City of Santa Monica
Charnock Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report (January 1 to June 30, 2007). Charnock Sub-Basin; Los Angeles, California 2007-07-01 City of Santa Monica
Olympic Wellfield Groundwater Monitoring Report. Third Quarter 2011 2011-10-01 City of Santa Monica
Conceptual Groundwater Basin Model and Assessment of Available Groundwater Supplies Santa Monica Groundwater Basin 2013-02-01 City of Santa Monica
California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM) Monitoring Plan for Department of Water Resources Groundwater Subbasin 4-11.01 The Santa Monica Subbasin 2014-08-01 City of Santa Monica
Olympic Wellfield Site Conceptual Model City of Santa Monica, California 2015-10-01 City of Santa Monica
2015 City of Santa Monica Urban Water Management Plan 2016-06-01 City of Santa Monica
City of Santa Monica General Plan Land Use and Circulation Element. 2017-07-25 City of Santa Monica
Sustainable Water Master Plan Update 2018-12-01 City of Santa Monica
Technical Memorandum: Recommended Revised Groundwater Monitoring Schedule for the Charnock Regional Monitoring Wells, Charnock Sub-Basin; Los Angeles California 2018-05-01 City of Santa Monica
Early Warning Groundwater Quality Monitoring Report, Charnock Wellfield Restoration Project 2019-01-07 City of Santa Monica
Olympic Wellfield Groundwater Monitoring Report, Third Quarter 2020 2020-10-01 City of Santa Monica
Charnock Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report (January – June 2020) 2020-07-01 City of Santa Monica
Antidegradation Study 2020-05-01 City of Santa Monica
Draft 2020 Urban Water Management Plan 2021-05-01 City of Santa Monica
County of Los Angeles Environmental Document Reporting Procedures and Guidelines 1987-11-17 County of Los Angeles
Los Angeles County Flood Control System Webmap 2020-09-01 County of Los Angeles
Will Rogers State Historic Park General Plan 1992-03-01 CSP (California State Parks)
California Oil & Gas Fields, Volume II – Southern, Central Coastal, and Offshore California Oil and Gas Fields (CD-1) 1992-01-01 Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR)
Late Quaternary activity and seismic potential of the Santa Monica fault system, Los Angeles, California GSA Bulletin 2000-10-01 Dolan, James, Sieh, Kerry, and Rockwell, Thomas
Requirements and Procedures for Private Residential and Commercial Water Wells. Los Angeles County Environmental Health Division, Drinking Water Program 2020-01-01 DPH (Los Angeles County Environmental Health Division)
Planned Utilization of the Ground Water Basins of the Coastal Plain of Los Angeles County, Appendix A, Ground Water Geology 1961-06-01 DWR (Department of Water Resources)
Water Well Standards (Bulletins 74-81 and 74-90 combined) 1981-12-01 DWR (Department of Water Resources)
California’s Groundwater, Bulletin 118. Coastal Plain of Los Angeles Groundwater Basin, Santa Monica Basin 2004-02-27 DWR (Department of Water Resources)
Best Management Practices for the Sustainable Management of Groundwater–Water Budget BMP 2016-12-01 DWR (Department of Water Resources)
Guidance for Climate Change Data Use During Groundwater Sustainability Plan Development 2018-07-01 DWR (Department of Water Resources)
Best Management Practices for the Sustainable Management of Groundwater–Monitoring Protocols, Standards, and Sites 2016-12-01 DWR (Department of Water Resources)
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act 2019 Basin Prioritization, Process and Results 2019-04-01 DWR (Department of Water Resources)
Elevation Readings Export (CSV)

SGMA Wells

Existing Sites

General Sites