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Groundwater Sustainability Plan

5-022.04 MERCED

Base Information

07/26/2022   Resubmission
08/01/2022   Resubmission
09/30/2022   Resubmission
Hicham Eltal (Merced Irrigation District)
744 W. 20th Street
Notice Date: 07/22/2019
Merced GSP NOI to Adopt 7.22.19 Executed.pdf (629.1kB)
Public Hearing Date: 12/11/2019
3 Public Adoption Hearings were held (listed below and in the uploaded public notice) and we have also uploaded the resolutions from each GSA that show the GSP was adopted: 1) Turner Island Water District GSA-1 (TIWD GSA-1); November 19, 2019 at 1:30pm 2) Merced Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Agency (MSGSA); December 9, 2019 at 2:00pm 3) Merced Irrigation-Urban Groundwater Sustainability Agency (MIUGSA); December 11, 2019 at 9:00am
MIUGSA - Resolution Adopting GSP 2019-12-11.PDF (45.9kB)
TIWD-GSA-1 - Resolution Adopting GSP 2019-11-19.pdf (606kB)
MSGSA - Resolution Adopting GSP 2019-12-09.pdf (98.2kB)
Merced Subbasin GSP Adoption Public Notices.pdf (392.5kB)

Incomplete GSP Resubmission Notices

Notice Date: 04/14/2022

Merced GSP 90 Day Adoption Notice 2022-04-14.pdf (60kB)
Public Hearing Date: 07/19/2022

Three Public Adoption Hearings were held (listed below and in the uploaded public notice) and we have also uploaded the resolutions from each GSA that show the GSP was adopted: 1) Turner Island Water District GSA-1 (TIWD GSA-1); July 12, 2022 at 2:30pm 2) Merced Irrigation-Urban Groundwater Sustainability Agency (MIUGSA); July 13, 2022 at 9:00am 3) Merced Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Agency (MSGSA); July 19, 2022 at 4:30pm Each GSA provided notice of their public hearing.

MSGSA Resolution Adopting GSP 2022-07-19.pdf (111.3kB)
TIWD-GSA-1 Resolution Adopting GSP 2022-07-12.pdf (8MB)
MIUGSA Resolution Adopting GSP 2022-07-13.pdf (51.9kB)
Public-notice-revised-GSP-adoption-meetings_2022-07-08.pdf (138.2kB)
File Name GSP Regulation Element(s) Uploaded Date & Time
GSP Update Letter to DWR-2022-07-25.pdf (65kB)   new §354.4(b) 07/26/2022
Merced GSP Corrective Action Responses July 2022.pdf (414.2kB)   new §354.4(b) 07/26/2022
Title Publication Name Publish Date Author(s) File Name or URL
Land Subsidence Along the California Aqueduct in West-Central San Joaquin Valley, California, 2003–10   new USGS 2018-01-01 Michael Sneed, Justin T. Brandt, and Mike Solt
Channel Capacity Report, 2020 Restoration Year, Appendix B - Evaluation of the Effects of Future Subsidence on Capacity up to 2,500 cfs in Reach 4A and Middle Eastside Bypass   new San Joaquin River Restoration Program 2019-09-01 DWR
San Joaquin River Restoration Project - Geodetic Network; GPS Survey Report   new San Joaquin River Restoration Program 2011-12-01 Reclamation
Development and Application of a 1D Compaction Model to Understand 65 Years of Subsidence in the San Joaquin Valley   new Water Resources Research 2022-05-16 Matthew Lees, Rosemary Knight, and Ryan Smith
Channel Capacity Report 2022 Restoration Year   new San Joaquin River Restoration Program 2022-01-01 DWR & Reclamation
Statement of Findings Regarding the Determination of Incomplete Status of the San Joaquin Valley – Merced Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan   new 2022-01-28 DWR
2015 Urban Water Management Plan 2016-10-01 City of Livingston
2015 Urban Water Management Plan 2017-05-01 City of Merced
CASGEM Monitoring Plan 2014-01-01 Merced Area Groundwater Pool Interests
Agricultural Water Management Plan 2013-09-03 Merced Irrigation District
Merced Basin Groundwater Sustainability Stakeholder Engagement Strategy 2019-09-27 Woodard & Curran
Merced Groundwater Basin Groundwater Management Plan Update 2008-07-29 AMEC
Salt and Nutrient Study Merced Integrated Regional Water Management Plan 2013-01-01 AMEC
Water Quality for Agriculture Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1985-01-01 Ayers, R. S., & Westcot, D. W.
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) 2018-07-13 California Water Boards
Order No. R5-2011-0006 Soil Remediation Waste Discharge Requirements for Track Four, Inc. (a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Amsted Industries Inc.), and Merck & Co., Inc., Former Baltimore Aircoil Company Facility 2011-01-01 Central Valley RWQCB
The Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) - Sacramento River Basin and San Joaquin River Basin 2019-12-19 Central Valley RWQCB
Merced Vision 2030 General Plan 2012-01-01 City of Merced Development Services Department
Code of Ordinances: Chapter 8.12 - Water Wells 2018-04-05 City of Merced
Chowchilla Subbasin - Modified Boundary Description. 2016-03-29 County of Madera
Ground-Water Conditions and Storage Capacity in the San Joaquin Valley California 1959-01-01 Davis, G. H., Green, J. H., Olmsted, F. H., & Brown, D. W.
California's Groundwater Bulletin 118 (Update 2003) 2003-10-01 DWR
Bulletin 118: San Joaquin Valley Groundwater Basin Merced Subbasin 2004-02-27 DWR
Groundwater Elevation Monitoring Guidelines 2010-12-01 DWR
Best Management Practices for the Sustainable Management of Groundwater: Water Budget 2016-12-30 DWR
Best Management Practices for the Sustainable Management of Groundwater: Monitoring Networks and Identification of Data Gaps 2016-12-30 DWR
Groundwater Sustainability Agency Frequently Asked Questions 2016-01-01 DWR
Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) Annotated Outline 2016-12-30 DWR
Preparation Checklist for GSP Submittal 2016-12-30 DWR
Best Management Practices for the Sustainable Management of Groundwater: Sustainable Management Criteria (Draft) 2017-11-06 DWR
California Aqueduct Subsidence Study 2017-01-01 DWR
Chronological Reconstructed Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley Water Year Hydrologic Classifications Indices 2017-01-01 DWR
Guidance for Climate Change Data Use During Groundwater Sustainability Plan Development 2018-08-06 DWR
SGMA Climate Change Resources 2018-01-01 DWR
SGMA Data Viewer 2019-01-01 DWR
The San Joaquin Valley Through Time 2012-08-01 T. Elam
Groundwater Conditions and Shallow Test-Well Information in the Eastern Half of Merced County, California 1967-82 1984-08-01 A.L. Elliott
Groundwater Quality Trend Monitoring Workplan: Phase III. Specific Network Wells 2018-02-01 Eastern San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition
Final Environmental Impact Statement for Hydropower Licenses 0259 (Merced River Hydroelectric Project—FERC Project No. 2179-043–California and Merced Falls Hydroelectric Project—FERC Project No. 2467-020–California) 2015-12-04 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Region 5: Updated Groundwater Quality Analysis and High Resolution Mapping for Central Valley Salt and Nitrate Management Plan 2016-06-01 Luhdorff and Scalmanini Consulting Engineers
Madera County General Plan 1995-01-01 Madera County
Adverse Groundwater Quality by Area in Merced County 2018-05-09 Merced County Department of Public Health, Division of Environmental Health
Merced County Code. Chapter 9.28 - Wells 2018-04-05 Merced County
Memorandum of Understanding 2017-10-13 Merced Subbasin GSA, MIUGSA, Turner Island Water District GSA-#1
Notification of Intent to Develop a Groundwater Sustainability Plan for Merced Subbasin 2018-01-08 Merced Subbasin GSA, MIUGSA, Turner Island Water District GSA-#1
Agricultural Water Management Plan 2016-07-05 Merced Irrigation District
Memorandum of Understanding Forming the Merced Irrigation-Urban Groundwater Sustainability Agency 2017-04-24 MIUGSA
Quality Assurance Project Plan for Groundwater Monitoring by the ESJWQC in Compliance with the Central Valley Monitoring Collaborative QAPrP (DRAFT) 2019-04-01 MLJ Environmental
A guide to Water Quality Requirements Under the Sustainable Groundwater management Act 2019-04-01 Moran, T., & Belin, A.
Joint Powers Agreement Creating the Merced Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Agency 2017-03-15 MSGSA
City of Atwater General Plan 2000-07-24 Pacific Municipal Consultants
Geology of the Fresh Ground-Water Basin of the Central Valley, California, with Texture Maps and Sections 1986-01-01 R.W. Page
Geology and Quality of Water in the Modesto-Merced Area, San Joaquin Valley, California, with a Brief Section on Hydrology 1973-01-01 Page, R. W., & Balding, G. O.
Livingston General Plan 1999-12-01 Quad Knopf, Inc.
Measurement and Computation of Streamflow: Volume 1. Measurement of Stage and Discharge 1982-01-01 S. Rantz
Measurement and Computation of Streamflow: Volume 2. Computation of Discharge 1982-01-01 S. Rantz
Draft Environmental Assessment/Initial Study: Water Year 2016-2026 Transfer and Exchange from Madera Irrigation District and Chowchilla Water District to the Red Top Area 2016-02-01 Reclamation
Merced Integrated Regional Water Management Plan 2013-08-01 RMC Water and Environment
Groundwater Recharge Feasibility Study Merced Integrated Regional Water Management Plan 2013-08-01 RMC Water and Environment
CASTLE AIR FORCE BASE (T0604719389) 2018-10-30 SWRCB - GeoTracker
CCR Title 22 Division 4 Chapter 15 Article 16: Secondary Water Standards 2006-05-02 SWRCB
Groundwater Information Sheet: Hexavalent Chromium 2017-11-01 SWRCB
Maximum Contaminant Levels and Regulatory Dates for Drinking Water U.S. EPA vs California 2018-10-01 SWRCB
Central Valley Extensometer Data (Excel) 2017-01-19 USGS
Merced Water Resources Model (MercedWRM) 2019-09-01 Woodard & Curran
Groundwater Quality Trend Monitoring Workplan: Phase II, Preliminary Determination of Specific Wells for GQTM 2016-01-29 Eastern San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition
Map showing Tertiary stratigraphy and structure of the Northern San Joaquin Valley, California 1985-01-01 J.A. Bartow
The Cenozoic Evolution of the San Joaquin Valley, California 1991-01-01 J.A. Bartow
Fault Activity Map of California 2010-01-01 California Geological Survey
Groundwater Quality Trend Monitoring Workplan: Phase I, Monitoring Design Approach 2015-06-04 Eastern San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition
2030 Merced County General Plan 2011-06-01 Merced County
Well Construction, Destruction, Mining, and Export Application/Permit User Guide 2015-05-13 Merced County
Merced County Department of Agriculture 2017-12-31 2017 Report on Agriculture
Creating an Opportunity: Groundwater Recharge through Winter Flooding of Agricultural Land in the San Joaquin Valley 2015-10-01 RMC Water and Environment
National Field Manual for the Collection of Water-Quality Data 2015-01-01 F. Wilde
Elevation Readings Export (CSV)

SGMA Wells

Existing Sites

General Sites