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Initial GSP 2020 - 5-022.14 KERN COUNTY (BVGSA)

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08/01/2022   Resubmission
08/01/2022   Resubmission
09/30/2022   Resubmission
Point of Contact: Kristin Pittack (kpittack@rinconconsultants.com)
Uploaded Coordination Agreement Resubmission: Amended Coordination Agreement 7-27-2022.pdf (458.2MB)
Tim Ashlock (Buena Vista GSA)
525 North Main Street
PO Box 756
Buttonwillow, CA 93206
Notice Date: 09/05/2019
90 Day Notice - County.pdf (91.9kB)
Signed Letters.pdf (796.5kB)
Public Hearing Date: 12/06/2019
2019 December Minutes.pdf (160.5kB)

Incomplete GSP Resubmission Notices

Notice Date: 03/17/2022

Signed 90 Day Letter.pdf (93.6kB)
Public Hearing Date: 07/20/2022

7. July.pdf (190.6kB)
File Name GSP Regulation Element(s) Uploaded Date & Time
Title Publication Name Publish Date Author(s) File Name or URL
Crop evapotranspiration - Guidelines for computing crop water requirements - FAO Irrigation and drainage paper 56 1998-01-01 Richard G.A.
Tertiary Stratigraphy of the Southeastern San Joaquin Valley, California, Geological Survey Bulletin 1529 - J 1984-01-01 Bartow, J.A. and McDougall, K.
The Cenozoic Evolution of San Joaquin Valley, California, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1501 1991-01-01 Bartow, J.A.
2015 Agricultural Water Management Plan 2016-02-01 Buena Vista Water Storage District
Buena Vista Water Storage District 2016 Engineer's Assessment Report in Support of Proposition 218 Assessment Ballot Proceeding 2016-06-01 Buena Vista Water Storage District
Draft Groundwater Monitoring Protocol for Buena Vista WSD 2016-01-01 Buena Vista Water Storage District
C2VSim: California Central Valley Groundwater-Surface Water Simulation Model 2018-04-27 California Department of Water Resources
California Code of Regulations Title 23. waters, Division 2. Department of Water Resources, Chapter 1.5. Groundwater Management, Subchapter 2. Groundwater Sustainability Plans, Article 5. Plan Contents, Subarticle 3. Sustainable Management Criteria, Section 354.28 Minimum Thresholds 2020-01-10 California Code of Regulations
Geologic Map of California (2010) 2010-01-01 California Department of Conservation
California Irrigation Management Information System 2020-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
NASA JPL InSAR Subsidence Data 2018-06-18 California Natural Resources Agency
Supreme Court of California In Bank 69 Cal. 255; 10 P. 674 (1886) 1886-04-26 Charles Lux, et al., James B. Haggin, et al.
Continuously Operating Reference Station 2019-09-11 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Preliminary Water Supply Analysis 2013-01-01 Mike Conway, John Fio, and Steve Deverel
Subsurface geology of the late Tertiary and Quaternary water-bearing deposits of the southern part of the San Joaquin Valley, California 1972-01-01 Croft, M.G
Water Discharge Requirements General Order for Growers within the Tulare Lake Basin Area that are Members of a Third-Party Group 2013-09-01 California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Valley Region
Central Valley Hydrologic Model 2012-08-27 United States Geological Survey
Groundwater Geology and Hydrology of the Kern River Alluvial Fan Area, California 1966-06-20 Dale, R.H., French, James J., Gordon, G.V.
Ground-water Conditions and Storage Capacity in the San Joaquim Valley, California 1959-01-01 Davis, G.H., Green, F.H., Olmstead, Brown, D.W.
Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) Emergency Regulations Guide 2016-07-01 California Department of Water Resources
Draft Best Management Practicies for the Sustainable Management of Groundwater 2017-11-01 California Department of Water Resources
Guidance Document for Groundwater Sustainability Plan - Stakeholder Communication and Engagement 2018-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
NC Dataset Viewer, CADWR Sustainable Groundwater Managmenet 2020-01-01 Department of Water Resources
Groundwater Availability of the Central Valley Aquifer, California 2009-04-16 Faunt, C.C.
Land Subsidence in the United States 1999-01-01 Galloway, D., Jones, D.R., Ingebritsen, S.E.
Groundwater Quality Trend Monitoring Workplan 2018-04-01 Buena Vista Water Storage District
Addressing Nitrate in California's Drinking Water 2012-01-01 Harter, T., Lund, J.R.
Basic Ground-Water Hydrology 1983-01-01 Heath, R.C
Study and Interpretation of the Chemical Characteristics of Natural Water 1985-01-01 Hem, J.D
Water Quality Data: Analysis and Interpretation 1995-01-01 Hounslow, A.
Basin-Wide Remote Sensing of Actual Evapotranspiration and its Influence on Regional Water Resources Planning 2012-11-13 Howes, D. J., Burt, C.M., Feist, K.
Land Subsidence in the San Joaquin Valley, California, as of 1980 1984-01-01 Ireland, R.L., Poland, J.F., Riley, F.S.
Estimation of ET for Groundwater Models Using the ITRC-METRIC Process 2016-12-06 Burt, C.M.
Kern River Watershed Coalition Authority Groundwater Quality Assessment Report 2015-02-01 Provost and Pritchard Consulting Group
Kern County General Plan 2009-09-22 Kern County Planning Department
Mapping Indicators of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems in California: Methods Report 2018-01-01 Klausmeyer, K., Howard, J., Keeler-Wolf, T., Davis-Fadtke, K., Hull, R., Lyons, A.
United States Data Center Energy Usage Report 2016-06-01 Shehabi, A., Smith, S.J., Horner, N., Azevedo, I., Brown, R., Koomey, J., Masanet, E., Sartor, D., Herrlin, M., Lintner, W.
Land Subsidence from Groundwater Use in California 2014-04-01 Borchers, J.W., Carpenter, M.
Summary of Hydrologic and Physical Properties of Rock and Soil Materials, as Analyzed by the Hydrologic Laboratory of the U.S. Geological Survey, 1948-60 1967-01-01 Morris, D.A., Johnson, A.I.
Aquifer-test Compilation for the San Joaquin Valley, California 1962-01-01 McClelland, E.J.
National Agricultural Statistics Service 2019-07-02 United States Department of Agriculture
National Hydrography Dataset 2020-01-01 United States Geological Survey
Northern Area Pipeline - Southeast Extension 2016-03-30 Buena Vista Water Storage District
Web Soil Survey 2020-01-01 Natural Resources Conservation Service
Keys to Soil Taxonomy 2014-05-15 United States Department of Agriculture
Geology and Quality of Water in the Modesto-Merced Area San Joaquin Valley, California, with a brief section on Hydrology 1973-09-01 Page, R.W., Balding, G.O.
The Cenozoic Evolution of San Joaquin Valley, California, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1501 1991-09-01 Shelton, J.L., Pimentel, I., Fram, M.S., Belitz, K.
Ground Water Atlas of the United States: Segment 1, California, Nevada 1995-01-01 Planert, M., Williams, J.S.
Mapping Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems in California 2010-06-23 Howard, J., Merrifield, M.
Chronological Reconstructed Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley Water Year Hydrologic Classification Indies 2020-01-01 Department of Water Resources
Fundamentals of Groundwater 2003-01-01 Schwartz, F.W., Zhang, H.
The Geology and Groundwater Hydrology of the Buena Vista Water Storage District, Buttonwillow, CA including Descriptions of Relevant Facilities and Operations 2013-05-01 Sierra Scientific
Geophysical Research Letters, Understanding Rapid Adjustments to Diverse Forcing Agents 2018-10-19 Smith, C.J., Kramer, R.J., Myhre, G., Forster, P.M., Soden, B.J., et al
Buttonwillow: A Community Development Plan 1974-04-01 Kern County Planning Department
Chapter 23 - Grants of Swamps and Overflowed Lands 1850-09-28 Department of the Interior
Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act: Guidance for Preparing Groundwater Sustainability Plans 2018-01-01 Rohde, M.M., S. Matsumoto, J. Howard, S. Liu, L. Riege, and E.J. Remson.
Resilient Land Mapping Tool 2020-01-01 The Nature Conservancy
Technical Memorandum No. 1 Site Conceptual Model with and without Banking Evaluation, Kern Fan Area 2018-01-01 Todd Engineers
Vegetation Classification and Mapping Program 2007-01-01 California of Fish and Wildlife
Water Cod - Wat, Division 6. Conservation, Development, and Utilization of State Water Resources 2019-01-01 California Legislative Information
Geology and Ground-Water Features of the Edison-Maricopa Area Kern County, California 1964-01-01 Wood, P.R., Dale, R.H.
UNAVCO's Plate Boundary Observatin (PBO) program 2020-01-01 UNAVCO
Buena Vista Water Storage District 2014 WaterSMART Grant for Section One of the Northern Area project 2015-08-01 United States Bureau of Reclamation
Water Conservation Verification of Buena Vista Water Storage District Canal Piping Project 2017-03-01 United States Bureau of Reclamation
Soil Survey of Kern County, California Northwestern Part 1988-09-01 United States Department of Agriculture
Soil Survey Of Kern County, California, Southwest Part 2009-01-01 United States Department of Agriculture
The Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS) for estimation of turbulent heat fluxes 2002-01-01 Su, Z.
California Code of Regulations Title 23. waters, Division 2. Department of Water Resources, Chapter 1.5. Groundwater Management, Subchapter 2. Groundwater Sustainability Plans, Article 5. Plan Contents, Subarticle 2. Basin Settings, Section 354.16. Groundwater Conditions 2020-01-10 California Code of Regulations
SGMA Data Viewer, Groundwater Levels 2020-01-01 Department of Water Resources
Collaborating for Success: Stakeholder Engagement for Sustainable Groundwater Management Act Implementation 2015-07-01 Clean Water Center
Summary of Recent, Historical, and Estimated Potential for Future Land Subsidence in California 2014-01-01 Department of Water Resources
Kern River Water Allocation Plan, Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, SCH# 2011041082, prepared for Kern Delta Water District 2017-08-01 ESA
Ground-water Flow in the Central Valley, California. Regional Aquifer System Analysis. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1401-D. 1989-01-01 USGS
Water Supply Report: 2011 2011-01-01 Kern County Water Agency
Elevation Readings Export (CSV)

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