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Groundwater Sustainability Plan

8-002.09 TEMESCAL

Base Information

Katie Hockett (Temescal Subbasin GSA)
755 Corporation Yard Way
(951) 279-3601
Notice Date: 09/14/2021
The cities within the plan area of the GSP are all members of the GSA. Notice of planned adoption was provided to Riverside County on September 14, 2021 in the attached letter. Notice of planned adoption and availability of a draft of the GSP for public review was also provided to the interested parties list and through the GSA website, as shown in the attached public notice letter.
Temescal Basin GSP - 90-Day Riverside County Notification.pdf (309.5kB)
Temescal Basin GSP - 90-Day Public Notification.pdf (167.3kB)
Public Hearing Date: 01/05/2022
The City of Corona held a public hearing on January 5, 2022 to adopt the Temescal Basin GSP. The notification and adoption resolution are attached. The City of Norco held a separate public hearing to adopt the GSP on January 19, 2022. Notification and the adoption resolution are attached. The Home Gardens County Water District also adopted the GSP, the resolution is attached.
HGCWD Resolution No 212, Adopting Temescal Basin GSP 20220120.pdf (107.2kB)
City of Corona Public Hearing Notifications for Temescal Basin GSP.pdf (773.2kB)
City of Norco Public Hearing Notifications for Temescal Basin GSP.pdf (154.2kB)
File Name GSP Regulation Element(s) Uploaded Date & Time
Title Publication Name Publish Date Author(s) File Name or URL
Chino Basin Optimum Basin Management Program State of the Basin Report – 2004 2005-07-01 Wildermuth Environmental Inc. (WEI)
City of Norco General Plan Land Use 2009-01-01 City of Norco
Drainage Design Manual 2005-07-01 San Diego County
Upper Santa Ana River habitat conservation plan prepared for San Bernardino Valley Water District 2020-01-01 ICF Inc
Land Subsidence from Groundwater Use 2014-04-01 Borchers, J.W. and M. Carpenter
Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment (GAMA) Program Groundwater Information System online map and database 2020-12-01 California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)
County of Riverside General Plan 2015-12-08 Riverside County Planning Department
City of Corona General Plan 2020-2040 2021-01-01 City of Corona
City of Corona 2015 Urban Water Management Plan 2016-07-01 KWC Engineers
Order Canceling Protest Approving Change in Purpose of Use Place of Use and Discharge Quantity City of Corona Wastewater Petition WW-56 2012-01-01 California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)
Land Subsidence in the United States 1999-01-01 Galloway et al.
Groundwater Sustainability Plan Bedford-Coldwater Basin 2021-11-01 Todd Groundwater (Todd), H&H Water Resources (H&H), and Stantec
City of Corona 2020 Urban Water Management Plan 2021-06-01 Michael Baker International
NFIP Flood Insurance Manual Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 2011-05-01 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Wells Services Website 2020-01-01 Riverside County Department of Environmental Health (RCDEH)
National Field Manual for the Collection of Water-Quality Data (NFM) United States Geologic Survey (USGS) 2021-02-01 United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Salt and Nutrient Management Plan for the Upper Temescal Valley 2017-09-01 Wildermuth Environmental Inc. (WEI)
Updated Integrated Regional Water Management Plan Report Western Municipal Water District 2008-05-01 Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Natural Resources Manager Riverside County Resource Conservation District e-mails to Gus Yates Senior Hydrologist Todd Groundwater 2020-08-01 Russell, Kerwin
Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS). 2020-01-01 California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)
Shallow groundwater and evapotranspiration assessment, presentation slides included as Appendix E in Geoscience Support Services 2020 Upper Santa Ana River Integrated Model summary report 2018-04-01 Ballau Grundwater Inc.
City of Corona Perfluorinated Compounds Removal Study 2017-12-01 Carollo Engineers
Temescal Creek Riparian Habitat Timeline prepared for Orange County Water District 2021-12-01 McMichael, David
Surface Disposal Pilot Project for the City of Corona 2004-07-01 PBS&J and Ron Barto Ground Water Consultant
Inter-Basin Coordination Meeting with Ryan Shaw and Temescal GSA 2020-11-30 Shaw, Ryan
Technical Study of Potential Stormwater and Surface Water Diversions for Recharge prepared for the City of Corona and Riverside County 2011-01-31 Todd Engineers (Todd)
Recharge Master Plan for the Temescal Basin prepared for the City of Corona 2013-09-01 Wildermuth Environmental Inc. (WEI)
2016 Adaptive Management Plan for the Prado Basin Habitat Sustainability Program prepared for Inland Empire Utilities Agency and Chino Basin Watermaster 2016-08-01 Wildermuth Environmental Inc. (WEI)
Chino Basin Optimum Basin Management Program 2018 State of the Basin Report prepared for the Chino Basin Watermaster 2019-06-01 Wildermuth Environmental Inc. (WEI)
Annual report of the Prado Basin Habitat Sustainability Program Water year 2019 prepared for Inland Empire Utilities Agency and Chino Basin Watermaster. 2020-01-01 Wildermuth Environmental Inc. (WEI)
Santa Ana River Basin Plan 2020-05-22 California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)
Western Riverside County multispecies habitat conservation plan 2020-01-01 Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority (RCRCA)
Land subsidence from groundwater use in California report prepared by LSCE with support by the California Water Foundation 2014-01-01 Luhdorff and Scalmanini Consulting Engineers (LSCE)
General Plan – Conservation Element 2014 Update adopted by City Council resolution no. 2014-71 2014-12-17 City of Norco
Draft Urban Water Management Plan 2021-05-01 City of Norco
One Water One Watershed Plan Update 2018 2018-01-01 Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA)
Effects of groundwater development on uranium: Central Valley California USA. Groundwater 2010-01-01 Jurgens, B.C., Fram, M.S., Belitx, L. Burow K. R. & Landon, M. K.
Hydrogeologic investigation Arroyo Seco Cone Staal, Gardner & Dunne, Inc 1994-04-01 Feeney, M.B.
State Water Resources Control Board GeoTracker 2021-01-01 California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)
2019 Consumer Confidence Report 2019-01-01 City of Corona
2018 Reclaimed Water Master Plan 2018-01-01 City of Corona
Contaminants of Emerging Concern including Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products 2019-08-19 United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
Status of PFAS Investigations in Santa Ana Region presentation for the Groundwater Resources Association 2020-04-01 Behrooz, Mehrnoosh (Mona)
Federal Panel on Community Water Fluoridation US Public Health Service recommendation for fluoride concentration in drinking water for the prevention of dental caries. Public Health Reports 2015-01-01 United States Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS)
Arsenic and Drinking Water 2020-07-01 United States Geological Survey (USGS)
1,2,3-Trichloropropane (1,2,3 - TCP) 2020-09-01 California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)
White Paper Discussion On: Economic Feasibility Analysis In Consideration of a Hexavalent Chromium MCL 2020-02-01 California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)
Western Municipal Water District 2020 Urban Water Management Plan 2021-06-16 Water Systems Consulting Inc. (WSC)
Draft Feasibility Investigation (Phase I) to Develop a Potable Water-Supply from the Bedford Basin prepared for the City of Corona Elsinore Valley Water District and Lee Lake Water District 2015-08-01 Wildermuth Environmental Inc. (WEI)
AB3030 Groundwater Management Plan prepared for City of Corona 2008-06-01 Todd Engineers and AKM Consulting Engineers (Todd and AKM)
Municipal Code Title 15 City of Temecula 2020-05-01 City of Temecula
InSAR Data Accuracy for California Groundwater Basins CGPS Data Comparative Analysis January 2015 to September 2019 2021-03-23 Towill, Inc.
Bulletin 118, Interim Update 2016 California’s Groundwater Working Toward Sustainability California Department of Water Resources (DWR) 2016-12-22 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Historical aerial imagery online maps and data 2021-03-01 Google Earth
California DWR Land Use Viewer California Department of Water Resources (DWR) 2019-09-01 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Natural communities commonly associated with groundwater (NCCAG) Statewide digital vegetation maps of vegetation and wetlands overlying groundwater basins California Department of Water Resources (DWR), California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and The Nature Conservancy 2020-07-01 California Department of Water Resources (DWR), California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and The Nature Conservancy
GDE Pulse on-line vegetation mapping tool The Nature Conservancy 2020-05-01 The Nature Conservancy
The Geochemistry of Natural Waters 2nd Edition Prentice-Hall 1988-02-01 Drever, J.I.
State of California Household Water Supply Shortage Reporting System California Department of Water Resources (DWR) 2021-03-01 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Preliminary Digital Geologic Map of the Santa Ana 30’ x 60’ Quadrangle Southern California Version 2.0 compiled by D.M. Morton Open-File Report 99-172 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 2004-01-01 United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Geologic Map of the San Bernardino and Santa Ana 30’ x 60’ Quadrangles California Version 1.0 compiled by Douglas M. Morton and Fred K. Miller Open-File Report 2006-1217 United States Geological Survey (USGS) 2006-12-17 United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Groundwater technical procedures of the U.S. Geological Survey: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 2011-04-01 Cunningham, W.L., and Schalk, C.W.
Geology water resources and usable ground-water storage capacity of part of Solano County California. Water-Supply Paper 1464. U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Geological Survey 1960-01-01 Thomasson, H.G., Jr., F.H. Olmsted and E.F. LeRoux
California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM) Program Procedures for Monitoring Entity Reporting California Department of Water Resources (DWR) 2010-12-01 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Best Management Practices for the Sustainable Management of Groundwater Monitoring Networks and Identification of Data Gaps California Department of Water Resources (DWR) 2016-12-30 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Best Management Practices for the Sustainable Management of Groundwater Water Budget California Department of Water Resources (DWR) 2016-12-30 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) Annotated Outline California Department of Water Resources (DWR) 2016-12-01 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
National Water Information System Web Interface Station: USGS 11070500 SAN JACINTO R NR ELSINORE CA Station: USGS 11071900 TEMESCAL C A CORONA LK NR CORONA CA Station: USGS 11072100 TEMESCAL C AB MAIN ST A CORONA CA United States Geologic Survey (USGS) 2018-01-01 United States Geologic Survey (USGS)
SSURGO soil survey online map database available at http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/WebSoilSurvey.aspx Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) 2019-09-01 Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
Elevation Readings Export (CSV)

SGMA Wells

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