Temescal Subbasin GSA
Point of Contact Information
AGSA Eligibility Determination
NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF GSA AUTHORITY TO MANAGE TEMESCAL SUBBASIN The City of Corona (Corona), the City of Norco (Norco), and the Home Gardens County Water District (Home Gardens) have developed and adopted a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the purpose of forming a Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) for the entirety of the Temescal Subbasin of the Upper Santa Ana Valley Groundwater Basin (Bulletin 118 Basin 8-002.9) in accordance with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). Corona, Norco, and Home Gardens have long relied on groundwater from the Temescal Subbasin for municipal use, and these agencies have also been responsible for managing groundwater conditions in the Temescal Subbasin for decades. Corona adopted a Groundwater Management Plan (GWMP) in 2008 that covers the Temescal Subbasin. Corona, Norco, and Home Gardens service areas cover almost all of the Temescal Subbasin. Those portions of the subbasin outside of these service areas are not within the area of any other proposed GSA. While the service areas of Corona, Norco, and Home Gardens do not cover the entire subbasin, these agencies do propose to serve as the GSA for the entire subbasin. The three agencies in the GSA are coordinating with Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (RCFCWCD) for these currently unmanaged areas. Specifically, the RCFCWCD recognized the ongoing efforts for this GSA and offered to participate in any advisory or stakeholder committee formed by the GSA. Details of the MOU, including the resolutions adopting the MOU and bylaws are attached to this submittal.
BDecision to Become a GSA
City of Norco Proof of Publication_CC meeting March 15 2017.pdf (332.8kB) Uploaded on 04/26/2017 at 11:34AM City of Corona Proof of Meeting Publication, March 15 2017.pdf (108.3kB) Uploaded on 04/27/2017 at 12:28PM Home Gardens Proof of Meeting Publication, March 23 2017.pdf (145.7kB) Uploaded on 04/24/2017 at 10:39AM
CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESO 2017-013 without exhibits APPROVING TEMESCAL MOU.pdf (114.9kB) Uploaded on 04/26/2017 at 11:34AMNORCO SIGNED RESOLUTION Reso 2017 12_MOU for Temescal SubBasin GSA_Mar 15 2017.pdf (300.6kB) Uploaded on 04/26/2017 at 11:34AMMOU FORMING TEMESCAL SUBBASIN GSA, CORONA, NORCO, AND HOME GARDENS - EXECUTED.pdf (8.3MB) Uploaded on 04/24/2017 at 10:39AMHGCWD Resolution.pdf (164kB) Uploaded on 04/26/2017 at 11:35AM
NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF GSA AUTHORITY TO MANAGE TEMESCAL SUBBASIN The City of Corona (Corona), the City of Norco (Norco), and the Home Gardens County Water District (Home Gardens) have developed and adopted a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the purpose of forming a Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) for the entirety of the Temescal Subbasin of the Upper Santa Ana Valley Groundwater Basin (Bulletin 118 Basin 8-002.9) in accordance with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). Groundwater has been an important component of water supply in the Temescal Subbasin for more than 100 years. Until the 1970s, most of the groundwater production in the subbasin was for agricultural supply (Todd and AKM, 2008). A few well owners have also produced small amounts of groundwater for domestic use (Todd and AKM, 2008). Production for municipal supply increased in the 1960s and 1970s and continues today. Corona, Norco, and Home Gardens have long relied on groundwater from the Temescal Subbasin for municipal use, and these agencies have also been responsible for managing groundwater conditions in the Temescal Subbasin for decades. Corona adopted a Groundwater Management Plan (GWMP) in 2008 that covers the Temescal Subbasin. Corona, Norco, and Home Gardens service areas cover almost all of the Temescal Subbasin. Those portions of the subbasin outside of these service areas are not within the area of any other proposed GSA. While the service areas of Corona, Norco, and Home Gardens do not cover the entire subbasin, these agencies do propose to serve as the GSA for the entire subbasin. The three agencies in the GSA are coordinating with Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (RCFCWCD) for these currently unmanaged areas. Specifically, the RCFCWCD recognized the ongoing efforts to for this GSA and offered to participate in any advisory or stakeholder committee formed by the GSA. Details of the MOU, including the resolutions adopting the MOU and bylaws are attached to this submittal.
CType of GSA Formation and Contact Information
Katie Hockett
City of Corona Department of Water and Power
City of Norco
Home Gardens County Water District In Corona
Temescal Subbasin GSA
DMap & Service Area Boundaries
Exhibit A Temescal Subbasin GSA.pdf (3.2MB) Uploaded on 04/24/2017 at 02:02PM
TemescalGSAAgencyServiceAreas.zip (197.6kB) Uploaded on 04/19/2017 at 09:41AM
TemescalGSABoundary.zip (8.8kB) Uploaded on 04/19/2017 at 09:41AM
The City of Corona, City of Norco, and Home Gardens County Water District plan to manage the entire Temescal Valley Subbasin. There are some small areas of the subbasin that are outside the agencies? combined service areas. These areas are either federally owned forest service lands, or are in the Prado Basin, underlying the Prado Reservoir which is operated by the United States Army Corps of Engineers.
ERequired Documents
List of Interested Parties, Temescal Valley Subbasin GSA.pdf (81.6kB) Uploaded on 05/02/2017 at 01:57PM
No other agencies currently manage or propose to manage groundwater within the Temescal Valley Subbasin of the Santa Ana Valley Groundwater Basin (Bulletin 118 Basin 8-002.9).
No new laws, ordinances, or authorities have been adopted by creation of the Temescal Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency.