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Groundwater Sustainability Plan

5-022.13 TULE
Multiple GSPs
GSP Local ID: Basin 5-022.13 - ETGSA GSP

Base Information

07/27/2022   Resubmission
08/01/2022   Resubmission
09/30/2022   Resubmission
Rogelio Caudillo (Eastern Tule GSA)
881 W. Morton Avenue
Suite D
(559) 781-7660
Notice Date: 10/16/2019
Notices to the County of Tulare and the City of Porterville were sent out on September 16, 2019.
ETGSA notice of planned GSP adoption_TulareCounty.pdf (78.8kB)
ETGSA notice of planned GSP adoption_Porterville.pdf (78.3kB)
Public Hearing Date: 01/17/2020
ETGSA JPA Reso 2020-001 (002).pdf (54.3kB)

Incomplete GSP Resubmission Notices

Notice Date: 02/11/2022

2022 ETGSA GSP Notices.pdf (93kB)
Public Hearing Date: 07/18/2022

2022 07-18 ETGSA Board Agenda - Public Hearing Notice.pdf (219.3kB)
File Name GSP Regulation Element(s) Uploaded Date & Time
TH&Co_Tule_GFM_Report_Jan_2020.pdf (41.3MB) §354.18(d)(1), §354.18(d)(3), §354.18(e), §354.18(f) 01/28/2020 7:24 PM
Title Publication Name Publish Date Author(s) File Name or URL
Early Action Plan   new 2021-07-06 Tule Basin Management Zone
Subsurface Geology of the Late Tertiary and Quaternary Water-Bearing Deposits of the Southern Part of the San Joaquin Valley, California. 1972-01-01 M.G. Croft
Ground-Water Conditions and Storage Capacity of the San Joaquin Valley, California. 1959-01-01 G.H. Davis, J.H. Green, F.H. Olmsted, D.W. Brown
Applied Hydrogeology. 3rd Edition. 1994-01-01 C.W. Fetter
Land Subsidence in the San Joaquin Valley, California, as of 1980. 1989-01-01 R.L. Ireland, J.F. Poland, F.S. Riley
Land Subsidence Due to Ground-Water Withdrawal Tulare-Wasco Area California 1969-01-01 Lofgren, B.E., and Klausing, R.L.,
Land Subsidence from Groundwater Use in California 2014-04-01 Luhdorff and Scalmanini,
Base of Fresh Ground Water in the San Joaquin Valley, California. 1973-01-01 Page, R.W.
Ground Water Atlas of the United States, Segment 1 – California and Nevada. 1995-01-01 Planert, M. and Williams, J.S.
Estimating the Transmissivity of a Water-table Aquifer from the Specific Capacity of a Well. 1963-01-01 Theis, C.V., Brown, R.H., Myer, R.R.
Hydrogeological Conceptual Model and Water Budget of the Tule Subbasin. 2017-08-01 Thomas Harder & Co.,
Land Use Viewer 2017-05-08 California Department of Water Resources
California Crop and Soil Evapotranspiration for Water balances and Irrigation Scheduling/Design 2003-01-01 Irrigation Technology Research Center
Tulare County Irrigation Districts 2018-03-01 Tulare County Local Agency Formation Commissions
City of Porterville 2030 General Plan 2008-03-04 City of Porterville
Porterville Area Community Plan Update 2015 2015-02-01 Tulare County
Population estimase base, April 1, 2010 2010-04-01 United States Census Service
Groundwater Flow Model of the Tule Subbasin 2020-01-01 Thomas Harder & Co.
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act 2014-09-16 California Department of Water Resurces
CA Bulletin 118 Basin Boundary Description 5-022.13 San Joaquin Valley - Tule 2018-05-08 California Department of Water Resources
Community Services District Law 2006-01-01 California State Legislator
Natural Communities Dataset Viewer 2017-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
Surface Water Monitoring Plan 2014-08-04 Tule Basin Water Quality Coalition
Groundwater Trend Monitoring Workplan 2017-01-06 Tule Basin Water Quality Coalition
Groundwater Assessment Report 2014-02-14 Tule Basin Water Quality Coalition
Water Data Library 2018-03-02 California Department of Water Resources
Soil Agricultural Groundwater Banking Index 2020-01-27 University California Davis
PIER Project Report: Estimation Irrigation Water Use for California Agriculture: 1950s to Present 2006-05-01 California Energy Commission
Order No. R5-2008-0034 Waste Discharge Requirements for City of Porterville Wastewater Treatment Facility Tulare County 2008-04-01 California Regional Water Quality Control
Resolution 2017-0048 Approving an Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Tulare Lake Basin to Remove the Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN) and Agricultural Supply (AGR) Beneficial Uses from Groundwater within a Designated Horizontal and Ver 2017-09-06 California State Water Resources Control Board
2017 Urban Water Management Plan. 2017-10-01 City of Porterville
Groundwater Availability of the Central Valley Aquifer, California 2006-01-01 C.C. Faunt
Technical Memorandum: Estimate of Future Friant Division Supplies for Use in Groundwater Sustainability Plans. 2018-12-01 Friant Water Authority
Corcoran Clay – A Pleistocene Lacustrine Deposit in San Joaquin Valley, California 1954-01-01 J.W. Frink, H.A. Kues
Hydrologic Requirements of and Consumptive Ground-Water Use by Riparian Vegetation along the San Pedro River, Arizona 2005-01-01 Leenhouts, J.M., Stromberg, J.C., and Scott R.L.,
Tulare County Community Services Districts 2018-03-01 Tulare County Local Agency Formation Commission
Ground-Water Flow in the Central Valley, California 1989-01-01 Williamson, A.K., Prudic, D.E., and Swain, L.A.
Groundwater Management Planning Tool 2018-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
Well Completion Report Appplication 2018-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
Water Management Plan 2017-12-01 Pixley Irrigation District
Comprehensive Groundwater Quality Management Plan 2016-09-20 Tule Basin Water Quality Coalition
GAMA 2018-06-20 State Water Resources Control Board
Tule River Basin Integrated Regional Water Management Plan 2018-06-01 Deer Creek & Tule River Authority
Tulare County General Plan Update 2030 2012-08-28 Tulare County
Terra Bella Community Plan 2015 Update 2015-11-03 Tulare County
Ducor Community Plan 2015 Update 2015-11-03 Tulare County
Elevation Readings Export (CSV)

SGMA Wells

Existing Sites

General Sites