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Initial GSP 2022 - 1-055.01 SANTA ROSA PLAIN

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Marcus Trotta (Sonoma Water)
404 Aviation Blvd
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
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Santa Rosa Plain GSA Submittal Letter.pdf (400.6kB) §354.4(b) 01/26/2022 3:56 PM
Title Publication Name Publish Date Author(s) File Name or URL
Geology and Ground water in the Santa Rosa and Petaluma Areas, Sonoma County, California U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 1905-05-11 Cardwell, G.T.
Report on the Hydrologic Characteristics of Mark West Creek. Updated January 28, 2015 1905-07-06 Center for Ecosystem Management and Restoration
Water Distribution System Master Plan 2011-09-01 City of Cotati
Cotati General Plan 1905-07-07 City of Cotati
Our Place … Rohnert Park 2020: A Plan for the Future, General Plan 1905-06-22 City of Rohnert Park
2005 Urban Water Management Plan 1905-06-29 City of Rohnert Park
Santa Rosa General Plan 2035 1905-07-01 City of Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa Plain Salt and Nutrient Management Plan 1905-07-05 City of Santa Rosa
Municipal Operations Climate Action Plan 1905-07-05 City of Santa Rosa
Groundwater Master Plan 1905-07-05 City of Santa Rosa
Water Master Plan Update 1905-07-06 City of Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa Plain Groundwater Subbasin Revised Monitoring and Reporting Program. (As submitted to the Regional Board, not yet approved.) 1905-07-13 City of Santa Rosa
Storm Water Low Impact Development Technical Design Manual 2011-08-01 City of Santa Rosa and County of Sonoma
Sebastopol Water Master Plan 1905-06-27 City of Sebastopol
Sebastopol General Plan 1905-07-08 City of Sebastopol
Perspectives and Guidance for Climate Change Analysis 1905-07-07 Climate Change Technical Advisory Group
Sonoma County, California Daily Precipitation Reports View Data: Daily Precipitation Reports by County 1905-07-13 Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network (CoCoRaHS)
A Portrait of Sonoma County, Sonoma County Human Development Report 2014-05-01 County of Sonoma Department of Health Services
Isotopic variations in meteoric waters Science 1905-05-14 Craig, H.
Atmospheric Rivers, Floods and Water Resources of California Water. Special Issue: Managing Water Resources and Development in a Changing Climate 2011-03-01 Dettinger, M.D., F.M. Ralph, D. Tapash, P.J. Nieman, and D.R. Cayan
Evaluation of ground water resources: Sonoma County, volume 1: geologic and hydrologic data Bulletin 118-4 1905-05-28 Ford, R.S.
Groundwater 1905-06-01 Freeze, R.A. and J.A. Cherry
Creep in the Rodgers Creek Fault, Northern San Francisco Bay Area From a 10 Year PS-InSAR Dataset Geophysical Research Letters 1905-06-29 Funning, G. J., R. Burgmann, A. Ferretti, F. Novali, and A. Fumagalli
Santa Rosa Plain/Sonoma Valley Groundwater Banking Feasibility Study 1905-07-05 GEI Consultants, Inc., Pueblo Water Resources, and Parker Groundwater
Stratigraphy and Tectonics of Neogene strata, Northern San Francisco Bay Area Master's thesis, San Jose State University 1905-06-25 Allen, J.R.
Sustainability of Ground-Water Resources U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1905-06-21 Alley, W. M., Reilly, T. E. and O. Lehn Franke
Streamflow Depletion by Wells—Understanding and Managing the Effects of Groundwater Pumping on Streamflow U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1905-07-04 Barlow, P.M., and S.A. Leake
Groundwater-quality Data in the North San Francisco Bay Shallow Aquifer Study Unit, 2012: Results from the California GAMA Program U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 1905-07-06 Bennett, G.L., and M.S. Fram
Ongoing Drought-Induced Uplift in the Western United States Science 1905-07-06 Borsa, A. A., D.C. Agnew, and D.R. Cayan
Disconnected Surface Water and Groundwater: From Theory to Practice Ground Water 1905-07-03 Brunner P., Cook P. G., and C. T. Simmons
Meeting Water Demands in the City of Rohnert Park 1905-06-01 California Department of Water Resources
Evaluation of Ground Water Resources, Sonoma County. Volume 2. Santa Rosa Plain Bulletin 118-4 1905-06-04 California Department of Water Resources
California’s Groundwater Bulletin 118 Update 2003 1905-06-25 California Department of Water Resources
2012 Sonoma County Land Use Survey Data 1905-07-04 California Department of Water Resources
California’s Groundwater, Working Towards Sustainability Bulletin 118 Interim Update 2016 2016-12-22 California Department of Water Resources
Best Management Practices for the Sustainable Management of Groundwater, Monitoring Protocols, Standards, and Sites 2016-12-01 California Department of Water Resources
Best Management Practices for the Sustainable Management of Groundwater, Monitoring Networks and Identification of Data Gaps 2016-12-01 California Department of Water Resources
Best Management Practices for the Sustainable Management of Groundwater, Draft Sustainable Management Criteria 2017-11-01 California Department of Water Resources
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act 2019 Basin Prioritization, Process and Results 2020-05-01 California Department of Water Resources
DAC Mapping Tool 1905-07-13 California Department of Water Resources
InSAR Data Accuracy for California Groundwater Basins, CGPS Data Comparative Analysis, January 2015 to October 2020 1905-07-13 California Department of Water Resources
California Irrigation Management Information System 1905-07-13 California Department of Water Resources
California Code of Sustainable Winegrowing Workbook, 4th Edition 2020-12-01 California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act 2019 Basin Prioritization, Process and Results 2020-05-01 California Department of Water Resources
Santa Rosa Plain Groundwater Subbasin Revised Monitoring and Reporting Program. (As submitted to the Regional Board, not yet approved.) 2021-08-01 City of Santa Rosa
Classification of Groundwater Potential in Three Parts of Santa Cruz County 1979-01-01 Muir, K.S., and M.J. Johnson
Isotopic variations in meteoric waters 1961-05-26 Craig, H.
Pilot Study of Groundwater Conditions in the Joy Road, Mark West Springs, and Bennett Valley Areas of Sonoma County, California 2003-09-17 Sonoma County
Interactions between groundwater and surface water. The state of the science 2002-01-11 Sophocleous, M. 2002
Evaluation of ground water resources: Sonoma County, volume 1: geologic and hydrologic data 1975-12-01 Ford, R.S.
Evaluation of Ground Water Resources, Sonoma County. Volume 2. Santa Rosa Plain 1982-09-01 California Department of Water Resources
Memorandum. Santa Rosa Plain Groundwater Recharge Potential Mapping 2012-01-17 Todd Engineers
Technical Addendum: ASR Pilot Testing at TW-6A 2020-03-01 GEI Consultants, Inc., Pueblo Water Resources, and Sonoma Water
GSA Geologic Time Scale v. 5.0 1905-07-10 Geological Society of America
Projected Changes in Precipitation, Temperature, and Drought across California’s Hydrologic Regions in the 21st Century Climate 1905-07-10 He, M., A. Schwarz, E. Lynn, and M. Anderson
Basic Ground-Water Hydrology U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1905-06-06 Heath, R. C.
Geology along the Rodgers Creek and Tolay faults: Late Cenozoic stratigraphy and tectonics, Franciscan melange and high grade metamorphism, and Quaternary landslide complexes Association of Engineering Geologists, San Francisco Section Field Trip guide 2009-05-01 Holland, P., R. Rubin, J. Wakabayashi, and J. Allen
Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 1905-07-05 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Testing the inference of creep on the northern Rodgers Creek fault, California, using ascending and descending persistent scatterer InSAR data Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth. 1905-07-09 Jin, L., and G.J. Funning
Ground-water quality data in the North San Francisco Bay hydrologic provinces, California, 2004: Results from the California (GAMA) Program U.S. Geological Survey Data Series Report 1905-06-28 Kulongoski, J.T., K. Belitz, and B.J. Dawson
Status and Understanding of Groundwater Quality in the North San Francisco Bay Groundwater Basins, 2004: California GAMA Priority Basin Project U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 1905-07-02 Kulongoski, J.T., K. Belitz, M.K. Landon, and C. Farrar
Preliminary isostatic gravity map of the Sonoma Volcanic Field and vicinity, Sonoma and Napa Counties, California U.S. Geological Survey Open File Rep 1905-06-28 Langenheim, V.E., C.W. Roberts, C.A. McCabe, D.K. McPhee, J.E. Tilden, and R.C. Jachens
Geophysical framework of the northern San Francisco Bay region, California Geosphere 1905-07-02 Langenheim, V.E., R.W. Graymer, R.C. Jachens, R.J. Mclaughlin, D.L. Wagner, and D.S. Sweetkind
Historical Status of Coho Salmon in Streams of the Urbanized San Francisco Estuary California Fish and Game 1905-06-27 Leidy, R.A., G. Becker, and B.N. Harvey
The Safe Yield and Climatic Variability: Implications for Groundwater Management Groundwater 1905-07-08 Loaiciga, H.
Groundwater quality and source and age of groundwater in the Santa Rosa Plain watershed, Sonoma County, California Hydrogeologic and geochemical characterization of the Santa Rosa Plain watershed, Sonoma County. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 1905-07-05 Martin, P., L.F. Metzger, J.N. Densmore, and R.A. Schroeder
Geologic and Geophysical Framework of the Santa Rosa 7.5’ Quadrangle, Sonoma County, California U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 1905-06-30 McLaughlin, R.J., V.E. Langenheim, A.M. Sarna-Wojcicki, R.J. Fleck, D.K. McPhee, C.W. Roberts, C.A. McCabe, and Elmir Wan
Basin structure beneath the Santa Rosa Plain, Northern California. Implications for damage caused by the 1969 Santa Rosa and 1906 San Francisco earthquakes Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 1905-06-29 McPhee, D. K., V.E. Langenheim, and R.C. Jachens
Classification of Groundwater Potential in Three Parts of Santa Cruz County U. S. Geological Survey Open File Report 1905-06-01 Muir, K.S., and M.J. Johnson
Tracing Ground-water Movement By Using the Stable Isotopes of Oxygen and Hydrogen, Upper Penitencia Creek Alluvial Fan, Santa Clara Valley, California U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1905-06-03 Muir, K.S., and T.B. Coplen
Hydrogeologic and Geochemical Characterization of the Santa Rosa Plain Watershed, Sonoma County, California . U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 1905-07-05 Nishikawa, Tracy, ed
"Introduction to Study Area.” Chapter A in Hydrogeologic and Geochemical Characterization of the Santa Rosa Plain Watershed, Sonoma County . U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 1905-07-05 Nishikawa, T., J.A. Hevesi, D.S. Sweetkind, and L.R. Woolfenden
“Conceptual Model of Santa Rosa Plain Watershed Hydrologic System.” Hydrogeologic and Geochemical Characterization of the Santa Rosa Plain Watershed, Sonoma County . U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 1905-07-05 Nishikawa, T., J.A. Hevesi, D.S. Sweetkind, and P. Martin
Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region 2018-06-01 North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board
Senate Bill 985, Stormwater Resource Planning Act. Chapter 555 2014-09-25 Pavley, F.
Groundwater Availability Classifications map 1905-07-08 Permit and Resource Management Department
Variably saturated flow between streams and aquifers Tech Completion Rep 1905-06-10 Peterson, D.M. and J.L. Wilson
Invertebrate paleontology of the Wilson Grove Formation (late Miocene to late Pliocene), Sonoma and Marin Counties, California, with some observations on its stratigraphy, thickness, and structure U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 1905-06-26 Powell, C.L., II, J.R. Allen, and P.J. Holland
Critical Species LookBook: A compendium of California’s threatened and endangered species for sustainable groundwater management 1905-07-11 Rohde, M.M., B. Seapy, R. Rogers, X. Castañeda, eds.
Russian River Storm Water Resource Plan 2018-07-01 Russian River Watershed Association
Santa Rosa Plain Watershed Groundwater Management Plan 1905-07-06 Santa Rosa Plain Basin Advisory Panel
2016 Annual Report. Santa Rosa Plain Watershed Groundwater Management Program 1905-07-09 Santa Rosa Plain Groundwater Management Program
Community Engagement Plan for Development and Adoption of a Groundwater Sustainability Plan 2018-01-01 Santa Rosa Plain Groundwater Sustainability Agency
Sonoma Valley Groundwater Potential Recharge Mapping Project 1905-07-03 Sesser B., D. DiPietro, R. Lawson, and M. Trotta
The National Map—Hydrography U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 1905-07-01 Simley J.D., and W.J. Carswell, Jr
Hydrology and sedimentation The Altered Laguna: A Conceptual Model of Watershed Stewardship 1905-06-29 Sloop, Christina, J. Honton, C. Greager, L. Chen, E.S. Andrews, and S. Bozkurt
Pilot Study of Groundwater Conditions in the Joy Road, Mark West Springs, and Bennett Valley Areas of Sonoma County, California 1905-06-25 Sonoma County
Sonoma County General Plan. Adopted by Resolution No. 08-0808 of the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors, September 23, 2008. Amended by Resolution No. 16-0283 on August 2, 2016 2008-09-23 Sonoma County
Climate Action 2020 and Beyond: Sonoma County Regional Climate Action Plan 1905-07-08 Sonoma County Regional Climate Protection Authority
Slow it. Spread it. Sink it. Store it!: Guide to Beneficial Stormwater Management and Water Conservation Strategies. Second edition 2015-06-01 Sonoma Resource Conservation District and the Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County
Priority Development Area Investment and Growth Strategy Update 1905-07-09 Sonoma County Transportation Authority
Sonoma County Vegetation Mapping & LIDAR Program: High-Quality Data for Planning, Conservation and Resource Management 1905-07-05 Sonoma Veg Map
Laguna-Mark West Creek Watershed Planning Scoping Study Screening Technical Memorandum 2012-05-01 Sonoma County Water Agency
Water Smart Development Guidebook 1905-07-05 Sonoma County Water Agency
2018 Water Supply Strategies Action Plan 1905-07-10 Sonoma County Water Agency
2020 Urban Water Management Plan 1905-07-13 Sonoma County Water Agency
Implementation of the California Coastal Salmonid Monitoring Plan in the Russian River 2014-06-01 Sonoma County Water Agency and University of California Cooperative Extension/California Sea Grant
Interactions between groundwater and surface water. The state of the science Hydrogeology Journal 1905-06-24 Sophocleous, M.
Quaternary Geology and Liquefaction Susceptibility, Napa, California 1:100,000 Quadrangle: A Digital Database U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 1905-06-20 Sowers, J.M., J.S. Noller, and W.R. Lettis
Russian River Project Decision 1610: Application 19351 and Petitions on Permits 1297A, 12949, 12950, and 16596; Issued on Applications 12919A, 15736, 15737, and 19351 of Sonoma County Water Agency; East Fork Russian River, Russian River, and Dry Creek in Mendocino and Sonoma Counties 1905-06-08 State Water Resources Control Board
Addressing Nitrate in California’s Drinking Water 2012-03-01 State Water Resources Control Board
Water Quality Control Policy for Recycled Water 2018-12-01 State Water Resources Control Board
GeoTracker database 1905-07-13 State Water Resources Control Board
“Hydrology of the Santa Rosa Plain Watershed, Sonoma County, California.” Chapter B in Hydrogeologic and geochemical characterization of the Santa Rosa Plain watershed, Sonoma County, California U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 1905-07-05 Sweetkind, D.S., J.A. Hevesi, T. Nishikawa, P. Martin, and C.D. Farrar
Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act: Guidance for Preparing Groundwater Sustainability Plans 2018-01-01 The Nature Conservancy
Memorandum: Santa Rosa Plain Groundwater Recharge Potential Mapping 1905-07-04 Todd Engineers
Town of Windsor Master Plan Update 1905-07-03 Town of Windsor
Town of Windsor General Plan 1905-07-10 Town of Windsor
SSURGO database for Sonoma County, California 1905-06-29 U.S. Department of Agriculture
National Hydrography dataset 1905-06-28 U.S. Geological Survey
Water Quality in Principal Aquifers of the United States, 1991-2010 National Water-Quality Assessment Program 1905-07-06 U.S. Geological Survey
“USGS Water Data for the Nation.” National Water Information System: Web Interface database 1905-07-13 U.S. Geological Survey
Geology, Geochronology, and Paleogeography of the Southern Sonoma Volcanic Field and Adjacent Areas, Northern San Francisco Bay Region, California Geosphere 1905-07-03 Wagner, D.L., G.J. Saucedo, K.B. Clahan, R.J. Fleck, V.E. Langenheim, R.J. McLaughlin, A.M. Sarna-Wojcicki, J.R. Allen, and A.L. Deino
Preliminary Geologic Map of the Napa and Bodega Bay 30’x 60’ Quadrangles, California 1905-07-09 Wagner, D.L., and C.I. Gutierrez
Roof Water Harvesting for a Low Impact Water Supply, Featuring the Brazilian Ball Pre-Filter System: A Case Study 1905-06-30 WATER Institute
Missing link between the Hayward and Rodgers Creek Faults Science Advances 2016-10-05 Watt, J., D. Ponce, T. Parsons, and P. Hart
Ground Water and Surface Water: A Single Resource U. S. Geological Survey Circular 1905-06-21 Winters, T.C., J.W. Harvey, O.L Franke, and W.M. Alley
Simulation of groundwater and surface-water resources of the Santa Rosa Plain watershed, Sonoma County, California U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 1905-07-06 Woolfenden, L.R., and T. Nishikawa, eds
Meeting Water Demands in the City of Rohnert Park 1979-07-01 California Department of Water Resources
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