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Initial GSP 2022 - 8-004.01 ELSINORE VALLEY

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Parag Kalaria (Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District)
31315 Chaney St
Lake Elsinore, CA 92530
951-674-3146 Ext 8201
Notice Date: 07/07/2021
Notice of Planned Adoption.pdf (1.1MB)
Public Hearing Date: 12/16/2021
0011499309.pdf (229.3kB)
File Name GSP Regulation Element(s) Uploaded Date & Time
Title Publication Name Publish Date Author(s) File Name or URL
Land Subsidence from Groundwater Use N/A 2014-04-01 Borchers, J.W. and M. Carpenter
Bulletin 118: California's Groundwater N/A 2003-10-01 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Grant Agreement between the State of California (Department of Water Resources) and Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority, Agreement No. 4600011515, 2015 Proposition 84 Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Implementation Grant N/A 2016-11-01 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Bulletin 118, California’s Groundwater, Interim Update 2016 N/A 2016-12-16 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Best Management Practices for the Sustainable Management of Groundwater: Monitoring Protocols, Standards, and Sites BMP N/A 2016-12-01 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Best Management Practices for the Sustainable Management of Groundwater: Monitoring Networks and Identification of Data Gaps BMP N/A 2016-12-01 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Grant Agreement between the State of California (Department of Water Resources) and Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority, Agreement No. 4600011515, 2015 Proposition 84 Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Implementation Grant, Amendment 2 N/A 2020-05-29 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
DWR SGMA Data Viewer, Land Subsidence, TRE InSAR Dataset N/A 2020-10-01 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Statewide Digital Vegetation Maps of Vegetation and Wetlands Overlying Groundwater Basins N/A 2020-01-10 California Department of Water Resources (DWR), California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and The Nature Conservancy
Water Quality Control Plan for the Santa Ana River Basin N/A 2019-06-01 California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region (SARWQCB)
Technical Specifications: Two Monitoring Wells for the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act N/A 2020-06-01 Carollo Engineers and Todd Groundwater
Project Fact Sheet: Lake Elsinore Septic Conversion N/A 2009-02-01 City of Lake Elsinore
Municipal Code Title 15 N/A 2020-09-01 City of Lake Elsinore
Recomputation of Ambient Water Quality in the Santa Ana River Watershed for the Period 1996 to 2015 N/A 2017-09-01 Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc. (DBSA)
Initiation of the Southern Elsinore Fault at ~1.2 Ma: Evidence from the Fish Creek–Vallecito Basin, Southern California, Tectonics, 31, TC2006 Techtonics 2012-03-01 Dorsey, R. J., G. J. Axen, T. C. Peryam, and M. E. Kairouz
The Geochemistry of Natural Waters, 2nd Edition Prentice-Hall 1988-01-01 Drever, J.I.
History of Temescal Valley, Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California Unknown 1918-01-01 Ellerbee, R.L.
Integrated Resources Plan N/A 2017-01-01 Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District (EVMWD)
Budget – Fiscal Year 2020 and 2021 N/A 2019-09-01 Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District (EVMWD)
Proposal to Amend the Basin Plan to Incorporate a Maximum-Benefit-Based Salt and Nutrient Management Plan for the Elsinore Groundwater Management Zone N/A 2020-01-01 Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District (EVMWD)
NFIP Flood Insurance Manual N/A 2011-05-01 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Hydrogeologic Investigation, Arroyo Seco Cone N/A 1994-04-01 Feeney, M. B.
E-mail to Matt Huang, Carollo Engineers N/A 2021-03-01 Gastelum, Jesus
Hydrogeologic Study of the Warm Springs Groundwater Basin, prepared for Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District N/A 2017-10-01 Geoscience Support Services Inc. (Geoscience) and Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Ground Water Recharge Feasibility Study N/A 1994-03-14 Geoscience Support Services Inc. (Geoscience)
Historical aerial imagery online maps and data N/A 2020-01-01 Google Earth
Water Quality Data: Analysis and Interpretation Lewis Publishers 1995-01-01 Hounslow, A.W.
Upper Santa Ana River Habitat Conservation Plan, Stakeholder Draft N/A 2020-10-01 ICF
Impacts of Septic Tanks on Groundwater Quality N/A 2013-11-19 Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Indirect Potable Reuse Feasibility Study N/A 2017-03-24 Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Pacific Southwest United States Holocene Droughts and Pluvials Inferred from Sediment δ18O(Calcite) and Grain Size Data (Lake Elsinore, California) Earth Science 2019-04-11 Kirby M.E.C., Patterson W.P., Lachniet M., Noblet J.A., Anderson M., Nichols K., and Avila J.
Land subsidence from groundwater use in California N/A 2014-04-01 Luhdorff and Scalmanini Consulting Engineers (LSCE), Borchers J.W., Grabert V.K., Carpenter M., Dalgish B., Cannon D.
2018 Water Conservation Business Plan N/A 2018-06-08 Maddaus Water Management
Environmental Chemistry (5th Edition) Lewis Publishers 1991-05-28 Manaham, S.E.
Cooperative Agreement to Protect Water Quality and Encourage the Conjunctive Uses of Imported Water in the Santa Ana River Basin N/A 2007-07-01 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWDSC)
Preliminary Geologic Map of The Elsinore 7.5' Quadrangle, Riverside County, California, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2003-281, USGS Publications Warehouse N/A 2003-05-27 Morton, D.M. and E.H. Weber, Jr.
Nutrients in Ground Water and Surface Water of the United States – An Analysis of Data through 1992, U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 95-4031 USGS 1995-01-01 Mueller, D.K., P.A. Hamilton, D.R. Helsel, K.J. Hitt, and B.C. Ruddy
Distribution System Master Plan N/A 2002-05-01 MWH
Elsinore Basin Groundwater Management Plan, Final Report N/A 2005-03-01 MWH
Temescal Wash Hydrologic Monitoring Report N/A 2008-06-01 MWH
Imported Water Recharge Modeling Study for the Elsinore Basin N/A 2009-07-01 MWH
2010 Elsinore Basin Status Report N/A 2011-07-01 MWH
2016 Sewer System Master Plan N/A 2016-08-01 MWH
SSURGO soil survey on-line map database N/A 2020-01-01 Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
Native Fish Studies and Propagation N/A 2020-01-01 Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority
2020 Natural Resources Manager, Riverside County Resource Conservation District, e-mails to Gus Yates, Senior Hydrologist, Todd Groundwater N/A 2020-08-01 Russell, Kerwin
Drainage Design Manual N/A 2005-07-01 San Diego County
Geology of the Northern Santa Ana Mountains, California USGS 1981-01-01 Schoellhamer, J.E., Vedder, R.F., Yerkes, R.F., and Kinney, D.M.
Preliminary Safe Yield Estimation of the Elsinore Valley Groundwater Basin N/A 2014-04-16 Sibbett, S. and Gastelum J.
Preliminary Nitrate Isotope Analysis for the Elsinore Valley Groundwater Basin N/A 2014-04-01 Sickman, J.O.
Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment (GAMA) Program Groundwater Information System online map and database N/A 2019-01-01 State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)
Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment (GAMA) Program Groundwater Information System online map and database N/A 2020-01-01 State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)
Arc Hydro Groundwater: GIS for Hydrogeology ESRI Press 2011-02-15 Strassberg, G., Jones, N. L., Maidment, D. R.
GDE Rooting Depth Database N/A 2019-01-01 The Nature Conservancy
GDE Pulse Map Database N/A 2020-01-01 The Nature Conservancy
GDE Pulse Vegetation Mapping Tool N/A 2020-01-01 The Nature Conservancy
Water Budget for the Lee Lake Groundwater Basin N/A 2014-12-17 Thomas Harder & Co. (Harder)
Geology, water resources and usable ground-water storage capacity of part of Solano County, California N/A 1960-01-01 Thomasson, H.G., Jr., Olmsted, F.H., and E.F. LeRoux, E.F.
AB3030 Groundwater Management Plan N/A 1980-01-01 Todd Groundwater and AKM Consulting Engineers
Groundwater Hydrology John Wiley and Sons 2008-06-01 Todd, D.K.
Fault Numbers 126c and 126 d, Elsinore Fault Zone, Glen Ivy and Temecula Sections, in Quaternary Fault and Fold Database of the United States N/A 1998-01-01 Treiman, J.A.
Critical Habitat Mapping Tool for Threatened and Endangered Species N/A 2020-01-01 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Final Rule Designating Critical Habitat for Ambrosia Pumila (San Diego Ambrosia) N/A 2010-11-01 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Nutrients in the Nation’s Streams and Groundwater USGS 2010-01-01 U.S. Geological Survey
National Hydrography Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) Statewide Digital Polygons N/A 2020-01-01 U.S. Geological Survey
National Elevation Dataset (NED) for Riverside County N/A 2020-01-01 U.S. Geological Survey
Preliminary Digital Geologic Map of the Santa Ana 30’ x 60’ Quadrangle, Southern California, Version 2.0 compiled by D.M. Morton, Open-File Report 99-172 N/A 2004-01-01 U.S. Geological Survey
Geologic Map of the San Bernardino and Santa Ana 30’ x 60’ Quadrangles, California, Version 1.0 compiled by Douglas M. Morton and Fred K. Miller, Open-File Report 2006-1217 N/A 2006-01-01 U.S. Geological Survey
Recomputation of Ambient Water Quality in the Santa Ana River Watershed for the Period 1999 to 2018 N/A 2020-04-01 Water Systems Consulting, Inc. (WSC)
System Optimization Review Plan N/A 2020-10-01 Water Systems Optimization (WSO)
Funding Contract, Prop 84 Integrated Regional Water Management 2015 Round Between WMWD and EVMWD N/A 2019-04-18 Western Municipal Water District  (WMWD)
Western Riverside County Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan N/A 2020-01-01 Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority
Development of GMZs – Estimation of Historical and Current TDS and Nitrogen Concentrations in Groundwater, TIN/TDS Study – Phase 2A Final Technical Memorandum N/A 2000-07-01 Wildermuth Environmental, Inc. (WEI)
Development of Groundwater Management Zones, Santa Ana Watershed N/A 2000-07-01 Wildermuth Environmental, Inc. (WEI)
TIN/TDS Study – Phase 2B of the Santa Ana Watershed Wasteload Allocation Investigation N/A 2002-07-01 Wildermuth Environmental, Inc. (WEI)
Draft Feasibility Investigation (Phase I) to Develop a Potable Water-Supply from the Bedford Basin, prepared for the City of Corona, EVMWD, and Lee Lake Water District N/A 2015-08-01 Wildermuth Environmental, Inc. (WEI)
Salt and Nutrient Management Plan for the Upper Temescal Valley N/A 2017-09-01 Wildermuth Environmental, Inc. (WEI)
Total Dissolved Solids and Nitrate Concentration Projections for the Elsinore GMZ N/A 2018-08-01 Wildermuth Environmental, Inc. (WEI)
Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality N/A 2003-01-01 World Health Organization (WHO)
4D analogue modelling of transtensional pull-apart basins, in Regional Geology and Tectonics: Principles of Geologic Analysis N/A 2012-02-01 Wu, J.E., McClay, K., Whitehouse, P., and Dooley, T.
4D analogue modelling of transtensional pull-apart basins, in Regional Geology and Tectonics: Principles of Geologic Analysis N/A 2012-02-01 Wu, J.E., McClay, K., Whitehouse, P., and Dooley, T.
4D analogue modelling of transtensional pull-apart basins, in Regional Geology and Tectonics: Principles of Geologic Analysis N/A 2012-02-01 Wu, J.E., McClay, K., Whitehouse, P., and Dooley, T.
Elevation Readings Export (CSV)

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