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Groundwater Sustainability Plan


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Sierra Ryan (Santa Cruz Mid-County Groundwater Agency GSA)
5180 Soquel Drive
Notice Date: 07/22/2019
7/22/2019 - MGA sent a notice announcing the planned adoption of the GSP. This announcement was sent to all recipients of the GSP Initial Notification letter. This announcement also included consultation information and was sent to Basin Cities and County land use agencies and their governing bodies. 8/2/2019 - MGA sent consultation letters directly to the Planning Departments of Santa Cruz County and the Cities of Capitola and Santa Cruz. MGA met with each of the land use agencies during the MGA's public comment period on the Draft GSP.
DraftGPSAdoptionConsultationLetter-signed.pdf (528.5kB)
Public Hearing Date: 11/21/2019
The MGA Board of Directors adopted the Basin's GSP during its regular board meeting on 11/21/2019. It published a notice of the public hearing held during the board meeting on 11/7/2019 and again on 11/14/2019. Both notices are attached. The 11/14/2019 notice copied from the Santa Cruz Sentinel's print edition is most legible. The MGA also sent out an e-newsletter and noticed the meeting as required by the Ralph M. Brown Act at least 72-hours prior to the meeting and public hearing to adopt the GSP.
Santa Cruz Sentinel - November 7, 2019.pdf (576.4kB)
SC Sentinel - November 14, 2019.pdf (453.7kB)
File Name GSP Regulation Element(s) Uploaded Date & Time
TopoShapefiles.zip (3.9MB) §354.14(d)(1) 01/02/2020 3:39 PM
XSections.zip (2.4kB) §354.14(d)(2) 01/02/2020 4:03 PM
K&W GSP AC Meeting Summaries.pdf (2.7MB) §354.10(a), §354.10(b), §354.10(d)(1), §354.10(d)(2), §354.10(d)(3), §354.20(a), §354.24, §354.26(a), §354.28(a), §354.30(a) 01/29/2020 5:25 PM
MGA_GSPSpring2016ContourMaps.pdf (1.5MB) §354.16(a)(1) 01/30/2020 11:58 AM
GSPCommentResponsesandComments.pdf (26.5MB) §354.10(c) 01/29/2020 5:30 PM
Figure_2-1_AreaCoveredByGSP.mpk (6.4MB) §354.8(a)(1) 01/30/2020 1:01 PM
Figure_2-3_AdjudicatedAreas_Agencies_Alternatives.mpk (6.5MB) §354.8(a)(2) 01/30/2020 1:01 PM
Figure_2-4_JurisdictionalBoundaries.mpk (7.5MB) §354.8(a)(3) 01/30/2020 1:02 PM
SIGNATURE PAGE.pdf (87.7kB) §354.14(a) 02/05/2020 11:47 AM
Figure_2-5_LandUseDesignations.mpk (13.8MB) §354.8(a)(4) 01/30/2020 1:03 PM
Figure_2-6_WellDensity.mpk (6.2MB) §354.8(a)(5) 01/30/2020 1:03 PM
Figure_2-15_BasinSoils(rev11-13-19).mpk (13.5MB) §354.14(d)(3) 01/30/2020 1:12 PM
Figure_2-21_SignificantSurfaceWaterBodies.mpk (6.7MB) §354.14(d)(5) 01/30/2020 1:13 PM
Figure_2-23_LocalAndImportedWater(rev11-13-19).mpk (21.3MB) §354.14(d)(6) 01/30/2020 1:14 PM
Figure_2-16_BasinGeology(rev11-13-19).mpk (13.7MB) §354.14(d)(2) 01/30/2020 1:21 PM
Title Publication Name Publish Date Author(s) File Name or URL
The marine and stream terraces of the Capitola-Watsonville area. University of California Publications in Geography 1953-01-01 Alexander, C.S.
2018 Regional Growth Forecast. Technical Documentation, 2018-01-01 Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG)
California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) – Government version 2018-06-01 California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)
California Water Plan 2013 Update, Central Coast Regional Report 2014-10-01 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
SGMA Best Management Practices and Guidance Documents 2016-12-01 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
California’s Groundwater Working Toward Sustainability, Bulletin 118 Interim Update 2016. 2016-12-22 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Sustainable Management Criteria Best Management Practices. 2017-11-01 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Water Available For Replenishment 2017-01-01 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
California Department of Water Resources SGMA Portal 2018-01-01 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
SGMA Basin Prioritization Dashboard 2019-04-30 California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
State of California Sea-Level Rise Guidance, update 2018 2018-01-01 California Natural Resources Agency
Water Quality Control Plan, Ocean Waters of California 2015-01-01 California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) and California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal-EPA)
Investigation on the Feasibility Of Developing Uniform Water Recycling Criteria For Direct Potable Reuse 2016-01-01 California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB),
Regulations Related to Recycled Water 2018-10-01 California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB),
Basin Management Plan Update. Prepared for Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency 2014-02-01 Carollo Engineers
Regional Recycled Water Feasibility Study. Prepared for Soquel Creek Water District 2017-11-01 Carollo Engineers
Climate Adaptation Plan, An Update to the 2007 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan 2012-2017 2011-01-01 City of Santa Cruz
Beltz Well No.12 Project Environmental Impact Report 2011-11-01 City of Santa Cruz Water Department (SCWD)
Water Supply Advisory Committee Final Report on Agreements and Recommendations 2015-10-01 City of Santa Cruz Water Department (SCWD)
2015 Urban Water Management Plan 2016-08-01 City of Santa Cruz Water Department (SCWD)
Cooperative Water Transfer, Groundwater Recharge, and Resources Management Pilot Project. CEQA document 2016-04-13 City of Santa Cruz Water Department (SCWD)
Aquifer Storage and Recovery Pilot Test Program at Beltz 12 Well. Notice of Exemption 2018-09-17 City of Santa Cruz Water Department (SCWD)
City of Santa Cruz Water Department (SCWD), 2019, Water Commission Information Report on Joint Workshop with Former Water Supply Advisory Committee. Attachment 2 (Water Demand). 2019-03-27 City of Santa Cruz Water Department (SCWD)
Final Report Conjunctive Use and Water Transfers – Phase II (Task 6). 2015-05-01 County of Santa Cruz Environmental Health Services
Santa Cruz County Water Resources Management Status Report for 2017. 2017-01-01 County of Santa Cruz Environmental Health Services
Santa Cruz County Water Resources Management Status Report for 2018. 2018-01-01 County of Santa Cruz Environmental Health Services
Soquel Creek Water District Well Master Plan. Environmental Impact Report, San Francisco. 2010-09-01 Environmental Science Associates (ESA)
Pure Water Soquel: Groundwater Replenishment and Seawater Intrusion Prevention Project. Environmental Impact Report, San Francisco. 2018-06-29 Environmental Science Associates (ESA)
Regional Managed Aquifer Recharge and Runoff Analyses in Santa Cruz and northern Monterey Counties, California. 2017-01-01 Fisher, A.T., S. Lozano, S. Beganskas, E. Teo, W. Weir, R. Harmon
Simulation of climate change in San Francisco Bay Basins, California: Case studies in the Russian River Valley and Santa Cruz Mountains: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5132 2012-01-01 Flint, L.E., and Flint, A.L
Irrigation Water Salinity and Crop Production. Farm Water Quality Planning. Publication 8066 2002-01-01 Grattan, S
Hydrogeologic Study of the Soquel-Aptos Area, Santa Cruz County, California, United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1968-04-10 Hickey, J. J.
Groundwater Levels to Protect against Seawater Intrusion and Store Freshwater Offshore. Prepared for Soquel Creek Water District. 2009-01-01 HydroMetrics LLC
Letter to Soquel Creek Water District: Soquel Creek monitoring and adaptive management plan baseline report 2015-08-31 HydroMetrics LLC
Letter to Soquel Creek Water District: Soquel Creek monitoring and adaptive management plan (MAMP) – 2nd Report 2016-12-19 HydroMetrics LLC
Letter to Soquel Creek Water District: Soquel Creek monitoring and adaptive management plan (MAMP) – 3rd Report 2017-10-30 HydroMetrics LLC
Santa Cruz Mid-County Basin Groundwater Management Biennial Review and Report, Water Years 2015-2016. Prepared for the Santa Cruz Mid-County Groundwater Agency 2017-07-01 HydroMetrics WRI
Management Implications of SkyTEM Seawater Intrusion Results. Prepared for Santa Cruz Mid-County Groundwater Agency 2018-03-01 HydroMetrics WRI
Groundwater Assessment of Alternative Conjunctive Use Scenarios, Technical Memorandum 2: Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model. Prepared for Soquel Creek Water District, Soquel, California 2004-09-01 Johnson N.M., Williams, D.E., Yates, E.B., and Thrupp, G.
Drinking Water Source Assessments (DWAPs). Prepared for Central Water District, Aptos, California 2009-03-01 Johnson, N.M.
Discharge ratings at gaging stations. Report prepared by U.S. Geological Survey. Series title: Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Print. Office. Book 3, Chapter A10: Applications of Hydraulics 1984-01-01 Kennedy, E.J.
Levels at gaging stations: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 3-A19 2010-01-01 Kenney, T.A.
Final Santa Cruz Regional Recycled Water Facilities Planning Study. Report, San Francisco 2018-06-06 Kennedy/Jenks
Comparative Analysis of Projected and Actual Water Demand in 2018. Prepared for City of Santa Cruz Water Department 2019-02-22 M.Cubed
Stratigraphy and Structure across the San Andreas Fault Zone in the Loma Prieta Region and Deformation During the Earthquake, in The Loma Prieta, California, Earthquake of October 17, 1989-Geologic Setting and Crustal Structure, United States Geological Survey (USGS) Professional Paper 1550-E 2004-01-01 McLaughlin, R.J. and J.C. Clark
Seawater Intrusion and Potential Yield of Aquifers in Soquel–Aptos Area, Santa Cruz County, California, United States Geological Survey (USGS) Water-Resources Investigation 80-84 1980-10-01 Muir, K. S.
Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, Guidance for Preparing Groundwater Sustainability Plans 2018-01-01 Nature Conservancy, The (TNC)
SGMA Tools - Mapping Indicators of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems in California 2019-01-01 Nature Conservancy, The (TNC)
Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency Act, 1984, ACT 760. Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency (1984 ch 257) Cal Uncod Water Deer Act 760 (2008) 1984-01-01 Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency (PVWMA)
Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency Salt and Nutrient Management Plan. Final. 2016-10-01 Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency (PVWMA)
2018 Hydrogeological Investigation Salt-Fresh Water Interface – Monterey. 2018-02-01 Ramboll
Water Supply Paper 2175, Measurement and Computation of Streamflow; Volume 1. Measurement of Stage and Discharge; Volume 2. Computation of Discharge; U.S. Geological Survey 1982-01-01 Rantz, S.E. and others
Distributed Stormwater Collection and Managed Aquifer Recharge 2014-01-01 Resource Conservation District (RCD)
Isostatic residual gravity map of The Santa Clara Valley and vicinity, California, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1297 2004-08-19 Roberts, Carter W., Jachens R.C., Ponce, D.A., and Langenheim, V.E.
Assessment of managed aquifer recharge potential and impacts using a geographical information system and numerical modeling Groundwater 2014-01-01 Russo, T. A., A. T. Fisher, and B. S. Lockwood
Stage measurement at gaging stations: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods book 3, chap. A7, 45 p 2010-10-05 Sauer, V.B., and Turnipseed, D.P.
Evaluation of Private Pumper Funding Mechanisms and Fee Criteria, Raftelis 2019-01-01 Santa Cruz Mid-County Groundwater Agency
Earthquakes and Faults in the San Francisco Bay Area (1970-2003). U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 2848 2004-01-01 Sleeter, B.M. et. al
Community Water Plan. Plan, Soquel. 2015-01-01 Soquel Creek Water District (SqCWD)
Drinking Water Source Assessment and Protection (DWSAP) reports 2019-10-01 Soquel Creek Water District (SqCWD)
Discharge measurements at gaging stations: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods book 3, chap. A8, 87 p 2010-01-01 Turnipseed, D.P., and Sauer, V.B.
PBO GPS Network - P212-LarkinVly_CN2006 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset 2006-01-01 UNAVCO Community
PBO GPS Network - P214-CorralitosCN2007 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset 2007-01-01 UNAVCO Community
"2010 Census Gazetteer Files." 2012-08-12 United States Census Bureau (US Census Bureau)
Elevation Readings Export (CSV)

SGMA Wells

Existing Sites

General Sites