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Initial GSP 2022 - 8-002.07 YUCAIPA

Base Information

Mark Iverson (Western Heights Mutual Water Company)
32352 Avenue D
Yucaipa, CA 92399
(909) 790-1901
Notice Date: 09/18/2021
The meeting announcement delivered on September 18, 2021 for the Yucaipa GSA Workshop on September 22, 2021 included an item indicating the GSA's intention to consider the adoption of the GSP on January 26, 2022. A distribution list of those that received the meeting announcement is also uploaded. The schedule for the GSA to adopt the GSP on January 26, 2022 was discussed at the September 22, 2021 workshop.
210922 Yucaipa SGMA Packet.pdf (2.4MB)
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File Name GSP Regulation Element(s) Uploaded Date & Time
Title Publication Name Publish Date Author(s) File Name or URL
City of Calimesa 2014 General Plan 2014-08-04 City of Calimesa
City of Redlands General Plan 2035 2017-12-05 City of Redlands
City of Redlands Water Shortage Contingency Plan 2021-06-01 Water Systems Consulting, Inc.
City of Yucaipa General Plan 2016-04-01 Placeworks
County of Riverside General Plan 2015-12-08 County of Riverside
The Pass Area Plan 2017-10-24 County of Riverside
County of San Bernardino 2007 General Plan (Amended April 24, 2014) 2014-04-24 URS Corporation
DWR Groundwater Basin Boundary Assessment Tool 2019-02-11 DWR
DWR CADWR Land Use Viewer 2016-01-01 DWR
Determination of the Usable Capacity and Safe Yield for Each Sub-basin within the Yucaipa Basin Area 2014-04-17 Geoscience Support Services, Inc.
Upper Santa Ana River Watershed Integrated Regional Water Management Plan 2015-01-31 RMC
Resolution no. R8-2014-0005 Resolution Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the Santa Ana River Basin to Incorporate Updates Related to the Salt Management Plan for the Santa Ana Region 2014-04-25 Santa Ana RWQCB
Change in Groundwater Storage for the San Bernardino, Rialto-Colton and Yucaipa Basin Areas 2018-03-15 SBVMWD
San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency Annual Report on Water Conditions Reporting Period Calendar Year 2018 2020-01-31 SGPWA
South Mesa Water Company Water Shortage Contingency Plan 2021-06-02 Water Systems Consulting, Inc.
Memorandum on WHWC Growth Projection 2019-10-24 Western Heights Water Company
2015 San Bernardino Valley Regional Urban Water Management Plan, Amended June 2017 2018-04-30 Water Systems Consulting, Inc.
2020 Upper Santa Ana River Watershed Integrated Regional Urban Water Management Plan 2021-06-30 Water Systems Consulting, Inc. and Woodard & Curren
A Strategic Plan for a Sustainable Future - The Integration and Preservation of Resources 2008-08-20 Yucaipa Valley Water District
2010 Urban Water Management Plan 2011-06-15 Yucaipa Valley Water District
Salinity and Nutrient Management Plan for the Beaumont Management Zone, San Timoteo Management Zone and the Yucaipa Management Zone 2015-10-29 Yucaipa Valley Water District
San Diego River System Conceptual Groundwater Management Plan 2003-05-29 CHM2Hill
Yucaipa Valley Water District Water Shortage Contingency Plan 2021-06-30 Yucaipa Valley Water District
Remedial Action Plan - Northern Area, Sorenson Engineering Incorporated, 23032 Dunlap Boulevard, Yucaipa, California, CAO #87-90 2018-06-05 Apex
Sorenson Engineering, Inc., Semi-Annual Monitoring and Status Report, First Half 2020 2020-07-15 Apex
Hydrology of the Yucaipa Groundwater Subbasin - Characterization and Integrated Numerical Model, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2021-5118 2022-01-24 Cromwell, G., and A.H. Alzraiee
Hydrogeologic characterization of the Yucaipa groundwater subbasin, Chapter A in Hydrology of the Yucaipa groundwater subbasin—Characterization and integrated numerical model, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California, USA: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2021–5118–A 2022-01-24 Cromwell, G., Engott, J.A., Alzraiee, A.H., Stamos, C.L., Mendez, G.O., Dick, M.C., and Bond, S
Geology and Hydrogeology of the Yucaipa Groundwater Subbasin, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California, USA. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2021-5129 2022-01-19 Cromwell, G., and J.C. Matti
Groundwater Technical Procedures of the U. S. Geological Survey. U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 1-A1 2011-01-01 Cunningham, W.L., and C.W. Schalk
Ground-Water Outflow, San Timoteo-Smiley Heights Area, Upper Santa Ana Valley, Southern California 1927 through 1968. Prepared in Cooperation with the San Bernardino County Flood Control District. Open File Report 72-97 1972-02-09 Dutcher, L.C., and F.W. Fenzel
Remedial Action Plan for Enhanced Bioremediation for the Yucaipa Disposal Site, San Bernardino County 2018-04-23 Geo-Logic Associates
Project Status Update In Situ Bioremediation of VOCs Yucaipa Disposal Site 2020-06-15 Geo-Logic Associates
Calculation of the Volume of Groundwater Storage for Yucaipa Basin and Subbasins 2021-05-28 Geoscience Support Services, Inc.
CRT – Cascade Routing Tool to Define and Visualize Flow Paths for Grid-Based Watershed Models. U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-D2 2013-01-01 Henson, R.W., R.L. Medina, C.L. Mayers, R.G. Niswonger, and R.S. Regan
GDE Pulse: Taking the Pulse of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems with Satellite Data. San Francisco, California 2019-01-01 Klausmeyer, Kirk R., Tanushree Biswas, Melissa M. Rohde, Falk Schuetzenmeister, Nathaniel Rindlaub, Ian Housman, and Jeanette K. Howard
Surface Water and Ground-Water Thresholds for Maintaining Populus-Salix Forests, San Pedro River, Arizona 2005-05-26 Lite, S.J., and J.C. Stromberg
PRMS-IV, The Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System, Version 4. U. S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, Book 6, Chapter B7 2015-01-01 Markstrom, S. L., R.S. Regan, L.E. Hay, R.J. Viger, R.M.T. Webb, R.A. Payn, and J.H. LaFontaine
Geologic Map and Digital Database of the Yucaipa 7.5′ Quadrangle, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California, Version 1.0. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-301, Summary Pamphlet 2003-03-01 Matti, J.C., D.M. Morton, B.F. Cox, S.E. Carson, and T.J. Yetter
Geologic and Geophysical Maps of the El Casco 7.5′ Quadrangle, Riverside County, Southern California, with Accompanying Geologic-Map Database. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010–1274, 3 sheets, scale 1:24,000 2015-01-01 Matti, J.C., D.M. Morton, and V.E. Langenheim
Geologic, hydrologic, and water-quality data from multiple-well monitoring sites in the Bunker Hill and Yucaipa Groundwater Subbasins, San Bernardino County, California, 1974–2016 (ver 1.1, November 2018). U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 1096 2018-10-31 Mendez, G.O., R. Anders, K.R. McPherson, and W.R. Danskin
Surface-Water and Ground-Water Quality in the Yucaipa Area, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California 1996–98: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4269 2001-01-01 Mendez, G.O., W.R. Danskin, and C.A. Burton
Geologic Structure of the Yucaipa Area Inferred from Gravity Data, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California. U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2016-1127 2016-09-30 Mendez, G.O., V.E. Langenheim, Andrew Morita, and W.R. Danskin
Artificial Recharge, Yucaipa, California. Prepared in Cooperation with the San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District. U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 1970-08-07 Moreland, J.A
Geology, Ground-Water Hydrology, Geochemistry, and Ground-Water Simulation of the Beaumont and Banning Storage Units, San Gorgonio Pass Area, Riverside County, California. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5026 2006-01-01 Rewis, D.L., A.H. Christensen, J. Matti, J.A. Hevesi, T. Nishikawa, and P. Martin
Resolution No. R8-2004-0001: Resolution Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the Santa Ana River Basin to Incorporate an Updated total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Nitrogen Management Plan for the Santa Ana Region 2004-01-22 California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region
Water Quality Control Plan, Santa Ana River Basin (8) 2019-06-14 California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region
Response to Post Remediation Soil Vapor Survey, Confirmation Soil Boring, and Request for No Further Action at Former J and J Texaco Service Station Located at 34253 Yucaipa Boulevard, Yucaipa, California 92399 (Global ID #T0605901817 2019-11-14 California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region
Potential for Ground-Water Contamination from Movement of Wastewater through the Unsaturated Zone, Upper Mojave River Basin, California. U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations, Report 93-4137 1995-01-01 Umari, A.M., P. Martin, R.A. Shroeder, L.F.W. Duell, and R.G. Fay
Supplemental Environmental Assessment to the Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) for Typical Recurring Actions Resulting from Flood, Earthquake, Fire, Rain, and Wind Disasters in California as Proposed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, City of Yucaipa, Wildwood Creek Flood Mitigation Detention Basin Project. PDMC-PJ-CA-2005-036 2007-11-01 URS Corporation
Fire Effects Information System 2020-05-18 U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service
How Much Water Does Golf Use and Where Does It Come From? 2012-11-06 U.S. Golf Association
Areas of Land Subsidence in California 2020-08-21 United States Geological Survey
USGS Water Data for California 2018-11-14 United States Geological Survey
Identifying GDEs Under SGMA: Best Practices for Using the NC Dataset 2019-07-01 The Nature Conservancy
Plant Rooting Depth Database 2020-07-23 The Nature Conservancy
"Populus fremontii.” In Fire Effects Information System [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer) 2020-07-20 Taylor, Jennifer L.
"Sambucus racemosa.” In Fire Effects Information System [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer) 2020-07-20 Fryer, Janet L
"Quercus agrifolia.” In Fire Effects Information System [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer) 2020-05-18 Steinberg, Peter D
Quick Facts Calimesa City, California, United States 2020-07-30 U. S. Census Bureau
Urban Water Management Plan Guidebook 2020 2021-03-30 DWR
Disadvantaged Communities Mapping Tool 2021-12-20 DWR
SGMA Basin Prioritization Dashboard 2019-01-18 DWR
Corpscon Version 6.x Technical Documentation and Operating Instructions 2004-08-01 U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
GSLIB Geostatistical Software Library and User’s Guide 1997-01-31 Deutsch, C.V., and Journel, A.G
Well Finder CalGEM GIS 2020-09-06 California Geologic Energy Management Division
TRE ALTAMIRA InSAR Subsidence Data 2020-08-21 California Natural Resources Agency
NC Dataset Viewer 2020-11-11 DWR
Post Remediation Soil Vapor Survey, Confirmation Soil Boring, and Request for No Further Action, Former J and J Texaco, 34253 Yucaipa Boulevard, Yucaipa, Califorina 2019-09-19 Frey Environmental, Inc.
SGMA Data Viewer Land Subsidence 2020-08-21 DWR
Response to Post Remediation Soil Vapor Survey, Confirmation Soil Boring, and Request for No Further Action at Former J and J Texaco Service Station Located at 34253 Yucaipa Boulevard, Yucaipa, California 92399 (Global ID #T0605901817) 2019-11-14 Santa Ana RWQCB
60-Day Notification – Request for Comments on Proposed Closure of Remedial Activities for Former J and J Texaco Service Station Located at 34253 Yucaipa Boulevard, Yucaipa, California 92399 (Global ID #T0605901817) 2020-04-14 Santa Ana RWQCB
"Water Resources.” Online data for floodplain management, flood warning information, and hydrology expertise 2021-02-12 San Bernardino County Department of Public Works
2014 and 2016 California Integrated Report (Clean Water Act Sections 303(d) List / 305(b) Report). 2018-04-06 State Water Resources Control Board
Summary of Recent, Historical, and Estimated Potential for Future Land Subsidence in California 2014-05-19 DWR
Best Management Practices for the Sustainable Management of Groundwater: Monitoring Networks and Identification of Data Gaps 2016-12-01 DWR
Best Management Practices for the Sustainable Management of Groundwater: Monitoring Protocols, Standards, and Sites 2016-12-01 DWR
Maximum Benefit Monitoring Report 2015 Work Plan 2014-12-22 Wildermuth Environmental, Inc.
Department of Water Resources Groundwater Elevation Monitoring Guidelines 2010-12-31 DWR
Root Patterns and Hydrogeomorphic Niches of Riparian Plants in the American Southwest Journal of Arid Environments 94(2013) 2013-12-31 Stromberg, J.
Elevation Readings Export (CSV)

SGMA Wells

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