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Kern Water Bank GSA


Point of Contact Information

AGSA Eligibility Determination

  1. The following 5 local public agencies have combined to form the Kern Water Bank Groundwater Sustainability Agency (Kern Water Bank GSA) by use of a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) pursuant to Water Code § 10723.6(a)(1): Kern County Water Agency, a California special district formed and existing pursuant to the Kern County Water Agency Act (uncodified California Water Code Chapter 99); Dudley Ridge Water District and Tejon-Castac Water District, California water districts formed and existing pursuant to the California Water District Law (Water Code § 34000, et seq.); and Semitropic Water Storage District and Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa Water Storage District, California water storage districts formed and existing pursuant to the California Water Storage District Law (Water Code § 39000, et seq.). The Kern Water Bank GSA has elected to manage the Kern Water Bank Lands pursuant to SGMA. The Kern Water Bank Lands consist of about 20,600 acres within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Kern County Water Agency, a signatory to the JPA, and the lands overlie a portion of the Kern County Subbasin of the San Joaquin Valley Groundwater Basin portion of the Tulare Lake Hydrologic Region (Basin), as defined by Bulletin 118 of the California Department of Water Resources. The local public agencies forming the Kern Water Bank GSA have water supply and water management responsibilities in the Basin, and, therefore, are local agencies as defined by Water Code § 10721(n).
  2. No

BDecision to Become a GSA

  1. 11/16/2023
  2. KCWA Proof of Publication.pdf (1.4MB) Uploaded on 11/20/2023 at 01:32PM Semitropic Proof of Publication.PDF (247.5kB) Uploaded on 11/20/2023 at 01:32PM Tejon-Castac Proof of Publication.pdf (75.8kB) Uploaded on 11/20/2023 at 01:32PM Wheeler Ridge Proof of Publication.PDF (246.6kB) Uploaded on 11/20/2023 at 01:32PM DRWD Proof of Publication.pdf (667.1kB) Uploaded on 11/20/2023 at 01:32PM
  3. DRWD resolution.PDF (1.9MB) Uploaded on 11/20/2023 at 01:34PM
    KCWA Resolution.pdf (1.5MB) Uploaded on 11/20/2023 at 01:34PM
    Semitropic Resolution.PDF (1.7MB) Uploaded on 11/20/2023 at 01:34PM
    Tejon-Castac Resolution.PDF (1.1MB) Uploaded on 11/20/2023 at 01:34PM
    Wheeler Ridge Resolution.PDF (1.8MB) Uploaded on 11/20/2023 at 01:34PM

CType of GSA Formation and Contact Information

    Kern Water Bank GSA
  1. Jonathan Parker

DMap & Service Area Boundaries

  2. kwb gsa proposed boundary.pdf (1.7MB) Uploaded on 11/20/2023 at 02:02PM basin with all GSAs.PDF (1.6MB) Uploaded on 11/20/2023 at 02:02PM basin with kwb GSA.PDF (1.4MB) Uploaded on 11/20/2023 at 02:05PM
  3. Kern Water Bank GSA Shapefile zip.zip (9.5kB) Uploaded on 11/20/2023 at 02:07PM
  4. Kern Water Bank GSA Shapefile zip.zip (9.5kB) Uploaded on 11/20/2023 at 02:09PM

ERequired Documents

  1. List of Local Agencies.pdf (93.8kB) Uploaded on 11/20/2023 at 02:11PM
  2. KWB GSA JPA Final Fully Executed Version.PDF (2MB) Uploaded on 11/20/2023 at 02:11PM