Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Eastern Management Area GSA
Point of Contact Information
AGSA Eligibility Determination
Per Section 10723.8(a) of the California Water Code, the Santa Ynez River Water Conservation District (SYRWCD), the City of Solvang (City), the Santa Barbara County Water Agency (County Water Agency), and the Santa Ynez River Water Conservation District, Improvement District No.1 (ID No.1) (collectively referred to herein as the EMA Agencies) formed the Eastern Management Area (EMA) Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) for the EMA portion of the Santa Ynez River Valley Groundwater Basin (Basin Number 3-015, DWR Bulletin 118). The EMA GSA was formed under a Memorandum of Agreement dated April 27, 2017. The EMA GSA is a multi-agency GSA with boundaries that follow the entire EMA portion of the Santa Ynez River Valley Basin, as defined by the 2016 version of DWR Bulletin 118. Effective July 16, 2024, the EMA Agencies entered into a Joint Powers Agreement for the Eastern Management Area. A copy of the signed agreement is provided in Exhibit 1. This Joint Powers Agency (?JPA?) shall hereinafter be known as the Santa Ynez River Valley Groundwater Basin Eastern Management Area Groundwater Sustainability Agency (?EMA GSA? or ?GSA?). The formation of the JPA does not result in any material changes, as defined by SGMA, to the boundaries of the EMA GSA or to any other material aspect of sustainable groundwater management in the EMA.
BDecision to Become a GSA
Joint_Hearing_Notice_04192017.pdf (594.4kB) Uploaded on 04/28/2017 at 02:55PM
Minute order and Reso FINAL.pdf (1,009.6kB) Uploaded on 05/01/2017 at 05:24PMSolvang_Resolution.pdf (2.1MB) Uploaded on 05/01/2017 at 05:25PMID1_resolution.pdf (2.2MB) Uploaded on 05/01/2017 at 05:25PMSYRWCD_Resolution.pdf (2.5MB) Uploaded on 05/01/2017 at 05:26PM
Please find attached: 1) Memorandum of Agreement dated April 27, 2017 for the Eastern Management Area of the Santa Ynez River Valley Groundwater Basin with Exhibit A and Exhibit B; 2) May 1, 2017 Letter to DWR Notifying intent to form a GSA for the Eastern Management Area of the Santa Ynez River Valley Groundwater Basin (Exhibits were uploaded to the appropriate section of this Portal as required). EMA Notification_05012017.pdf (1.6MB) Uploaded on 05/01/2017 at 05:20PM MOA for GSA Formation_Eastern_Santa Ynez_04272017.pdf (3.4MB) Uploaded on 05/01/2017 at 05:21PM ExhibitB.pdf (193.4kB) Uploaded on 05/01/2017 at 05:21PM Exhibit_A.pdf (1.4MB) Uploaded on 05/01/2017 at 05:21PM
CType of GSA Formation and Contact Information
Daniel Heimel
Santa Barbara County Water Agency
Santa Ynez River Water Conservation District
City of Solvang
Confluence Engineering Solutions
Santa Ynez River Water Conservation District, Improvement District No. 1
Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Eastern Management Area GSA
DMap & Service Area Boundaries
Fig2_SantaYnez_GwBMgmtAreas_jurisdic_12-09-2021.pdf (1.5MB) Uploaded on 12/09/2021 at 05:34PM Fig1_SantaYnez_GwBMgmtAreas_12-09-2021.pdf (697kB) Uploaded on 12/09/2021 at 05:45PM Fig3_SantaYnez_GwBMgmtAreas_servarea_12-09-2021.pdf (1.7MB) Uploaded on 12/09/2021 at 05:32PM
Santa Barbara County Surveyor's Office (18kB) Uploaded on 05/01/2017 at 05:30PM (36.1kB) Uploaded on 05/01/2017 at 05:31PM (24.8kB) Uploaded on 05/01/2017 at 05:30PM (31.9kB) Uploaded on 05/01/2017 at 05:31PM
Revised EMA Internal Boundary. (16.5kB) Uploaded on 12/09/2021 at 05:12PM
The EMA GSA will cover the entire Eastern Portion of the Santa Ynez River Groundwater basin as defined by DWR Bulletin 118 (2016 version), with no overlap. The Bounary between the EMA GSA and CMA GSA were modified on 12-09-2021 as described in the attached Technical memo. InternalBoundaryChange_Santa Ynez Basin_2021-12-09 .pdf (1.2MB) Uploaded on 12/09/2021 at 05:27PM
ERequired Documents
A list of interested parties will be developed and maintained by the GSA. A list of potential users of groundwater is provided below. In addition we are providing a letter of intent to participate in the GSA from the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians. Chumash_08192016.pdf (725kB) Uploaded on 05/01/2017 at 02:23PM EMA - List of All Beneficial Uses & Users of Groundwater.pdf (61.7kB) Uploaded on 05/01/2017 at 05:33PM
There will be a total of three GSAs within the Santa Ynez River Basin including the Western Management Area, Central Management Area and Eastern Management Area. Maps with agency boundaries are attached below. Fig1_SantaYnez_GwBMgmtAreas_12-09-2021.pdf (697kB) Uploaded on 12/09/2021 at 05:54PM
Per Section 10723.8(a) of the California Water Code, the Santa Ynez River Water Conservation District (SYRWCD), the City of Solvang (City), the Santa Barbara County Water Agency (County Water Agency), and the Santa Ynez River Water Conservation District, Improvement District No.1 (ID No.1) (collectively referred to herein as the EMA Agencies) formed the Eastern Management Area (EMA) Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) for the EMA portion of the Santa Ynez River Valley Groundwater Basin (Basin Number 3-015, DWR Bulletin 118). The EMA GSA was formed under a Memorandum of Agreement dated April 27, 2017. The EMA GSA is a multi-agency GSA with boundaries that follow the entire EMA portion of the Santa Ynez River Valley Basin, as defined by the 2016 version of DWR Bulletin 118. Effective July 16, 2024, the EMA Agencies entered into a Joint Powers Agreement for the Eastern Management Area SGMA - EMA JPA Notification to DWR - August 20 2024.pdf (6.3MB) Uploaded on 08/21/2024 at 11:59AM