Colusa Groundwater Authority - 5-021.52 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - COLUSA, 5-021.58 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - WEST BUTTE

Colusa Groundwater Authority - 5-021.52 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - COLUSA, 5-021.58 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - WEST BUTTE

A. Applicant Information

Requesting Agency Information
Agency Name: Colusa Groundwater Authority
Address: 100 Sunrise Blvd., Suite A
City: Colusa Zip: 95932
Work Phone: (530) 458-0719 Cell Phone:
Email: Fax:
Revision Request Manager Information
Person Name: Mary Fahey
Address: 100 Sunrise Boulevard
City: Colusa Zip: 95932
Work Phone: 530-458-0719 Cell Phone:
Email: Fax:

B. Description of Proposed Boundary Modification

  1. Jurisdictional, internal modification to bring a portion of the West Butte Subbasin (5-21.58) into the Colusa subbasin (5-21.52).
    • Jurisdiction Internal
  2. The Colusa Groundwater Authority (CGA) is requesting a jurisdictional basin boundary modification to bring the Colusa County portion of the West Butte Subbasin (5-21.58) that lies on the west side of the legal LAFCO-defined service area boundary of Reclamation District 1004 into the Colusa Subbasin (5-21.52). This proposed boundary modification will promote sustainable groundwater management by streamlining efficiencies and costs related to SGMA implementation under the CGA's jurisdiction. The current basin boundaries place the Colusa Groundwater Authority in two subbasins (Colusa and West Butte), and will require the CGA to participate in the development and implementation of two separate Groundwater Sustainability Plans. The current basin boundaries will also require the CGA to participate in duplicative governance formation in the West Butte Subbasin (or Butte Subbasin, pending Butte County's BBM proposal outcome). The CGA formed its multi-agency Joint Powers Authority GSA more than a year ago, after two years of public coordination meetings among GSA-eligible agencies and private pumpers in Colusa County. Similar governance formation efforts are currently taking place among the agencies in the West Butte and East Butte Subbasins. It will be disruptive for the CGA to interrupt their current momentum to participate in formation of another governance structure in a second basin. The proposed modification will allow the CGA to implement SGMA in one groundwater basin, under one GSP which will create much greater efficiencies and cost savings compared to operating in two subbasins, under two GSPs with differing governance structures, and potentially twice the amount of meetings to attend. The proposed BBM will also allow the CGA to build on existing county-wide planning efforts, including Groundwater Management Plans, Agricultural Water Management Plans, groundwater monitoring programs, and various groundwater studies. It will also enhance the CGA's ability to coordinate with local land use planning efforts and existing General Plans. The CGA has GSA jurisdiction over a small area of land to the east of Reclamation District 1004 in the West Butte Subbasin and under the proposed BBM, plans to enter into an MOU with Butte County for general oversight of this area, while maintaining decision-making authority for any potential management actions under SGMA. The CGA will remain dedicated to maintaining close coordination with the GSA's in the West Butte (or Butte) Subbasin, as well as other surrounding basins, and plans to initiate voluntary Coordination Agreements with the agencies in basins adjacent to the Colusa Subbasin. You will note on the GIS maps that the proposed BBM boundaries along the western edge of RD 1004 do not match the current RD 1004 GSA boundary. It was recently discovered that Reclamation District 1004 has filed their GSA outside of their LAFCO-designated service area boundaries, and those areas are considered unmanaged under SGMA according to conversations with Staff at the State Water Resources Control Board. The proposed boundary modification will bring those unmanaged areas into the Colusa Subbasin. The CGA plans to modify their GSA to cover the unmanaged areas to ensure compliance with SGMA. If in the future RD 1004 annexes those lands into their district, the CGA will fully cooperate to adjust GSA boundaries and work with DWR on any minor basin boundary modifications that would allow RD 1004?s GSA to be in one subbasin.
  3. N/A

C. Initial Notification and Combination of Requests

  1. Yes
    Local Agency Potential Basin(s)/Subbasin(s)
    Tehama County Flood Control & Water Conservation District 5-021.52 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - COLUSA , 5-021.51 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - CORNING
    Yolo County Flood Control And Water Conservation District 5-021.52 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - COLUSA , 5-021.67 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - YOLO , 5-021.66 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - SOLANO
    Reclamation District No. 1004
  2. No

D. Required Documents for All Modifications

Please see attached.

E. General Information

Colusa Subbasin The existing Colusa subbasin is bounded on the north by the Corning Subbasin and on the south by the Colusa/Yolo County line, also including the portion of the Colusa County Water District service area in Yolo County. The Colusa subbasin is bounded on the west by the Coast Range and foothills and on the east by the Sacramento River. The proposed modified Colusa Subbasin would include the portion of the West Butte Subbasin within Colusa County that lies to the west of the RD 1004 LAFCO-defined service area, thus adjusting a portion of the eastern boundary of the Colusa Subbasin. This adjustment aligns with Butte County?s proposed Basin Boundary Modification request. West Butte Subbasin As defined in Bulletin 118, The West Butte Subbasin is bounded on the west and south by the Sacramento River, on the north by Big Chico Creek, on the northeast by the Chico Monocline, and on the east by Butte Creek. Big Chico and Butte Creeks serve as subbasin boundaries in the near surface. The subbasin is hydrologically contiguous with the Vina and East Butte Subbasins at depth. The proposed modified West Butte Subbasin would remove the portion of the West Butte Subbasin within Colusa County that lies to the west of the RD 1004 LAFCO-defined service area, thus adjusting the Colusa County portion of the western boundary of the West Butte Subbasin to align with the western boundary of the LAFCO-defined service area of RD 1004. The definable bottom of the Colusa and West Butte Subbasins remain unchanged from what was defined in the Bulletin-118 process. Please see attached for more information.

F. Notice and Consultation

The following agencies are most directly affected by the proposed BBM: Colusa Groundwater Authority, Glenn Groundwater Authority, Reclamation District 1004. A list of all of the local agencies and public water agencies that have been identified in the Colusa and West Butte Subbasins, and how/if each was contacted regarding the CGA's proposed BBM is provided under F.3.
Prior to the onset of SGMA, Colusa County Water Resources Staff had developed a list of local agencies and interested parties for the purpose of disseminating information relevant to local and regional water-related issues. These efforts formed a foundation for outreach and communication related to SGMA planning and implementation which began in early 2015. The first step for SGMA planning was to ensure that all of the local agencies and public water systems within the Colusa and West Butte Subbasins were identified based on best available data, in order to begin governance discussions. Agencies have been identified through review of the Colusa County Groundwater Management Plan, DWR?s Water Management Planning Tool, and County GIS files. Agency locations and Bulletin 118 basin boundaries were examined in GIS to determine the applicable agencies.
Since 2015, CGA Staff and Member agencies have provided ongoing SGMA outreach to the agencies and interested parties within the Colusa and West Butte Subbasins via email, newsletters, websites and public meetings. Staff has contacted the affected agencies, other local agencies, and an extensive list of interested parties on several occasions to inform them about the proposed basin boundary modification and to solicit feedback. Staff attended and presented information at several meetings where the proposed modification, and other proposed basin boundary modifications were discussed, including public CGA Board meetings, Colusa County Farm Bureau Board meetings, Northern Sacramento Valley IRWMP TAC and Board meetings, West Butte Subbasin Workgroup meetings, and others. In addition, CGA Staff met directly with Board Members and Staff at Reclamation District 1004 to discuss the proposed BBM, including a public meeting of the RD 1004 Board on May 9, 2018. An Initial Notification was posted on the DWR SGMA Portal on May 3, 2018, and information was posted on the CGA?s website ( and on the Colusa Groundwater facebook page. In May, 2018, in an effort to solicit greater public engagement in local SGMA planning and implementation, including the BBM process, CGA Staff disseminated a press release to the two Colusa County newspapers, an extensive email list of agencies and landowners, the Colusa County Resource Conservation District?s mailing list, the Colusa County Farm Bureau, the Family Water Alliance, the Colusa County Farm Service Agency (FSA), Colusa County Cooperative Extension, and the Colusa Glenn Subwatershed Program. A ?Special BBM Edition? of the CGA?s Newsletter was distributed on September 4, 2018 and the Colusa Groundwater Authority Board included a presentation and opportunity for public comment regarding the proposed BBM on the agenda at their September 25, 2018 Meeting. The CGA has received letters of support for the proposed BBM from The County of Butte, The Glenn Groundwater Authority, and Reclamation District 2106. Please see attached for relevant documents.
Please see attached
Please see attached comments and responses.

G. General Existing Groundwater Management

All requests for jurisdictional modification pursuant to Section 342.4 MUST include responses to the following questions.
The Colusa Groundwater Authority (CGA) and Glenn Groundwater Authority (GGA) are the exclusive GSAs in the Colusa Subbasin. Both are multi-agency Joint Powers Authorities, and they have developed an excellent cooperative working relationship related to SGMA planning and implementation in the basin. The CGA and GGA will develop a single Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Colusa Subbasin. The proposed Basin Boundary modification will maintain and enhance sustainable groundwater management by consolidating the CGA?s jurisdiction into the Colusa Subbasin to benefit from the following advantages: 1) a strong working relationship between the CGA and GGA, 2) the CGA and GGA both have county and city representatives on their boards which will enhance coordination between land use and SGMA implementation; 3) the CGA and GGA both have surface water supply district representatives on their boards with a history of surface and groundwater management; 4) the CGA has two private groundwater pumpers on their board which will ensure that private well owners in the expanded basin area are represented; 5) the Counties of Colusa and Glenn both manage the CASGEM program in their respective counties, and both counties have a history of groundwater management and groundwater level monitoring; 6) The various agencies on the CGA and GGA Boards bring to the table a variety of skills and knowledge related to different areas of groundwater and surface water management; 7) The County of Colusa adopted a Groundwater Management Plan in 2008, and Glenn County adopted County Code Title 20 Chapter 30: Groundwater Coordinated Resource Management Plan in 2012, and several Member Agencies on the CGA and GGA Boards have also adopted Groundwater Management Plans and Agricultural Water Management Plans. Many aspects of these plans can be integrated into the Colusa Subbasin GSP. The proposed jurisdictional Basin Boundary Modification will create a Colusa Subbasin that better aligns with existing water management and land use planning efforts in the CGA?s jurisdiction.
The Colusa and West Butte Subbasins are the only basins that may be affected by this basin boundary modification. Through numerous discussions and presentations of the proposed modifications, none of the affected agencies have expressed concerns that the modification would affect their ability to sustainably manage groundwater. Staff from the six counties that make up the Northern Sacramento Valley Integrated Regional Water Management group (Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Shasta, Sutter, Tehama) have had ongoing discussions about how they will coordinate during GSP development. This coordination effort will include studies, data collection and sharing, and groundwater management methodologies that cross basin boundaries. The CGA will continue to have a stake in SGMA implementation in the West Butte (or Butte) Subbasin, as the CGA?s jurisdiction includes the small northeast corner of the West Butte Subbasin in Colusa County. The CGA intends to enter into an Agreement with Butte County to oversee this area, while maintaining decision-making authority for any management actions. The County of Colusa is a CGA Board Member, and will ensure that stakeholders county-wide are well represented under SGMA. The CGA has received letters of support for this proposed basin boundary modification from: Reclamation District 2106, Butte County, and the Glenn Groundwater Authority.
Agriculture is the dominant industry in the Colusa and West Butte Subbasins and groundwater is an essential resource, especially during times of drought. Water managers, local governments and landowners all understand the importance of sustainable management of groundwater. The County of Colusa adopted a Groundwater Management Plan (GMP) in 2008. The County of Glenn Adopted County Code Title 20 Chapter 30: Groundwater Coordinated Resource Management Plan in 2012, and Butte County adopted a GMP in 2004. Several of the water districts in both subbasins have also adopted GMPs and Agricultural Water Management Plans. Other groundwater studies have been ongoing throughout the basins. Groundwater levels are monitored by DWR, local water agencies, landowners, and County Water Resources Staff. Each county is compliant with the CASGEM program. There is a good understanding of groundwater level trends in the proposed modified subbasins. In 2016, the County of Colusa contracted with Davids Engineering, Inc. to investigate declining groundwater levels in a portion of the Colusa Subbasin. A county-wide groundwater assessment was completed and through that study, it was determined that drought conditions were the major factor contributing to observed declining groundwater levels in a portion of the basin. Ongoing groundwater level monitoring and management will be addressed during GSP development, and we will utilize past Plans, studies and data as a foundation. Please find attached the Colusa County Groundwater Management Plan, and the Executive Summary from the Groundwater Assessment completed by Davids Engineering, Inc.
There will be no impacts to any state programs. The proposed BBM is entirely within Colusa County. The County of Colusa will continue to comply with the CASGEM program in the County portions of the Colusa and West Butte Subbasins. The Colusa County Groundwater Management Plan will be replaced by the basin-wide GSPs in the Colusa and West Butte (or Butte) Subbasins. There will be no impacts to the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program. The proposed BBM will actually simplify coordination efforts with the Colusa Glenn Subwatershed Program related to Water Quality monitoring and reporting under SGMA. The proposed Basin Boundary modification will enhance groundwater management by consolidating the CGA?s SGMA implementation responsibilities into one subbasin under one GSP, allowing the CGA to better coordinate with these county-wide programs.

H. Local Support

All requests for boundary modification must include the following:
As described above, the CGA provided a great amount of outreach to local agencies and landowners via several methods, including, public meetings, email notifications, participation in West Butte Subbasin Workgroup meetings, presentations to agency boards, discussions at Northern Sacramento Valley IRWMP meetings, newsletters, direct conversations, and posting of the proposed basin boundary modification on the SGMA Portal and the CGA website (
The CGA received letters of support from the following agencies: Reclamation District 2106, County of Butte, Glenn Groundwater Authority. None of the affected agencies expressed any negative comments, or provided any documentation of opposition. The letters of support were uploaded previously under Category F, #3.
No opposition was submitted from any local agencies. Public comments received and responses were uploaded under Category F, #5.

I. Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model

Requests for boundary modification, must include a document or text to a clearly defined hydrogeologic conceptual model demonstrating each of the following:
It is requested that a full Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model requirement be waived for this internal boundary modification. This modification does not introduce any factors that would impact sustainable groundwater management in either of the affected basins. Consolidation of the CGA’s jurisdiction into one subbasin is being requested in order to make sustainable groundwater management more efficient and cost effective in these basins. A general HCM was completed for the Colusa Subbasin under the Proposition 1 Counties with Stressed Basins grant program. That document is attached. This initial HCM is being built upon through development of a more detailed Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model for the Basin Setting element of the GSPs in the Colusa and West Butte Subbasins. This work is just getting underway and these efforts are being highly coordinated across the Colusa and West Butte Subbasin boundary lines.

L. Technical Studies for All Jurisdictional Modifications

Requests for a jurisdictional boundary must attach or provide a URL or upload a file for the following:
The Colusa Groundwater Authority is a twelve-member Joint Powers Authority. Three members of the CGA Board are also members of the Glenn Groundwater Authority Board. The CGA and GGA will develop a single GSP for the Colusa Subbasin. A single GSP is also planned for the West Butte (or Butte) Subbasin. The CGA Board will remain informed about GSP development in the West Butte (or Butte) Subbasin and provide input where applicable. The CGA and GGA are working on a voluntary Coordination Agreement to ensure that Sustainable Groundwater Management is implemented in a coordinated and cooperative fashion. Voluntary Coordination Agreements are also planned between the CGA and the GSA(s) in the West Butte (or Butte) Subbasin. Regional coordination activities are already established through the six-county Northern Sacramento Valley IRWM group. Additionally, the Colusa Groundwater Authority, County of Butte, and other GSAs in the West Butte Subbasin have been actively coordinating on SGMA planning and implementation efforts, including development of the Basin Setting portions of the GSPs in the Colusa and West Butte (or Butte) Subbasins.
Created on 09/27/2018 at 11:47AM, last modified on 11/01/2018 at 12:00PM and page generated on 01/30/2025 at 6:39AM