GSP Annual Report
2021 (OCT. 2020 - SEP. 2021)
Multiple Annual Reports
GSP Local ID: Eastern Management Area
GSP Annual Report Information Comments
03/31/2022 1:57 PM
2021 (OCT. 2020 - SEP. 2021)
Multiple Annual Reports
A Groundwater Extraction
Total Groundwater Extractions (AF)
Water Use Sectors
B Groundwater Extraction Methods
The City of Solvang and ID No. 1 provide metered groundwater use data
Meters are calibrated and the accuracy of metered production data for the City of Solvang and ID No. 1 is considered high.
Electrical Records
Land Use
Outside of SYRWCD boundaries, OpenET was used to estimate crop water uses at the field scale. OpenET is a remote sensing tool that can be used to estimate potential and actual evapotranspiration values from planted crops.
OpenET software accuracy is considered medium.
Groundwater Model
Pumpers within the SYRWCD boundaries self-reported production data for domestic and agricultural purposes. Mutual water companies' water use estimates are based on population data. Rural domestic groundwater extraction was estimated based on an aerial survey and estimated water demand based on parcel size.
Self-reported pumping volume accuracy is considered low due to the uncertainty of standardized crop water duty factors and reliability of self-reporting. The accuracy of mutual water companies' estimates based on population data is medium. The accuracy of rural domestic groundwater use is considered medium due to variability of water demand based on parcel size.
C Surface Water Supply
Total Surface Water Supply (AF)
Methods Used to Determine
Water imported from the State Water Project is metered. Some water extracted from the Santa Ynez River Alluvium is metered, and some water use is self-reported based on planted acreages and crop-specific water duty factors.
Water Source Types
D Total Water Use
Total Water Use (AF)
Methods Used to Determine
Municipal water production and surface water delivery are metered. Groundwater and river well pumping are reported by SYRWCD. Agricultural and rural domestic water uses outside SYRWCD boundaries are estimated based on land use methods (OpenET), population estimates, and water use factors based on parcel size.
Water Source Types
Water Use Sectors
E Change in Storage
Method used to calculate change in storage
Change in storage for the Careaga Sand was calculated based on annual changes in spring groundwater elevation contour maps and the aquifer storage coefficient. Change in storage for the Paso Robles Formation was estimated based on the overall water budget (for both aquifers) less the change in storage for the Careaga Sand. The portion of the total change in storage which did not occur in the Careaga Sand occurred in the Paso Robles Formation.
F Monitoring Network Module
G PMA Module
PMA Implementation Updates Implementation Update Export (CSV) PMA Export (CSV)
PMA ID | PMA Name | Lead GSA | Status | # Updates during WY |
3-007_PMA_1 | TEST PROJECT - DELETE | Monterey Peninsula Water Management District GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_16 | Water Conservation | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Central Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_17 | Groundwater Extraction Fees with Mandatory Well Metering and Update Well Registration | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Central Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_18 | Supplemental Imported Water Program | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Central Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_19 | Increase Stormwater Recharge - CMA | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Central Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_20 | Water Rights Release Request | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Central Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_21 | Supplemental Conditions on New Wells - CMA | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Central Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_22 | Annual Pumping Allocation Plan - CMA | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Central Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_23 | Non-native vegetation Removal - CMA | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Central Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_24 | Agricultural Land Retirement/Pumping Allowance | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Central Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_25 | Santa Rosa/Zaca Creek Recharge Pond Project | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Central Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_26 | Recycled Water Project - CMA | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Central Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_27 | Drought Mitigation - Pumping Optimization and Deepen Existing Wells - CMA | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Central Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_1 | Example | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Central Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_28 | Address Data Gaps | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Eastern Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_29 | Groundwater Pumping Fee Program | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Eastern Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_30 | Well Registration and Well Meter Installation Programs | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Eastern Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_31 | Water Use Efficiency Programs | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Eastern Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_32 | Groundwater Base Pumping Allocation (BPA) Program | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Eastern Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_33 | Groundwater Extraction Credit (GEC) Marketing and Trading Program | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Eastern Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_34 | Voluntary Agricultural Crop Fallowing Programs | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Eastern Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_35 | Distributed Stormwater Managed Aquifer Recharge (DSW-MAR) Basins (In-Channel and Off-Stream Basins) | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Eastern Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_36 | City of Solvang WWTF Recycled Water & Reuse In Lieu of Groundwater Pumping or Indirect Potable Reuse | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Eastern Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_37 | Los Olivos Community Service District WWTF Recycled Water & Reuse In Lieu of Groundwater Pumping or Indirect Potable Reuse | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Eastern Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_38 | Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians WWTF Recycled Water & Reuse In Lieu of Groundwater Pumping or Indirect Potable Reuse | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Eastern Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_39 | GSA to Become Funding Partner to Santa Barbara County Precipitation Enhancement Program | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Eastern Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_40 | Conjunctive Use - MAR Projects Using Supplemental (State Water Project (SWP) and Santa Ynez River (SYR)) Water | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Eastern Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_41 | In Lieu Recharge Projects to Deliver Unused and Surplus Supplemental Water to Offset Groundwater Extractions | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Eastern Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_42 | Aquifer Storage and Recovery Projects | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Eastern Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_2 | Water Conservation | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Western Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_3 | Groundwater Extraction Fees and Well Meters | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Western Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_4 | Recycled Water Project - WMA | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Western Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_5 | Increase Stormwater Recharge - WMA | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Western Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_6 | Ban on Water Softeners | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Western Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_7 | Water Rights Releases Request | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Western Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_8 | Supplemental Conditions on New Wells - WMA | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Western Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_9 | Annual Pumping Allocation Plan - WMA | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Western Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_10 | Non-native Vegetation Removal - WMA | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Western Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_11 | Agricultural Land Retirement / Pumping Allowance | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Western Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_12 | Santa Ynez River Lompoc Plain Recharge Pond Project | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Western Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_13 | Supplemental Imported Water Program | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Western Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_14 | Well-head pre-treatment to soften | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Western Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
3-015_PMA_15 | Drought Mitigation - Pumping Optimization and Deepen Existing Wells - WMA | Santa Ynez River Valley Basin Western Management Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |