GSP Annual Report
5-022.08 KINGS
2019 (OCT. 2018 - SEP. 2019)
Single Annual Report
GSP Annual Report Information Comments
- Initial GSP 2020 - 5-022.08 KINGS (Kings_CentralKings_Adopted)
- Initial GSP 2020 - 5-022.08 KINGS (Kings_NorthForkKings_Adopted)
- Initial GSP 2020 - 5-022.08 KINGS (Kings_SouthKings_Adopted)
- Initial GSP 2020 - 5-022.08 KINGS (Kings_McMullinArea_Adopted)
- Initial GSP 2020 - 5-022.08 KINGS (Kings_KingsRiverEast_Adopted)
- Initial GSP 2020 - 5-022.08 KINGS (Kings_NorthKings_Adopted)
- Initial GSP 2020 - 5-022.08 KINGS (Kings_James_Adopted)
Ronnie Samuelian (Provost & Pritchard Consulting Group)
A Groundwater Extraction
Total Groundwater Extractions (AF)
Water Use Sectors
James ID Wells pumped in McMullin Area GSA (agricultural use)
B Groundwater Extraction Methods
0-5 %
Flow meters
Typical accuracy for propeller and flow meters
Electrical Records
Land Use
10-20 %
Calculated pumping from crop water demands minus surface water deliveries
Based on accuracy of crop evapotranspiration estimates
Groundwater Model
20-30 %
Rural domestic pumping estimated based on vegetated area and standard indoor use
Accuracy based on publication by Cal Poly Irrigation Training and Research Center
C Surface Water Supply
Total Surface Water Supply (AF)
Methods Used to Determine
Flumes and water meters
Water Source Types
Riparian water diversions and local minor water transfers
D Total Water Use
Total Water Use (AF)
Methods Used to Determine
Sum of all water supplies
Water Source Types
Riparian water diversions and local minor water transfers
Water Use Sectors
James ID Wells pumped in McMullin Area GSA (agricultural use)
E Change in Storage
Method used to calculate change in storage
The process for estimating the groundwater storage change from 2015 to 2019 was the same process utilized by all the GSAs in the basin in preparation of their GSPs and included the following steps: 1. The final wells selected from the water surface elevation review and contouring process were used to create depth to water surfaces, as described above. 2. Using the depth to water surfaces, the average depth to water value was determined for each unique specific yield unit. The average depth was determined using ArcGIS Spatial Analyst. 3. For each specific yield unit, the average depth to water of that area was used to determine the height of water above 400 feet for each depth zone. 4. The height of water in each depth zone was multiplied by the specific yield for that depth zone and then by the total acreage within that Specific Yield unit. 5. Values for each depth zone were added to determine total volume in storage above 400 feet. 6. The groundwater in storage volume by specific yield units were totaled by GSA to estimate the GSA total for that year. 7. Steps 1 through 6 were repeated for the ending year being considered. 8. The total volume in storage estimated for the starting year was subtracted from the total volume estimated for the ending year to determine the total change in volume between the two years.
F Monitoring Network Module
G PMA Module
PMA Implementation Updates Implementation Update Export (CSV) PMA Export (CSV)
PMA ID | PMA Name | Lead GSA | Status | # Updates during WY |
5-022.08_PMA_126 | Land Subsidence Data Gap Analysis | McMullin Area GSA, Kings River East GSA, Central Kings GSA, North Fork Kings GSA, North Kings GSA, South Kings GSA, James GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_127 | Surface Water-Groundwater Interconnection Data Gap Analysis | McMullin Area GSA, Kings River East GSA, Central Kings GSA, North Fork Kings GSA, North Kings GSA, South Kings GSA, James GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_128 | Domestic Well Mitigation Program | McMullin Area GSA, Kings River East GSA, Central Kings GSA, North Fork Kings GSA, North Kings GSA, South Kings GSA, James GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_58 | Basin 11 Improvement Project | North Fork Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_59 | Basin 11 Expansion Project | North Fork Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_60 | Laton North Recharge Project | North Fork Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_61 | North Fork Regional Recharge Project (NFRRP) | North Fork Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_62 | Zonneveld Pond Improvement Project | North Fork Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_63 | On-Farm Recharge Project | North Fork Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_64 | Cerini Recharge Project | North Fork Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_65 | Kamm Recharge Project | North Fork Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_66 | Terra Linda Recharge Project | North Fork Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_67 | Miscellaneous Landowner Recharge Basins | North Fork Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_68 | Upgradient Recharge Outside the NFKGSA | North Fork Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_69 | Mussel Slough Recharge Project | North Fork Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_70 | Miscellaneous Dry Well Recharge Systems | North Fork Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_71 | Miscellaneous Reverse Subsurface Tile Systems | North Fork Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_72 | Laton North Phase 2 Recharge Project | North Fork Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_73 | Pires Recharge Project | North Fork Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_74 | North Fork Group Site 16 Recharge Project | North Fork Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_75 | North Fork Group Site 3 Recharge Project | North Fork Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_76 | North Fork Group Site 6 Recharge Project | North Fork Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_2 | DR01 - Del Rey CSD - American and Del Rey Ave. basin | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_3 | DR02 - Del Rey CSD - Melruna and Carmel Ave. basin | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_4 | DR03 - Del Rey CSD - South Del Rey Ave. basin | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_5 | F01 - City of Fowler - 19.5 Acre basin | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_6 | K01 - City of Kingsburg - Madson Ave. basin | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_7 | K02 - City of Kingsburg - Athwal Park basin | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_8 | K03 - City of Kingsburg - 22.5 Acre basin | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_9 | P01 - City of Parlier - Industrial Drive basin | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_10 | P02 - City of Parlier - Milton Ave. basin | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_11 | P03 - City of Parlier - Tuolumne St. basin | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_12 | P04 - City of Parlier - Manning Ave. basin | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_13 | P05 - City of Parlier - Avila St. basin | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_14 | P06 - City of Parlier - Mendocino Ave basin | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_15 | P07 - City of Parlier - Academy Ave. basin | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_16 | P08 - City of Parlier - 4.2 Acre basin | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_17 | S01 - City of Sanger - Kelly basin | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_18 | S02 - City of Sanger - Medrano basin | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_19 | S03 - City of Sanger - West Sanger 7.6 Acre basin | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_20 | S04 - City of Sanger - North Sanger 27.4 Acre basin | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_21 | EO1 - Regular Communication | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_22 | EO2 - Minimum threshold exceedances | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_23 | WH1 - Registration of extraction facilities | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_24 | WH2 - Installation of sounding tubes and water quality sample ports | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_25 | WH3 - Self-Reporting of groundwater extraction, level, and water quality | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_26 | WH4 - Prohibition of composite wells | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_27 | GP1 - Regulate groundwater exports | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_28 | GP2 - Require new developments to prove sustainable water supply | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_29 | GP3 - Pumping restrictions during droughts | South Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_114 | Fresno City Wastewater Treatment Plant Recharge Basins, FID Houghton Canal System | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_115 | Fresno City Wastewater Treatment Plan Recharge Basin, FID Lower Dry Creek System | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_116 | Southwest Groundwater Banking | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_117 | Lassen Avenue Reverse Flow and Recharge | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_118 | MAGSA Groundwater Banking Program | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_119 | McMullin On-Farm Flood Capture Expansion | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_120 | Houghton Wastewater Expansion | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_121 | South Sandridge Canal Water Supply & Recharge | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_122 | Stinson North Canal Water Supply and Recharge | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_123 | Grantland Area Recharge | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_124 | Consolidated ID Wristen Ditch Intertie | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_125 | Upgradient Recharge Programs | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_129 | EO1 - Regular Communication | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_130 | EO2 - Minimum threshold exceedances | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_131 | WH1 - Registration of extraction facilities | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_132 | WH2 - Installation of sounding tubes and water quality sample ports | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_133 | WH3 - Self-Reporting of groundwater extraction, level, and water quality | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_134 | WH4 - Prohibition of composite wells | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_135 | GA-2 Development of Groundwater Allocation Per Acre | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_136 | GA-3 Groundwater Allocation "Ramp-Down" Gradual Decrease | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_137 | GA-4 Groundwater Allocation "Adaptive Management" Approach | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_138 | GA-1 Groundwater Quantification Methods | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_139 | GP1 - Regulate groundwater exports | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_140 | GP2 - Require new developments to prove sustainable water supply | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_141 | GP3 - Pumping restrictions during droughts | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_142 | GMT-1 Groundwater Allocation Carryover Structure | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_143 | GMT-2 Water Marketing Strategy Study | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_144 | GMT-3 Groundwater Banking Program | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_145 | GMT-4 Groundwater Trading Structure | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_146 | GMT-5 Regulate Groundwater Allocation Transfers Outside of GSA | McMullin Area GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_77 | North Tulare County Surface Water Treatment Plant | Kings River East GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_78 | Water Supply Augmentation | Kings River East GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_79 | North London Water Supply Augmentation Area | Kings River East GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_80 | South London Water Supply Augmentation Area | Kings River East GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_81 | North Caesar Water Supply Augmentation Area | Kings River East GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_82 | North Traver Water Supply Augmentation Area | Kings River East GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_83 | South Traver Water Supply Augmentation Area | Kings River East GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_84 | Monson-Sultana Water Supply Augmentation Area | Kings River East GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_85 | South Caesar Water Supply Augmentation Area | Kings River East GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_86 | Highway 63 Water Supply Augmentation Area | Kings River East GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_87 | West 99 Water Supply Augmentation Area | Kings River East GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_88 | Avenue 352 Water Supply Augementation Area | Kings River East GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_89 | Enhanced Utilization of High Flows from the Kings River | Kings River East GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_90 | OCID Customized Rules and Regulations for Reducing Groundwater Reliance | Kings River East GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_91 | Sultana Stormwater/Recharge Basin | Kings River East GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_92 | Education and Communication | Kings River East GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_93 | Well Facility Registration | Kings River East GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_94 | Groundwater Quantification | Kings River East GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_95 | Sustainable Water Supply for New Developments | Kings River East GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_30 | Water Meter Project | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_31 | Biola Groundwater Recharge Project | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_32 | Marion Recharge Basin Improvements | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_33 | ST-WRF Expansion | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_34 | Clovis SWTP Expansion | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_35 | Clovis SWTP Pretreatment | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_36 | Southeast Reclamation Facility and Distribution System | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_37 | Northeast Surface Water Treatment Facility Expansion | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_38 | Southwest Reclamation Facility and Distribution System | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_39 | Lions Park Groundwater Recharge Project | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_40 | Savory Pond Expansion | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_41 | On-Farm Recharge Program | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_42 | Ricchiuti Recharge Basin Project | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_43 | Basin CF - Stormwater Recharge and Flood Projection Project | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_44 | PCWD Residential Meter Installation | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_45 | County of Fresno NKGSA Recharge Program | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_46 | EO-1 Regular Communication | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_47 | EO-2 Non-Routine Responses to Minimum Threshold Exceedances | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_48 | WH-1 Registration of Extraction Facilities | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_49 | WH-2 Installation of Wellhead Meters, Sounding Tubes and Water Quality Sample Ports | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_50 | WH-3 Self-Reporting of Groundwater Extraction, Level, and Water Quality | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_51 | GA-1 Groundwater Quantification Methods | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_52 | GA-2 Development of Groundwater Allocation Per Acre | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_53 | GA-3 Groundwater Allocation "Ramp-Down" Gradual Decrease | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_54 | GA-4 Groundwater Allocation "Adaptive Management" Approach | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_55 | GP-1 Regulate Groundwater Exports | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_56 | GP-2 Require New Developments to Prove Sustainability Water Supply | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_57 | GP-3 Pumping Restrictions During Droughts | North Kings GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_1 | TEST PROJECT - DELETE | James GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_107 | Lassen Avenue Floodwater Utilization | James GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_108 | McMullin Grade Floodwater Utilization | James GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_109 | Distributed Recharge Basins | James GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_110 | James Ranch Recharge Basin | James GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_111 | Wildlife Habitat Restoration | James GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_112 | Mendota Pool Water Quality Monitoring | James GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_113 | Lake Avenue Canal | James GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_96 | Central Valley Project Water Banking | James GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_97 | Mendota Pool Water Quality Engagement | James GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_98 | Basins 1 and 2 Storage and Recharge | James GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_99 | Basin 3 Floodwater Capture and Recharge | James GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_100 | Floodway Recharge and Spreading | James GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_101 | City of San Joaquin Storm Water Pond Recharge | James GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_102 | Carmichael Slough Recharge | James GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_103 | James Main Canal Spreading | James GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_104 | Fresno Slough Recharge | James GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_105 | Mud Dam Spreading and Recharge | James GSA | Submitted | 0 |
5-022.08_PMA_106 | James Bypass Floodwater Utilization | James GSA | Submitted | 0 |