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Groundwater Sustainability Plan

5-021.52 COLUSA

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04/22/2024   Resubmission
04/24/2024   Resubmission
06/24/2024   Resubmission
Lisa Hunter (County of Glenn)
225 North Tehama Street
Notice Date: 08/27/2021
The Colusa Groundwater Authority (CGA) provided a letter on 8/26/2021 to cities and counties in the plan area as notice pursuant to Water Code section 10728.4 of the CGA's intent to adopt a GSP for the Colusa Subbasin. The Glenn Groundwater Authority (GGA) provided a letter on 8/27/2021 to cities and counties in the plan area as notice pursuant to Water Code section 10728.4 of the GGA's intent to adopt a GSP for the Colusa Subbasin.
CGA_Planned_GSP_Adoption_Notices_Compiled_compressed.pdf (477.2kB)
GGA_Planned_GSP_Adoption_Notices.pdf (359.7kB)
Public Hearing Date: 12/14/2021
The Colusa Groundwater Authority (CGA) held a public hearing and adopted the Colusa Subbasin GSP on 12/13/2021. The Glenn Groundwater Authority (GGA) held a public hearing and adopted the Colusa Subbasin GSP on 12/14/2021.
CGA_Notice_GSP_Adoption_CCPR_2021-5230.pdf (75.7kB)
GGA_Notice_GSP_Public_Hearing_Proof_of_Publication.pdf (90.5kB)

Incomplete GSP Resubmission Notices

Notice Date: 01/11/2024

Both the Colusa Groundwater Authority (CGA) GSA and Glenn Groundwater Authority (GGA) GSA shared a "Notice of Intent to Adopt an Amended Groundwater Sustainability Plan for Colusa Subbasin" with counties and cities in January 2024. The CGA GSA notices were provided on 01/11/2024, and the GGA GSA notices were provided on 01/09/2024.

CGA NOI Colusa Amended GSP 240111.pdf (308.3kB)
GGA NOI Colusa Amended GSP 240109.pdf (450kB)
Public Hearing Date: 04/19/2024

The CGA GSA and GGA GSA held a joint public hearing on 04/19/2024, at which they each adopted the Revised GSP.

24.04.19 Agenda CGA GGA Board Joint FINAL.pdf (293.3kB)
CGA Hearing notice rev GSP adoption .pdf (43.3kB)
GGA -ColusaSB Amended GSP Legal notice 24.04.19 Public Hearing.pdf (30.1kB)
File Name GSP Regulation Element(s) Uploaded Date & Time
Title Publication Name Publish Date Author(s) File Name or URL
Draft Volume 1 of the Yolo County Integrated Regional Water Management Plan   new 2004-08-01 Water Resources Association of Yolo County
Northern Sacramento Valley Integrated Regional Water Management Plan   new 2014-03-01 West Yost & Associates
Potassium-argon Ages and the Cenozoic Mammalian Chronology of North America   new American Journal of Science, Volume 262, pp.145-198 1964-02-01 Evernden, J.F., D.E. Savage, G.H. Curtis, G.T. James
Tehama-Colusa Canal Authority   new 2009-01-01 Tehama-Colusa Canal Authority
The National Map   new 2018-01-01 U. S. Geological Survey
On-land Mesozoic Oceanic Crust in California Coast Ranges U.S. Geological Survey 1970-01-01 Bailey, E.H., Blake, M.C., and Jones, D.L.
Streamflow depletion by wells Understanding and managing the effects of groundwater pumping on streamflow U.S. Geological Survey 2012-01-01 Barlow, P.M., and Leake, S.A.
Regional Water Demand and Conservation Projections Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency 2020-06-26 Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency
Estimated Permeabilities for Soils in the Sacramento Valley, California U.S. Geological Survey 1974-05-01 Bertoldi, G.L.
Ground Water in the Central Valley, California A Summary Report, Regional Aquifer System Analysis U.S. Geological Survey 1991-01-01 Bertoldi, G.L., R.H. Johnston, and K.D. Evenson.
Petrology and provenance of the Stony Creek Formation, northwestern Sacramento Valley, California Chevron U.S.A. Exploration Department. 1983-01-01 Bertucci, P.F.
Using Down-Well Television Surveys to Evaluate Land Subsidence Damage to Water Wells in the Sacramento Valley Land Subsidence. Case Studies and Current Research, Proceedings of the Dr. Joseph F. Poland Symposium on Land Subsidence. J.W. Borchers, ed. Star Publishing Company 1998-04-01 Borchers, J.W
Northern Sacramento Valley Sand Provenance Study Final Memorandum Report Appendix B, in DWR, 2014. "Geology of the Northern Sacramento Valley, California" 2007-10-12 Brown and Caldwell
Tuscan Aquifer Investigation: Lower Tuscan Aquifer Monitoring, Recharge, and Data Management Project 2013-05-21 Brown and Caldwell
Late Cenozoic Stratigraphy of the Feather and Yuba Rivers Area, California, with a Section on Soil Development in Mixed Alluvium Honcut Creek. U.S. Geological Survey 1989-01-01 Busacca, A.J., Singer, M.J., and Verosub, K.L
Data Measurements from stations Black Butte Lake (BLB), Sacramento River at Ord Ferry-Main Channel (ORD), and Sacramento River below Wilkins Slough (WLK) 2020-01-01 California Data Exchange Center
Geologic Map of the Sacramento Quadrangle California Geological Survey 1981-01-01 D.L. Wagner, C.W. Jennings, T.L. Bedrossian and E.J. Bortugno
Geologic Map of the Santa Rosa Quadrangle California Geological Survey 1982-01-01 D.L. Wagner and E.J. Bortugno
2015 Urban Water Management Plan Willows District 2016-06-01 California Water Service
Butte Basin Groundwater Model Update Phase II Report 2008-03-01 CDM
Review of the Groundwater Trend Monitoring Workplan and Data Gap Assessment Plan for the California Rice Commission 2016-06-07 Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board
Rice-Specific Groundwater Assessment Report 2013-07-01 CH2MHILL & PlanTierra
Groundwater Quality Assessment Report. Prepared for Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board on behalf of Northern California Water Association and Sacramento Valley Water Coalition 2016-01-01 CH2MHILL
Groundwater Trend Monitoring Workplan and Data Gap Assessment Plan. Prepared for Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board on behalf of California Rice Commission 2016-03-01 CH2MHILL
Accuracy of Annual Volume from Current-Meter-Based Stage Discharges Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 2006-09-01 Clemmens, A.J. and B.T. Wahlin
Comprehensive General Plan Update 2012-07-31 Colusa County
2005-2025 General Plan Update 2007-10-30 City of Colusa
Colusa General Plan Final Master Environmental Impact Report. Prepared by Pacific Municipal Consultants 2007-10-30 City of Colusa
Dunnigan Water District Groundwater Management Plan Davids Engineering, Inc. 2001-02-01 Davids Engineering, Inc.
Glenn County Preliminary Water Budget Development. Prepared in cooperation with West Yost Associates for Glenn County 2018-05-01 Davids Engineering, Inc.
Colusa County General Plan 2012-07-31 DeNovo Planning Group
MCLs, DLRs, and PHGs for Regulated Drinking Water Contaminants: California Department of Public Health (DPH) 2020-08-01 Department of Public Health
EnviroStor: California Department of Toxic Substances Control 2020-01-01 Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)
Evaluation of Groundwater Resources. Sacramento Valley, Bulletin 118-6. Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey 1978-08-01 Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Land Use Survey, Glenn and Colusa Counties 2003-01-01 Department of Water Resources (DWR)
California Groundwater Bulletin 118: Sacramento Valley Groundwater Basin, West Butte Subbasin 2004-02-01 Department of Water Resources (DWR)
California Groundwater Bulletin 118: Sacramento Valley Groundwater Basin, Colusa Subbasin 2006-01-01 Department of Water Resources (DWR)
California Groundwater Bulletin 118: Sacramento Valley Groundwater Basin, Corning Subbasin 2006-01-01 Department of Water Resources (DWR)
California Water Plan Update 2009 Sacramento River Integrated Water Management. Bulletin 160-09, Volume 3 2009-01-01 Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District Test-Production Well Installation and Aquifer Testing. Prepared by the California Department of Water Resources Northern District Groundwater Section in cooperation with Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District 2009-03-01 Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Geology of the Northern Sacramento Valley. Prepared by the California Department of Water Resources Northern Region Office, Groundwater and Geologic Investigations 2014-09-22 Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Land and Water Use Survey for 2003 and 2014 California Department of Water Resources 2014-01-01 Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Summary of Recent, Historical, and Estimated Potential for Future Land Subsidence in California. California Department of Water Resources 2014-01-01 Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Best Management Practices for the Sustainability Management of Groundwater: Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model California Department of Water Resources 2016-12-01 Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Best Management Practices for the Sustainability Management of Groundwater. Monitoring Networks and Identification of Data Gaps California Department of Water Resources 2016-12-23 Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Best Management Practices for the Sustainability Management of Groundwater: Monitoring Protocols, Standards, and Sites California Department of Water Resources 2016-12-23 Department of Water Resources (DWR)
California Groundwater Bulletin 118: Interm Update 2016 California Department of Water Resources 2016-12-23 Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Draft Sustainable Management Criteria Best Management Practices 2017-11-01 Department of Water Resources (DWR)
2017 GPS Survey of the Sacramento Valley Subsidence Network California Department of Water Resources, Division of Integrated Regional Water Management, Northern Office 2018-12-01 Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Summary of the "Natural Communities Commonly Associated with Groundwater" Dataset and Online Web Viewer California Department of Water Resources and The Nature Conservancy 2018-01-01 Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Bulletin 118 Basin Boundary GIS Data, v.6.1 2019-01-01 Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act 2019 Basin Prioritization, Process and Results California Department of Water Resources 2020-05-01 Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Water Data Library California Department of Water Resources 2020-01-01 Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Online System for Well Completion Reports (OSWCR) Map Application California Department of Water Resources and California Open Data Portal 2021-01-01 Department of Water Resources (DWR)
SGMA Data Viewer 2021-01-01 Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Small Water Systems and Rural Communities Drought and Water Shortage Contingency Planning and Risk Assessment, Report Pursuant to Section 10609.42 of the California Water Code, Part I: Part 1 Recommendations for Drought and Water Shortage Contingency Plans Water Use Efficiency Branch 2021-03-01 Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Small Water Systems and Rural Communities Drought and Water Shortage Contingency Planning and Risk Assessment, Report Pursuant to Section 10609.42 of the California Water Code, Part 2 Drought and Water Shortage Vulnerability Assessment and Risk Scoring Water Use Efficiency Branch 2021-03-01 Department of Water Resources (DWR)
California GAMA Priority Basin Project: Trends in water- quality for inorganic constituents in California public-supply wells (1st ed.) U.S. Geological Survey 2019-01-01 Dupuy, D.I., Nguyen, D.H., and Jurgens, B.C
Addressing Regional Surface Water Depletions in California: A Proposed Approach for Compliance with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act 2018-01-01 Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)
Chemical Quality of Ground Water in Yolo and Solano Counties, California. U. S. Geological Survey 1985-01-01 Evenson
Potassium-argon Ages and the Cenozoic Mammalian Chronology of North America American Journal of Science 1964-01-01 Evernden, J.F., D.E. Savage, G.H. Curtis, G.T. James
Progress Report: Subsidence in the Central Valley, California. California California Department of Water Resources and California Institute of Technology under contract with NASA 2015-01-01 Farr, T.G., Jones, C., and Liu, Z.
DWR/USBR Sacramento Valley Subsidence Project, Project Report. California California Department of Water Resources and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation 2008-09-30 Frame, J.F. and D'Onofrio, D
Northern Sacramento Valley (Four County) Drinking Water Quality Strategy Document. Glenn County Department of Agriculture 2005-06-01 Glenn County
Groundwater Coordinated Resource Management Plan 2012-01-01 Glenn County
Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District 2017-01-01 Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District
Groundwater Quality Assessment Report Revision. Letter to Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board 2016-01-26 Guy, D.J.
Quality Criteria for Water [The Gold Book] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1986-05-01 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) Federal Reporting Services, Drinking Water Branch, Drinking Water Watch, California Public Water Supply Systems U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 2020-01-01 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
Sacramento, Delevan, Colusa, and Sutter National Wildlife Refuges. 2009. Final Comprehensive Conservation Plan, and Environmental Assessment, Volume 1 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services 2009-03-01 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS)
The National Map U. S. Geological Survey 2018-01-01 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
National Water Information System U. S. Geological Survey 2020-01-01 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Sustainable Groundwater: Interconnected Surface-Water Depletion. U. S. Geological Survey 2021-01-01 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment University of Texas, Austin jointly implanted by NASA and DLR under the NASA Earth System Science Pathfinder Program 2017-10-27 University of Texas, Austin
Draft Volume 1 of the Yolo County Integrated Regional Water Management Plan Prepared in cooperation with the California Department of Water Resources 2004-01-01 Water Resources Association of Yolo County
Glacially Driven Cycles in Accumulation Space and Sequence Stratigraphy of a Stream Dominated Alluvial Fan, San Joaquin Valley California. USA Journal of Sedimentary Research 2002-03-01 Weissmann, G.S., J.F. Mount, and G.E. Fogg
Arsenic in Ground Water of the Western United States Groundwater. 1988-01-01 Welch, A.H., Lico, M.S., and Hughes, J.L
Monitoring Network Assessment Report. Prepared in cooperation with Davids Engineering for the Counties of Colusa and Glenn West Yost & Associates 2018-03-01 West Yost & Associates (WYA)
Historical Western U.S. Climate Summaries NOAA COOP Stations Western Regional Climate Center 2020-01-01 Western Regional Climate Center (WRCC)
2010 General Plan Update 2012-05-01 Williams, City of
City of Williams General Plan Update Background Analysis 2012-05-01 Williams, City of
The Sutter Buttes of California: A Study of Plio-Pleistocene Volcanism 1977-01-01 Williams, H. and Curtis, G.H.
Ground-Water Flow in the Central Valley, California, Regional Aquifer System Analysis U. S. Geological Survey 1989-01-01 Williamson, A.K., D.E. Prudic and L.A. Swain
Ground water and surface water A single resource U. S. Geological Survey 1998-01-01 Winter, T.C., Harvey, J.W., Franke, O.L., and Alley, W.M.
Colusa County Groundwater Management Plan Wood Rodgers 2008-09-10 Wood Rodgers
C2VSimFG-Colusa Model Development and Calibration Technical Memorandum: prepared as part of the Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Colusa Subbasin Woodard and Curran and Davids Engineering, Inc. 2021-04-01 Woodard and Curran and Davids Engineering, Inc.
Northern Sacramento Valley Integrated Regional Water Management Plan 2014-03-01 West Yost & Associates (WYA)
Maximum Contaminant Levels and Regulatory Dates for Drinking Water, U.S. EPA versus California 2018-10-01 State Water Resources Control Board
Caltrans Surveys Manual (various dates) California Department of Transportation 2018-07-01 Caltrans
Late Cenozoic Tectonism of the Sacramento Valley, California U.S. Geological Survey 1987-01-01 Harwood, D.S., and E.J. Helley
Geologic Map of the Chico Monocline and Northeastern Part of the Sacramento Valley, California U. S. Geological Survey 1981-01-01 Harwood, D.S., E.J. Helley and M.P. Doukas
"Sutter Butte" in DL Wagner and SA Graham, Geologic Field trips in Northern California Centennial Meeting of the Cordilleran Section of the Geological Society of America 1999-01-01 Hausback, B.P. and Nilsen, T.H
Geologic Map of the Late Cenozoic Deposits of the Sacramento Valley and Northern Sierran Foothills, California. U.S. Geological Survey 1985-01-01 Helley, E.J. and Harwood, D.S.
Geochemistry of the Ground Water in the Sacramento Valley, California U.S. Geological Survey 1984-01-01 Hull, L.C.
Global Positioning System surveying to monitor land subsidence in Sacramento Valley California USA Hydrological Sciences Journal 1994-10-01 Ikehara, M.E.
Structural and Stratigraphic Significant of the Buchia Zones in the Colyear Springs-Paskenta Area, California U.S. Geological Survey 1969-01-01 Jones, D.L., Bailey, E.H., and Imlay, R.W
Geologic Map of California, Olaf P. Jenkins edition, Ukiah Sheet Department of Natural Resources Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG) 1960-01-01 Jennings, C.W. and Strand, R.G
Identifying Areas of Degrading and Improving Groundwater-Quality Conditions in the State of California. USA, 1974 -2014 Environ Monit Assess 192, 250 2020-01-01 Jurgens, B.C., Fram, M.S., Rutledge, J., Bennett V., G.L.
Mapping Indicators of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems in California: Methods Report 2018-01-01 Klausmeyer K., J. Howard, T. Keeler-Wolf, K. Davis-Fadtke, R. Hull, A. Lyons.
Geologic Map of California, Olaf P. Jenkins edition, Santa Rosa Sheet California Department of Natural Resources Division of Mines and Geology 1963-01-01 Koenig, J.B.
Quaternary Geology of the Northern San Joaquin Valley, in Graham, S.A., ed Studies of the San Joaquin Basin: 1988-01-01 Lettis, W.R.
2018 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Results, Sacramento Valley Water Quality Coalition Luhdorff and Scalmanini, Consulting Engineers. 2019-05-01 Luhdorff and Scalmanini, Consulting Engineers.
Geology and Lahars of the Tuscan Formation, Northern California Geological Society of America 1968-01-01 Lydon, P.A.
The Tehama Formation at Black Butte Lake with a Review of the Geology of the Orland Buttes California State University, Chico Masters of Science Thesis 2017-01-01 Maloney, D.F.
Hydrodynamics and Overpressure Mechanisms in the Sacramento Basin, California American Journal of Science 1999-06-01 McPherson, BJOL and Garven, G
Stratigraphy and Structure of Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Strata, Sacramento Valley Stanford University 1990-01-01 Moxon, I.W.
Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds Conservation Engineering Division, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 1986-06-01 National Resources Conservation Service
Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO). Colusa and Glenn Counties. National Resources Conservation Service 2017-01-01 National Resources Conservation Service
Soil Suitability Index Identifies Potential Areas for Groundwater Banking on Agricultural Lands California Agriculture 2015-06-01 O'Geen, A.T., et al.
National Water Quality Monitoring Council Water Quality Portal National Water Quality Monitoring Council 2020-01-01 National Water Quality Monitoring Council
Cretaceous sedimentation, Sacramento Valley, California Geological Society of America 1968-01-01 Ojakangas, RW.
Geologic Features and Ground-Water Storage Capacity of the Sacramento Valley, California U.S. Geological Survey 1961-01-01 Olmsted, F.H. and Davis, G.H.
Orland Municipal Services Review. Adopted April 14, 2014, Glenn LAFCO Resolution 2014-03 Orland Municipal Services 2014-04-14 Orland Municipal Services
Water System Capacity Study Prepared by Rolls Anderson & Rolls 2014-07-01 Orland, City of
City of Colusa General Plan Update 2005-2025.Adopted October 30, 2007. Adopted by Resolution No. 07-30 Pacific Municipal Consultants and North Fork Associates 2007-10-30 Pacific Municipal Consultants and North Fork Associates
City of Orland, Draft General Plan 2008-2028 Pacific Municipal Consultants 2008-07-01 Pacific Municipal Consultants
Geology of the Fresh Ground-Water Basin of the Central Valley, California with Texture Maps and Sections, Regional Aquifer System Analysis. U.S. Geological Survey 1986-01-01 Page, R.W
A Compressible Diatomaceous Clay, Sacramento Valley, California Land Subsidence. Case Studies and Current Research, Proceedings of the Dr. Joseph F. Poland Symposium on Land Subsidence. J.W. Borchers, ed. Star Publishing Company 1998-01-01 Page, R.W
A Pleistocene diatomaceous clay and a pumiceous ash California Geology 1983-01-01 Page, R.W. and Bertoldi, G.L.
Glenn County General Plan Volume 1. June 15, 1993. Adopted by Resolution No. 93-61 QUAD Consultants. 1993-07-01 QUAD Consultants
Measurement and Computation of Streamflow U.S. Geological Survey 1982-01-01 Rantz, S.E. and others
The Tertiary Princeton Submarine Valley System Beneath the Sacramento Valley, California. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Publication Paleogene Submarine Canyons of the Sacramento Valley, California. 1984-01-01 Redwine, L.E.
Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act: Guidance for Preparing Groundwater Sustainability Plans The Nature Conservancy 2018-01-01 Rohde, M. M., S. Matsumoto, J. Howard, S. Liu, L. Riege, and E. J. Remson
The Tehama Formation of Northern California. University of California 1931-01-01 Russell, R.D
Geologic Map of the Chico Quadrangle. Department of Conservation Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG). 1992-01-01 Saucedo, G.J. and Wagner, D.L.
Stratigraphic Analysis and Hydrogeologic Characterization of Cenozoic Strata in the Sacramento Valley near the Sutter Buttes. Master of Science Dissertation California State University, Chico. 2008-01-01 Springhorn, S.T.
Groundwater Information Sheets, Assorted Chemicals. California State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Quality, GAMA Program 2017-11-01 State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)
California Code of Regulation Title 22. Division 4. Chapter 15. Article 16. Secondary Water Standards California State Water Resources Control Board 2018-10-01 State Water Resources Control Board
GeoTracker Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment (GAMA) California State Water Resources Control Board 2020-01-01 State Water Resources Control Board
GeoTracker Map California State Water Resources Control Board 2020-01-01 State Water Resources Control Board
Drinking Water Notification Levels and Response Levels: An Overview California State Water Resources Control Board 2020-01-01 State Water Resources Control Board
Human Right to Water Portal California State Water Resources Control Board 2021-11-18 State Water Resources Control Board
Tehama-Colusa Canal Authority Tehama-Colusa Canal Authority 2020-01-01 Tehama-Colusa Canal Authority
The Relation Between the Lowering of the Piezometric Surface and the Rate and Duration of Discharge of a Well using Ground-water Storage Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 1935-01-01 Theis, C.V.
InSAR Land Surveying and Mapping Services in Support of the DWR SGMA Program Technical Report. 2020-03-01 TRE ALTAMiRA
Integrated Resources Management Program for Flood Control in the Colusa Basin. Draft Programmatic EIS/EIR 2000-01-01 U. S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) and Colusa Basin Drainage District
Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States U.S. Department of the Interior (USDI) Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), Washington D.C., FWS/OBS-79-31. 2014-01-01 U.S. Department of the Interior
Letter from William Ehorn, North Region Office, California Department of Water Resources to Colusa County Board of Supervisors and Colusa County Water Commission 2016-09-02 Ehorn, W
Groundwater Management Plan AB3030. Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District 1995-01-01 Glenn County
RD 108 Groundwater Management Plan 2008-11-01 Reclamation District 108
Contract No. 10-T1126 Groundwater Monitoring Report, October 2019, Orland Dry Cleaners Site, Orland, California URS Corporation Americas for California Department of Toxic Substances Control, Region 1. 2020-05-06 URS Corporation Americas
Aquifer Performance Testing Report: prepared for Stony Creek Fan Partners. 2012-12-01 West Yost & Associates (WYA)
Phase II fault and seismic hazards investigations: North of Delta offstream storage DWR - Integrated Storage Investigations (referenced in CNRA DWR, 2014, "Geology of the Northern Sacramento Valley, California" 2002-01-01 William Lettis and Associates
Stony Creek Fan IGSM Model Development Calibration and Analysis. Prepared for Orland-Artois Water District Orland Unit Water Users' Association, and Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District in coordination with California Department of Water Resources 2003-05-01 WRIME
Stony Creek Fan Integrated Groundwater and Surface Water Model (SCFIGSM) Hydrogeology and Conceptual Model. Prepared for Orland-Artois Water District Orland Unit Water Users' Association, and Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District in coordination with California Department of Water Resources 2003-05-01 WRIME
Elevation Readings Export (CSV)

SGMA Wells

Existing Sites

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