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Initial GSP 2022 - 5-021.57 VINA

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Christina Buck (Butte County Department of Water and Resource Conservation)
308 Nelson Ave
Oroville, CA 95965
Notice Date: 06/28/2021
Notice to Butte County DDS.pdf (120kB)
Notice to Chico Planning.pdf (121.3kB)
Public Hearing Date: 12/15/2021
Public Hearing Affidavit_Vina.pdf (74kB)
File Name GSP Regulation Element(s) Uploaded Date & Time
Vina GSP Appendices_01.11.2022.pdf (74.4MB) §354.4(a), §354.4(b), §354.6(a), §354.6(b), §354.6(c), §354.6(d), §354.6(e), §354.8(a)(1), §354.8(a)(2), §354.8(a)(3), §354.8(a)(4), §354.8(a)(5), §354.8(b), §354.8(c), §354.8(d), §354.8(e), §354.8(f)(1), §354.8(f)(2), §354.8(f)(3), §354.8(f)(4), §354.8(f)(5), §354.8(g), §354.10(a), §354.10(b), §354.10(c), §354.10(d)(1), §354.10(d)(2), §354.10(d)(3), §354.10(d)(4), §354.14(a), §354.14(b)(1), §354.14(b)(2), §354.14(b)(3), §354.14(b)(4)(A), §354.14(b)(4)(B), §354.14(b)(4)(C), §354.14(b)(4)(D), §354.14(b)(4)(E), §354.14(b)(5), §354.14(c), §354.14(d)(1), §354.14(d)(2), §354.14(d)(3), §354.14(d)(4), §354.14(d)(5), §354.14(d)(6), §354.16(a)(1), §354.16(a)(2), §354.16(b), §354.16(c), §354.16(d), §354.16(e), §354.16(f), §354.16(g), §354.18(a), §354.18(b)(1), §354.18(b)(2), §354.18(b)(3), §354.18(b)(4), §354.18(b)(5), §354.18(b)(6), §354.18(b)(7), §354.18(c)(1), §354.18(c)(2)(A), §354.18(c)(2)(B), §354.18(c)(2)(C), §354.18(c)(3)(A), §354.18(c)(3)(B), §354.18(c)(3)(C), §354.18(d)(1), §354.18(d)(2), §354.18(d)(3), §354.18(e), §354.18(f), §354.20(a), §354.20(b)(1), §354.20(b)(2), §354.20(b)(3), §354.20(b)(4), §354.20(c), §354.24, §354.26(a), §354.26(b)(1), §354.26(b)(2), §354.26(b)(3), §354.26(c), §354.26(d), §354.28(a), §354.28(b)(1), §354.28(b)(2), §354.28(b)(3), §354.28(b)(4), §354.28(b)(5), §354.28(b)(6), §354.28(c)(1)(A), §354.28(c)(1)(B), §354.28(c)(2), §354.28(c)(3)(A), §354.28(c)(3)(B), §354.28(c)(4), §354.28(c)(5)(A), §354.28(c)(5)(B), §354.28(c)(6)(A), §354.28(c)(6)(B), §354.28(d), §354.28(e), §354.30(a), §354.30(b), §354.30(c), §354.30(d), §354.30(e), §354.30(f), §354.30(g), §354.34(a), §354.34(b)(1), §354.34(b)(2), §354.34(b)(3), §354.34(b)(4), §354.34(c)(1)(A), §354.34(c)(1)(B), §354.34(c)(2), §354.34(c)(3), §354.34(c)(4), §354.34(c)(5), §354.34(c)(6)(A), §354.34(c)(6)(B), §354.34(c)(6)(C), §354.34(c)(6)(D), §354.34(d), §354.34(e), §354.34(f)(1), §354.34(f)(2), §354.34(f)(3), §354.34(f)(4), §354.34(g)(1), §354.34(g)(2), §354.34(g)(3), §354.34(h), §354.34(i), §354.34(j), §354.36(a), §354.36(b)(1), §354.36(b)(2), §354.36(c), §354.38(a), §354.38(b), §354.38(c)(1), §354.38(c)(2), §354.38(d), §354.38(e)(1), §354.38(e)(2), §354.38(e)(3), §354.38(e)(4), §354.44(a), §354.44(b)(1)(A), §354.44(b)(1)(B), §354.44(b)(2), §354.44(b)(3), §354.44(b)(4), §354.44(b)(5), §354.44(b)(6), §354.44(b)(7), §354.44(b)(8), §354.44(b)(9), §354.44(c), §354.44(d) 01/24/2022 12:20 PM
Title Publication Name Publish Date Author(s) File Name or URL
February 2020 Groundwater Monitoring Report, Chico Urban Area Nitrate Compliance Program 2020-06-01 AECOM
Base of fresh water in the Sacramento Valley and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California 1973-12-01 Berkstresser, Jr., C.F.
Geologic Map of the Red Bluff 30' X 60' Quadrangle, California 1999-01-01 Blake, M.C., D.S. Harwood, E.J. Helley, W.P. Irwin, A.S. Jayko, and D.L. Jones
Lower Tuscan Aquifer Monitoring, Recharge, and Data Management Project 2013-05-21 Brown and Caldwell
Stable Isotope Recharge Study 2017-09-30 Brown and Caldwell
Model Documentation v1.0. Butte Basin Groundwater Model 2021-11-30 Butte County Department of Water and Resource Conservation
Evaluation of Ground Water Resources 1978-08-01 California Department of Water Resources
California’s Groundwater 2003-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
California’s Groundwater Bulletin 118, Sacramento Valley Groundwater Basin, Vina Sub-basin 2004-02-27 California Department of Water Resources
Butte County Groundwater Inventory Analysis: prepared by the California Department of Water Resources Northern Region Office, Division of Planning and Local Assistance 2005-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
Geology of the Northern Sacramento Valley 2014-09-01 California Department of Water Resources
Best Management Practices for the Sustainable Management of Groundwater, Monitoring Networks and Identification of Data Gaps 2016-12-01 California Department of Water Resources
SGMA Groundwater Management 2018-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
DWR Sustainable Groundwater Management Program Natural Communities Commonly Associated with Groundwater Dataset and Online Web Viewer 2018-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
2017 GPS Survey of the Sacramento Valley Subsidence Network Report 2018-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
SGMA Data Viewer 2019-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
2016 Statewide Land Use Mapping 2019-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
Northern Sacramento Valley Dedicated Monitoring Well Groundwater Quality Assessment Report 2020-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
A Tale of Two Waters? Groundwater and Surface Water – An Interconnected Resource 2020-11-19 Davids, J., R. Bernal, C. Buck, K. Peterson
Butte County Water Inventory and Analysis 2016-06-01 Davids Engineering
Hydrologic Conceptual Model Report, Colusa Subbasin. Prepared for County of Glenn and County of Colusa 2018-05-01 Davids Engineering
The Marysville (Sutter) Buttes, Sutter County, California 1962-01-01 Garrison, L.E.
Hydrostratigraphy and Pump-Test Analysis of the Lower Tuscan/Tehama Aquifer, Northern Sacramento Valley, CA 2014-11-01 Greene, T.J., and K. Hoover
“Geologic Map of the Late Cenozoic Deposits of the Sacramento Valley and Northern Sierran Foothills, California.” U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1790: 24 pp. 5 sheets, scale 1:62,500. 1985-01-01 Helley, E.J., and D.S. Harwood
Land Subsidence in the San Joaquin Valley, California, as of 1980 1984-01-01 Ireland, R.L., J.F. Poland, and F.S. Riley
Exploring the model space of airborne electromagnetic data to delineate largescale structure and heterogeneity within an aquifer system 2021-01-01 Kang, S., R. Knight, T. Greene, C. Buck, and G. Fogg
Mapping Indicators of Groundwater dependent ecosystems in California 2018-01-01 Klausmeyer, K., J. Howard, T. Keeler-Wolf, K. Davis-Fadtke, R. Hull, and A. Lyons
The Magnitude and Variability of Lateral Seepage in California Rice Fields 2019-01-01 LaHue, G.T., and B.A. Lindquist
Geology and lahars of the Tuscan Formation, Northern California 1968-01-01 Lydon, P.A.
Late Cenozoic stratigraphic units, northeastern San Joaquin Valley, California 1981-03-18 Marchand, D.E. and A. Allwardt
Geologic features and ground-water storage capacity of the Sacramento Valley, California 1961-01-01 Olmsted, F.H. and G.H. Davis
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1401-C, Geology of the Fresh Ground-Water Basin of the Central Valley, California with Texture Maps and Sections 1986-01-01 Page, R.W.
Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act: Guidance for Preparing Groundwater Sustainability Plans 2018-01-01 Rohde, M.M., S. Matsumoto, J. Howard, S. Liu, L. Riege, and E.J. Remson
CropScape - Cropland Data Layer 2020-01-01 United States Department of Agriculture
Elevation Readings Export (CSV)

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