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Initial GSP 2022 - 4-004.05 FILLMORE

Base Information

07/16/2024   Resubmission
07/16/2024   Resubmission
09/16/2024   Resubmission
Tony Emmert (Fillmore and Piru Basins GSA - Piru)
P O Box 1110
Fillmore, CA 93016
(805) 525-4431
Notice Date: 09/01/2021
2021-09-01 City of Fillmore Notice of Intent.pdf (31.6kB)
2021-09-01 County Of Ventura.pdf (31.5kB)
Public Hearing Date: 12/16/2021
2021-12-16-FPBGSA.pdf (279kB)

Incomplete GSP Resubmission Notices

Notice Date: 03/29/2024

Notice of intent to adopt revised GSP sent to City of Fillmore on 3/29/2024. Notice of intent to adopt revised GSP sent to Ventura County on 3/29/2024. First public notice of intent to adopt revised GSP published in the Fillmore Gazette on 6/27/2024. Second public notice of intent to adopt revised GSP published in the Fillmore Gazette on 7/4/2024.

2024-03-29 County Of Ventura.pdf (83.8kB)
2024-03-29 City of Fillmore.pdf (85.1kB)
E-Tear-sheet-page-3-Fillmore-Gazette-06-27-2024.pdf (869kB)
E-tear-sheet-page-3-Fillmore-Gazette-07-04-2024.pdf (1.4MB)
File Name GSP Regulation Element(s) Uploaded Date & Time
Title Publication Name Publish Date Author(s) File Name or URL
Endangered and Threatened Species; Designation of Critical Habitat for Seven Evolutionarily Significant Units of Pacific Salmon and Steelhead in California   new Rederal Register 2005-09-02 NOAA
Endangered and Threatened Species; Designation of Critical Habitat for Seven Evolutionarily Significant Units of Pacific Salmon and Steelhead in California   new Rederal Register 2005-09-02 NOAA
2023 5-Year Review: Summary & Evaluation of Southern California Steelhead   new 2023-05-02 NOAA
Santa Felicia Water Release Plan   new 2012-06-01 United Water Conservation District
Santa Clara River Steelhead Trout: Assessment and Recovery Opportunities   new 2005-12-01 Stoeckler, M. and Kelley, E.
Freeman Diversion: Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan   new 2020-06-30 United Water Conservation District
DRAFT Best management practices for the sustainable management of groundwater, Sustainable management criteria 2017-11-01 California Department of Water Resources
Bulletin 118 boundary modifications for Santa Paula, Fillmore and Piru Basins 2018-11-19 California Department of Water Resources
DWR-provided climate change data and guidance for use during groundwater sustainability plan development 2018-07-01 California Department of Water Resources
Guidance for climate change data use during groundwater sustainability plan development 2018-07-01 California Department of Water Resources
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act water year type dataset development report 2021-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
Sustainable Groundwater Management Office projected water year types 2021-05-01 California Department of Water Resources
Geologic map of the Santa Paula Peak quadrangle, Ventura County, California 1990-01-01 Dibblee, T.W. and H.E. Ehrenspeck
Geologic map of the Fillmore quadrangle, Ventura County, California 1990-01-01 Dibblee, T.W. and H.E. Ehrenspeck
Geologic map of the Piru quadrangle, Ventura County, California 1990-01-01 Dibblee, T.W. and H.E. Ehrenspeck
Geologic map of the Simi quadrangle, Ventura County, California 1992-01-01 Dibblee, T.W. and H.E. Ehrenspeck
Geologic map of the Moorpark quadrangle, Ventura County, California 1992-01-01 Dibblee, T.W. and H.E. Ehrenspeck
Geologic map of the Santa Paula quadrangle, Ventura County, California 1992-01-01 Dibblee, T.W. and H.E. Ehrenspeck
Geologic map of the Val Verde quadrangle, Ventura County, California 1993-01-03 Dibblee, T.W. and H.E. Ehrenspeck
Geology of the California Continental Margin: Explanation of the California Continental Margin Geologic Map Series, Interpretive methods, symbology, stratigraphic units and bibliography: Area 2 1986-01-01 Greene, H.G. and M.P. Kennedy
Simulation of ground-water/surface-water flow in the Santa Clara-Calleguas Ground-Water Basin, Ventura County, California 2003-01-01 Hanson, R.T., P. Martin, and K.M. Kozcot
Sensitivity of groundwater-dependent riparian woodlands to water table declines. A presentation of preliminary research made to the FPBGSA at the January 21 public meeting. 2021-01-21 Kibler, C.L.
A brown wave of riparian woodland mortality following groundwater declines during the 2012- 2019 California drought 2021-07-28 Kibler, C.L., C.E. Schmidt, D.A. Roberts, J.C. Stella, L. Kui, A.M. Lambert, and M.B. Singer
2018 statewide crop mapping 2021-09-29 Land IQ
Lower Santa Clara River salt and nutrient management plan 2015-04-01 Larry Walker Associates
2008 Chloride source identification/ reduction, pollution prevention, and public outreach plan 2008-11-01 Los Angeles County Sanitation District
Basin plan for the coastal watersheds of Los Angeles and Ventura Counties 1994-01-01 Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board
A plan for groundwater management 1959-09-01 Mann, John F. Jr. & Associates
Ventura County water resources management study, Geologic formations, structures and history in the Santa Clara Calleguas area 1975-01-01 Mukae, M. and J.M. Turner
Southern California steelhead recovery plan 2012-01-01 National Marine Fisheries Service
National Engineering Handbook Part 630, Hydrology 2009-01-01 Natural Resources Conservation Service
Seismic hazards and land use planning 1974-01-01 Nichols, D.R. and J.M. Buchanan-Banks
Projected changes in Ventura County climate 2019-06-01 Oakley, N.S., B.J. Hatchett, D. McEvoy, and L. Rodriguez
Parameter-elevation Relationships on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM) Climate Group 2004-02-04 Parameter-elevation Relationships on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM) Climate Group
Memorandum to United Water Conservation District regarding Expert panel review of the expansion and update to the Ventura Regional Groundwater Flow Model (Ventura County, California) 2021-08-19 Porcello, J., J. Rumbaugh, and S. Panday
Documentation and description of the digital spatial data base for the Southern California Regional Aquifer-System Analysis Program, Santa Clara-Calleguas Basin, Ventura County, California 1996-01-01 Predmore, S.K., K.M. Koczot, and K.S. Paybins
Historical ecology of the Lower Santa Clara River, Ventura River, and Oxnard Plain: An analysis of terrestrial, riverine, and coastal habitats. Contribution Number 641 2011-08-01 San Francisco Estuary Institute
Coastal Region Conservation Program multi-species habitat conservation plan 2020-05-01 Southern California Gas Company
City of Ventura special studies—Phase 3: Assessment of the physical and biological conditions of the Santa Clara River estuary, Ventura County, California 2018-02-01 Stillwater Sciences
Assessment of groundwater dependent ecosystems for the Fillmore and Piru Basins groundwater sustainability plan 2021-12-01 Stillwater Sciences
Restoration planning at the Cienega Springs Ecological Reserve: Basis of design technical report 2021-04-01 Stillwater Sciences
Santa Clara River steelhead trout: Assessment and recovery opportunities 2005-12-01 Stoecker, M. and E. Kelley
Santa Clara River Upper Watershed conservation plan 2006-09-01 The Nature Conservancy
Conservation plan for the Lower Santa Clara River Watersheds and surrounding areas 2008-01-01 The Nature Conservancy
InSAR Data Accuracy for California Groundwater Basins CGPS Data Comparative Analysis January 2015 to October 2020 2021-04-07 Towill, Inc.
Monitored natural attenuation assessment report, Former Pacific Coast Pipeline Superfund Site, Fillmore, California 2021-01-25 Trihydro Corporation
Discharge measurements at gaging stations. USGS Techniques and Methods (Book 3). Chapter A8 2010-01-01 Turnipseed, D.P. and V.B. Sauer
Memorandum regarding Navigability of Santa Clara River at Mile 8.42 1987-06-03 U.S. Department of Transportation
Office of surface water technical memorandum 2004.04 regarding Policy on the use of the FlowTracker for discharge measurements 2004-06-02 U.S. Geological Survey
Draft 2013 Piru/Fillmore Basins AB3030 groundwater management plan 2013-10-01 United Water Conservation District
DRAFT 2012 and 2013 Piru and Fillmore Basins AB 3030 Biennial groundwater conditions report 2015-02-01 United Water Conservation District
2014 and 2015 Piru and Fillmore Basins biennial groundwater conditions report 2016-06-01 United Water Conservation District
Groundwater and surface water conditions report - 2015 2017-03-01 United Water Conservation District
Ventura Regional Groundwater Flow Model and Updated Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model: Oxnard Plain, Oxnard Forebay, Pleasant Valley, West Las Posas, and Mound Groundwater Basins. Open-File Report 2018-02. 2018-07-01 United Water Conservation District
Annual investigation and report of groundwater conditions within United Water Conservation District: A summary of findings for the previous water year (2018-2019) current water year (2019-2020), and ensuing water year (2020-2021) 2020-03-01 United Water Conservation District
Santa Paula Basin annual report 2020-09-28 United Water Conservation District
Summary of past groundwater models and water budgets for the Piru, Fillmore, and Santa Paula Groundwater Basins 2020-09-01 United Water Conservation District
Ventura regional groundwater flow model expansion and updated hydrogeologic conceptual model for the Piru, Fillmore and Santa Paula Groundwater Basins. Open-File Report 2021-01 2021-06-01 United Water Conservation District
Implementation of groundwater and surface water model inputs for simulations in support of groundwater sustainability plan development by the Mound, Fillmore and Piru Groundwater Sustainability Agencies. Open-File Report 2021-02 2021-06-01 United Water Conservation District
E-mail communication between Dr. Bram Sercu and DBS&A 2021-07-23 United Water Conservation District
E-mail communication between Dr. Jason Sun and DBS&A 2021-07-29 United Water Conservation District
Ventura regional groundwater flow model 2016-2019 update for the Piru, Fillmore, Santa Paula, Mound, Oxnard, Pleasant Valley, and West Las Posas Groundwater Basins. Open- File Report 2021-02 2021-09-01 United Water Conservation District
City of Fillmore 2015 urban water management plan, Final draft 2016-01-01 AECOM
Economic analysis of invasive giant reed (Arundo donax) control for the lower Santa Clara River 2016-03-01 Bell, I., E. Berry, B. Prentice-Dekker, Z. Mckelvey, M. Steele, and D. Booth
From past patterns to future potential: using historical ecology to inform river restoration on an intermittent California river 2015-08-30 Beller, E.E., P.W. Downs, R.M. Grossinger, B.K. Orr, and M.N. Soloman
Ventura County investigation. Bulletin 46 1933-01-01 California Department of Public Works
Ventura County investigation. Bulletin 12 1956-04-01 California State Water Resources Board
California geomorphic provinces. Note 36 2002-12-01 California Geological Survey
Geologic compilation of Quaternary surficial deposits in southern California. Special Report 217 2012-12-01 California Geological Survey
Literature review evaluation final report, Upper Santa Clara River chloride TMDL collaborative process 2006-03-01 CH2M Hill
Santa Paula Basin Hydrogeologic Characterization and Safe Yield Study Ventura County, California 2017-05-25 Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc
Sampling and analysis plan 2020-05-01 Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc
Monitoring network and data gap analysis 2021-09-01 Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc
Subsidence technical memorandum 2021-08-06 Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc
Sustainable management criteria technical memorandum 2021-11-11 Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc
Water quality and water quality problems, Ventura County. Bulletin 75 1959-02-01 California Department of Water Resources
Mathematical modeling of water quality for water resources management, Volume 1: Development of the ground water quality model 1974-08-01 California Department of Water Resources
Mathematical modeling of water quality for water resources management, development of the ground water quality model, Volume 2: Development of historic data for the verification of the ground water quality model of the Santa Clara–Calleguas area, Ventura County 1974-08-01 California Department of Water Resources
Hydrologic Region South Coast, Santa Clara River Valley Groundwater Basin, Fillmore Subbasin. California’s Groundwater Bulletin 118 2006-01-20 California Department of Water Resources
Groundwater sustainability plan (GSP) emergency regulations guide 2016-07-01 California Department of Water Resources
Best management practices for the sustainable management of groundwater, Monitoring protocols standards and sites 2016-12-01 California Department of Water Resources
Best management practices for the sustainable management of groundwater, Monitoring networks and identification of data gaps 2016-12-01 California Department of Water Resources
Best management practices for the sustainable management of groundwater, Hydrogeologic conceptual model 2016-12-01 California Department of Water Resources
Best management practices for the sustainable management of groundwater, Water budget 2016-12-01 California Department of Water Resources
Best management practices for the sustainable management of groundwater, Modeling 2016-12-01 California Department of Water Resources
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