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Initial GSP 2020 - 4-008 LAS POSAS VALLEY

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Robert Hampson (Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency - County of Ventura)
800 S Victoria Ave
Ventura, CA 93009
(805) 654-3952
File Name GSP Regulation Element(s) Uploaded Date & Time
Title Publication Name Publish Date Author(s) File Name or URL
Best Management Practices for the Sustainable Management of Groundwater: Monitoring Networks and Identification of Data Gaps 2016-12-01 California Department of Water Resources
2015 Urban Water Management Plans Guidebook for Urban Water Suppliers. 2016-03-01 California Department of Water Resources
Bulletin 118 Interim Update 2016: California’s Groundwater—Working Toward Sustainability 2016-12-22 California Department of Water Resources
Disadvantaged Communities Mapping Tool [online application]. 2017-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act 2018 Basin Prioritization Process and Results 2019-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
Crustal Strain Near the Big Bend of the San Andreas Fault: Analysis of the Los Padres–Tehachapi Trilateration Networks, California 1990-01-01 Eberhart-Phillips, D., M. Lisowski, and M.D. Zoback
Progress Report: Subsidence in California, March 2015–September 2016 2017-01-01 Farr, T.G., C. E. Jones, and Z. Liu
Assembly Bill No. 2995 1982-09-13 Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
Ordinance No. 4: North Las Posas Basin Groundwater Extraction Prohibition Ordinance 1997-07-01 Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
Ordinance No. 4.1: An Ordinance to Prohibit Groundwater Extractions in the Expansion Area of the North Las Posas Basin. 1995-06-01 Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
An Ordinance to Prohibit Groundwater Extractions in the Expansion Area of the North Las Posas Basin 1995-10-01 Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
Ordinance 5.6: An Ordinance to Reduce Groundwater Extractions.” 1997-07-01 Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
Ordinance No. 4.3: An Ordinance to Protect Groundwater in the Las Posas Basins 2001-03-01 Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
Ordinance No. 8: An Ordinance to Adopt the Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency Code 2002-06-01 Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
2007 Update to the Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency Groundwater Management Plan 2007-05-01 Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
Resolution No. 2011-04: A Resolution Specifying the Requirements for Calculating the Irrigation Allowance Index under the Irrigation Efficiency Allocation Program 2011-10-26 Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency Calendar Year 2014 Annual Report 2014-01-01 Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
Emergency Ordinance E: An Ordinance Limiting Extractions from Groundwater Extraction Facilities, Suspending Use of Credits and Prohibiting Construction of any Groundwater Extraction Facility and/or the Issuance of any Permit Therefor 2014-04-11 Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
Minutes of the FCGMA regular Board meeting 2015-10-28 Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
Ordinance No. 8.8: An Ordinance to Amend the Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency Ordinance Code Relating to Extraction Surcharges for Exceeding an Irrigation Allowance Index of 1.0 and Imposing an Agency-Wide Cap on Agricultural Extractions 2015-01-09 Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
Minutes of the Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency’s (FCGMA) Regular Board Meeting held Wednesday, May 25, 2016 2016-05-25 Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency 2015 Annual Report 2016-11-22 Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
Ordinances and Legislation 2019-01-01 Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
Board of Directors 2019-01-01 Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
Organizational Chart 2019-01-01 Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency, Full Agenda Package, Special Board Meeting of August 29, 2018 2018-08-29 Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Oxnard Subbasin 2019-12-01 Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
2007 Update to the Groundwater Management Agency Groundwater Management Plan 2007-05-01 Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
Space Geodetic Measurement of Crustal Deformation in Central and Southern California, 1984–1992 1993-01-01 Feigl, K.L., D.C. Agnew, Y. Bock, D. Dong, A. Donnellan, B. H. Hager, T.A. Herring, and D.D. Jackson
Seismic Structure of the Transverse Ranges, California 1977-01-01 Hadley, D., and H. Kanamori
Simulation of Ground-Water/Surface-Water Flow in the Santa Clara–Calleguas Ground-Water Basin, Ventura County, California 2003-01-01 Hanson, R. T., P. Martin, and K.M. Koczot
Convergence Rates across a Displacement Transfer Zone in Western Transverse Ranges, Ventura Basin, California 1995-01-01 Huftile, G.J., and R.S. Yeats
Surface and Subsurface Geology of the Camarillo and Las Posas Hills Area: Ventura County, California 1979-01-01 Jakes, M.C.
Geology and Oil Resources of a Part of Los Angeles and Ventura Counties California 1924-01-01 Kew, W.S.
Water Quality Control Plan: Los Angeles Region. September 11, 2014 2014-09-11 Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board
Las Posas Basin-Specific Groundwater Management Plan 2012-08-17 Las Posas Users Group
Las Posas Basin-Specific Groundwater Management Plan 2012-08-01 Las Posas Users Group
FINAL DRAFT V.1 (8/17/20102) Las Posas Basin-Specific Groundwater Management Plan 2012-08-17 Las Posas Users Group
Effects of Nonplanar Fault Topology and Mechanical Interaction on Fault-Slip Distributions in the Ventura Basin, California 2008-01-01 Marshall, S.T., M.L. Cooke, and A.E. Owen
Population, Income, Education, & Housing 2016-01-01 City of Moorpark
Microplate Capture, Rotation of the Western Transverse Ranges, and Initiation of the San Andreas Transform as a Low-Angle Fault System 1994-01-01 Nicholson, C., C.C. Sorlien, T. Atwater, J.C. Crowell, and B.P. Luyendyk
Historical climate data provided for the Camarillo weather station 2016-01-01 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Centers for Environmental Information
Email from B. Bondy re: Sales and Usage of CMWD Imported Water—California-American Water Company: WLPMA Municipal and Industrial Water Data for 2006 to 2015 2017-10-07 Bondy, B.
Quaternary Rate of Folding of the Ventura Avenue Anticline, Western Transverse Ranges, Southern California 1988-01-01 Rockwell, T.K., E. A. Keller, and G.R. Dembroff
land_use_scag_2005.lpk 2005-06-01 Southern California Association of Governments
2016–2040 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy 2016-04-01 Southern California Association of Governments
Moorpark Wastewater Treatment Plant effluent discharge to on-site percolation ponds 2016-09-16 Segui, M.
Oil Fields.shp 2016-12-22 County of Ventura
Data re: Other Imported Water—Recycled Water for Municipal and Industrial Uses 2016-08-22 Moorpark Wastewater Treatment Plan
Historical climate data provided for the Camarillo weather station 2016-01-01 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Centers for Environmental Information
Groundwater Flow Model of the East and South Las Posas Sub-Basins 2018-01-17 Calleguas Municipal Water District
Groundwater Flow Model of the East and South Las Posas Sub-Basins 2018-01-17 Calleguas Municipal Water District
California Indian Tribal Homelands and Trust Land Map 2011-07-19 California Department of Water Resources
Bulletin No. 12: Ventura County Investigation Volume I. 1956-04-01 State Water Resources Control Board
Resolution No. 2004-0063: Adoption of the Water Quality Control Policy (Policy) for Developing California’s Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List 2004-01-01 State Water Resources Control Board
Technical Memorandum - DRAFT, Assessment of Groundwater Dependant Ecosystems for the Oxnard Subbasin Grounndwater Sustainability Plan 2017-06-25 The Nature Conservancy
Characterization and Groundwater Supply Assessment for Simi Valley Basin 2016-03-01 Todd Groundwater
Effective Base of Fresh Water Reservoir in the Oxnard-Calleguas Area.” In Compilation of Technical Information Records for the Ventura County Cooperative Investigation: Volume I, 1975-01-01 Turner, J.M., and M.M. Mukae
About Us 2017-01-01 UNAVCO
Use of Isotopic Data to Evaluate Recharge and Geologic Controls on the Movement of Ground Water in Las Posas Valley, Ventura County, California 1997-01-01 U.S. Geological Survey
Simulation of Ground-Water/Surface-Water Flow in the Santa Clara–Calleguas Ground-Water Basin, Ventura County, California 2003-01-01 U.S. Geological Survey
Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report for Focused General Plan Update and Related Amendments to the Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance and Zone Change ZN05-0008 2005-06-22 Ventura County Planning Department
Ventura County General Plan: Goals Policies and Programs 2015-10-20 Ventura County Planning Department
Ventura County Waterworks District No. 1, 2015 Urban Water Management Plan 2016-06-14 Ventura County Waterworks District No. 1
Inventory of Public and Private Water Purveyors in Ventura County 2006-03-01 Ventura County Watershed Protection District
Least Bell’s Vireo, Southwestern Willow Flycatcher and California Gnatcatcher Survey Report for the Virginia Colony Detention Basin Project 2013-03-01 Ventura County Watreshed Proctection District and Aspen Environmental Group
2015 Annual Report of Groundwater Conditions 2016-09-01 Ventura County Watershed Protection District
VCWPD Mapped Reaches 2016-08-17 Ventura County Watershed Protection District
General Features of Seismic Hazards of Ventura County, California.” In Seismic Hazards Study of Ventura County, California 1976-07-01 Weber, F.H., and E. W. Kiessling
Online geospatial database. 2016-01-01 Cal-Atlas
Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency Boundaries 2019-01-01 Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
Jurisdictional boundary of the FCGMA 2016-08-01 Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency
Ventura County Rivers, Streams and Channels – also stream gauge locations 2016-01-01 Ventura County Watreshed Proctection District
Web Soil Survey. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Soil Survey Staff 2019-01-01 U.S. Department of Agriculture
Late Quaternary Slip Rate on the Oak Ridge Fault, Transverse Ranges, California: Implications for Seismic Risk 1988-01-01 Yeats, R.S.
Moorpark Desalter Groundwater Modeling 2016-02-08 Bachman, S.
Ecology and Management of Arundo donax, and Approaches to Riparian Habitat Restoration in Southern California. 1997-01-01 Bell, G.P.
Kinematic Evolution of the Junction of the San Andreas, Garlock, and Big Pine Faults, California 1982-01-01 Bohannon, R. G., and D. G. Howell
Arroyo Las Posas Flow Terminus, Summer–Fall 2014 and 2015 2016-01-01 Bondy, B.
Los Angeles Basin Stormwater Conservation Study: Task 3.1. Development of Climate-Adjusted Hydrologic Model Inputs 2013-10-01 Bureau of Reclamation
Proposed Freeway Connection from the End of Route 23 at New Los Angeles Avenue to the End of Route 118, 0.3 Mile East of College View Avenue in the City of Moorpark: Draft Environmental Impact Statement. 1987-07-15 California Department of Transportation
Measurable Objectives 1901-01-01 23 CCR 354.30(g)
California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB), Rarefind, Version 3.1.1 2017-01-01 California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Note 36: California Geomorphic Provinces 2002-12-01 California Geological Survey
2015 Urban Water Management Plan for the City of Camarillo. 2016-08-01 City of Camarillo
City of Moorpark Zoning Map 2008-09-01 City of Moorpark
City of Moorpark General Plan Land Use Element. 2009-06-17 City of Moorpark
Population, Income, Education, & Housing 2016-10-19 City of Moorpark
Phase I Study: Surface Flow and Groundwater Recharge in Arroyo Las Posas. 2012-01-15 Calleguas Municipal Water District
DRAFT Data Report for the Phase II Program for Long-Term Monitoring of Flow and Recharge in Arroyo Las Posas 2013-08-12 Calleguas Municipal Water District
Las Posas Basin ASR Project Annual Report 2013 2014-10-01 Calleguas Municipal Water District
Results of Water Quality Sampling Events and Tracking of the Surface Flow Terminus in Arroyo Simi/Las Posas 2015-05-01 Calleguas Municipal Water District
2015 Urban Water Management Plan 2016-06-01 Calleguas Municipal Water District
Results of Water Quality Sampling Events and Tracking of the Surface Flow Terminus in Arroyo Simi/Las Posas for 2015 2016-07-07 Calleguas Municipal Water District
Development of a Conceptual Model for the Las Posas Valley Basin – East and South Sub-Basins 2016-08-01 Calleguas Municipal Water District
Las Posas Basin ASR Project Annual Report 2015 2016-10-01 Calleguas Municipal Water District
Las Posas Basin ASR Project Annual Report 2014 2016-01-01 Calleguas Municipal Water District
Las Posas Basin ASR Project Annual Report 2015 2016-10-01 Calleguas Municipal Water District
Results of Water Quality Sampling Events and Tracking of the Surface Flow Terminus in Arroyo Simi/Las Posas for 2015 2016-07-07 Calleguas Municipal Water District
Development of a Conceptual Model for the Las Posas Valley Basin – East and South Sub-Basins 2017-01-01 Calleguas Municipal Water District
Ventura_County_Wells _08_17_2016.shp 2016-08-17 County of Ventura
Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Ventura to Become the Groundwater Sustainability Agency for Unmanaged Areas Within the Santa Paula and Oxnard Sub-basins of the Santa Clara River Valley Groundwater Basin and the Pleasant Valley And Las Posas Valley Groundwater Basins 2017-06-08 County of Ventura
Water delivery data. Email from I. Pritchard (CWD) to R. Schnabel (Dudek) 2017-08-21 Camrosa Water District
Resolution of the Board of Directors of Camrosa Water District Declaring Camrosa Water District’s Intent to Act as the Groundwater Sustainability Agency for the Portions of the Pleasant Valley Basin, Oxnard Subbasin of the Santa Clara River Valley Basin, and the Las Posas Basin Outside the Boundaries of the Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency and Within the Camrosa Service Area.” 2019-05-01 Camrosa Water District
Draft Report: FCGMA Groundwater Balances 2017-03-01 Daniel B. Stephens & Associates
Earthquake Hazard of the Camarillo Fold Belt: An Analysis of the Unstudied Fold Belt in Southern California Hot Zone 2007-01-01 DeVecchio, D.E., E.A. Keller, L.A. Owen, and M. Fuchs
Late Pleistocene Structural Evolution of the Camarillo Fold Belt: Implications for Lateral Fault Growth and Seismic Hazard in Southern California. 2012-01-01 DeVecchio, D.E., E.A. Keller, L.A. Owen, and M. Fuchs
Climate-Controlled Landscape Evolution in the Western Transverse Ranges, California: Insights from Quaternary Geochronology of the Saugus Formation and Strath Terrace Flights 2012-01-01 DeVecchio, D.E., R. V. Heermance, L.A. Owen, and M. Fuchs
Geologic Map of the Moorpark Quadrangle, Ventura County: Santa Barbara California, Dibblee Geological Foundation 1992-01-01 Dibblee, T.W. Jr.
Geologic Map of the Simi Quadrangle, Ventura County: Santa Barbara California, Dibblee Geological Foundation 1992-01-01 Dibblee, T.W. Jr.
Preliminary Draft Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Las Posas Valley Basin 2017-11-01 Dudek
Compilation of Technical Information Records for the Ventura County Cooperative Investigation 1975-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
California’s Groundwater Bulletin 118: Las Posas Valley Groundwater Basin 2006-01-20 Department of Water Resources
Department of Water Resources Groundwater Elevation Monitoring Guidelines 2010-12-01 California Department of Water Resources
California Indian Tribal Homelands and Trust Land Map 2011-07-19 California Department of Water Resources
Summary of Recent, Historical, and Estimated Potential for Future Land Subsidence in California 2014-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
4-008: Las Posas Valley.” B118 Interim Update 2016 Data 2016-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
Best Management Practices for the Sustainable Management of Groundwater: Monitoring Protocols, Standards, and Sites. 2016-12-01 California Department of Water Resources
Map of Basin Boundary Modifications 2016-01-01 California Department of Water Resources
Elevation Readings Export (CSV)

SGMA Wells

Existing Sites

General Sites