Public Comments

GSP Initial Notification

04/25/2018   04/25/2018
  1. Multiple GSPs that cover the entire basin
    1. 6
    2. No
      1. The coordination agreement is in development by a coordination committee consisting representatives of each GSP group in the subbasin. Expected to complete by end of 2018.


  2. Aliso Water District GSA (Exclusive)
    1. Yes
  3. Roy Catania
    (Aliso Water District GSA)
    13991 Ave. 7, Madera, CA93637
    (559) 779-2616

  4. The Agency has retained a team of consultants to develop the GSP, and coordinate with the adjacent GSAs internal and external to the subbasin. The public may participate in the development of the GSP by attending the Aliso Water District Board meetings held the 4th Tuesday of the quarter (January, April, July, October) at 1:30 pm. They are held at the O?Neill Agri-Management office: 13991 Ave. 7, Madera, CA. 93637. The public is encouraged to add their name to the interested parties list through the website.