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Shafter-Wasco Irrigation District GSA


Point of Contact Information

AGSA Eligibility Determination

  1. The Shafter-Wasco Irrigation District Groundwater Sustainability Agency is being formed by the Shafter-Wasco Irrigation District. This local agency has water supply and water management responsibilities within its boundary. Because it is a "local agency," as that term is defined by Water Code section 10721, subdivision (n), the Shafter-Wasco Irrigation District is eligible to form a Groundwater Sustainability Agency. Shafter-Wasco Irrigation District has a contract for water service with the United States through its 9D Repayment Contract, Contract no.: 14-06-200-4032D.
  2. No

BDecision to Become a GSA

  1. 10/12/2022
  2. SWID GSA Proof of Publication.pdf (196.8kB) Uploaded on 11/03/2022 at 02:37PM
  3. 22-17 FORMING SWID GSA-FINALIZED.pdf (77.4kB) Uploaded on 11/03/2022 at 02:37PM

CType of GSA Formation and Contact Information

    Shafter-Wasco Irrigation District GSA
  1. Kris Lawrence

DMap & Service Area Boundaries

  2. SWID_GSA Boundary Map_11 03 22.pdf (2.6MB) Uploaded on 11/04/2022 at 01:01PM
  3. SWID_ServiceArea_Boundary.zip (14.3kB) Uploaded on 11/04/2022 at 01:01PM
  4. ShafterWascoID_GSA.zip (14.1kB) Uploaded on 11/03/2022 at 02:47PM
  5. There is a small portion that is covered by the SWID GSA that is not within the SWID service area. This is land within the City of Wasco, that overlies Semitropic Water Storage District. The vast majority of the City of Wasco is in SWID, so they requested that their small portion of land in Semitropic Water Storage District be covered by the SWID GSA.

ERequired Documents

  1. SWID coordinated closely with its water users, landowners, and the cities within its boundaries during the development of the GSP. There were public meetings held, and the cities were given the opportunity to review and provide feedback on the GSP during its development. SWID continues to work with its landowners and the local cities to ensure the beneficial users are considered in its management of water. Interested Parties List - SWID.pdf (61.2kB) Uploaded on 11/03/2022 at 03:31PM
  2. See attached. List of Local Agencies - SWID.pdf (52.4kB) Uploaded on 11/03/2022 at 03:06PM
  3. N/A