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County of Ventura GSA - Oxnard Basin Outlying Areas


Point of Contact Information

AGSA Eligibility Determination

  1. The County of Ventura has land use authority over the areas this GSA intends to manage.
  2. No

BDecision to Become a GSA

  1. 06/20/2017
  2. Published GSA Public Notice 061317.pdf (955.2kB) Uploaded on 06/26/2017 at 02:37PM Published GSA Public Notice 060617.pdf (889.6kB) Uploaded on 06/26/2017 at 02:37PM
  3. Resolution_GSA Unmanaged Areas.pdf (166.8kB) Uploaded on 06/26/2017 at 02:37PM
  4. The County of Ventura is filing in the event there is an area within this basin that is not within the management area of a GSA. The County understands it will be presumed to be the GSA for unmanaged areas after June 30, 2017 (Water Code § 10724(a)). To fulfill our responsibility we are providing notification to DWR of our intent to manage the unmanaged area pursuant to Water Code §10723.8. If this notice creates overlap with another GSA, modification of this notice and map will be made to eliminate any areas of unintended overlap. Board Letter_GSA Unmanaged_signed.pdf (156.4kB) Uploaded on 06/26/2017 at 02:38PM

CType of GSA Formation and Contact Information

    County of Ventura GSA - Oxnard Basin Outlying Areas
  1. Arne Anselm

DMap & Service Area Boundaries

  2. The entire Oxnard Basin is within the service area boundary of the County of Ventura, however GSA will be limited to areas left unmanaged after June 30, 2017. County of Ventura provided GIS layers. Oxnard_Basin_Unmanaged_Areas_GSA_Local_Agency_Boundary.zip (33.9kB) Uploaded on 06/28/2017 at 04:20PM
  3. GSA will be limited to areas left unmanaged after June 30, 2017. County of Ventura provided GIS layers. In the case of overlap modification of this notice and map will be made to eliminate any areas of unintended overlap. Oxnard_Basin_Unmanaged_Areas_GSA_Boundary_No_Cam.zip (16.9kB) Uploaded on 06/28/2017 at 04:20PM
  4. The entire Oxnard Basin is within the service area boundary of the County of Ventura. The majority of the Oxnard Basin is within the Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency's service area. This GSA will cover the area outside of Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency that is not being managed by another GSA.

ERequired Documents

  1. Ventura County is filing in the event there is an area within this basin that is not within the management area of a GSA. The County understands it will be presumed to be the GSA for unmanaged areas after June 30, 2017 (Water Code § 10724(a)). To fulfill our responsibility we are providing notification to DWR of our intent to manage the unmanaged area pursuant to Water Code §10723.8. The Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency is the Exclusive GSA for the Oxnard Basin. Both Pleasant Valley County Water District and Camrosa Water District have indicated an interest in becoming the GSA for their service areas. These interested parties, along with United Water Conservation District, the City of Oxnard, land owners, well owners and residents of the outlying areas will be engaged in the considerations of managing the outlying areas of the Oxnard Basin.
  2. The Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency is the Exclusive GSA for the Oxnard Basin. Both Pleasant Valley County Water District and Camrosa Water District have indicated an interest in becoming the GSA for their service areas. FCGMA and B118 PV and Camrosa 05-15-2017.pdf (389.1kB) Uploaded on 06/26/2017 at 02:44PM
  3. Well ordinances prohibiting new water well permits within high- or medium priority basins, and establishing exceptions. Emergency Ordinance 4497.pdf (369kB) Uploaded on 06/26/2017 at 02:50PM Water Well Ordinance 4466.pdf (413.8kB) Uploaded on 06/26/2017 at 02:49PM Well Ordinance No. 4468.pdf (1.5MB) Uploaded on 06/26/2017 at 02:50PM