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Yolo Subbasin GSA


Point of Contact Information

AGSA Eligibility Determination

  1. A Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement (JPA) was executed by and among the following public agencies for the purpose of forming a Groundwater Sustainability Agency and achieving groundwater sustainability in the Yolo Subbasin: City of Davis, City of West Sacramento, City of Woodland, City of Winters, Dunnigan Water District, Esparto Community Services District, Madison Community Services District, Reclamation District (RD) 108, RD 537, RD 730, RD 765, RD 785, RD 787, RD 827, RD 1600, RD 2035, Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation, Yolo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, and County of Yolo. All of these agencies have one or more of the following responsibilities: water supply, water management, or land use responsibilities within the groundwater basin. Members to the JPA are authorized by the Joint Exercise of Powers Act (Chapter 5 of Division 7 of Title 1 of the California Government Code) (Act) to create an Agency for the purpose of jointly exercising those powers granted by the Act and any additional powers that are common among them. Specifically included are powers granted by SGMA for the purpose of cooperatively carrying out the requirements of SGMA, including, but not limited to, serving as the GSA for the Basin and developing, adopting, and implementing a GSP that achieves groundwater sustainability in the Yolo Subbasin.
  2. No

BDecision to Become a GSA

  1. 06/19/2017
  2. Proof of Publication_YSGA.pdf (327.9kB) Uploaded on 06/16/2017 at 05:28PM Proof of Publications_Members.pdf (3.4MB) Uploaded on 06/20/2017 at 10:28AM
  3. Resolutions_Members.pdf (4.6MB) Uploaded on 06/22/2017 at 11:47AM
  4. See the attached executed MOU between YSGA and Solano County for management within the Solano County-portion of the Yolo Subbasin. 20170626_MOU_YSGA and Solano County.pdf (213.6kB) Uploaded on 06/30/2017 at 08:46AM

CType of GSA Formation and Contact Information

    Yolo Subbasin GSA
  1. Kristin Sicke

DMap & Service Area Boundaries

  2. Updated Local Agencies_YSGA.pdf (512.2kB) Uploaded on 09/16/2019 at 09:04AM
  3. NCRO and YCFCWCD YSGA_Local Agencies.zip (30.5kB) Uploaded on 06/13/2017 at 11:05AM YCFCWCD boundary shp files 2013.zip (21.6kB) Uploaded on 06/13/2017 at 11:04AM SolanoCountyInYoloSubbasin.zip (6.1kB) Uploaded on 03/19/2019 at 02:46PM RD 307.zip (3.9kB) Uploaded on 09/17/2019 at 09:57AM Yolo Subbasin in Solano County.zip (5.9kB) Uploaded on 09/17/2019 at 09:55AM RD_999.zip (7.8kB) Uploaded on 09/17/2019 at 09:56AM Yolo County.zip (47.1kB) Uploaded on 06/13/2017 at 11:03AM RD150.zip (7.3kB) Uploaded on 09/17/2019 at 09:56AM
  4. DWR BBM file (NCRO) YSGA Boundary_2019.zip (74.8kB) Uploaded on 09/16/2019 at 09:16AM
  5. 2019 Update: The Yolo Subbasin Groundwater Agency Boundary Shapefile is from DWR's BBM 2018 Update. REASON FOR THE GSA BOUNDARY EXCEEDING THE LOCAL AGENCY SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY: The University of California, Davis is participating in the Yolo Subbasin Groundwater Agency as an Affiliated Party via an MOU with the Yolo Subbasin Groundwater Agency JPA. Since they are not a local agency by the definition of SGMA, the Yolo Subbasin Groundwater Agency is entering into an MOU with Solano County to ensure sustainable groundwater management within the Yolo Subbasin portion of Solano County (within UC Davis's property). Please see the attached resolution approving entering into an MOU with the County of Solano. Additionally, RD 999 extends into Solano County; the YSGA is currently in discussions with Solano County to establish an MOU for YSGA managing the RD 999 property in Solano County. (From 2016 BBM); Also, as part of this notice, Dunnigan Water District, Reclamation District No. 108, and Reclamation District No. 787 are rescinding their GSA notifications since they chose to be members of the Yolo Subbasin Groundwater Agency JPA. Please see the attached letters for rescinding. RD787_RescindLetter.pdf (268.9kB) Uploaded on 06/23/2017 at 04:07PM RD108_RescindLetter_Executed.pdf (41.4kB) Uploaded on 06/23/2017 at 04:07PM RESOLUTION 2017-2_YSGA MOU with Solano County.pdf (96.1kB) Uploaded on 06/22/2017 at 11:48AM DWD_RescindLetter.pdf (54.6kB) Uploaded on 06/23/2017 at 04:07PM

ERequired Documents

  1. See the attached document that discusses the outreach conducted to involve the interested parties in the development and operations of the GSA and the development and implementation of the GSP. Also, in the attached, is a list of the interested parties in the Yolo Subbasin, and the meetings that occurred over the past three years. Yolo Subbasin Interested Parties_Meetings_EmailListserv.pdf (2MB) Uploaded on 06/21/2017 at 10:22AM
  2. There are no other agencies within the Yolo Subbasin.
  3. Please see attached the executed JPA establishing the Yolo Subbasin Groundwater Agency (YSGA). Additionally, there is an updated signature page that has been included to the YSGA JPA for RD 150, 307, and 999's incorporation to the YSGA; along with a letter to DWR noticing the withdrawal of individual GSA status for RDs 150, 307, and 999. Yolo Subbasin_JPA_Agreement_Final.pdf (1.8MB) Uploaded on 09/13/2019 at 09:27AM Yolo Subbasin_JPA_Agreement_Final.pdf (1.6MB) Uploaded on 06/23/2017 at 01:24PM Notice to DWR Including RDs 150 307 and 999 in YSGA.pdf (240kB) Uploaded on 09/13/2019 at 09:27AM