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Amador County Groundwater Management Authority GSA


Point of Contact Information

AGSA Eligibility Determination

  1. The Amador County Groundwater Management Authority is joint powers authority which includes three public agencies: Amador County, Amador Water Agency, and Jackson Valley Irrigation District. Amador County has land use responsibilities for the entire County of Amador. Amador Water Agency has the authority to provide water service to all properties within Amador County and primarily utilizes the Mokelumne River as its water supply, but also utilizes groundwater. Jackson Valley Irrigation District utilizes both Jackson Creek and the Mokelumne River as water supplies for serving its district. All three agencies either serve water or have land use responsibilities for lands overlying the Cosumnes Subbasin of the San Joaquin Valley Groundwater Basin, Basin Number 5-22.16. The three agencies have entered into a joint powers agreement to create a joint powers authority to govern and manage that portion of the basin underlying Amador County
  2. No

BDecision to Become a GSA

  1. 02/14/2017
  2. 20170224070610.pdf (104.9kB) Uploaded on 02/24/2017 at 07:17AM
  3. 20170224163026.pdf (15.7MB) Uploaded on 02/24/2017 at 04:43PM
    20170224163059.pdf (15.7MB) Uploaded on 02/24/2017 at 04:43PM
    20170224163134.pdf (15.5MB) Uploaded on 02/24/2017 at 04:43PM

CType of GSA Formation and Contact Information

    Amador County Groundwater Management Authority GSA
  1. Rick Ferriera

DMap & Service Area Boundaries

  2. Amador_GSA_Notice.pdf (204.1kB) Uploaded on 03/16/2017 at 02:18PM
  3. The Amador County boundary is the service area for Amador County. The Amador County boundary is also the service area for the Amador Water Agency. The JVID Boundary is the service area for the Jackson Valley Irrigation District. Amador_County_Boundary.zip (77.3kB) Uploaded on 03/07/2017 at 01:00PM JVID_Boundary.zip (6.6kB) Uploaded on 03/07/2017 at 01:00PM
  4. The Consumnes Subbasin in AC is the GSA area boundary. CosumnesSubbasin_in_AC.zip (8.5kB) Uploaded on 03/07/2017 at 01:00PM
  5. The service area boundary for Amador County Board of Supervisors and Amador Water Agency is the same, the entire county of Amador. There appears to be some overlap with the Sloughhouse RCD; however, we believe this issue is a result of the accuracy of the files uploaded for the RCD boundary and that the county line is a true boundary for each GSA (see attached file 2017-03-07. 2017-03-07_13-13-07.jpg (758.9kB) Uploaded on 03/07/2017 at 01:22PM CosumnesSubBasin_52216.zip (31kB) Uploaded on 03/07/2017 at 07:04AM GBPAMap-amadorcounty.pdf (4.9MB) Uploaded on 03/07/2017 at 07:04AM Amador County GWBPAMap.jpg (599.7kB) Uploaded on 03/07/2017 at 07:04AM

ERequired Documents

  1. Interested parties to date include: East Bay Municipal Utilities District, the City of Ione, The Amador Resources Conservation District, and the Buena Vista Band of Me Wuk Indian. The GSA intends to provide updates and information on activities relevant to the GSA/GSP during open public meetings and through individual personal outreach as applicable and so long as interest exists for each interested party.
  2. The Amador County Groundwater Management Authority proposes to manage all areas within Amador County. Areas to managed within the basin, but outside of Amador County are depicted in the attached map. The process of forming GSAs and associated agreements are currently underway in this area. 20170301114523.pdf (1.5MB) Uploaded on 03/01/2017 at 11:55AM
  3. Nothing beyond the JPA formation at this time