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North Fork Kings GSA


Point of Contact Information

AGSA Eligibility Determination

  1. The North Fork Kings Groundwater Sustainability Agency ("North Fork Kings GSA" or "NFKGSA") was created through California special act legislation (SB 564 Canella) for the specific purpose of implementing sustainable management and regulation of groundwater aquifers underlying its jurisdiction within the Kings Subbasin (Department of Water Resources Bulletin 118 subbasin 5-22.08).
  2. Yes
    Created by Kings River Conservation District using the legal description found in the North Fork Kings Groundwater Sustainability Agency Act. North Fork Kings GSA_rev03_2017_Teale.zip (21.6kB) Uploaded on 03/16/2017 at 01:53PM

BDecision to Become a GSA

  1. 02/09/2017
  2. Public Hearing Notice.pdf (446.3kB) Uploaded on 02/23/2017 at 07:32AM
  3. Resolution 2017-01.pdf (549.7kB) Uploaded on 02/23/2017 at 07:33AM

CType of GSA Formation and Contact Information

    North Fork Kings GSA
  1. Justin Mendes

DMap & Service Area Boundaries

  2. NFKGSA Map.pdf (263.5kB) Uploaded on 02/23/2017 at 07:59AM
  3. Created by Kings River Conservation District using the legal description found in the North Fork Kings Groundwater Sustainability Agency Act. NFK_GSA_boundary_rev05_2017_Teale.zip (20.8kB) Uploaded on 06/28/2017 at 04:48PM
  4. Created by Kings River Conservation District using the legal description found in the North Fork Kings Groundwater Sustainability Agency Act. NFK_GSA_boundary_rev05_2017_Teale.zip (20.8kB) Uploaded on 06/28/2017 at 04:49PM

ERequired Documents

  1. Pursuant to Water Code Section 10723.8(a)(1), the North Fork Kings Groundwater Sustainability Agency (NFKGSA) has developed and will maintain a list of interested persons pursuant to Water Code Section 10723.2. The NFKGSA has considered all interests of beneficial users and users of groundwater in developing and operating its GSA and will consider these interestes in developing and implementing its Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP). An initial list of stakeholders and interested parties is described below: a) Holders of overlying groundwater rights - SB 564 Chaptered.pdf (254.6kB) Uploaded on 02/23/2017 at 09:26AM Native American Heritage Commission.pdf (1.2MB) Uploaded on 02/23/2017 at 09:22AM North Fork Kings GSA Interested Persons.pdf (561.8kB) Uploaded on 02/23/2017 at 03:26PM
  2. Kings Basin GSAs_proposed_b 08-2016.pdf (1.9MB) Uploaded on 02/23/2017 at 02:02PM
  3. By-laws have not yet been developed.