County of Glenn GSA - Corning
Point of Contact Information
AGSA Eligibility Determination
Pursuant to Water Code Section 10723.8, the County of Glenn notified the California Department of Water Resources of its decision to become a Groundwater Sustainability Agency for all the portions of the West Butte Subbasin of the Sacramento Groundwater Basin within the boundaries of Glenn County on July 7, 2015. The County has land use responsibilities in the West Butte Subbasin, as well as flood management responsibilities. Glenn County also has a Groundwater Management Plan for all portions of the County including the West Butte Subbasin.
BDecision to Become a GSA
ProofOfPublication_Notice of Public Hearings Re Corning_WestButte.pdf (121.5kB) Uploaded on 06/29/2017 at 07:27PM GovtCode6066_PublicHearingNoticeInsertionOrder_2015Jul7.pdf (38.9kB) Uploaded on 06/29/2017 at 07:27PM
2017_06_15_ResolutionNo.2017-08_GlennCounty_WestButteSubbasin.pdf (1.1MB) Uploaded on 06/29/2017 at 07:30PMRes2015_48_ElectToBecomeGSA_Signed2015Jul7.pdf (647.2kB) Uploaded on 06/29/2017 at 07:29PM
On July 7, 2015 the County of Glenn decided to become a Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) for all the portions of the West Butte Subbasin of the Sacramento Groundwater Basin within the boundaries of Glenn County. On July 27, 2017 the County approved a Resolution to modify the notice to include only portions of the West Butte Subbasin not within the service area of another Groundwater Sustainability Agency. 015_County_of_Glenn_GSA_2015-07-08.pdf (1.4MB) Uploaded on 02/14/2017 at 03:19PM CountyModificationLetterToDWR_2017Jun28_FINALSignedWithExhibits.pdf (1.2MB) Uploaded on 06/29/2017 at 07:33PM CountyModificationLetterToDWR_WithdrawCorningSubbasin_2017Jul21_Signed.pdf (706.2kB) Uploaded on 08/02/2017 at 12:01PM
CType of GSA Formation and Contact Information
Lisa Hunter
County of Glenn GSA - Corning
DMap & Service Area Boundaries
WestButteSubbasin_2017June27_ExhibitB.pdf (163.6kB) Uploaded on 06/29/2017 at 07:12PM
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The County's service area for the West Butte Subbasin include the entirety of the portions of the West Butte Subbasin within Glenn County. The County has modified its GSA boundaries to only include portions of the West Butte Subbasin that are not within the service area of another GSA.
ERequired Documents
Please see notice submitted July 7, 2015 included in Section B4.
5-21.58 West Butte Subbasin of the Sacramento Valley Groundwater Basin: 1. County of Butte 2. City of Chico 3. County of Colusa 4. Western Canal Water District 5. Reclamation District 1004 6. Durham Irrigation District 7. Reclamation District 2106
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