City of San Diego - 9-015 SAN DIEGO RIVER VALLEY

City of San Diego - 9-015 SAN DIEGO RIVER VALLEY

A. Applicant Information

Requesting Agency Information
Agency Name: City of San Diego
Address: 525 B Street, Suite 300
City: San Diego Zip: 92101
Work Phone: (619) 533-4235 Cell Phone:
Email: Fax:
Revision Request Manager Information
Person Name: Sandra Carlson
Address: 9192 Topaz Way
City: San Diego Zip: 92123
Work Phone: 619 533-4235 Cell Phone:
Email: Fax:

B. Description of Proposed Boundary Modification

  1. Scientific-based modification to the boundary of the San Diego River Valley Groundwater Basin (Basin 9-015) to more accurately depict the alluvial limits of the Basin.
    • Scientific External
  2. This boundary modification request is being made in response to discrepancies between the existing lateral Basin boundaries and the mapped extent of alluvium within the Basin. In accordance with Bulletin 118 and published research, the alluvium is the principal water-bearing formation within the Basin, therefore it is necessary for the Basin boundaries to incorporate and be consistent with the scientifically recognized hydrogeologic boundaries. Once the Basin boundaries accurately represent the alluvial extent, an adequate water budget can then be developed for the purposes of sustainable management under SGMA.
  3. San Diego River Valley

C. Initial Notification and Combination of Requests

  1. Yes
    Local Agency Potential Basin(s)/Subbasin(s)
  2. No

D. Required Documents for All Modifications

Modification of the Basin boundary is not currently pursuant to CEQA.

E. General Information

A description of the Basin boundaries is included in the attachment.

F. Notice and Consultation

City of San Diego City of Santee County of San Diego Padre Dam Municipal Water District Lakeside Water District Helix Water District
The interested local agencies and public water systems in the Basin were identified by the requesting agency through review of publicly available water district boundary maps, political boundaries, and from institutional knowledge of agency staff. In addition, local agencies and public water systems were identified during a SGMA GSA stakeholder meeting for the Basin (see attached) and public meetings to discuss the Basin boundary modifications as described in F.3, below.
Public meetings were held on May 17 and June 19, 2018 to discuss the proposed Basin boundary modifications with affected and/or interested local agencies and public water systems (see F.4. for meeting agendas and summaries). Letters of support are attached and have been received by the County of San Diego, Padre Dam Municipal Water District, Lakeside Water District, Helix Water District, and City of Santee.
Public meetings were held on May 17 and June 19, 2018 to discuss the proposed Basin boundary modifications. During the June 19, 2018 meeting, the city council voted unanimously to adopt Resolution R-2018-584 (attached to D.2) to apply to the DWR for a basin boundary modification for the San Diego River Valley Groundwater Basin pursuant to the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). The agendas and summaries are attached.
No additional comments were received by or responses made by the requesting agency.

H. Local Support

All requests for boundary modification must include the following:
See F.3 and F.4. The public meeting held on May 17, 2018 and the letters of support serve as evidence that sufficient information was provided to the affected agencies and systems.
See F.3. Letters of support were provided by the County of San Diego, Padre Dam Municipal Water District, Lakeside Water District, Helix Water District, and City of Santee. These letters were signed by the appropriate delegated authority who represents each agency.
No oppositions to the proposed boundary modification have been received.

I. Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model

Requests for boundary modification, must include a document or text to a clearly defined hydrogeologic conceptual model demonstrating each of the following:
Please see the attached description of the Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model for the San Diego River Valley Groundwater Basin.

J. Technical Studies for External Scientific Modifications

Requests for a scientific modification must include a document containing information that demonstrates the extent of the aquifer. Provide the following:
Geologic Map of the San Diego 30 x 60 Quadrangle (1:100,000) (Kennedy and Tan, 2008): Preliminary Geologic Map of the El Cajon 30 x 60 Quadrangle (1:100,000) (Todd et. al., 2004): (attached) Geologic Map of the El Cajon Mountain Quadrangle (1:24,000) (Todd, 1983): (attached)
Blatchford, Douglas, 2011. Santee Basin Aquifer Recharge Study, US Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation. (attached) Bondy and Huntley, 2001. Groundwater Management Planning Study, Santee - El Monte Basin. (attached) Izbicki, John A., 1985. Evaluation of the Mission, Santee, and Tijuana Hydrologic Subareas for Reclaimed-Water Use. (see URL)
Created on 07/06/2018 at 1:43PM, last modified on 01/03/2019 at 8:45AM and page generated on 03/14/2025 at 3:17AM