Templeton Community Services District - 3-004.06 SALINAS VALLEY - PASO ROBLES AREA

Templeton Community Services District - 3-004.06 SALINAS VALLEY - PASO ROBLES AREA

A. Applicant Information

Requesting Agency Information
Agency Name: Templeton Community Services District
Address: 420 Crocker St.
City: Templeton Zip: 93465
Work Phone: (805) 434-4900 Cell Phone:
Email: jbriltz@templetoncsd.org Fax:
Revision Request Manager Information
Person Name: Jeff Briltz
Address: 420 Crocker St.
City: Templeton Zip: 93465
Work Phone: (805) 434-4900 Cell Phone:
Email: jbriltz@templetoncsd.org Fax:

B. Description of Proposed Boundary Modification

  1. Scientific modifications of the Paso Robles Basin justified by Rinconada Fault and other geology.
    • Scientific External
    • Scientific Internal
  2. The proposed Atascadero Area Subbasin boundary modification request includes an internal boundary and external boundary modification request. A) Updating the external boundary (western edge) of the subbasin based on updated geologic mapping to better represent the extent of the primary aquifer (the Paso Robles Formation) within the subbasin. This refinement will have minimal impact with regard to sustainable groundwater management in the subbasin. B) Formally recognizing the Rinconada Fault as a subbasin boundary between the proposed Atascadero Area Subbasin and the Paso Robles Subbasin has significant impacts on sustainable management within the Atascadero Area Subbasin, and minimal impact on sustainable groundwater management efforts in the Paso Robles Subbasin. Creating the Atascadero Area Subbasin will allow the groundwater managers to continue to sustainably operate the subbasin as they have for over 20 years, which has resulted in higher groundwater levels and no undesirable results. As described in more detail in Attachment B3a - Atascadero Area Subbasin Sustainable Groundwater Management Overview the modification will facilitate sustainable groundwater management for the following reasons: 1) Water demands in the subbasin total about 16,000 acre-feet per year, and are not anticipated to appreciably change in the future. 2) Urban demand totals about 12,000 acre-feet per year of the total demand in the subbasin and can be reduced in dry years because of effective implementation of water conservation efforts by Templeton Community Services District and Atascadero Mutual Water Company. 3) Templeton Community Services District (TCSD) and Atascadero Mutual Water Company (AMWC) have invested in the Nacimiento Water Project and are importing over 2,250 acre-feet of water per year, further reducing the demand on groundwater in the subbasin. Both TCSD and AMWC have contract amendments into the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors to increase their combined subscription to the Nacimiento Water Project to 3,650 acre-feet per year. 4) Operations of the Atascadero Area Subbasin will continue to support flow requirements of the Salinas River, as regulated by the State Water Board, and the associated underflow, which serves as a source of recharge to both the Atascadero Area Subbasin and the Paso Robles Subbasin. If the basin boundary modification is not accepted, the Atascadero Subbasin will be subjected to the same fate as the Paso Robles Subbasin, which rejected the formation of the Paso Robles Water District and funding for sustainable groundwater management activities in the Paso Robles Subbasin on March 8, 2016. This failure to establish leadership and funding to support sustainable groundwater management in the Paso Robles Subbasin is now more likely to result in State Water Board intervention in the Paso Robles Subbasin, and if the basin boundary modification is not approved, will include the sustainably managed Atascadero Area, subjecting them to added State Water Board enforcement actions and costs.
  3. Salinas Valley - Atascadero Area

C. Initial Notification and Combination of Requests

  1. Yes
    Local Agency Potential Basin(s)/Subbasin(s)
    Templeton Community Services District 3-004.06 SALINAS VALLEY - PASO ROBLES AREA
    Heritage Ranch Community Service District 3-004.06 SALINAS VALLEY - PASO ROBLES AREA
    Monterey County Water Resources Agency 3-004.06 SALINAS VALLEY - PASO ROBLES AREA
  2. No

D. Required Documents for All Modifications

See the attached filed notice of determination.

E. General Information

See the attached Report.

F. Notice and Consultation

See the attached list.
Water purveyors (e.g., Community Services Districts, Mutual Water Companies, Cities, etc.) were identified through local knowledge of the agencies, and through a research of records maintained by San Luis Obispo County Local Agency Formation Commission (SLO LAFCO). This link to the SLO LAFCO website provides the directories of agencies within San Luis Obispo County: http://www.slolafco.com/Directory_2.htm The District notified by email/US Mail all of the parties/agencies shown on the attached list and provided the announcement shown in the attached. In addition, The District provided information to the Paso Robles Daily News, San Luis Obispo Tribune, Templeton Soaring Eagle Press and the Atascadero News regarding the public hearing - all of which ran articles on the proposed modification. We also set up the website www.atascaderobasin.com to keep interested parties appraised.
The Templeton Community Services District (TCSD), in cooperation with the Atascadero Mutual Water Company (AMWC), have been in active consultation and meetings with various surrounding agencies and interested parties concerning the possibility of a Basin Boundary Adjustment for the Atascadero Basin since well before SGMA was signed into law. In 2013, TCSD and AWMC commissioned Fugro to further research and develop a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between the Atascadero Sub-basin and the Paso Robles Area Sub-basin, building upon the published information already known. Once SGMA became law, the understanding we gained was shared with various groups in many settings. The attached document lists the public meetings that have been held with the topic of the modification of the Paso Robles Basin to separate the Atascadero Basin has been discussed. In addition, there have been several meetings between agencies to review the information in more detail. As the Basin Boundary Modification request regulations were being finalized last fall, TCSD and AWMC began having a series of meetings with the nearby agencies, sharing information and discussing the science that supports the Boundary Modification. In October 2015 and January 2016, TCSD and AMWC technical experts met with the experts representing the City of Paso Robles and San Luis Obispo County. AMWC General Manager John Neil met with representatives of San Luis Obispo County Green Alliance in December 2014, Garden Farms Mutual Water Company in January and June 2015, with Santa Margarita Advisory Council in March 2015, Santa Margarita Community Service Area 23 in March 2015, with Santa Ysabel Ranch Mutual Water Company in January 2016, and there have been several meetings between the staff and elected officials from the City of Paso Robles, City of Atascadero, TCSD, and AMWC in February and March 2016.
The TCSD Board of Directors discussed the proposed Basin Boundary Modification at its January 23, 2016 Strategic Planning Session, its February 2, 2016 Board Meeting, and at its March 1, 2016 Board Meeting where a public hearing was held. Agendas, meeting minutes, and pertinent staff report and exhibits are attached.
See the attached file containing a listing of all written comments received.

H. Local Support

All requests for boundary modification must include the following:
The TCSD provided emailed and/mailed notification to the affected agencies shown on the attached list. The date notification was provided as well as the contact person and method used to provide notification is shown on the list. A copy of the notice that was sent to the affected agencies is also attached. Additionally, a website (www.atascaderobasin.com) has been set up and is being maintained with current information about the proposed Basin Boundary Modification.
Please see the attached resolutions and letters received.
See the attached document.

I. Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model

Requests for boundary modification, must include a document or text to a clearly defined hydrogeologic conceptual model demonstrating each of the following:
See the attached Report.

J. Technical Studies for External Scientific Modifications

Requests for a scientific modification must include a document containing information that demonstrates the extent of the aquifer. Provide the following:
See the attached map.
See the attached Report and two exhibits.

K. Technical Studies for Internal Scientific Modifications

Requests for an internal scientific modification involving a hydrogeologic barrier must include a document or text that demonstrates the presence or absence of subsurface restrictions on lateral groundwater flow. Provide the following:
See the attached map.
See the attached Report and two exhibit.
Created on 03/11/2016 at 11:36AM, last modified on 01/02/2018 at 11:23AM and page generated on 02/12/2025 at 6:26PM