Carpinteria Valley Water District - 3-018 CARPINTERIA, 3-049 MONTECITO
Carpinteria Valley Water District - 3-018 CARPINTERIA, 3-049 MONTECITO
A. Applicant Information
Requesting Agency Information
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Agency Name: | Carpinteria Valley Water District | ||
Address: | 1301 Santa Ynez Ave | ||
City: | Carpinteria | Zip: | 93013 |
Work Phone: | (805) 684-2816 | Cell Phone: | (805) 640-5147 |
Email: | | Fax: |
Revision Request Manager Information
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Person Name: | Robert McDonald | ||
Address: | 1301 Sant Ynez Ave | ||
City: | Carpinteria | Zip: | 93013 |
Work Phone: | 805 684-2816 | Cell Phone: | |
Email: | | Fax: |
B. Description of Proposed Boundary Modification
Revise External boundary of CGB on the west end to include Toro Canyon as a sub basin of CGB.
- Scientific External
This request is to modify the 118 boundary of Carpinteria Groundwater Basin where it is adjacent to the Montecito Groundwater Basin. The boundary between the basins will shift West from where they are currently shown in Bulletin 118. Toro Canyon basin is a subbasin of the CGB.
Toro Canyon Sub-basin
C. Initial Notification and Combination of Requests
Local Agency Potential Basin(s)/Subbasin(s) Carpinteria Valley Water District 3-018 CARPINTERIA Montecito Water District 3-049 MONTECITO , 3-018 CARPINTERIA Carpinteria Valley Water District 3-018 CARPINTERIA -
D. Required Documents for All Modifications

The District will be filing a Notice of Exemption under CEQA guideline Class 7 or 8
F. Notice and Consultation

Montecito Water District and County of Santa Barbara

Letters sent directly to Agencies, public notices printed in local papers, Information included on District Website and public hearing held at regular Board meeting. Specific Meeting to discus the proposed modifications.

Agency with potential interested were notified by phone, email and letters of the District intention to request that DWR modify the Carpinteria Basin Boundary.

Board Meeting on 2/24/16 discussion
Board Meeting on 3/9/16 discussion, public hearing, resolution

H. Local Support
All requests for boundary modification must include the following:

Letters were sent directly to the four possibly affected agencies, Phone calls were made to these agencies to verify receipt of notification. Public Notices were published in 2 local news publications for two weeks in Montecito Press and one week for Carpinteria Coastal View. Additionally notice was posted on the District website 3 weeks prior to the Hearing.The Public Hearing was noticed in the Board Meeting Agenda, A Public Hearing was held to hear any comments or concerns but none were made.

Montecito Water District
Santa Barbara County Water Agency

Montecito Water District is not in favor of the modification because it believes that it puts them at a disadvantage with respect to managing groundwater in the Toro Canyon area because it is part of the Carpinteria Groundwater Basin (CGB). However, we are proposing that Toro Canyon sub-basin be created as a sub basin of Carpinteria where the dividing sub basin boundary is the Jurisdictional boundary between the 2 agencies. This will allow CVWD to manage the CGB within its District and allow Montecito Water to manage the Toro Canyon Sub basin if it desire to.
I. Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model
Requests for boundary modification, must include a document or text to a clearly defined hydrogeologic conceptual model demonstrating each of the following:

See attached document. Added the 1974 GTC Report which show on Plate 1 that Toro Canyon Sub-unit is a sub basin of the Carpinteria Basin.