Page Options
Select Style
Layout of the application
Title of the application
App Label
Used for display in multi-app interface
Title Url
Define the URL in the toolbar title
Hide Title
Will remove the title bar from the toolbar
Pan Out Menus
Removes all menus and toolbars from the map after a mouse is removed from the map area for more than 5 seconds
Access Multiple Apps
Enables access to other applications using dropdown UI
Needs to be tested with new modules added the past few months
Show Disclaimer
Enables a definable disclaimer
Disable Disclaimer Disable Option
By default, the disclaimer window allows the user to disable it and prevent it from displaying the next time the application startups by toggling a checkmark. This will require the user to agree to the disclaimer every single time they visit the site
Hide Edit
Hide Save
Use Info Grid
Use the info grid instead of the info window for displaying results of a map identify
Use Proxy
Use proxy on all REST dataset requests
Auto Open Legend Window
Display the legend window by default
Levee Mile Service
Ferix levee mile URL used by the Levee Mile Tool in the toolbar. Needs to be same domain as the application.
Hide Tool Options
All Tools – All tools in the toolbar
Legend Window
Window displaying legends for all enabled layers
Layer interface
Basemap window
Basemap selection gallery
Measure Tool
Spatial measuring tool
Opens print view of the map
Maximizes map view
Provides shareable links and iframe embed code for the current map
Allows user to create extent bookmarks
Drawing Tool
Drawing tool for adding graphics to the map
Select Tool
Spatial selection tool with drawing and shapefile as filters
In-Feature Tool
Allows the use of features on the current layers to be used as selection polygons
Searchbar with layer integration functionality
A right panel of the application – Needs to be tested
Single Tab
Hides tab in the layer window if only one tab exists
Selected Boundary
No Data Tab
Levee Mile Tool
Allows user to click on the map to identify the levee mile, river mile and more
Elevation Tools
Enables the elevation profile and elevation at a point tools
Info Window Options
Hide Select Tool
Disable In-Feature Select option
Hide Zoom-to Tool
Disable Zoom-To option
Draggable Infowindow
Enable draggable info window
Disable Infowindow Click
Globally disable info window
"Featureset" Infowindow
Convert to an infowindow with previous/next arrows instead of tabs
Infowindow Width
Define info window width
Infowindow Height
Define info window height
Snap data grid to bottom
When data grid opens it will snap to the bottom of the screen
Resize data grid to fit content
Stretch data grid to fit width of window
Layer Options
Hide Layer Options
Remove and disable all layer options
Always on Toolbar
Always show layer options
Hide Legend Toggle
Remove legend toggle
Hide Settings …
Remove options ellipses
Hide Opacity Slider
Remove opacity slider
Hide Layer Download
Remove download option
Map Options
Tolerance (px)
Define the pixel tolerance for click identify
Minimum Zoom
Define minimum zoom for the map (1-20)
Maximum Zoom
Define maximum zoom for the map (1-20)
Show Layer Window when page loads
Display layer window when application starts
Resizable Layer Window
Allow resizing of layer window
Layer Window Height (px)
Define height of layer window
Layer Window Width (px)
Define width of layer window
Geometry Service Options
Geometry Service URL
Define service URL for use by geometry service
Login Options
Require Login
Enable authentication. Should not be considered secured. For mock purposes only
Define the username
Define password