A. Applicant Information
Requesting Agency Information
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Agency Name: | Beaumont Basin | ||
Address: | 560 Magnolia Avenue | ||
City: | Beaumont | Zip: | 92223 |
Work Phone: | (951) 845-9581 | Cell Phone: | |
Email: | | Fax: | (951) 845-0159 |
Revision Request Manager Information
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Person Name: | Ryan Teubert | ||
Address: | 9380 San Benito Avenue | ||
City: | Gerber | Zip: | 96035-9701 |
Work Phone: | 530-385-1462 | Cell Phone: | |
Email: | | Fax: |
B. Description of Proposed Boundary Modification
Jurisdictional Consolidation of the Tehama County portion of the Colusa Subbasin (5-21.52).
- Jurisdiction Consolidation
The Tehama County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (FC&WCD) was recognized as the Exclusive Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) on February 11, 2016 for all portions of the 11 groundwater subbasins located within Tehama County, including the Corning (5-21.51) and Colusa (5-21.52) subbasins. This proposed Jurisdictional Consolidation will incorporate the small portion of the Colusa subbasin located within Tehama County, into the portion of the Corning subbasin located within Tehama County. This portion of the Colusa subbasin is approximately 1,300 acres with 10 individual landowners. The entire Colusa subbasin is 918,380 acres and spans 4 County's, additionally there are currently 13 agencies that have submitted GSA notices with the Department of Water Resources for this subbasin. The consolidation of this area will simplify the management of groundwater resources by reducing the total number of managing agencies, thereby limiting management to the local GSA's within Tehama and Glenn Counties. The FC&WCD will continue coordinating groundwater management activities with whichever GSA's are responsible for managing the Colusa subbasin since it will continue to border Tehama County.
Not applicable, the proposed modification will incorporate the portion of the Colusa Subbasin (5-21.52) located within Tehama County into the portion of the Corning Subbasin (5-21.51) located within Tehama County.
C. Initial Notification and Combination of Requests
Local Agency Potential Basin(s)/Subbasin(s) Tehama County Flood Control & Water Conservation District 5-021.52 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - COLUSA , 5-021.51 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - CORNING Yolo County Flood Control And Water Conservation District 5-021.52 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - COLUSA , 5-021.67 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - YOLO , 5-021.66 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - SOLANO Tehama County Flood Control & Water Conservation District 5-006.01 REDDING AREA - BOWMAN , 5-006.06 REDDING AREA - SOUTH BATTLE CREEK , 5-021.53 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - BEND , 5-021.54 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - ANTELOPE , 5-021.56 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - LOS MOLINOS , 5-021.57 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - VINA , 5-021.51 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - CORNING , 5-021.52 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - COLUSA , 5-021.50 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - RED BLUFF 5-021.52 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - COLUSA -
D. Required Documents for All Modifications

The basin boundary modification is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) because it is not a project under CEQA. Even if the basin boundary modification constitutes a project, it would be exempt because there it is no possibility that it will have a significant effect on the environment. District staff filed a Notice of Exemption on March 29, 2016. The Notice of Exemption is provided in the attached sheets.
E. General Information

The portion of the Colusa subbasin proposed to be modified is currently defined by Black Butte Lake on its western boundary, and Stony Creek on its northern and eastern boundaries. The FC&WCD is proposing to move these boundaries approximately 1 mile to the south to the Tehama/Glenn County border. By consolidating this small area into the Corning subbasin, it will separate it from the larger Colusa subbasin conglomerate, thereby allowing for more localized groundwater management.
F. Notice and Consultation

This rural area consist of 10 property owners and no public water systems. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) operates Black Butte Reservoir which is along the western boundary of the Colusa subbasin that's located within Tehama County. The USACE also owns the property surrounding the reservoir, some of which is within the proposed adjustment. The FC&WCD will coordinate appropriately with USACE in future management decisions concerning the Corning subbasin.

Local knowledge and data collected during the Tehama County Groundwater Management Plan update in 2012.

The proposed basin modification will not change any of the management responsibilities of the FC&WCD which has been recognized as the Exclusive GSA for the area proposed for consolidation. Both the GSA development and Basin Boundary Modification processes were noticed publically and discussed during meetings that permitted public comment.

The Basin Boundary Jurisdictional Consolidation was proposed and discussed at the FC&WCD Board meeting on March 23, 2016. This meeting is noticed publically and open to the public. No public comment was received during the meeting.

No comments were received.
G. General Existing Groundwater Management
All requests for jurisdictional modification pursuant to Section 342.4 MUST include responses to the following questions.

The FC&WCD will develop a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) to facilitate sustainable groundwater management for the portions of the Colusa and Corning subbasins located within Tehama County. The FC&WCD will also coordinate with whichever GSAs form within the Glenn County portion of the Corning subbasin. The FC&WCD also plans to coordinate with any GSA's that have subbasins that border Tehama County, including the Colusa subbasin.

The proposed Jurisdictional Consolidation would not negatively affect the ability of any surrounding groundwater subbasins to sustainably manage groundwater. The FC&WCD plans to coordinate groundwater management activities with surrounding GSA?s.

The portions of the Corning and Colusa subbasins that are located within Tehama County have been managed and monitored under the FC&WCD's Coordinated AB3030 Groundwater Management Plan which was originally adopted in 1996, and updated in 2012. Currently areas within the Colusa and Corning subbasins are experiencing continued decreases in groundwater levels, this is something that the FC&WCD will continue to monitor, and address if necessary, during the GSP development process and in future coordination agreements with surrounding GSA's.

There will be no impacts to state programs as a result of this minor Jurisdictional Consolidation.
H. Local Support
All requests for boundary modification must include the following:

This minor Jurisdictional Consolidation will have no impacts on the landowners within the proposed boundary modification. Currently the FC&WCD is the Exclusive GSA for both portions of the subbasins that are included in this consolidation. A publicly noticed meeting was held to discuss the potential modification and no comments were received.

The FC&WCD has received no comments and/or documents on the proposed boundary modification.

There has been no opposition to the proposed boundary modification.
I. Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model
Requests for boundary modification, must include a document or text to a clearly defined hydrogeologic conceptual model demonstrating each of the following:

The FC&WCD has been recognized as the Exclusive GSA for both portions of the Corning and Colusa subbasins within Tehama County. The proposed Jurisdictional Consolidation will simply incorporate the small portion of the Colusa subbasin within Tehama County into the Corning subbasin allowing for easier management of groundwater by consolidating the amount of potential GSA's. The Colusa subbasin as a whole spans 4 counties covering 918,380 acres. The proposed modification will consolidate approximately 1,300 acres at the northern most tip of the Colusa subbasin into Corning subbasin thereby separating it from the very sizeable Colusa subbasin, allowing for an improved level of localized groundwater management.
L. Technical Studies for All Jurisdictional Modifications
Requests for a jurisdictional boundary must attach or provide a URL or upload a file for the following:

The FC&WCD submitted a Notice of Intent (NOI) to become the GSA for all portions of the eleven groundwater subbasins located within Tehama County on November 4, 2016. This NOI discusses the FC&WCD's plan for the coordination of sustainable groundwater management activities and responsibilities. These management activities and responsibilities will be further refined during the development of the GSP.