Tehama County Flood Control and Water Conservation District GSA - Antelope - 5-006.01 REDDING AREA - BOWMAN, 5-006.02 REDDING AREA - ROSEWOOD
Tehama County Flood Control and Water Conservation District GSA - Antelope - 5-006.01 REDDING AREA - BOWMAN, 5-006.02 REDDING AREA - ROSEWOOD
A. Applicant Information
Requesting Agency Information
![]() |
Agency Name: | Tehama County Flood Control and Water Conservation District GSA - Antelope | ||
Address: | 9380 San Benito Ave. | ||
City: | Gerber | Zip: | 96035-9701 |
Work Phone: | (530) 385-1462 | Cell Phone: | |
Email: | rteubert@tcpw.ca.gov | Fax: |
Revision Request Manager Information
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Person Name: | Ryan Teubert | ||
Address: | 9380 San Benito Avenue | ||
City: | Gerber | Zip: | 96035-9701 |
Work Phone: | 530-385-1462 | Cell Phone: | |
Email: | rteubert@tcpw.ca.gov | Fax: |
B. Description of Proposed Boundary Modification
Jurisdictional Consolidation of the Bowman (5-6.01) and Rosewood (5-6.02) Subbasins.
- Jurisdiction Consolidation
The Tehama County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (District) was recognized as the Exclusive Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) for all portions of the 11 groundwater subbasins located within Tehama County, including the Bowman (5-06.01) and Rosewood (5-06.02) Subbasins on February 11, 2016. This proposed Jurisdictional Consolidation Basin Boundary Modification (BBM) will combine two subbasins with similar populations, agricultural practices, and groundwater usages under a single Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP). The Draft 2016 Basin Prioritization, which was released by DWR in May 2018, changed the Bowman Subbasins priority from a medium priority subbasin to a very low priority subbasin. Additionally, the Rosewood Subbasin was changed from a low priority subbasin to a very low priority subbasin. The District still intends on developing and submitting a GSP for the Bowman Subbasin using the DWR 2017 GSP Planning Grant funding. This BBM will allow the District to utilize this funding to cover a larger area within the District under a GSP. Both subbasins have been managed by the District under the Tehama County AB 3030 Groundwater Management Plan since 1996. By consolidating the areas which are within the jurisdictional boundary of the District, and the development of a single GSP document, it will allow for improved management of the groundwater resources in a sustainable manner while also making the future governance and staffing responsibilities of the subbasin more efficient from both a time and funding perspective.
Bowman Subbasin
C. Initial Notification and Combination of Requests
Local Agency Potential Basin(s)/Subbasin(s) Tehama County Flood Control & Water Conservation District 5-006.01 REDDING AREA - BOWMAN , 5-006.06 REDDING AREA - SOUTH BATTLE CREEK , 5-021.53 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - BEND , 5-021.54 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - ANTELOPE , 5-021.56 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - LOS MOLINOS , 5-021.57 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - VINA , 5-021.51 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - CORNING , 5-021.52 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - COLUSA , 5-021.50 SACRAMENTO VALLEY - RED BLUFF 5-006.01 REDDING AREA - BOWMAN -
D. Required Documents for All Modifications
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The BBM is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as it is not a project under CEQA. Even if the basin boundary modification constituted a project, it would be exempt because there it is no possibility that it will have a significant effect on the environment. District staff filed a Notice of Exemption on July 3, 2018. The Notice of Exemption is attached.
E. General Information
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This BBM would combine the Bulletin 118 defined Bowman (5-06.01) and Rosewood (5-06.02) Subbasins within Tehama County. See attached description and map.
F. Notice and Consultation
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Local Agencies within the proposed Jurisdictional Consolidation of the Bowman and Rosewood Subbasins include: Rio Alto Water District, Anderson Cottonwood Irrigation District, Evergreen Elementary School, and Golden Meadows Community Services District.
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The Water Agency dataset provided by DWR was used to identify local agencies and public water systems. In addition, the District has developed an Interested Parties email distribution list whose recipients receive SGMA related updates. The District also maintains a SGMA page on its website and has held multiple public meetings where the proposed BBM has been presented and discussed. Lastly the District used data collected during the development of the Tehama County Groundwater Management Plan in 1996 and again during the subsequent plan update in 2012.
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The proposed BBM will not change the management responsibilities of the District, which has been recognized as the Exclusive GSA for the areas proposed for consolidation. Both the GSA development and Basin Boundary Modification processes were presented during publicly noticed District Board of Directors and Groundwater Commission meetings which permitted public comment.
The proposed BBM was presented to the Tehama County Groundwater Commission on June 14, 2018, where the Commission voted unanimously to bring forward a recommendation to the District Board of Directors to submit the proposed BBM. The District Board of Directors met on June 19, 2018 and unanimously adopted Resolution 2-2018 authorizing staff to submit the proposed BBM to DWR. Information concerning these meeting dates and the BBM process was sent out to the District’s Interested Parties distribution list in an email letter distributed on June 7, 2018.
Rio Alto Water District is located in the Bowman Subbasin and provides water to 1,319 connections, making it the largest water supplier in the two subbasins. The Rio Alto Water District has a permanent representative on the Groundwater Commission; this Commissioner has kept their Board members informed of the BBM process. Rio Alto Water District was sent an email correspondence requesting a letter of support for the BBM.
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The BBM was presented at District Board of Directors meetings, Groundwater Commission meetings, Northern Sacramento Valley Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Board meetings, and IRWM Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meetings. Each of these meetings were publicly noticed and allowed public comment. The BBM was voted on by the District Board of Directors during the Flood Control and Water Conservation District Board meeting on June 19, 2018.
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No formal comments concerning the proposed BBM were received during either the June 14, 2018 Groundwater Commission or the June 19, 2018 District Board of Directors meeting.
G. General Existing Groundwater Management
All requests for jurisdictional modification pursuant to Section 342.4 MUST include responses to the following questions.
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The District has been managing groundwater within these two subbasins under its AB 3030 Coordinated Groundwater Management Plan since 1996. The District intends to build upon these efforts when developing a GSP to facilitate the continued sustainable groundwater management of the Bowman and Rosewood Subbasins. These subbasins already have fairly sustainable groundwater levels. The development of a GSP will help define management actions and projects that will encourage sustainable groundwater management of the subbasins. The District will continue coordinating SGMA activities with the Enterprise-Anderson GSA, which is managing the Anderson Subbasin in Shasta County, as the subbasin shares a border with the Bowman and Rosewood Subbasins.
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The proposed BBM would not negatively affect the ability of any surrounding groundwater subbasins to sustainably manage groundwater. The District has been managing the groundwater subbasins within Tehama County through its AB 3030 Groundwater Management Plan since 1996, including the Bowman and Rosewood Subbasins. Likewise, Shasta County has been similarly managing their groundwater subbasins under an AB 3030 Groundwater Management Plan since 1998, including the Anderson Subbasin. The District plans to continue coordinating with the Enterprise-Anderson GSA which covers the neighboring Anderson Subbasin, and with other GSA entities throughout the Sacramento Valley. The District is the GSA for the remaining subbasins surrounding the proposed BBM within Tehama County.
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The history of the sustainable management of the groundwater levels within the District and specifically the Bowman and Rosewood Subbasins is documented in the District’s 2012 update of the Coordinated AB 3030 Groundwater Management Plan which can be found on the District’s website and is attached in section L1 of this document. These subbasins are still relatively rural and have had limited population growth and agricultural expansion over the last 40 years. The groundwater levels in the Bowman and Rosewood Subbasins have been very sustainable as can be seen in the numerous CASGEM wells located in within the two subbasins, some dating back to 1965. This area could experience increased pressure from population growth in the future, making it imperative that a GSP be developed so the area’s groundwater resources can continue to be sustainably managed in the future.
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The BBM would not have any significant impacts to state programs. Specifically: 1. California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM): There would be no impact to the CASGEM program in the subbasins included in this BBM as the District would remain the designated monitoring entity for wells in the subbasins. 2. Groundwater Management Plans developed pursuant to AB 3030: Currently both Tehama and Shasta counties manage groundwater under their individual Groundwater Management Plans covering their respective jurisdictions. The Tehama County AB 3030 Groundwater Management Plan will be used as a foundation document to facilitate the development of a GSP for the proposed BBM subbasins. 3. Any applicable state or regional board plans, and other water management and land use programs: This BBM would not move any land outside of the jurisdictional areas of the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board or the Basin Plan area and will not affect implementation of the regional board's Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program. 4. Groundwater Sustainability Plans developed pursuant to the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act: The proposed BBM would consolidate these two similar subbasins into a single subbasin allowing them to be managed under a single GSP, thereby allowing for efficient and sustainable management of the groundwater resources within the proposed BBM subbasins.
H. Local Support
All requests for boundary modification must include the following:
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This BBM proposal was presented and discussed at numerous public meetings (agendas attached in Section F4 above), during which proper meeting notice was required and the public was given the opportunity to comment. In addition, an outreach letter (attached in Section F3 above) detailing the proposed BBM was distributed on June 7, 2018 to the District’s Interested Parties distribution list, and information concerning the proposed BBM could be found on the District’s SGMA webpage under the BBM tab. Lastly, the 11 member Tehama County Groundwater Commission is comprised of representatives from the three incorporated cities within Tehama County, groundwater agencies and districts, surface water agencies or districts, private pumpers, and the general public. The Commissioners represent a broad range of stakeholder agencies throughout the District and are tasked with making recommendations to the District Board of Directors on most GSA related matters. The Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the proposed BBM to the District Board of Directors on June 14, 2018. Additionally, the Board of Directors is composed of the County Board of Supervisors, and therefore represent all the constituents within Tehama County. The Board of Directors voted unanimously to adopt Resolution 2-2018 approving the proposed BBM on June 19, 2018.
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A Letter of Support was provided by the Rio Alto Water District. No other comments or documents in support or opposition were received.
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No opposition has been expressed.
I. Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model
Requests for boundary modification, must include a document or text to a clearly defined hydrogeologic conceptual model demonstrating each of the following:
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Please refer to the HCM included in the Tehama County Groundwater Management Plan attached in section L1. The District has been recognized as the Exclusive GSA for all portions of the Bowman and Rosewood Subbasins. The District has been actively managing the groundwater subbasins within its jurisdiction under an AB 3030 Groundwater Management Plan since 1996, and intends on continuing to do so with the development and implementation of a GSP. Additionally, Shasta County has been managing the subbasins within its jurisdiction under an AB 3030 Groundwater Management Plan since 1998, including the Anderson Subbasin which borders both the Bowman and Rosewood Subbasins. The Enterprise-Anderson GSA, which includes Shasta County, will continue to manage the Anderson Subbasin with the development and implementation of a GSP. The District will coordinate with the Enterprise-Anderson GSA on SGMA related activities.
Currently the Bowman and Rosewood Subbasins have fairly sustainable groundwater levels. Through proper monitoring and implementation of management actions the District will continue to sustainably manage the groundwater resources within these two subbasins.
L. Technical Studies for All Jurisdictional Modifications
Requests for a jurisdictional boundary must attach or provide a URL or upload a file for the following:
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The District will continue to coordinate the groundwater management activities within the lands covered under the proposed BBM. The District submitted a Notice of Intent (NOI) to become the Exclusive GSA for all portions of the 11 groundwater subbasins located within Tehama County on November 4, 2015. The attached NOI details the District?s plan for the coordination of sustainable groundwater management activities and responsibilities. These management activities and responsibilities will be further refined during the development of a GSP. The District intends on continuing coordination on SGMA related activities, including GSP coordination, with the Enterprise-Anderson GSA which is the exclusive GSA in the neighboring Anderson Subbasin. Additionally the District will continue coordinating with other GSA entities throughout the Sacramento Valley through the Northern Sacramento Valley Integrated Regional Water Management Planning (NSV IRWMP) Group and the Northern California Water Associations (NCWA) Groundwater Management Task Force.