Inyo County Water Department - 6-012.01 OWENS VALLEY
Inyo County Water Department - 6-012.01 OWENS VALLEY
A. Applicant Information
Requesting Agency Information
![]() |
Agency Name: | Inyo County Water Department | ||
Address: | PO Box 337 | ||
City: | Independence | Zip: | 93526 |
Work Phone: | (760) 878-0001 | Cell Phone: | |
Email: | | Fax: |
Revision Request Manager Information
![]() |
Person Name: | Bob Harrington | ||
Address: | 135 S. Jackson St. | ||
City: | Independence | Zip: | 93526 |
Work Phone: | (760) 878-0001 | Cell Phone: | |
Email: | | Fax: |
B. Description of Proposed Boundary Modification
This is a request for a scientific internal modification to the Owens Valley Basin (6-12).
- Scientific Internal
See attached file.
- 6-012.01 OWENS VALLEY
Owens Valley Subbasin Tri Valley Subbasin
C. Initial Notification and Combination of Requests
Local Agency Potential Basin(s)/Subbasin(s) Inyo County Water Department 6-012.01 OWENS VALLEY 6-012.01 OWENS VALLEY -
D. Required Documents for All Modifications

Resolutions by the Inyo County Board of Supervisors, Mono County Board of Supervisors, and Tri Valley Groundwater Management District make the following finding (see attached resolutions in section D.2):
The modification of a delineated groundwater basin boundary for the purposes of achieving sustainable groundwater management under SGMA constitutes an organizational or administrative activity of government that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment and is therefore not a project under 15738 of the CEQA guidelines and section 21065 of the Public Resources Code.
E. General Information

The lateral boundaries of the alluvial aquifer are the same as currently described in Bulletin 118. The proposed subbasin boundary corresponds to the county line separating Inyo and Mono counties in the area between Laws and Hammil Valley.
F. Notice and Consultation

Attached is a list of all the local agencies and public water systems in the Owens Valley Groundwater Basin. They were all invited to the Dec. 9 public meeting to discuss the proposed request (see F.4).

CSWRCB and CDWR web-based tools for identifying public water systems. Staff knowledge of watershed.

Inyo County, Mono County, and the Tri Valley Groundwater Management District have collaborated closely on the submittal of this request. Each of these agencies has approved a board resolution in support of the request. We also met with City of Bishop staff and CDFW staff to explain nature and benefits of the request. Inyo County is formally the requesting agency; however, in practice, this is a joint request between these three agencies. Their resolutions are attached.
An extensive list of public agencies, public water suppliers, tribes, and potentially interested parties (list attached) was contacted with information concerning the request (informational notice attached).
We received a request for consultation with the Big Pine Paiute Tribe on March 15, after the requesting agency had adopted its resolution, so there was no time to consult prior to adoption; however, the tribe has been included in our public notifications and represented at many of the public meetings listed in F.4.

9/10/2014 Tri Valley GMD Board briefed on SGMA. Agenda and minutes attached.
12/10/2014 Tri Valley GMD Board briefed on potential boundary change. Agenda and minutes attached.
3/11/2015 Tri Valley GMD Board directs to pursue request. Agenda and minutes attached.
5/20/2015 Tri Valley GMD Board updated on SGMA. Agenda and minutes attached.
8/12/2015 Tri Valley GMD Board directs staff concerning request. Agenda and minutes attached.
8/18/2015 Inyo Board briefed on basin boundary modification. Agenda, report, and minutes attached.
9/23/2015 Inyo Water Commission briefed on request. Agenda, presentation, and minutes attached.
12/9/2015 Public meeting in Bishop. Notice, proof of publication (3 local papers), invitees, attendees, presentation, and comments with responses attached.
1/27/2016 Inyo Water Commission. Agenda, minutes, presentation, and supportive recommendation attached.
3/8/2016 Mono Board adopts resolution requesting boundary modification. Agenda and staff report attached. See F.3 for resolution.
3/15/2015 Inyo Board hears staff report and adopts resolution requesting boundary modification. Agenda, presentation, and staff report attached. See F.3 for resolution.
3/16/2016 Tri Valley GMD Board adopts resolution requesting basin boundary change. Agenda attached. See F.3 for resolution.

The Owens Valley Committee, a local environmental group, submitted a comment letter, and the Inyo County Water Department responded. Carol Ann Mitchell (a Tri Valley Board member) submitted comments as an individual in favor of the request.
H. Local Support
All requests for boundary modification must include the following:

Section F.4 provides the agendas, notices, minutes, list if invitees, and informational presentations from a series of public meetings held concerning this request. The invitees include local, state, and federal agencies, tribes, water systems, and others. These meetings include meetings of the Inyo County Board of Supervisors, Mono County Board of Supervisors, Tri Valley Groundwater Management District Commissioners, Inyo County Water Commission, and public meetings in Bishop, Chalfant Valley, and Benton.

Inyo County, Mono County, and the Tri Valley Groundwater Management District have adopted resolutions in support of this request. Resolutions attached.

No local agencies have opposed the request.
I. Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model
Requests for boundary modification, must include a document or text to a clearly defined hydrogeologic conceptual model demonstrating each of the following:

We believe that the proposed boundary modification will affect sustainable groundwater management positively, and are so submitting the attached conceptual model.
K. Technical Studies for Internal Scientific Modifications
Requests for an internal scientific modification involving a hydrogeologic barrier must include a document or text that demonstrates the presence or absence of subsurface restrictions on lateral groundwater flow. Provide the following:

The three attached files are from Pakiser, Kane, and Jackson, 1964, Structural Geology and Volcanism of Owens Valley Region, California - A Geophysical Study, USGS Professional Paper 438. The three files together make up Plate 1 from this report. Plate 1 shows geology (rock types and faults) and gravity anomaly contours at 1:96,000 scale. A subsurface barrier to groundwater flow is indicated by the closed gravity contours in the north central part of Plate 1_b, north of the Bishop Airport. This feature is discussed further in the attached technical report, the basin conceptual model, and key references that we have uploaded to the BBRMS. Among those uploads are the Bishop and White Mountain 15' USGS geologic quads, which show the geology of the proposed basin boundary revision in more detail than the map provided here.

Attached are:
A technical report prepared by the Inyo County Water Department in support of this request, with signature page.
The Bishop USGS 15 minute geologic quad.
The White Mountain USGS 15 minute geologic quad.
USGS Water Supply Paper 2370-H (Danskin)
USGS Water Supply Paper 2370-B (Hollett et al.)
USGS Professional Paper 438 (Pakiser et al.)
USGS Administrative Report on Fish Slough (Jayko and Fatooh)
Tri Valley Groundwater Assessment (MHA)
CDFW Biological Inventory of Fish Slough (excerpted chapters on geology, hydrology, water quality and vegetation)
USGS Professional Paper 470 (Bateman) with plate 5