Santa Clara Valley Water District - 3-003.01 GILROY-HOLLISTER VALLEY - LLAGAS AREA

Santa Clara Valley Water District - 3-003.01 GILROY-HOLLISTER VALLEY - LLAGAS AREA

A. Applicant Information

Requesting Agency Information
Agency Name: Santa Clara Valley Water District
Address: 5750 Almaden Expressway
City: San Jose Zip: 95118
Work Phone: (408) 630-2964 Cell Phone:
Email: Fax:
Revision Request Manager Information
Person Name: George Cook
Address: 5750 Almaden Expressway
City: San Jose Zip: 95118
Work Phone: (408) 630-2964 Cell Phone:
Email: Fax:

B. Description of Proposed Boundary Modification

  1. Modify eastern Llagas Subbasin boundary to match extent of water-bearing sediments as mapped by USGS
    • Scientific External
  2. This proposed modification to the boundary of the Llagas Subbasin will restore its eastern edge to that more closely depicted and described in the Department of Water Resources (DWR) 1981 Bulletin 118-1,Volume IV: Evaluation of Ground Water Resources, South San Francisco Bay: South Santa Clara County Area. The modified boundary encompasses only areas underlain by permeable materials capable of providing significant quantities of water to wells; eliminates areas underlain by rocks described as having very low water-yielding capability; and generally coincides with the surface extent of young alluvium, old alluvium, alluvial fan, valley fill deposits, and other geologic formations having well understood and documented groundwater significance as mapped by the California Geological Survey (CGS) and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The proposed modification will not impact sustainable groundwater management as the area proposed to be removed does not contain significant quantities of groundwater and the District has no current or planned activities in the area.

C. Initial Notification and Combination of Requests

  1. Yes
    Local Agency Potential Basin(s)/Subbasin(s)
    Santa Clara Valley Water District 3-003.01 GILROY-HOLLISTER VALLEY - LLAGAS AREA
  2. No

D. Required Documents for All Modifications

This proposed modification is not subject to CEQA because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment (Section 15061(b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines), as the areas proposed for exclusion from the basin boundary overlie bedrock, and the District does not and is not planning to conduct groundwater management activities in the excluded areas. There are no direct physical changes associated with the project as the revision of the boundary would only be reflected in an updated version of Bulletin 118. Also, there would not be any indirect physical changes associated with the project. The District does not and is not planning to conduct groundwater management activities in the areas proposed for exclusion from the basin boundary revision. As stated above, the current boundary overlies bedrock and does not correspond to the water-bearing sediments that the District actively manages. The areas proposed for exclusion do not affect the District?s ability to sustainably manage the Llagas Subbasin and, as such, the District has not historically conducted groundwater management activities in the areas at issue and would not plan to do so should the boundary revision request be denied by DWR. Because the boundary revision would not affect the District?s historical or planned management activities, and would not affect the District?s ability to sustainably manage the subbasin, the request and potential revision would not result in any adverse changes in the physical conditions of the environment.

E. General Information

See attached response.

F. Notice and Consultation

City of Morgan Hill County of Santa Clara Oak Springs Mutual Water Company
a) The District permits all wells installed in Santa Clara County and assesses a groundwater production charge for wells benefiting from District groundwater management programs. These records were searched for well owner and location information. b) The well locations and the current and proposed boundaries of the Llagas Subbasin were mapped using GIS. c) The California Division of Drinking Water (DDW) online records regarding public water systems were searched for systems located within Santa Clara County to identify systems within the Llagas Subbasin and affected area.
a) District staff spoke to the director of the Oak Springs Mutual Water Company on February 10, 2016. b) District staff sent an e-mail with information regarding the proposed boundary modification to the District?s Water Retailers Groundwater Subcommittee on February 16, 2016 (Attachment F-3). c) District staff spoke with Anthony Eulo with the City of Morgan Hill on February 17, 2016. d) District staff sent an email to Santa Clara County Planning and Department of Environmental Health staff on February 19, 2016 (Attachment F-3). e) The District mailed information on the proposed boundary revision to Oak Springs Mutual Water Company, City of Morgan Hill, and Santa Clara County Planning and Environmental Health Departments on March 8, 2016 (Attachment F-3).
On February 23, 2016, the District Board of Directors considered a Proposed Modification to the Boundary of the Llagas Subbasin (Item 3.2) at a regularly scheduled meeting, which includes a 10-day posting period (Attachment F-4). The District Board concurred with the staff recommendation to submit the initial notification regarding basin boundary exploration to DWR. Under item 5.3 at a regularly scheduled meeting of the District Board of Directors on March 22, 2016, the District Board adopted a Resolution to Initiate a Request to the Department of Water Resources (DWR) to Modify the Boundary of the Llagas Subbasin, DWR Basin 3-3.01 (Attachment F-4). The agenda for this meeting included a 10-day posting period.
One comment was submitted to the District Board on the March 22, 2016 item for the resolution to support the basin boundary modification request (Attachment F-5). The comment submitted was on DWR prioritization criteria rather than the boundary modification request, and the District response was included in the comment.

H. Local Support

All requests for boundary modification must include the following:
As described in Section F.3, the District notified agencies and public water systems overlying the area proposed for modification by phone and letter. Additionally, information on the proposed modification has been available since February 17, 2016 on the District website at Additional notifications will be sent to public systems within the Llagas Subbasin as required once DWR deems the application to be complete.
No comments from the affected agencies or systems have been received.

I. Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model

Requests for boundary modification, must include a document or text to a clearly defined hydrogeologic conceptual model demonstrating each of the following:
See attached file

J. Technical Studies for External Scientific Modifications

Requests for a scientific modification must include a document containing information that demonstrates the extent of the aquifer. Provide the following:
See attached map
The studies referenced below demonstrate the vertical thickness and relevant aquifer properties and are attached to the request. California Department of Water Resources, Evaluation of Groundwater Resources South San Francisco Bay Volume IV South Santa Clara County Area: Bulletin 118-1, May 1981 California Geological Survey (CGD), Regional Geologic Maps (RGM) Series (250k scale, 1981 ? present) California State Water Resources Control Board, California GAMA Program: Sources and Transport of Nitrate in Shallow Groundwater in the Llagas Basin of Santa Clara County, California, 2005 CH2M Hill, Llagas Basin Numerical Groundwater Model, 2005 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, California Aquifer Susceptibility - A Contamination Vulnerability Assessment for the San Clara and San Mateo County Groundwater Basins, 2002 MACTEC Engineering and Consulting for Olin/Standard Fusee, Llagas Subbasin Characterization, Morgan Hill, California , Santa Clara County, 2006 Santa Clara Valley Water District, 2012, Groundwater Management Plan USGS, Professional Paper 943, Flatland Deposits ? Their Geology and Engineering Properties and their Importance to Regional Planning, 1979 USGS, Open File Report 00-444, Preliminary Maps of Quaternary Deposits and Liquefaction Susceptibility, Nine-County San Francisco Bay Region, California, 2000
Created on 03/29/2016 at 4:16PM, last modified on 01/02/2018 at 11:23AM and page generated on 03/14/2025 at 3:20AM