Inland Empire Utilities Agency - 8-002.01 UPPER SANTA ANA VALLEY - CHINO
Inland Empire Utilities Agency - 8-002.01 UPPER SANTA ANA VALLEY - CHINO
A. Applicant Information
Requesting Agency Information
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Agency Name: | Inland Empire Utilities Agency | ||
Address: | P.O Box 9020 | ||
City: | Chino Hills | Zip: | 91709 |
Work Phone: | (909) 993-1907 | Cell Phone: | (951) 295-7523 |
Email: | | Fax: | (909) 993-1983 |
Revision Request Manager Information
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Person Name: | Andy Malone | ||
Address: | 23692 Birtcher Drive | ||
City: | Lake Forest | Zip: | 92630 |
Work Phone: | (949) 420-3030 | Cell Phone: | (949) 285-6908 |
Email: | | Fax: |
B. Description of Proposed Boundary Modification
Modify the Chino Subbasin (8-02.01) boundary to align more closely with the 1978 Judgment Boundary.
- Jurisdiction Internal
- Scientific External
The 1978 Chino Basin Judgment established a physical solution for sustainable groundwater management in the Chino Basin. The 1978 Judgment defined a basin boundary that generally aligns with the hydrologic boundaries of the Chino Basin and defines the area of the Court's continuing jurisdictional authority (Judgment boundary). In many places within the basin, the Judgment boundary differs from the DWR Bulletin 118 boundary, and in some areas it differs significantly. The basin boundary modification proposed herein is entirely to the Bulletin 118 boundary and not the Judgment boundary. The proposed basin boundary modification, in many parts of the basin, will conform the Bulletin 118 boundary closely with the Chino Basin Judgment boundary, and will reflect the ongoing sustainable management pursuant to the Judgment and the Optimum Basin Management Program. The conformity will clearly delineate boundaries between adjudicated basins; eliminate confusion relating to the Court responsible for basin management; ensure consistent and effective groundwater management, and protect the investments of entities using groundwater throughout the Chino Basin. The proposed basin boundary modification will eliminate small areas of the current DWR Bulletin 118 basin, from which economical quantities of groundwater cannot be extracted, which lie along the perimeter of the Chino Basin but are not within the Judgment boundary. Available technical information indicates that these areas do not fit within the definition of an "aquifer" as defined in the California Code of Regulations, section 341(f). These areas do not contain a substantial volume of saturated alluvium, and activities within these areas do not and cannot have a material effect on sustainable groundwater management. As such, designation of a Groundwater Sustainability Agency and development of a Groundwater Sustainability Plan for these areas would not benefit sustainable groundwater management in the Chino Basin. In areas where the Judgment boundary does not fully encompass the "aquifer" of the Chino Basin, as defined in the California Code of Regulations section 341(f), the proposed basin boundary follows the most current understanding of the hydrogeologic boundaries of the Chino Basin. Groundwater in these areas is heavily influenced by management of the area pursuant to the Judgment; a plan to comply with the requirements of the SGMA will need to be developed for these areas.
C. Initial Notification and Combination of Requests
Local Agency Potential Basin(s)/Subbasin(s) Inland Empire Utilities Agency 8-002.01 UPPER SANTA ANA VALLEY - CHINO -
D. Required Documents for All Modifications

Pursuant to the Inland Empire Utilities Agency Resolution No. 2016-3-3 adopted on March 16, 2016, page 2:
WHEREAS, requesting a modification to basin boundaries is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) because adoption of these regulations is not a project under CEQA, and, assuming requesting a modification to basin boundaries did constitute a project, it would nonetheless be exempt from CEQA because there is no possibility that the adoption of the proposed modifications to a the Basin Boundary will have a significant effect on the environment, the activity is taken in protection of natural resources, and the activity is taken in protection of the environment. (Pub. Res. Code §21065, 14 CCR §§ 15060, 15061, 15307, 15308, 15378.) Further, SGMA exempts preparation and adoption of Groundwater Sustainability Plans from CEQA review, and the existence of an alternative compliance mechanism would not require CEQA review, for the purposes of both of which (as applicable) this basin boundary modification request is a necessary initial step. (Wat. Code§ 10728.6)
E. General Information

The Chino Subbasin was formed as a result of tectonic activity along major fault zones during the Quaternary Period. It is part of a large, broad, alluvial-filled plain located between the San Gabriel Mountains to the north (Transverse Ranges) and the elevated Perris Block to the south (Peninsular Ranges), which is sometimes referred to as the Chino Plain. The Santa Ana River is the main tributary draining the area along the southern boundary of the Chino Subbasin.
The revised Chino Subbasin boundary generally follows either the geologic contact between the Unconsolidated Sediments and the Consolidated Bedrock (geologic contact) or the Chino Basin boundary as defined in the 1978 Judgment (Judgment boundary). This summary description of the lateral boundaries of the revised Chino Subbasin starts at Prado Dam in the south and proceeds clockwise around the subbasin boundary:
From Prado Dam, the modified Bulletin 118 boundary follows either the geologic contact or the Judgment boundary along the Chino/Puente Hills until the boundary reaches the Spadra Basin. The Chino Subbasin is separated from the Spadra Basin, the Six Basins, and the Cucamonga Basin by the Judgment boundary. The boundary then follows either the geologic contact or the Judgment boundary along the San Gabriel Mountains until the boundary reaches the Rialto-Colton Subbasin. The Chino Subbasin is separated from the Rialto-Colton Subbasin and the Riverside-Arlington Subbasin by the Judgment boundary until it intersects the Jurupa Mountains. The boundary then follows either the geologic contact or the Judgment boundary along the Jurupa Mountains and Pedley Hills until the boundary reaches the Riverside Narrows where the Santa Ana River enters the Chino Subbasin. The boundary then follows either the geologic contact or the current Bulletin 118 boundary to Prado Dam.
F. Notice and Consultation

A Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to map the extent of the Chino Subbasin and the local agencies and public water supply systems in the region. Affected agencies were identified if their boundaries overlap the current Chino Subbasin boundary. The GIS files for these agency boundaries are provided in D.5 of this submittal.

Each affected agency was sent the attached letter on March 4, 2016 notifying them of the requesting agencies' intent to request modification of the boundary of the Chino Subbasin, informing them where to find information on the request, and inviting them to comment in support of, or opposition to, the request. Many of the affected local agencies and public water systems are parties to the Chino Basin Watermaster, and were kept up-to-date on the progress of this basin boundary modification request. Informal meetings and conference calls were held with local agencies and public water systems in bounding basins to inform and collaborate, and to ensure that other basin boundary modification requests are consistent with this request.

The Requesting Agencies respectively held several meetings to discuss the proposed basin boundary modification request process. The following is a summary of meetings held:
IEUA Public, Legislative Affairs, and Water Resources Meeting; Wednesday, February 10, 2016
IEUA Board Meeting; Wednesday February, 17, 2016
IEUA Public, Legislative Affairs, and Water Resources Meeting; Wednesday, March 9, 2016
IEUA Board Meeting; Wednesday, March 16, 2016
TVMWD Regular Board Meeting; Wednesday, February 17, 2016
TVMWD Regular Board Meeting; Wednesday, March 2, 2016
TVMWD Regular Board Meeting; Wednesday, March 16, 2016
WMWD Regular Board Meeting; Wednesday, February 17, 2016
WMWD Regular Board Meeting; Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The attachment below are letters of support received for this basin boundary modification request. The requesting agencies received no letters of opposition. Letters of support were received by the following entities:
1. West End Consolidated Water Co.
2. City of Upland
3. Chino Basin Water Conservation District
4. City of Pomona
5. Monte Vista Water District
6. City of Ontario
7. Walnut Valley Water District
8. San Bernardino County
9. Chino Basin Watermaster
10. Six Basins Watermaster
G. General Existing Groundwater Management
All requests for jurisdictional modification pursuant to Section 342.4 MUST include responses to the following questions.

Watermaster is the arm of the San Bernardino County Superior Court that oversees implementation of the 1978 Judgment that adjudicated the groundwater rights to the Chino Basin and established a physical solution for the sustainable management of the Basin. One of the key features of the 1978 Judgment is the Court's retention of continuing jurisdiction to ensure that the Basin's resources are utilized in a manner consistent with Article X, Section 2 of the California Constitution -- that its waters be conserved to ensure both that they are put to beneficial use to the fullest extent they are capable and that unreasonable use is avoided.
One of the central tasks given to Watermaster under the 1978 Judgment is to implement the 1978 Judgment's physical solution for the Chino Basin. This physical solution takes the form of a comprehensive and integrated, court-approved groundwater management plan called the Optimum Basin Management Program (OBMP). Watermaster and the parties to the 1978 Judgment have invested significant time and hundreds of millions of dollars to develop and implement the OBMP and the OBMP Implementation Plan; the result of which is a successful Basin management structure.

For adjacent adjudicated basins, the proposed boundary modification will clearly delineate boundaries between adjudicated basins, largely conforming the Bulletin 118 boundaries to the existing adjudication boundaries, which will eliminate confusion relating to the Court responsible for basin management within the Bulletin 118 boundaries. For adjacent un-adjudicated basins that are required to develop Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs), the proposed boundary modification will clearly delineate the existing Adjudication boundary of the Chino Basin (the extent of the area in which the 1978 Judgment’s continuing jurisdiction applies) and eliminate confusion over jurisdictional authority as the Groundwater Sustainability Agencies develop their GSPs. The proposed boundary modification should not impair sustainable management of groundwater in any adjacent basin. ¿

The 1978 Judgment that adjudicated the groundwater rights to the Chino Basin and established a physical solution for the sustainable management of the Basin was stipulated primarily to stop a persistent state of declining groundwater levels that had been occurring throughout the Chino Basin since the early 1900s. The OBMP Implementation Plan, which was approved by the Court in 2000, implements a comprehensive program to sustainably manage basin yield, groundwater levels, and water quality. The OBMP is supported by comprehensive programs for the monitoring and reporting on groundwater production, groundwater levels, and water quality.

The proposed boundary modification will have no impact on any state programs.
H. Local Support
All requests for boundary modification must include the following:

The requesting agencies received no letters of opposition.
I. Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model
Requests for boundary modification, must include a document or text to a clearly defined hydrogeologic conceptual model demonstrating each of the following:

J. Technical Studies for External Scientific Modifications
Requests for a scientific modification must include a document containing information that demonstrates the extent of the aquifer. Provide the following:

L. Technical Studies for All Jurisdictional Modifications
Requests for a jurisdictional boundary must attach or provide a URL or upload a file for the following:

The Chino Subbasin will continue to be sustainably managed pursuant to the Judgment and the OBMP, including all areas outside of the Judgment boundary.