A. Applicant Information

Requesting Agency Information
Agency Name: Castaic Lake Water Agency
Address: 27234 Bouquet Canyon Road
City: Santa Clarita Zip: 91350-2173
Work Phone: (661) 297-1600 Cell Phone:
Email: Fax:
Revision Request Manager Information
Person Name: Rick Viergutz
Address: 27234 Bouquet Canyon Road
City: Santa Clarita Zip: 91350-2173
Work Phone: (661) 510-4686 Cell Phone:
Email: Fax:

B. Description of Proposed Boundary Modification

  1. External boundary modification of the Santa Clara River Valley East sub basin (Basin 4-4.07).
    • Scientific External
  2. In conducting its planning activities and reviewing available geologic and hydrogeologic studies and the AB 3030 Groundwater Management Plan for the basin, Castaic Lake Water Agency (CLWA) has identified that the basin boundary of the East Subbasin does not align in all areas with the lateral extent of the Saugus Formation aquifer system, which is the deeper of the two principal aquifers that are present in the basin. Specifically, the modification is along the eastern outer boundary of the East Subbasin. The modification is requested because the current boundary does not include an area where geologic mapping shows the Saugus Formation (QTs) to be outcropping at the ground surface. The proposed modification facilitates sustainable management of the basin by including this area so as to provide a full accounting of all areas where the Saugus Formation is receiving recharge in exposed outcrops. This modification also is consistent with how the Saugus Formation is delineated in local hydrogeologic technical studies and water supply planning documents.
  3. No name changes will occur to the existing basin and subbasin. The proposed modification to the location of the boundary is along the eastern portion of the Santa Clara River Valley East Subbasin (basin number 4-4.07).

C. Initial Notification and Combination of Requests

  1. Yes
    Local Agency Potential Basin(s)/Subbasin(s)
  2. No

D. Required Documents for All Modifications

The Castaic Lake Water Agency has filed a Notice of Exemption (NOE) with Los Angeles County for this proposed basin boundary adjustment. The NOE is uploaded.

E. General Information

See the three attached files. File names: "Item E for DWR Template for SCV Basin Boundary Mod (2016-03-29)," "FigureB_Dibblee_Geology," and "Figure 2-6 from ModelDevelopmentReport2004"

F. Notice and Consultation

The City of Santa Clarita, the Valencia Water Company, Newhall County Water District, Los Angeles County Waterworks District Number 36, and Santa Clarita Water Division. See uploaded map "Figure A Affected Agencies"
Identifying the interested local agencies and public water systems was straightforward. The identified local agencies and public water systems are those that were already included in the existing East Subbasin, and which each participate in other state-required water supply planning activities (such as the Urban Water Management Plan). These agencies and CLWA work together to manage groundwater resources in the subbasin. Staff reached out to these agencies informally, and more formally, such as through emailing the notice of the CLWA Board meeting where it would consider a resolution formally initiating the basin boundary request and seeking their input. The basin boundary modification issue was also publicized through the public notice of the March 10, 2016 CLWA Water Resources and Outreach Committee (WRO) meeting, and the March 23, 2016 CLWA Board of Directors meeting, and a description of it was placed on the CLWA website.
CLWA works closely with each of the retailers and the City. In February an informal meeting was held with retailers where the basin boundary issue that is the subject of this request was discussed in general. Retailers were provided information that the initial notification was provided, that the CLWA Board would formally consider adopting a resolution initiating the basin boundary modification, and emails with information, and seeking input and support were sent. A brief table and supporting email communication is attached.
The proposed basin boundary modification was discussed at a publicly noticed Castaic Lake Water Agency, Water Resources and Outreach Committee Meeting. The proposed basin boundary modification was discussed at a publicly noticed Castaic Lake Water Agency Board meeting. At that meeting, the CLWA adopted a resolution in support of initiating the basin boundary modification. The CLWA Board item and proposed resolution is attached.
No written comments regarding the proposed boundary modification were received by CLWA. Three letters of support, and one email letter of support was received and are uploaded in a following section.

H. Local Support

All requests for boundary modification must include the following:
Section F of this document describes the communication of information and outreach. Sufficient information was provided to affected agencies and systems, such as through publicly noticed meetings, email correspondence (and follow up), and a website posting (attached). Email communication provided information, requested feedback, and sought to determine if the affected agencies supported or didn't support the proposed basin boundary modification.
The Los Angeles County Waterworks District No. 36, the Santa Clarita Water Division, the Valencia Water Company, and the Newhall County Water District provided letters of support. The City of Santa Clarita has provided verbal support and may send a letter of support. Given the short time frame , the agencies were not able to create formal resolutions of support.
No opposition to the proposed basin boundary modification was received.

I. Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model

Requests for boundary modification, must include a document or text to a clearly defined hydrogeologic conceptual model demonstrating each of the following:
Section 3 of the attached uploaded document "Item I FINAL TechMemo-SCRV Basin Mod 2016-03-29" contains discussions of each of the four items in this category.

J. Technical Studies for External Scientific Modifications

Requests for a scientific modification must include a document containing information that demonstrates the extent of the aquifer. Provide the following:
See the attached Figure B prepared by GSI Water Solutions, which is a map showing the Dibblee Geologic Map in the Mint Canyon Quadrangle (Dibblee, 1996) and the boundary adjustment in the localized area where the External Scientific Boundary Modification is requested by CLWA.
This information is presented in detail in the CH2M HILL report titled Final Report: Regional Groundwater Flow Model for the Santa Clarita Valley, Santa Clarita, California: Model Development and Calibration. Section 2 is titled Hydrogeology of the Santa Clarita Valley, including Section 2.5 which discusses physical properties of the Alluvial Aquifer and the Saugus Formation. See file name "Basin 4-4.07 (Section2 from ModelDevelopmentReport2004)" Figures 3-3 through 3-9 are thickness maps from that same report, showing the multiple layers in the groundwater flow model that simulate the Alluvial Aquifer and the Saugus Formation together. For layer 1, Figure 3-3 shows the thickness of the Saugus Formation outside of the red-outlined areas. See file name "Basin 4-4.07 (Modeled Aquifer Thickness Maps from ModelDevelopmentReport2004"
Created on 03/28/2016 at 2:33PM, last modified on 01/02/2018 at 11:23AM and page generated on 03/03/2025 at 8:11AM