Corcoran Irrigation District - 5-022.12 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - TULARE LAKE, 5-022.11 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - KAWEAH

Corcoran Irrigation District - 5-022.12 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - TULARE LAKE, 5-022.11 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - KAWEAH

A. Applicant Information

Requesting Agency Information
Agency Name: Corcoran Irrigation District
Address: PO Box 566
City: Corcoran Zip: 93212
Work Phone: (559) 992-5165 Cell Phone:
Email: Fax: (559) 762-7227
Revision Request Manager Information
Address: PO Box 566
City: Corcoran Zip: 93212-____
Work Phone: (559) 992-5165 Cell Phone: (559) 906-1402
Email: Fax:

B. Description of Proposed Boundary Modification

  1. Modify subbasin boundary(5-22.12 and 5-22.11) to follow the Kings-Tulare County line.
    • Jurisdiction Internal
  2. Corcoran Irrigation District (CID) is seeking an internal jurisdictional modification to extend the Tulare Lake Subbasin (5-22.12) to include a narrow peninsula of the Kaweah Subbasin (5-22.11). CID's boundary currently extends into both subbasins. The proposed modification description of the Tulare Lake Subbasin (5-22.12) is as follows: The Tulare Lake Subbasin follows the Kings/Tulare County line from the northeast corner of Section 25, T21S R22E (also the northwest corner of the Tule Subbasin) to the intersection of said County line with the boundary of Kings River Conservation District (KRCD) at the northeast corner of Section 1, T21S R22E. The boundary then follows the KRCD boundary to the Kings-Tulare County line/Alta Irrigation District/KRCD intersection with the boundary of Consolidated Irrigation District. Thus, allowing CID to be located solely within the Tulare Lake Subbasin. The proposed modification simplifies the subbasins by adjusting the Bulletin 118 boundary to follow the county line. From a jurisdictional standpoint only, the current subbasin boundary presents challenges to CID for SGMA implementation, as the narrow peninsula in Kings County splits CID into Kaweah and Tulare Lake Subbasins presenting significant coordination problems if the two subbasin boundaries remain unmodified. In addition, the proposed boundary modification aligns with the Tulare Lake Bed Coordinated Groundwater Management Plan and Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District's Groundwater Management Plan, promoting existing groundwater management planning efforts.
  3. N/A

C. Initial Notification and Combination of Requests

  1. Yes
    Local Agency Potential Basin(s)/Subbasin(s)
    Kern-Tulare Water District 5-022.14 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - KERN COUNTY , 5-022.12 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - TULARE LAKE
    Corcoran Irrigation District 5-022.12 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - TULARE LAKE
    Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District 5-022.12 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - TULARE LAKE
  2. No

D. Required Documents for All Modifications

The internal jurisdictional modification does not qualify as a "project" for purposes of CEQA.

E. General Information

Refer to the "Draft Proposed Boundary Modifications for the Tulare Lake Subbasin Description" herein attached. The Tulare Lake Subbasin (5-22.12) is bounded on the south by the Kings-Kern county line, on the west by the California Aqueduct, the eastern boundary of Westside Groundwater Subbasin, and Tertiary marine sediments of the Kettleman Hills. It is bounded on the north by the southern boundary of the Kings Groundwater Subbasin, and on the east by the westerly boundaries of the Kaweah and Tule Groundwater Subbasins. The southern half of the Tulare Lake Subbasin consists of lands in the former Tulare Lake bed in Kings County. The annual precipitation is seven inches throughout most of the subbasin and nine inches at the northern margin. (Refer to the Tulare Lake Bed Coordination GWMP pages 13-14). The Kaweah subbasin (5-22.11) lies between the Kings Groundwater Subbasin on the north, the Tule Groundwater Subbasin on the south, crystalline bedrock of the Sierra Nevada foothills on the east, and the Kings River Conservation District on the west. The subbasin generally comprises lands in the Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District. Major rivers and streams in the subbasin include the Kaweah and St. Johns Rivers. the Kaweah River is the primary source of recharge to the area. Average annual precipitation is seven [7] to 13 inches, increasing inward. (Refer to the Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District GWMP pages 13-14)

F. Notice and Consultation

Kings County, Tulare County, City of Corcoran, Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District, Kings River Conservation District, Tulare Irrigation District, Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District and Corcoran Irrigation District.
Agencies were identified by mapping agency boundaries with direct jurisdiction, as well as, agencies with indirect or a reasonable sphere of influence to the current and proposed boundary modification. Individually, CID staff contacted the agencies informing them of CID's intentions to request a Bulletin 118 boundary modification and solicit input.
E-mails and letters providing information and requesting support were sent to all identified agencies, as well as multiple telephone conversations. CID staff had face-to-face meetings with Kings County, Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District and the City of Corcoran staff to inform and solicit input. The identified agencies with direct or indirect influence were provided a map of the proposed boundary modification.
A special meeting was held on February 23, 2016 to adopt a resolution authorizing the submittal of a boundary modification request. A public hearing was held on March 8, 2016, at the Corcoran Irrigation District Office to receive public comment on the proposed boundary modification. Notices were published in the Hanford Sentinel and Visalia Times Delta Newspapers. The attached map indicating the proposed boundary modification was available at the hearing. No member of the general public nor a representative from a local agency were present at the hearing. Hence, no comments were received during, nor were there any comments following, the public hearing, except letters of support which are attached hereto in Section H of this request.
Currently, no opposition or comments other than letters of support have been received. Letters of support are attached in Section H of this Boundary Modification Request form.

G. General Existing Groundwater Management

All requests for jurisdictional modification pursuant to Section 342.4 MUST include responses to the following questions.
Currently, the proposed modified area is under management of the Tulare Lake Bed Coordinated Groundwater Management Plan, in which CID is a member. The proposed boundary modification allows both a potential GSP and current GWMP to cover the same management areas.
The only affected adjacent subbasin by the modification is the Kaweah Subbasin (5-22.11). Currently, there is no GSA coverage for the modified area in the Kaweah Subbasin. If unmodified, CID likely will have to form its own GSA in the Kaweah Subbasin, leading to additional GSAs and coordination complications with implementing SGMA. Removal of the modified area promotes efficiency in implementing SGMA as the area will be covered by a single GSA in the Tulare Lake Subbasin. The Kaweah Subbasin is covered by a GWMP implemented by Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District. KDWCD adopted a Groundwater Management Plan in July, 1995. KDWCD's GWMP specifically excludes areas within the borders of CID, as these areas are under management of the Tulare Lake Bed Coordinated Groundwater Management Plan. (Refer to KDWCD GWMP, page 3) Thus, modifying the subbasin boundary between Kaweah Subbasin and Tulare Lake Subbasin follows current groundwater management plans. Refer to attached plans.
The Tulare Lake Bed Coordinated Groundwater Management Plan provides a historical summary of groundwater levels in the proposed basin and sustainable management efforts, the details of which are located in the attached TLB Coordinated GWMP document.
The proposed boundary modification aligns with current groundwater management plans. Specifically, the area is under management of the Tulare Lake Bed Coordinated Groundwater Management Plan. The Tulare Lake Bed Coordinated Groundwater Management Plan's monitoring program was reorganized in 2011 to comply with CASGEM. Thus, approving the boundary modification will positively impact existing state and regional programs. As currently drawn, the boundary leaves the proposed modification area without GSA coverage, necessitating the possibility of an additional GSA in the Kaweah Subbasin and complicating the implementation of a GSP. The proposed boundary modification will streamline implementation of SGMA in the Tulare Lake Subbasin.

H. Local Support

All requests for boundary modification must include the following:
CID staff identified and contacted all affected agencies. Letters and e-mails were sent detailing when and how local agencies may support or oppose the boundary modification. CID held public meetings on the boundary modification request, the details of which are attached in Section F.4 of this Boundary Modification Request form
The following agencies authorized support to the proposed modification: Kings County, Tulare County, City of Corcoran, Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District, Kings River Conservation District, Tulare Irrigation District, Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District
No opposition to the proposed boundary modification is known at this time.

I. Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model

Requests for boundary modification, must include a document or text to a clearly defined hydrogeologic conceptual model demonstrating each of the following:
CID requests a waiver of the hydrogeologic conceptual model requirement as the proposed internal jurisdictional boundary modification does not include hydrogeologic features that would significantly impact the ability to sustainably manage groundwater in either the Tulare Lake Subbasin or Kaweah Subbasin. The proposed boundary modification aligns with current groundwater management plans, the details of which are located within this Boundary Modification Request form.

L. Technical Studies for All Jurisdictional Modifications

Requests for a jurisdictional boundary must attach or provide a URL or upload a file for the following:
The Tulare Lake Subbasin is in the process of GSA formation. If the subbasin boundary is modified, CID may be able to participate in one GSA and one GSP. If unrevised, the current subbasin boundary will require CID to participate in two GSAs. No coverage currently exists in the Kaweah Subbasin for the area requested to be moved into the Tulare Lake Subbasin as no eligible local public agency in the Kaweah Subbasin which is currently contemplating formation of a GSA has jurisdiction over the proposed modified area. Thus, CID would have to form a separate GSA with Kings County for the identified area, leading to an increased number of GSAs in the Kaweah Subbasin if the boundary is not modified.
Created on 03/22/2016 at 5:52PM, last modified on 01/02/2018 at 11:23AM and page generated on 02/17/2025 at 12:41AM