Ventura River Water District - 4-003.01 VENTURA RIVER VALLEY - UPPER VENTURA RIVER
Ventura River Water District - 4-003.01 VENTURA RIVER VALLEY - UPPER VENTURA RIVER
A. Applicant Information
Requesting Agency Information
![]() |
Agency Name: | Ventura River Water District | ||
Address: | 409 Old Baldwin Road | ||
City: | Ojai | Zip: | 93023-9702 |
Work Phone: | (805) 664-3403 | Cell Phone: | |
Email: | | Fax: |
Revision Request Manager Information
![]() |
Person Name: | Bert J. Rapp | ||
Address: | 409 Old Baldwin Road | ||
City: | Ojai | Zip: | 93023-9702 |
Work Phone: | (805) 664-3403 | Cell Phone: | |
Email: | | Fax: |
B. Description of Proposed Boundary Modification
This is a scientific boundary revision reflecting updated geologic science.
- Scientific External
- Scientific Internal
Please see attached document and figures
Upper Ventura River Basin
C. Initial Notification and Combination of Requests
Local Agency Potential Basin(s)/Subbasin(s) Ventura River Water District 4-003.01 VENTURA RIVER VALLEY - UPPER VENTURA RIVER -
F. Notice and Consultation

See Section III(B) and Figure 2 in attached Technical Memorandum by Kear Groundwater

Each of the six local agencies with water supply, water management and land use authority were contacted. Five of the six are working together to form a GSA and process this basin boundary revision. The 6th agency, the City of Ojai, preferred to serve on technical committees since only a small portion of the City overlies the upper Ventura River Basin and the City obtains its groundwater from the Ojai Groundwater Basin. Discussions have been held with the Public Works Director of the City of Ojai, Greg Grant and an email has been sent to him indicating the application is being made to modify the boundary. The City of Ojai sits on the Ojai Basin Groundwater Management Agency and through that agency has been working on the boundary modification for the Ojai Basin and it?s shared boundary with the Upper Ventura River basin.
E-mails were sent to local mutual water companies and public water systems notifying them of the application to modify the boundary of the Upper Ventura River basin and the ongoing work to form a GSA by the participating five agencies. Letters were also sent to all well owners in and near the basin.

See attached document

See attached document

See attached document
H. Local Support
All requests for boundary modification must include the following:

Copies of correspondence to affected agencies and water systems are in part F.3. of this submittal. In addition the five agencies forming the GSA (City of Ventura, Casitas Municipal Water District, Meiners Oaks Water District, County of Ventura and Ventura River Water District) have been actively reviewing and processing the basin modification since December 2015 as evidenced by the meeting agendas attached in Part F.4.

Affected Agencies:
? Casitas Municipal Water District
? City of San Buenaventura
? County of Ventura
? Meiners? Oaks Water District
? Ventura River Water District
? City of Ojai
? Ojai Water Conservation District
? Ojai Basin Groundwater Management Agency
Affected Agencies that submitted comments:
? Comments from the County of Ventura on the draft technical report were provided and discusses at an internal meeting of the GSA formation committee on March 8, 2016. The County of Ventura?s comments have been incorporated
? The City of Ventura provided input by having their groundwater geologist, Curtis Hopkins meet several times with Jordan Kear to discuss boundary issues which were then incorporated into the proposed modification.
Letters and resolutions of support will be submitted as available in the future. We have no reason to believe that letters of opposition will be forthcoming.

Only one rebuttal was prepared. It was in response to a water right concern voiced by Rancho Matilija MWC. See the letters dated March 7, 2016 and March 15, 2016 addressed to Rancho Matilija MWC in Section F.5.
See also section II(A)(3) of Technical Memorandum by Kear Groundwater.
The Response to comment letter dated May 23, 2016 addresses comments from the SWRCB, Santa Barbara Channel Keeper and Surfrider Foundation.
I. Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model
Requests for boundary modification, must include a document or text to a clearly defined hydrogeologic conceptual model demonstrating each of the following:

See section IV(A)-(D) and Figures 1, 3-8 of attached Technical Memorandum by Kear Groundwater
J. Technical Studies for External Scientific Modifications
Requests for a scientific modification must include a document containing information that demonstrates the extent of the aquifer. Provide the following:

See section V(G) and Figure 1 of attached Technical Memorandum by Kear Groundwater

See attached Technical Memorandum by Kear Groundwater
K. Technical Studies for Internal Scientific Modifications
Requests for an internal scientific modification involving a hydrogeologic barrier must include a document or text that demonstrates the presence or absence of subsurface restrictions on lateral groundwater flow. Provide the following:

See section V(G) and Figure 1 of attached Technical Memorandum by Kear Groundwater

See attached Technical Memorandum by Kear Groundwater, specifically section V(H) and Figure 1-9. Additional studies (both historic and modern) addressing the above geologic and hydrologic evidence of groundwater conditions in the Upper Ventura River Basin are available in the "Documents Library" maintained by the Ventura River Watershed Council website (