A. Applicant Information

Requesting Agency Information
Agency Name: Sonoma Valley GSA
Address: 404 Aviation Blvd.
City: Santa Rosa Zip: 95403
Work Phone: (707) 547-1978 Cell Phone: (707) 322-8165
Email: Fax: (707) 528-2080
Revision Request Manager Information
Person Name: Ann DuBay
Address: 404 Aviation Blvd
City: Santa Rosa Zip: 95403
Work Phone: (707) 524-8378 Cell Phone: (707) 322-8185
Email: Fax:

B. Description of Proposed Boundary Modification

  1. Minor modification of adjoining subbasins to align with county boundaries
    • Jurisdiction Internal
  2. The Sonoma Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency is requesting a jurisdictional basin boundary modification, changing the boundaries of the Sonoma Valley Subbasin and the Napa-Sonoma Lowlands Subbasin to align with the county boundary between Sonoma and Napa Counties. While the existing Bulletin 118 boundary between the two basins generally matches the Sonoma-Napa county boundary, there are some areas of overlap. These areas of overlap include approximately 347 Sonoma County acres, including portions of seven parcels, that are currently located within the Sonoma Napa-Sonoma Lowlands Subbasin and approximately 160 Napa County acres, including portions of six parcels, that are currently located within the Sonoma Valley Subbasin. The proposed modification will enhance the likelihood for sustainable management by simplifying the governance of the subbasins, allowing entities to focus their efforts of groundwater management in their respective county and reduce jurisdictional overlap. The total area requested to be changed represents less than 1% of the area of the two subbasins. The modification will not result in any areas to become unmanaged.

C. Initial Notification and Combination of Requests

  1. Yes
    Local Agency Potential Basin(s)/Subbasin(s)
  2. No

D. Required Documents for All Modifications

The proposed modification is an administrative action and is therefore not a Project defined by CEQA.

E. General Information

F. Notice and Consultation

County of Napa Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Los Carneros Water District County of Sonoma
Selected local agencies and public water systems that overlap areas affected by the Basin Boundary Modification request in a GIS.
On August 27, 2018, the Sonoma Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency Board of Directors held a public meeting. The Basin Boundary Modification was presented by staff and there were no public comments on the matter. The presentation detailed the number of acres affected by the proposed modification and highlighted that implementing the modification would simplify roles of groundwater management in the affected areas.

G. General Existing Groundwater Management

All requests for jurisdictional modification pursuant to Section 342.4 MUST include responses to the following questions.
In 2007 a voluntary groundwater management plan was completed for the Sonoma Creek watershed which overlies the Sonoma County portion of the Sonoma Valley Subbasin. The Plan was prepared under the authority of the Groundwater Management Act Water Code §10750 et seq., originally enacted as Assembly Bill (AB) 3030. The goal of the Plan was to locally manage, protect, and enhance groundwater resources for all beneficial uses, in a sustainable, environmentally sound, economical, and equitable manner for generations to come. The Sonoma Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency was formed in 2017 after the passage of SGMA and identification of the Sonoma Valley Subbasin as medium priority. The County of Sonoma, North Bay Water District, Sonoma Resource Conservation District, City of Sonoma, Sonoma County Water Agency, and Valley of the Moon Water District are the GSA member agencies.
If approved the modification would remove Sonoma County from the Napa-Sonoma Lowlands and would remove Napa County from the Sonoma Valley Subbasin. The proposed modification would simplify and improve the sustainable management for the Sonoma Valley Subbasin and Napa-Sonoma Valley Subbasin by minimizing jurisdictional overlap.
A USGS study of the Sonoma Valley Subbasin and watershed was completed in 2006. Between 2007-2017, basin stakeholders engaged in a voluntary Groundwater Management Program, which included the adoption of the Sonoma Valley Groundwater Management Plan (2007) and an update and report (2014). There are two areas of groundwater depression within the Sonoma Valley Subbasin. These depressions occur in the deeper, confined zones, near El Verano and north, and east, of the City of Sonoma. Groundwater levels near the Huichica area in the southeast part of the basin began to decline, but following the delivery of recycled water, water levels have begun to recover. Shallower groundwater levels are generally stable throughout the subbasin.
It is expected that no state programs will be affected by this modification as the modification would not result in any unmanaged areas. There are no CASGEM wells in the area affected by the change. The Sonoma Valley Groundwater Management Plan is superseded by SGMA legislation and will not be negatively affected by this change. It is expected that groundwater management will be improved by these changes due to decreased jurisdictional overlap.

H. Local Support

All requests for boundary modification must include the following:
Sonoma Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency County of Sonoma and Sonoma County Water Agency County of Napa Napa County Flood and Water Conservation District
The Sonoma Valley GSA has received no opposition to the proposed boundary modification request.

I. Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model

Requests for boundary modification, must include a document or text to a clearly defined hydrogeologic conceptual model demonstrating each of the following:
The SV GSA requests that this requirement be waived. This modification would result in less than 1% of the jurisdictional coverage of the Sonoma Valley and Napa-Sonoma Lowlands Subbasins area to be changed. This modification would result in a reduction of jurisdictional overlap which would likely improve sustainable management in the two subbasins.

L. Technical Studies for All Jurisdictional Modifications

Requests for a jurisdictional boundary must attach or provide a URL or upload a file for the following:
The Sonoma Valley GSA will coordinate and communicate with Napa County regarding development of its GSP and possible management actions.
Created on 09/26/2018 at 4:00PM, last modified on 10/01/2018 at 11:54AM and page generated on 02/16/2025 at 3:53AM