County of San Luis Obispo GSA - Santa Maria Basin Fringe Areas - 3-012 SANTA MARIA
County of San Luis Obispo GSA - Santa Maria Basin Fringe Areas - 3-012 SANTA MARIA
A. Applicant Information
Requesting Agency Information
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Agency Name: | County of San Luis Obispo GSA - Santa Maria Basin Fringe Areas | ||
Address: | 976 Osos Street, Room 206 | ||
City: | San Luis Obispo | Zip: | 93408 |
Work Phone: | (805) 781-4473 | Cell Phone: | |
Email: | | Fax: |
Revision Request Manager Information
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Person Name: | Chung-te "Dick" Tzou | ||
Address: | 976 Osos Street | ||
City: | San Luis Obispo | Zip: | 93408 |
Work Phone: | 805-781-4473 | Cell Phone: | |
Email: | | Fax: |
B. Description of Proposed Boundary Modification
A scientific modification request to subdivide (i.e. scientific internal modification) and exclude (i.e. scientific external modification) portions of the Santa Maria River Valley Basin (Basin No. 3-012).
- Scientific External
- Scientific Internal
See attachment: B3 Narrative Overview
1. Santa Maria River Valley - Santa Maria (subbasin); 2. Santa Maria River Valley - Arroyo Grande (subbasin)
C. Initial Notification and Combination of Requests
YesThis application consists of multiple scientific external and internal modification requests within portions of the Santa Maria River Valley Groundwater Basin within San Luis Obispo County (except for one proposed basin boundary modification that is in both San Luis Obispo County and Santa Barbara County).
E. General Information

The following is a description of the proposed resultant subdivision of the Santa Maria River Valley Groundwater Basin into two subbasins.
Santa Maria River Valley - Santa Maria subbasin:
The Santa Maria River Valley - Santa Maria subbasin underlies the Santa Maria Valley in the coastal portion of northern Santa Barbara and southern San Luis Obispo Counties, Nipomo Mesa, Tri-Cities Mesa, and Arroyo Grande Plain. The proposed lateral boundary is delineated on the west and southwest by the Pacific Ocean, on the east and northeast by the Wilmar Avenue Fault and Santa Maria River Fault Zones, on the east by the San Rafael Mountains and the Santa Maria River Fault Zones, on the southwest by the Casmalia Hills, on the south by the Solomon Hills and the San Antonio Creek Valley Groundwater Basin, and aligning along the adjudicated boundaries of the Northern Cities Management Area, Nipomo Mesa Management Area, and Santa Maria Valley Management Area. The bottom boundary of the subbasin is identified as the contact between the saturated sediments of Paso Robles/Careaga Formations at depths ranging from 600 to 2,500 feet and the underlying Monterey and/or Obispo Formations.
Santa Maria River Valley - Arroyo Grande subbasin:
The Santa Maria River Valley - Arroyo Grande subbasin underlies the Arroyo Grande Creek Valley. The proposed lateral boundary is delineated by the contact of the Recent Alluvium with the bedrock of the Pismo, Monterey, Obispo, and Franciscan Formations cropping out in the mountains of the Santa Lucia Range surrounding the Arroyo Grande Creek Valley and the Tar Springs Creek Valley, and ends along the Wilmar Avenue Fault Zone to the south/southwest along the adjudicated boundary of the Northern Cities Management Area. The bottom boundary of the subbasin is identified as the contact between the saturated Recent Alluvium ranging from 20 feet to 150 feet deep and the underlying bedrock of the Pismo Formation or the Monterey/Obispo Formations.
F. Notice and Consultation

See attachment: F1 Affected Agencies and Public Water Systems.
Please note that public water systems in Santa Barbara County are not included in the GIS shapefiles upload in D5 due to the lack of mapping information with regard to the service areas of the water systems.

The criteria used for identifying affected agencies or public water systems was to include those agencies and systems "whose jurisdictional area would, as a result of a boundary modification, include more, fewer, or different basins or subbasins than without the modification" (California Water Code Section 341(c) and (d)).
The basin boundaries, local agencies, and public water systems were identified and compiled through the County of San Luis Obispo's (County's) existing geospatial information system (GIS) databases. The County's GIS database sources the Bulletin 118 groundwater basin boundary map from the California Department of Water Resources. The boundaries and lists of local agencies and public water systems are derived from the San Luis Obispo Local Agency Formation Commission and County's Environmental Health Services GIS databases, respectively. The County Environmental Health Services Department updates the public water system database with current information and as defined in Section 116275 of the California Safe Drinking Water Act, which is in Part 12, Chapter 4 of the California Health and Safety Code.
Additionally, the Santa Barbara County Water Agency and Santa Barbara County Public Health Department provided information on the local agencies and public water systems overlying the Santa Maria and San Antonio Groundwater Basins within Santa Barbara County, respectively.

See attachments: F3 Nature of Consultations;
F3a Consultation Letters

See attachments: F4 Summary of Public Meetings;
F4a Meeting Materials

See attachments: F5 All Comments Received;
F5a County Responses;
F5b County Response to Steelhead Concerns
H. Local Support
All requests for boundary modification must include the following:

See attachment: H1 Information Provided to Affected Agencies and Systems

See attachment: H2 Documents Submitted by Affected Agencies and Systems

See attachment: H3 Rebuttal of Opposition
I. Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model
Requests for boundary modification, must include a document or text to a clearly defined hydrogeologic conceptual model demonstrating each of the following:

See attachments: I 1_4 Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model;
SMGB Characterization_Planning Study;
SMRVGB BBMR Technical Report
J. Technical Studies for External Scientific Modifications
Requests for a scientific modification must include a document containing information that demonstrates the extent of the aquifer. Provide the following:

See attachment: J1 Qualified map_Lat Boundary (Figure 1)

See attachments: J2 Technical Study;
SMRVGB BBMR Technical Report;
SMGB Characterization_Planning Study
K. Technical Studies for Internal Scientific Modifications
Requests for an internal scientific modification involving a hydrogeologic barrier must include a document or text that demonstrates the presence or absence of subsurface restrictions on lateral groundwater flow. Provide the following:

See attachment: K1 Qualified Maps_Impede Flow

See attachments: K2 Evidence of Groundwater Conditions;
SMRVGB BBMR Technical Report;
SMGB Characterization_Planning Study