A. Applicant Information

Requesting Agency Information
Agency Name: United Water Conservation District
Address: 1701 North Lombard Street, Suite 200
City: Oxnard Zip: 93030
Work Phone: 805-525-4431 Cell Phone:
Email: Information@unitedwater.org Fax:
Revision Request Manager Information
Person Name: Dan Detmer
Address: 1701 N. Lombard St, Ste 200
City: Oxnard Zip: 93030
Work Phone: 805-525-4431 Cell Phone:
Email: dand@unitedwater.org Fax:

B. Description of Proposed Boundary Modification

  1. Santa Paula (4-04)/Fillmore (4-05) subbasins boundary (Jurisdiction Internal), Fillmore Basin/Piru subbasins (4-06) boundary (Scientific Internal), and north/south Fillmore and Piru subbasins boundary (Scientific External).
    • Scientific External
    • Scientific Internal
    • Jurisdiction Internal
  2. The proposed boundary modification will further sustainable management of the Fillmore (4-05) and Piru (4-06) subbasins by more precisely defining the boundaries using the best available science and data. Dibblee Geologic Map 7.5-minute Quadrangles, VC, CA, 1990s (1:24,000) and Channel Island Regional GIS Collaborative (CIRGIS) aerial imagery (6"), 2015 were used to refine the Scientific External northern and southern Fillmore and Piru subbasins boundary. The Fillmore and Piru subbasins are hydrologically connected and the boundary between the subbasins is transitional with perennial rising groundwater observed in all but the longest sustained droughts on record. Groundwater level contours and the peak flow of this rising groundwater within the Santa Clara River determined by several years of in-stream flow measurements was used for the proposed Scientific Internal boundary modification. The location of the rising groundwater provides appropriate boundary conditions for water budget calculations and modeling of the subbasins. In addition, perennial rising groundwater is also observed at the transitional Santa Paula (4-04)/Fillmore subbasins boundary. The Santa Paula subbasin was adjudicated in 1996, and the court-defined Settlement Boundary does not include approximately 980 acres with 19 active wells that exist between the Settlement Boundary and the current DWR Bulletin 118 boundary between the Santa Paula and Fillmore subbasins. Hydrologically, there is not a distinct boundary separating these subbasins; rather, they have been loosely defined based on the occurrence of rising groundwater over an approximately 2-mile reach of the Santa Clara River, indicating a hydrogeologic constriction. The proposed Jurisdictional Internal modification snaps the Fillmore subbasin boundary approximately 3/8ths-mile west to the Santa Paula Settlement Boundary, thereby incorporating the 980 acres and 19 active wells within the Fillmore subbasin. Near Orcutt Canyon the northern extent of the Settlement Boundary is mapped just south of the existing DWR boundary for the Santa Paula basin. Both existing boundaries intended to follow the mapped northern extent of the Saugus Fm, but the Settlement Boundary falls south of the contact, as mapped by Dibblee. The new (western Fillmore basin) boundary proposed here projects the Settlement Boundary some 325 feet north in steep terrain to the northern extent of the Saugus Fm. These proposed modifications would improve the likelihood of sustainable management by including the hydrologically connected area between the eastern Santa Paula Settlement Boundary and the current western DWR Bulletin 118 boundary of the Fillmore subbasin within the area of the Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) that will be developed for the Fillmore subbasin.

C. Initial Notification and Combination of Requests

  1. Yes
    Local Agency Potential Basin(s)/Subbasin(s)
  2. Yes
    This application combines: (1) a Jurisdiction Internal modification of the Santa Paula (4-04)/Fillmore (4-05) subbasins boundary; with (2) a Scientific Internal modification of the Fillmore Basin/Piru subbasins (4-06) boundary; with (3) Scientific External north/south Fillmore and Piru subbasins boundary modification.

D. Required Documents for All Modifications

The basin boundary modification is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) because it is not a "Project" under CEQA. Given that the Basin Boundary adjustments do not meet the "Project" definition, there is no requirement to seek or make a finding for a Statutory or Categorical Exemption, nor provide any other CEQA treatment at all. Even if the basin boundary modification constitutes a project, it would be exempt because there it is no possibility that it will have a significant effect on the environment.

E. General Information

Please see attached Document.

F. Notice and Consultation

Please see attached Document.
The "List of Interested Parties" (uploaded below) included with the Fillmore and Piru Basins Groundwater Sustainability Agency's (FPBGSA) formation submittal through the SGMA Portal was used to identify interested local agencies and public water systems. Public water systems and interested local agencies identified in the list were compiled from the County of Ventura publication, Inventory of Public & Private Water Purveyors in Ventura County (2006). In addition, United Water Conservation District's list of groundwater pumpers within the DWR Bulletin 118 mapping of the Fillmore and Piru subbasins and those that will be included if the proposed basin boundary modification is approved was utilized to contact interested parties in the affected subbasins. Local agencies and public water systems in the Santa Paula basin have not been noticed, as these agencies already recognize the adjudication boundary of the Santa Paula basin as the Fillmore-Santa Paula basin boundary.
A Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement by and among the City of Fillmore, the County of Ventura and United Water Conservation District created the Fillmore and Piru Basins Groundwater Sustainability Agency (FPBGSA). A member of each of these agencies sits on the six member governing Board of Directors. The other three Stakeholder Director seats are filled by a member of the Fillmore Basin Pumpers Association, the Piru Basin Pumpers Association and an environmental interests groups representative. These agencies and stakeholder representative directors were actively engaged in the proposed basin boundary modification process that culminated in a FPBGSA resolution (2018-03) to submit the proposed modifications. Early on in the basin boundary modification process, Castaic Lake Water Agency was contacted in regards to the mapping of the east end of the Piru subbasin (e-mail correspondence attached). County of Ventura staff was also consulted with in regards to the proposed modification of the Santa Paula/Fillmore subbasins boundary (correspondence attached). Ventura County submitted to be the Groundwater Sustainability Agency for the eastern portion of the Santa Paula subbasin that is outside of the Santa Paula Basin Adjudication (Settlement) Boundary with the intention of turning this area over to the FPBGSA through the 2018 DWR Basin Boundary Modification process and ensuing GSA boundary modification process. Mailers, newspaper notices, e-mails, telephone calls, online postings (FPBGSA's website and Facebook page), and public meeting presentations were used to engage the largest group practicable of stakeholders. Several parcel specific maps were produced for individuals that requested information on how the proposed basin boundary modification might affect their property.
The Fillmore and Piru Basins Groundwater Sustainability Agency (FPBGSA) Board of Directors initiated the (a) filing of the preliminary notification with DWR that the FPBGSA is considering a basin boundary modification, (b) convening a workshop to discuss the technical basis for the boundary modification and solicit stakeholder input, and (c) begin the preparation of the basin boundary modification documentation required by DWR on August 28, 2017 at the FPBGSA's regular board meeting. The initial notification was submitted via the SGMA portal on August 31, 2017. At the October 30, 2017, the FPGSA Board of Directors discussed potential March 2018 dates for a public basin boundary modification workshop. At the February 20, 2018 regular board meeting, the FPBGSA Board of Directors heard a brief presentation on the proposed basin boundary modification and discussed potential workshop dates. March 16, 2018 was selected for a public workshop. A detailed basin boundary modification presentation (presentation slides uploaded below) was given at the public workshop. A time for public questions and comments was provided as was contact information for follow-ups on parcel specific questions. On March 26, 2018, the Board of Directors approved the submittal of the basin boundary modifications to DWR as presented to constituents and the general public at the well attended basin boundary modification workshop held on March 16, 2018. This Board of Directors' action was memorialized as Resolution 2018-03. A brief update of the status of the proposed basin boundary modification submittal was presented at the May 31, 2018 FPBGSA regular board meeting.
Several parcel specific maps were requested and produced for individuals that requested information on how the proposed basin boundary modification might affect their property; but no written comments were received by the requesting Agency from other local agencies or individuals in regards to the proposed basin boundary modification. In addition, there were no verbal objections raised in the requesting Agency's meetings or workshop in opposition to the proposed basin boundary modification. In response to specific guidance from DWR staff reviewing the proposed boundary modifications for the Piru and Fillmore basins, the proposed boundaries were edited in October 2018 to include additional areas of mapped alluvium.

G. General Existing Groundwater Management

All requests for jurisdictional modification pursuant to Section 342.4 MUST include responses to the following questions.
California Assembly Bill 3030 was enacted in 1992, which established in the California Water Code sections 10750-10756, a systematic procedure for a local agency to develop a groundwater management plan. Subsequently, in 1995, a Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.) was signed among United Water Conservation District, the City of Fillmore, water companies and other pumpers to establish how an AB 3030 groundwater management plan would be formulated for the Fillmore and Piru groundwater subbasins (M.O.U.,1995). The M.O.U. established that the Management Plan would be a cooperative plan for the basins. After the adoption of the M.O.U., a Groundwater Management Plan (Plan) was formulated and adopted in 1996. The Plan outlined the roles of the various parties in implementing a groundwater management program, including the establishment of a Groundwater Management Council to manage the Plan. A 2013 draft update to this Plan was prepared as a result of SB 1938 (2002) and AB 359 (2013) but was never finalized. The Draft Plan update included Basin Management Objectives (BMOs) for groundwater elevations, groundwater quality and surface water quality at various locations. In addition, United Water Conservation District has produced periodic (annual or biennial) reports on groundwater conditions in the subbasins. The report series contains recent and historical hydrologic information related to the Fillmore and Piru subbasins, including: data on precipitation, groundwater recharge, surface water flows, groundwater extractions, groundwater levels, surface water quality, groundwater quality, the Chloride TMDL for the upper Santa Clara River, wastewater treatment plant discharges, the Toland Road Landfill and changes in agricultural land use. The Fillmore and Piru subbasins AB 3030 Plan and United Water Conservation District's Groundwater Conditions Reports are part of a long history of groundwater management in Fillmore and Piru subbasins. The Groundwater Sustainability Plans that are required for both Fillmore and Piru subbasins under SGMA will further efforts to achieve sustainable groundwater management in these subbasins.
The Fillmore (4-05) and Piru (4-06) subbasins are immediately adjacent to two other groundwater subbasins as defined in Bulletin 118. Santa Paula subbasin (4-04) is down-gradient (west) of Fillmore subbasin and Santa Clara River Valley East subbasin (4-07) is up-gradient (east) of Piru subbasin. These four subbasins are hydrologically connected and are part of the larger Santa Clara River Valley basin. No changes are proposed for the internal boundary between the Piru and Santa Clara Valley East subbasins. There are no negative impacts, and the lack of boundary modification efforts allow existing jurisdictions to operate as they are. Agency resources can go towards GSP development instead of boundary modifications, improving their ability to manage groundwater sustainably. The proposed modification to the Piru-Fillmore boundary would bring this boundary into agreement with the boundary that has been used locally for years. The proposed boundary is consistent with what was used for the AB 3030 management actions and reporting that was established in 1997 and continued until the passage of SGMA. The Pumpers Associations of the Piru and Fillmore basins relied extensively on the historical data sets and reporting that was generated as part of the AB 3030 process, and the historic distribution of pumping between the two basins was relied upon when establishing the Associations and generating pump charges for the two associations. These Pumper Associations are represented on the GSA board. A failure to modify the basins as proposed here would invalidate significant past work and negatively affect the ability of the Fillmore and Piru basins GSA to move forward developing sustainability plans for these basins. The Santa Paula subbasin was adjudicated in 1996 and the Settlement Boundary (stipulated by local pumpers and management agencies) delineating the area included in the adjudication does not include an area of approximately 980 acres and 19 active wells that are located east of the adjudication boundary and west of DWR's Fillmore-Santa Paula boundary. The proposed Jurisdictional Internal modification snaps the Santa Paula/Fillmore subbasins boundary west to the adjudication boundary to incorporate this area within the Fillmore subbasin. This proposed modification would improve the likelihood of sustainable management by including this hydrologically-connected area with the Fillmore subbasin and allow the pumpers and other stakeholders in this area to participate in the Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) that will be developed for the Fillmore subbasin. Without this modification there would exist a "gap" in managed areas between the Fillmore subbasin and the adjudicated portion of Santa Paula subbasin. DWR's Draft 2018 prioritization has designated the entire Santa Paula subbasin as "Very Low" priority because most of the subbasin is adjudicated, thus a Groundwater Sustainability Plan would not required for this area, even though it lies outside the adjudicated area. Significant groundwater production occurs in this management area "gap" in the Santa Paula subbasin. This gap, if not managed under a Groundwater Sustainability Plan, would complicate water budget calculations and accounting of underflow between the Santa Paula and Fillmore subbasins. In addition, uncontrolled pumping from this area could make it difficult for either the Santa Paula or the Fillmore subbasins to achieve sustainability. Failure to approve the proposed boundary modification will result in significant unnecessary work, create much uncertainty, and detract from the GSA's ability to perform productive work developing sustainability criteria and a GSP for the Fillmore basin.
See Chapter 6 of the attached 2014 and 2015 Fillmore and Piru Basins Biennial Groundwater Conditions Report.
Reporting for CASGEM is not expected to be impacted by the proposed basin boundary modification. Ventura County reports data for CASGEM from a number of wells within the Fillmore and Piru subbasins, and is the CASGEM reporting agency for all basins in the County and will continue to serve in this capacity after basin modification. The AB 3030 process in Fillmore and Piru subbasins has been superseded by the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act and the AB 3030 Groundwater Management Council has been disbanded.

H. Local Support

All requests for boundary modification must include the following:
Mailers, newspaper notices, e-mails, telephone calls, online postings (FPBGSA's website and Facebook page), and public meeting presentations including a detailed public workshop were used to engage the largest group practicable of stakeholders. Several parcel specific maps were produced for individuals that requested information on how the proposed basin boundary modification might affect their property.
No affected agencies or affected systems submitted comments and/or documents in opposition to the proposed boundary modification. Attached are letters of support from the three member agencies (City of Fillmore, the County of Ventura and United Water Conservation District) that signed the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement that created the Fillmore and Piru Basins Groundwater Sustainability Agency.
No opposition has been received to date.

I. Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model

Requests for boundary modification, must include a document or text to a clearly defined hydrogeologic conceptual model demonstrating each of the following:
Fillmore and Piru Basins Groundwater Sustainability Agency (FPBGSA) requests that the Department of Water Resources waive, at this time, the requirement for a comprehensive hydrogeologic conceptual model. Much is known about these subbasins and this information is referenced below. Currently an effort is underway to revise the conceptual model for Fillmore and Piru subbasins as part of United Water Conservation District's effort to develop a numerical groundwater flow model for its service area that includes the Fillmore and Piru subbasins. 1) Principal aquifer units within requested basin: see Chapter 2 from the attached 2014 and 2015 Fillmore and Piru Basins Biennial Groundwater Conditions Report. 2) Lateral boundaries of the proposed basin: see attached Fillmore and Piru_DWR GW subbasins explanation of proposed edits. 2a-2c) See Chapter 2 from the attached 2014 and 2015 Fillmore and Piru Basins Biennial Groundwater Conditions Report. 2d-3) See Figure 7 from the attached 2014 and 2015 Fillmore and Piru Basins Biennial Groundwater Conditions Report. 4) See Chapter 2 from the attached 2014 and 2015 Fillmore and Piru Basins Biennial Groundwater Conditions Report.

J. Technical Studies for External Scientific Modifications

Requests for a scientific modification must include a document containing information that demonstrates the extent of the aquifer. Provide the following:
Dibblee Geologic Map 7.5-minute Quadrangles, VC, CA, 1990s (1:24,000) were used to refine the Scientific External north/south Fillmore and Piru subbasins boundary. Channel Island Regional GIS Collaborative (CIRGIS) aerial imagery (6"), 2015 was used to edit some misplaced geologic contacts on the geologic maps.

K. Technical Studies for Internal Scientific Modifications

Requests for an internal scientific modification involving a hydrogeologic barrier must include a document or text that demonstrates the presence or absence of subsurface restrictions on lateral groundwater flow. Provide the following:
Please see attached Dibblee maps. Thomas Dibblee mapped surface geology across much of Southern CA. Dibblee was a prolific mapper but did not walk each contact that he mapped. His maps are considered to be good reconnaissance level maps and in many areas they represent the most complete mapping available on a 1:24,000 scale. Dibblee maps are available for purchase at: https://store.aapg.org/ATSResources/product-splash/dibblee.aspx. As this is copyrighted material the georeferenced files cannot be uploaded to DWR. In certain areas the Dibblee maps appear to have some minor inaccuracies and the basin boundary modifications proposed here relied on recent aerial photography (Channel Island Regional GIS Collaborative (CIRGIS) Aerial Imagery (6"), 2015) to follow geologic contacts more accurately than what was represented on the Dibblee maps. This aerial imagery is also a copyrighted product and cannot be uploaded to DWR.
The Fillmore and Piru subbasins are hydrologically connected and the boundary between the subbasins is transitional with perennial rising groundwater observed in all but the longest sustained droughts on record. Groundwater level measurements contoured over many years were used for the proposed Scientific Internal boundary modification. The most recent water level contour maps used for the proposed basin boundary modification are included as Figures 3 - Figure 6 from the attached 2014 and 2015 Fillmore and Piru Basins Biennial Groundwater Conditions Report. The water level contours "stack up" down-gradient from the Fillmore and Piru subbasins boundary. Note that the basin boundaries displayed in the figures are not DWR's Bulletin 118 basin boundaries but the boundary between Fillmore and Piru subbasins is in the same location as the proposed modification basin boundary location. The peak flow of the rising groundwater within the Santa Clara River determined by several years of in-stream flow measurements was also used for the proposed Scientific Internal boundary modification. The location of the rising groundwater provides appropriate boundary conditions for water budget calculations and modeling of the subbasins.

L. Technical Studies for All Jurisdictional Modifications

Requests for a jurisdictional boundary must attach or provide a URL or upload a file for the following:
As is mentioned above, the Santa Paula subbasin was adjudicated in 1996 and the court defined Settlement Boundary delineating the area included in the adjudication does not include the area of approximately 980 acres that contains 19 active wells that are within the easternmost portion of the Santa Paula subbasin as defined by DWR Bulletin 118, but outside the adjudication boundary. The proposed Jurisdictional Internal modification snaps the Santa Paula/Fillmore subbasins boundary west to the adjudication boundary to include this area within the Fillmore subbasin. The adjudicated portion of Santa Paula subbasin (most of the subbasin) is governed by a court mandated Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). It is anticipated that an interbasin coordination agreement will be entered into between the Santa Paula Basin Pumpers Association (SPBPA), United Water Conservation District, and the City of Ventura (collectively as the constituent members of the TAC) and the Fillmore and Piru Basins Groundwater Sustainability Agency (FPBGSA). Ultimately, whatever coordination arrangements materialize from the coordination effort will need to be approved by the Court for the Santa Paula Basin adjudication under the court?s continuing jurisdiction.
Created on 07/01/2018 at 1:45PM, last modified on 11/19/2018 at 3:04PM and page generated on 03/13/2025 at 2:48PM