Tehachapi-Cummings County Water District - 5-022.12 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - TULARE LAKE

Tehachapi-Cummings County Water District - 5-022.12 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - TULARE LAKE

A. Applicant Information

Requesting Agency Information
Agency Name: Tehachapi-Cummings County Water District
Address: PO Box 326
City: Tehachapi Zip: 93581
Work Phone: 6618225504 Cell Phone:
Email: tccwd@tccwd.com Fax: 6618225122
Revision Request Manager Information
Person Name: Jeof Wyrick
Address: 101 W. Walnut Street
City: Pasadena Zip: 91103
Work Phone: 626-583-3000 Cell Phone:
Email: jwyrick@jgboswell.com Fax:

B. Description of Proposed Boundary Modification

  1. Clarify the narrative description of the Tulare Lake Subbasin boundary.
    • Jurisdiction Internal
  2. The Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District (District) is located in the Tulare Lake Subbasin of the San Joaquin Valley Groundwater Basin (5-22.12) per California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bulletin 118 last updated in 2003 (B118-03). When the eastern boundary of the Tulare Lake Subbasin was established, it was DWR's understanding that the District's boundary was the Homeland Canal believing that it was the meander line. This misunderstanding resulted in a small strip of land being omitted from the Tulare Lake Subbasin. The B118 Tule Subbasin description also incorrectly references Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District as Tulare Lake Subbasin Water Storage District. The District is proposing to modify the narrative description of the east side of the Tulare Lake Subbasin which currently reads "the westerly boundary of the Tule Groundwater Subbasin." The B118-03 description of the western boundary of the Tule Subbasin is "the Tulare County line, excluding those portions of the Tulare Lake Subbasin Water Storage District and Sections 29 and 30 of Township 23 South, Range 23 East, that area west of the Homeland Canal...." The District is proposing to change the narrative description, starting from the southeast corner of the Tulare Lake Subbasin going north, to say "The western boundary of the Tule Subbasin follows the Kings-Tulare County line to the east bank of the Homeland Canal to the north line of Section 15, T23S, R23E, then runs west to the Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District boundary and then continues westerly along the Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District boundary to the Kings-Tulare County line...." The resulting narrative description modification will clarify the boundary line between the Tulare Lake and Tule Subbasins that could then be used for SGMA purposes.
  3. N/A

C. Initial Notification and Combination of Requests

  1. Yes
    Local Agency Potential Basin(s)/Subbasin(s)
    Kern-Tulare Water District 5-022.14 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - KERN COUNTY , 5-022.12 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - TULARE LAKE
    Corcoran Irrigation District 5-022.12 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - TULARE LAKE
    Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District 5-022.12 SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY - TULARE LAKE
  2. No

D. Required Documents for All Modifications

Not a qualified project under CEQA

E. General Information

See attached description.

F. Notice and Consultation

Kings River Conservation District, Alpaugh Irrigation District, Angiola Water District, Deer Creek Storm Water District, Tulare Lake Resource Conservation District, Tule River Association (Richard L. Schafer)
Downloaded DWR's GIS shapefile with local water agencies and GIS shapefile with B118-03 boundaries to see what agencies would be affected by the boundary change. Additionally, the District identified other local agencies not identified on DWR's shapefile.
A letter/email has been sent to agencies that are affected by the boundary modification, requesting their support for the Tulare Lake Subbasin boundary narrative clarification.
Agenda of the District's Board Meeting of March 1, 2016 is attached. Public notices were published in two local newspapers for the public hearing scheduled for March 18, 2016.
No comments at this time.

G. General Existing Groundwater Management

All requests for jurisdictional modification pursuant to Section 342.4 MUST include responses to the following questions.
The Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District and Tulare Lake Bed area landowners conjunctively use and manage various water supplies. Surface supplies are provided from local river sources including but not limited to Kings River and Tule River as well as State Water Project water. The District contracted for State Water Project Water to reduce groundwater pumping. The District continually strives to deliver as much surface water as possible to meet crop needs and allow the water users to maximize conjunctive use practices. The use of surface water supplies versus groundwater provides in-lieu recharge to the groundwater basin. The historical water balance to lands within the District is as follows: River runoff including residual floodwater of 47 percent, State Water Project water of 34 percent, and Groundwater of 19 percent. To provide a more dependable surface water supply for lands within the District and reduce groundwater pumping, a contract for State Water Project was entered into with the Department of Water Resources in 1963. Since deliveries of State Water Project water began in 1968, the District has delivered more than 5 million acre-feet of State Water Project and other types of imported surface waters. Absent the imported surface water deliveries, it is believed that a large part of the deliveries would have been made up by groundwater pumping. In years of abundant surface water supplies, little or no groundwater is pumped. Historically, the average groundwater use is less than 20% of the overall supply.
The proposed boundary modification would not affect the ability of adjacent groundwater basins to sustainably manage groundwater in those groundwater subbasins as the District is only clarifying the narrative description.
District does not own or operate any groundwater wells in the Tulare Lake Subbasin. However, landowners report groundwater elevations through the CASGEM program. Attached is the Tulare Lake Bed Coordinated Groundwater Management Plan Adopted in 2012 SB 1938 compliant.
No potential impacts to state programs resulting from the proposed boundary narrative clarification.

H. Local Support

All requests for boundary modification must include the following:
The local agencies were contacted by email and/or phone to notify about the intent to propose clarification to the narrative description to the Tulare Lake Subbasin. Letters to agencies are attached.
Support letters from local agencies have been provided (attached).
No oppositions to the proposed boundary modifications at this time.

I. Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model

Requests for boundary modification, must include a document or text to a clearly defined hydrogeologic conceptual model demonstrating each of the following:
The District requests a waiver of the hydrogeologic conceptual model requirement for this internal boundary modification. Clarifying the narrative description of the Tulare Lake Subbasin will not have an impact to the sustainable groundwater management.

L. Technical Studies for All Jurisdictional Modifications

Requests for a jurisdictional boundary must attach or provide a URL or upload a file for the following:
Tulare Lake Bed local agencies and landowners are continuing to meet to determine options for formation of a GSA.
Created on 02/25/2016 at 11:12AM, last modified on 01/02/2018 at 11:23AM and page generated on 03/14/2025 at 3:20AM