A. Applicant Information

Requesting Agency Information
Agency Name: Corona City Of
Address: Department of Water and Power, 755 Public Safety Way
City: Corona Zip: 92880
Work Phone: (951) 279-3660 Cell Phone: (951) 830-2319
Email: Fax:
Revision Request Manager Information
Person Name: Tom Moody
Address: 755 Public Safety Way
City: Corona Zip: 92882
Work Phone: 951-736-2234 Cell Phone:
Email: Fax:

B. Description of Proposed Boundary Modification

  1. Partition the Elsinore Basin in two basins and align boundaries of both basins with alluvium.
    • Scientific External
    • Scientific Internal
    • Jurisdiction Internal
  2. An overview of the basin boundary modification request and advantages for sustainable management are described in the attached file. As noted in the attachment, the three primary agencies located in the affected areas are cooperating on this request including the City of Corona (Corona), Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District (EVMWD), and Temescal Valley Water District (TVWD). Corona and EVMWD are submitting this combined request, supported by TVWD. Also included in the attachment are a series of maps (Figures 1 through 7) that illustrate the current and modified basin boundaries, the service areas of the three agencies, additional agencies near the affected areas, local hydrologic features, and a long-term hydrograph for the proposed new Bedford-Coldwater Basin.
    • 8-004 ELSINORE
  3. Bedford-Coldwater 8-10

C. Initial Notification and Combination of Requests

  1. Yes
    Local Agency Potential Basin(s)/Subbasin(s)
    Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District
    Corona City Of
  2. Yes
    As stated above, two modifications are proposed to the existing Elsinore Basin (8-4). The first is to remove the Bedford-Coldwater area from the Elsinore Basin and create the new Bedford-Coldwater Basin (8-10), which also modifies slightly the southern boundary of the Temescal Subbasin (8-02.09). The second is to revise the lateral boundaries of both the new Bedford-Coldwater Basin and the Elsinore Basin to align with the contact between the alluvium and consolidated geologic units.

D. Required Documents for All Modifications

As documented in the Staff Report for the Corona City Council meeting on March 2, 2016 (Agenda Report Item 3.G.3, page 201), the City determined ?no environmental review is required because the proposed action is exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA?. EVMWD agrees with this determination, as noted in the Staff Report for the EVMWD Board meeting on March 10, 2016 (Agenda Report item 1.G, page 43). Even if the action were considered a project under CEQA, the basin boundary modification would have no impact on the environment.

E. General Information

As described in the attached file, alluvial aquifer boundaries (including the basin bottom) of the affected groundwater basins incorporate local hydrogeologic analyses and recent geologic mapping of alluvial deposits by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). First, boundaries are described for the proposed new Bedford-Coldwater Basin, which consists of the northwestern portion of the current Elsinore Basin (8-4) and also slightly modified the southern boundary of the Temescal Subbasin (8-2.09). Second, the revised boundaries of the modified Elsinore Basin are described. Alluvial boundaries are illustrated by figures in the attachment that have been prepared for this request (Figures 2, 3, and 5), along with six additional key figures extracted from the Corona Groundwater Management Plan and an additional technical report.

F. Notice and Consultation

The three agencies cooperating in this combined request ? Corona, EVMWD, and TVWD ? are the primary agencies affected by the proposed basin modifications. Other local agencies, public water systems, and interested parties in or adjacent to the affected groundwater basins are discussed and listed on Table 1 in the attached file.
Local agencies and public water systems within the new Bedford-Coldwater Basin, modified Elsinore Basin, and adjacent Temescal Subbasin are generally known by Corona, EVMWD, and TVWD in their respective service areas. Corona and EVMWD each generated a list of agencies to notify in their respective areas or in adjacent areas as relevant. In addition, publically-available lists and shapefiles of state, federal, and private water districts and public water systems were reviewed for completeness. In Riverside County, public water systems serving fewer than 200 service connections are regulated by the County?s Department of Environmental Health (as a state-designated local primacy agency, or LPA, under the provisions of Section 116330 of the California Health and Safety Code). Any public water system in the affected basins that uses groundwater would be required to report its groundwater production (>2AFY) to the Western-San Bernardino Watermaster (compiled by Western Municipal Water District). As a result, production records were reviewed to identify potential public water systems and other interested parties in the affected basins. No new public water systems were identified in this process, but other groundwater users in each of the affected basins were added to the list as interested parties. These parties are included in Table 1 above and were notified of the basin boundary modification request. The information provided to these parties is summarized in item F3 below.
Consultations with affected or interested agencies were conducted via direct in-person meetings, public meetings, teleconference calls, U.S. mail, and/or email. The three agencies cooperating in this combined request consulted each other on all boundary modifications including a preliminary meeting on January 19, 2016 to discuss whether to pursue a boundary modification request. The attached file provides details on these consultations and provides sample notification letters and meeting minutes from the January meeting. Materials from two public meetings are provided as attachments to the following item, F-4.
Both Corona and EVMWD have prepared, considered, and adopted resolutions to initiate the basin boundary modification process at public meetings. The Corona City Council adopted Resolution 2016-021 at the City Council meeting on March 2, 2016; EVMWD adopted Resolution 16-03-01at the Board of Directors meeting on March 10, 2016. Agenda and staff reports in the meeting packets provided the public with details of the basin boundary modification request; these agenda and board packets are attached for reference. For the Corona City Council Meeting, see packet item 3.G.3, page 201. For the EVMWD Board of Directors Meeting, see Board packet item 1.G, page 43. Final signed resolutions are also attached to Item D2 of this Modification Request. Temescal Valley Water District has filed a letter of support for the basin boundary modifications as provided in item H2 of this request.
To date, three letters supporting the modifications have been received. One letter was filed from the Temescal Valley Water District (TVWD) and letters of support were also filed by the Santa Margarita Watermaster and Western Municipal Water District. These letters of support for the basin boundary modifications as provided in Section H2 of this request.

G. General Existing Groundwater Management

All requests for jurisdictional modification pursuant to Section 342.4 MUST include responses to the following questions.
The requested boundary modifications will separate the existing Elsinore basin into two basins ? the new Bedford-Coldwater Basin and the modified Elsinore Basin ? that better match both the hydrogeologic conceptual model and historical and ongoing management practices of the local groundwater resources. A description of current and future groundwater management activities relevant to the basin boundary modifications is included in the attached file. The description is supported by a series of maps prepared for this request (Figures 3, 4, 5, and 6), which are also included in the attached file.
The new Bedford-Coldwater Basin creates or modifies the boundaries with adjoining basins - Temescal Subbasin to the north and the modified Elsinore Basin to the south. The southern boundary for the modified Elsinore Basin that adjoins the Temecula Valley Basin is unmodified. Lateral boundaries of the new Bedford-Coldwater Basin and the modified Elsinore Basin are aligned with the contact of surficial alluvial deposits and are not immediately adjacent to other basins or subbasins. The manner in which the basin boundary modification affects adjacent basins and the potential for sustainable management is described in more detail in the attached file, supported by Figure 4.
In the new Bedford-Coldwater Basin, water levels are actively managed through a 2008 agreement that limits groundwater extraction in the area where most of the pumping occurs and encourages projects that enhance recharge. Further, the three agencies sponsoring this request represent more than 90 percent of the total recent groundwater pumping in the new Bedford-Coldwater Basin. In the modified Elsinore Basin, EVMWD has developed direct recharge projects to manage groundwater levels locally throughout the modified basin. The two Groundwater management plans that cover the affected basins were prepared by the three agencies sponsoring the request. This local control allows the agencies to coordinate management of groundwater levels while meeting beneficial use in each basin. Details of historical management of water levels in the affected basins are provided in the attached file, which also includes nine pertinent figures that illustrate and support the summary.
The creation of the new Bedford-Coldwater Basin will not adversely impact state programs. The same standards of CASGEM compliance will be maintained in the new Bedford-Coldwater Basin and the modified Elsinore Basin. EVMWD is the current Monitoring Entity for the CASGEM program and will continue the on-going monitoring efforts after the new basin boundary modifications. In addition, the two Groundwater Management Plans covering the new Bedford-Coldwater Basin and the revised Elsinore Basin do not overlap and will not be affected by the boundary modifications. As previously described, Corona?s 2008 GWMP includes the proposed new Bedford-Coldwater Basin; EVMWD?s 2005 GWMP includes portions of the remaining Elsinore Basin but does not include the proposed new Bedford-Coldwater Basin. There are no conflicts between the two plans and the proposed boundary revisions. None of the groundwater management activities being developed from the plan are in the areas being modified. The legal agreement between EVMWD and Corona regarding managed extractions from the Coldwater area (see response to G3 above) will continue and is not affected by any of the boundary modifications. Current land use and future land use decisions will not be impacted by the basin boundary revisions. The City of Corona, a sponsor of these revisions, has local land use authority along with the County of Riverside. As mentioned in Section F, the County of Riverside Land Use Planning Department has been notified of these revisions ? none of which are expected to impact the County?s land use activities. As described in G1 above, the basin boundary modifications will facilitate local groundwater management including GWMPs, GSPs, and other requirements of SGMA. In addition, the revisions will represent more continuous and technically-justifiable groundwater basins than current boundaries allow.

H. Local Support

All requests for boundary modification must include the following:
Detailed information, including a map with all of the basin boundary revisions, has been published continuously on the Corona and EVMWD websites for more than a month. Notification letters have been provided to agencies with systems in the affected basins, even those located a considerable distance away from any boundary modifications. Sample notification letters are attached to item F. These letters were mailed or both mailed and emailed to all parties on the distribution list, reproduced as Table 1 in item F1; letters to all parties were identical to the sample letters. Two public meetings have been held, one by Corona and one by EVMWD, to provide detailed information to local agencies and the public. In addition, the three agencies cooperating on this request are also the agencies most affected by the proposed boundary modifications. The boundaries were specifically delineated by these agencies to facilitate their own upcoming sustainable management activities under SGMA. Therefore, the agencies most affected by this request have been involved in the process from the beginning.
Two comment letters have been received to date. One is from the Santa Margarita River Watermaster (letter attached). In that letter, the Watermaster supports the proposed basin boundary modifications. The letter also correctly notes that no boundaries of the Temecula Valley Groundwater Basin are being modified. Further, the letter states that the basin boundary modification request does not alter the findings by the Watermaster related to watershed boundaries for the purposes of reporting by EVMWD. The second comment letter is from Western Municipal Water District, expressing support and recognizing the benefits to sustainable groundwater management from the modifications. Both Corona and EVMWD submitted Initial Notifications and represent the requesting agencies. TVWD has also been involved throughout the process, attended meetings and conference calls on the basin boundary modifications (see item G), and also published the information on its website. To confirm its support for this boundary modification request, TVWD has submitted a letter of support, attached to this item.
No opposition to the proposed boundary modifications has been received to date.

I. Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model

Requests for boundary modification, must include a document or text to a clearly defined hydrogeologic conceptual model demonstrating each of the following:
Descriptions of the hydrogeologic conceptual models for the affected basins are provided in the attached file. Separate files have been provided presenting the conceptual models for the proposed new Bedford-Coldwater Basin and .the modified Elsinore Basin. The conceptual model descriptions in the attached files are supported by a series of maps and figures, which follow the text in each of the files. Relevant studies relied upon to support these descriptions are attached to this request in Sections J and L. Because the new Bedford-Coldwater Basin also modifies slightly the southern adjoining boundary with the Temescal Subbasin, relevant information on the conceptual model for the Temescal Subbasin is also included in the new Bedford-Coldwater conceptual model for completeness. However, the description of the Temescal Subbasin contains less detail because the modifications are minor and do not affect primary areas of recharge or discharge. A full conceptual model of the Temescal Subbasin is provided in the Corona GWMP, attached in Section J.

J. Technical Studies for External Scientific Modifications

Requests for a scientific modification must include a document containing information that demonstrates the extent of the aquifer. Provide the following:
The extent of the alluvium and the consolidated bedrock as mapped by the USGS is shown on Figures 3 and 4, attached.
Technical studies providing subsurface data about the alluvial aquifer within the new Bedford-Coldwater Basin and the Elsinore Basin are summarized below and attached. If available, a URL is also provided. New Bedford-Coldwater Basin Todd Engineers and AKM Consulting Engineers (Todd and AKM), 2008. AB3030 Groundwater Management Plan, prepared for City of Corona. June. USGS, 2004. Preliminary Digital Geologic Map of the Santa Ana 30? x 60? Quadrangle, Southern California, Version 2.0 compiled by D.M. Morton, Open-File Report 99-172. USGS, 2006. Geologic Map of the San Bernardino and Santa Ana 30? x 60? Quadrangles, California, Version 1.0 compiled by Douglas M. Morton and Fred K. Miller, Open-File Report 2006-1217. Wildermuth Environmental, Inc. (WEI), 2015. Draft Feasibility Investigation (Phase I) to Develop a Potable Water-Supply from the Bedford Basin, prepared for the City of Corona, Elsinore Valley Water District, and Lee Lake Water District. August. Modified Elsinore Basin California Department of Water Resources (DWR), 2006, Elsinore Groundwater Basin, California?s Groundwater Bulletin 118, groundwater basin descriptions, updated January 20, 2006. Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District (EVMWD), 2014a. Memorandum: Analysis of last 20 years of historical pumping and depth to water levels in the Elsinore Valley Groundwater Basin. April 17. MWH, 2005. Elsinore Basin Groundwater Management Plan, prepared for Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District. March. Thomas Harder & Co., 2014. Water Budget for the Lee Lake Groundwater Basin, prepared for VA Consulting. December 17. USGS, 2004. Preliminary Digital Geologic Map of the Santa Ana 30? x 60? Quadrangle, Southern California, Version 2.0 compiled by D.M. Morton, Open-File Report 99-172. USGS, 2006. Geologic Map of the San Bernardino and Santa Ana 30? x 60? Quadrangles, California, Version 1.0 compiled by Douglas M. Morton and Fred K. Miller, Open-File Report 2006-1217. Wildermuth Environmental, Inc. (WEI), 2000. TIN/TDS Study ? Phase 2A of the Santa Ana Watershed, Development of Groundwater Management Zones, Estimation of Historical and Current TDS and Nitrogen Concentrations in Groundwater, Final Technical Memorandum, prepared for the TIN/TDS Task Force. July.

K. Technical Studies for Internal Scientific Modifications

Requests for an internal scientific modification involving a hydrogeologic barrier must include a document or text that demonstrates the presence or absence of subsurface restrictions on lateral groundwater flow. Provide the following:
The boundary between the new Bedford-Coldwater Basin and the Elsinore Basin is an area of very thin alluvial sediments, as indicated in the cross section on Figure 3-3d of WEI, 2015, which is attached.
The southern boundary of the new Bedford-Coldwater Basin represents an internal boundary supported by technical studies, geologic mapping, and hydrogeologic principals. The boundary is not considered an absolute hydrogeologic barrier to groundwater flow, but evidence supports very little to no groundwater inflow across the new boundary. This evidence is described in the attached file.

L. Technical Studies for All Jurisdictional Modifications

Requests for a jurisdictional boundary must attach or provide a URL or upload a file for the following:
Corona, EVMWD, and TVWD will coordinate to form a Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) for the new Bedford-Coldwater Basin. This purpose of this GSA will be to comply with SGMA and to prepare and implement a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) for the new Bedford-Coldwater Basin. EVMWD will form a GSA for the Elsinore Basin with the express purpose of complying with SGMA to prepare and implement a GSP.
Created on 02/18/2016 at 5:26PM, last modified on 01/02/2018 at 11:23AM and page generated on 02/16/2025 at 3:24AM